What REALLY Are The Poneglyphs? Blackbeard’s Plan Revealed! #ReassembleJoyBoy | One Piece MegaTheory

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it was said that Goldie Roger possessed the ability to hear the voice of all things that the ancient Stones spoke to him but what if what Roger was hearing wasn't actually a thing at all what if it was the remnants of something which was once alive what's up y'all you know what time it is it's about to be that time 800 years ago nefertari D Lilly disseminated the paniclyphs large unbreakable stones with ancient writing to the Allied Nations around the world her hope was that centuries later an individual or a group of individuals would come together to read the messages inscribed on each Stone to put together the puzzle of the true history a full account of the atrocities that emu and their compatriots would have committed so many years prior Roger and his crew believed themselves to be those individuals only to find out that they were too early Paving the way for a new generation to come to their own conclusions Roger was in tune with the power that he couldn't quite comprehend he could hear the thoughts of the living neptunians the sea Kings as could Odin but the interesting thing about Roger's relationship with the podoglyphs is that they spoke to him in a similar manner he could hear them the voice of all things treated these Stones as if they were alive and we've seen inanimate objects with Souls before what if the stones weren't always inanimate aside from a deep look at Egyptian mythology Blackbeard may be a very big clue to this line of thinking as we put together the puzzle of his desires as well specifically Blackbeard had it planned during the pre-time skip era one that was executed flawlessly he has one for the Post Time Skip and we have seen enough of the pieces to understand what Hancock's love love for putting's memory fruit and his other motives have to do with acquiring the fabled one piece strap in everybody because today's super Theory came from a recent discussion that I had with fellow YouTuber daksake and it goes in a ton of wacky directions but whether it ends up being true or not I hope that the journey is enjoyable and that this Theory Sparks something in you and perhaps you're able to form your own conclusions as to what happened to these Stones as well but first like comment subscribe you're feeling the vibe [Music] archeology has been a pervasive backbone of one piece since the introduction of Nico Robin her dream was revealed to us in the hidden chasms of the Egypt inspired alabasta surrounded by hieroglyphs and our very first podoglyph the Egyptians had something similar to polyglyphs in our world as well although they didn't called them panoglyphs they called them steelies they were large stones with text often ominously used as a grave marker or Epitaph which is interesting considering the Panic glyphs in one piece detail the death of an old world another name for these objects often the plural would be Stila which when you look at the name should seem very familiar because during the Egghead Arc we have been introduced finally to Dr vegapunk and his satellites and what do the satellites were refer to Dr vegapunk as the Stella and what is Dr vegapunk doing what has he been revealed to be doing he is studying the pony glyphs the steelies most have written this name off due to its correlation with satellites and basically just outer space in our world but with Oda it's never that simple with Oda it can always be both and more and now we have enough information from recent chapters to put together a rough image of everything you see aichiroda is one of those very rare authors that knew the ending of a story when he started the story and his most trusted advisors have confirmed that he knows the ending and I remember in those meetings Oda would tell me hey so this is the direction One Piece is going to take this is the message this is being wants a really convey and communicate through this manga and everything that he said way back then there's only two volumes came true so he's a man of his word he had a vision way back then [Applause] um [Music] [Music] and I actually know how one piece is going to end [Music] know what's gonna happen so I'm not gonna spoil anything for you guys but I can't wait to see everyone's reaction it's a lot of responsibility right now it's like at the tip of my tongue but I'm gonna hold it in for your guy's sake no matter where Oda chooses to Zig or zag in this story The Compass is always pointing North he only expected one piece to last five years which means that a lot of what we need to understand about the end of the story is likely at the beginning this is why so many characters from the first five years are becoming prominent again relevant in such big ways I'm talking about Shanks buggy crocodile mihawk and there are three characters that are actually probably at the center of all of this and that's going to be Marshall D teach Blackbeard nefertari dvv and nefertari D Cobra we're going to spend a lot of time talking about Blackbeard but first Vivian Cobra basically the alabaster Saga is when we learned about everything the first poneglyph alabasta the first time we learn about the void history alabasta the first time an ancient weapon is brought up alabasta the first time we see a bag of punk invention believe it or not alabasta and even now in an arc so focused on science the new Central character Dr vegapunk is in trouble for looking into the past in a story that is a true amalgamation of nearly every religion and mythology known to man The mythology and cultures of Egypt are almost overpowering and could be the key to the biggest mysteries in the series more on that after we discuss Blackbeard the villain who is introduced to us immediately following the alabaster Saga but was foreshadowed and really introduced in the ark preceding Alabaster the entire pre-time skip is US largely watching the world react to Luffy's actions as he traverses the grand line but eventually it's the actions of Blackbeard that dictate what Luffy is forced to react to What Luffy does is cute but Blackbeard's plans actually disrupt the World As We Know It step one get the yummy yummy numi step two find a bargaining chip that he can use to get the world government's favor and make him a warlord step 3 open the box of being a warlord and infiltrate impel down to get the world's worst criminals to join your crew step four now with the proper backup attack Whitebeard and steal his fruit and step 5 become an emperor after taking over his territory it's important to note that the original bargaining chip that Blackbeard wanted to use was Luffy and fate intervened and gave him Ace every step worked and in ways that were cleaner and more beneficial to Blackbeard than he ever expected he wins even when he loses Blackbeard has goals for the post-time skip as well and it's also important to note that in an SBS Oda revealed that Blackbeard's favorite hobby and Pastime is archeology putting the puzzle of Blackbeard's post-time skip desires should clue us into the end game of this story we don't understand the order yet but we do know that Blackbeard is after the one piece and he's stealing rubbings to get there as an archaeologist he should know how to make rubbings himself which is a real world practice they're called Squeeze copies you lay a wet piece of paper over the steelies press firmly against it and you get what we call a rubbing in one piece now just like before he also wants to use a bargaining chip to gain the favor of the higher-ups in marichoa he wants to position himself and make Hachi nosu an actual recognized State initially it looked like Blackbeard was going to use Kobe to get that seat at the table but just like in the pre-time skip a bait and switch has happened in the story where it looks like he may be trying to use GARP instead Blackbeard needs pudding either for her memory powers or for her to awaken her third eye and be able to read the Panic lifts another fun fact about the real world is that many cultures believe that you can open your third eye through hypnotism and Blackbeard just so happens to have a hypnotist on his crew Blackbeard took an interest in moria's fruit and even used Absalom to bring him out of hiding the higher ups in marajoa at the end of marineford also seemed very interested in Moria and his ability as well but most important of all and most interesting of all is that Marshall D teach has an extremely vested interest in the marrow meronomi Hancock's love love fruit and he deemed it so important that he traveled to Amazon Lily himself and was ready to fight the Marines to get that fruit but not Rayleigh is it because Rayleigh may be able to see through Blackbeard's plan see one of the few people that actually knows what the true importance of the level of fruit is what do these things have in common and what is the larger picture of play Blackbeard asks Hancock straight out if her ability can be used to depetrify a previous user's work some feel this implies that he wants to de-petrify a person perhaps Rock STEEZ back well what if they're half right what if he wants to de-petrify a person that is quite literally a rock if the voice of all things can be heard from the poneglyphs could they at one point have been a person instead of reading the panicles could putting's memory Powers be used to extract memories from within the stones to reveal the void history could they work on objects if she awakens that the giant hat and marajoa be what he wants access to could putting's memo memo fruit be used to extract memories of Joy boy from the Hat most have been led to believe that Joy boy was some sort of a giant a lot of things are pointing towards that one that actually did eat Luffy's hitohito no me model Nika now due to all of the snake imagery in one piece and the shantians worshiping a little giant blue snake as the Avatar of the sun god I've had a theory that he or one of the Gods from the void Century maybe even emu was quite literally a blue snake or snake-like dragon that ate a fruit and became a animal human hybrid like Chopper link for that video below was Lily's last-ditch attempt to save this world they packed with joy boy where he a giant being offered himself or sacrificed himself to be the literal carrier of the message of the future that the podoglyph language was actually some sort of a tattoo written on his skin by the Koski before or after being petrified by the mayor Romero no me we've seen the ancient races of this world drawn to tattoos lunarians shantians could dragon's tattoo be in some way relevant to all of this was the Petrified Joy boy split up by the opioid that would explain the Cube's shape of the potocles and the red pony glyphs could perhaps be indicative of the four chambers of the heart alternatively having buggies bar a bar of fruit be intensely important to the void history within this context would be a great meta joke and solid reasoning for why Roger would have sought after it why it was on his ship and it's more fun to be in holds more weight than it being lost fruit personally some of you might be saying buggy what does buggy have to do with any of this yeah I I get it Law's fruit makes more sense because we've actually seen him chop things up and move them around at will within his room but as we've now seen with gear 5 Luffy a rubber man is able to unnaturally Force rubber properties onto objects and his opponents it's my belief that should buggy learn to awaken it would be the same principle a man who can split himself into pieces would then be able to split objects and other people essentially granting him a key component of Law's powers allowing the second devil fruit that we ever saw in the story to be intensely involved in the end game alternatively learning the joy boy himself never had the Nika fruit but rather the bar bar and split himself up for the cause would be some fun irony but it makes far more sense if someone close to Joy boy maybe even his right hand or best friend had the barabara and joy boy trusted them to safely divide him into 30 pieces for the cause this idea of being split up ties directly into Egyptian mythology now I want to get into the story of Osiris which is a very interesting Egyptian tale Osiris was a prolific ruler of Egypt and a descendant of the Sun God Ra yes Sun God but that's not the focus here nor is the fact that Osiris's Soul was its own God the ram God Cyrus was a god of fertility and a benevolent ruler of Egypt his brother set was jealous of him and organized a silent coup in the disguise of a giant party complete with a party game whoever could fit inside this chest gets a wonderful prize the chest was designed with Osiris's exact measurements in mind so he wins everybody at the party seals up the chest and sends it down the Nile the chest eventually washes up on the shores of biblos and the wood of the chest grows into a gigantic Majestic tree Cyrus's wife Isis teams up with Seth's wife neftent to search for his body she comes upon the tree and eventually is able to extricate him naturally he's dead she decides to search for a way to resurrect her husband while she's gone Seth finds Osiris's body chops it up into pieces and throws it back into the Nile once more Isis then goes on a New Journey to reassemble her husband's remains for a proper burial But ultimately all of her trusted companions end up with little pieces of him to remember now imagine a one-peaceified version of the Osiris tale where set is emu and joy boy or perhaps even the original Nika that the fruit is based on was Osiris that they ran the ancient Kingdom were betrayed by set thrown into a chest drowned and became a giant tree and what if that is the origin of devil fruits to begin with that all fruits are born from Nika we owe everything to desire creating an eventual callback to chapter one when we see the Nika fruit in a chest just as the original Nika Joy boy Osiris was left in a chest another call back to the early parts of the story is gaimon a character who fits so perfectly inside of a chest that Oda had to have been thinking about this back then and not only did he become friends with Luffy he also became friends with buggy nefertari D Lilly plays the role of either Isis or neftet searching for the remains of perhaps a lost love or just a friend but the Twist on the story is that the one who is responsible for splitting Joy boy into 30 pieces and distributing him amongst the Allies would have been Lily's idea or perhaps even joyboy's dying wish nefertari dvv has been linked time and time again to the NICU NICU fruit Kuma's fruit in an SBS someone brought up what is now known as the 2-9 theory where every member of the straw hats had a fruit that could be converted into a number in Japanese all but two numbers knee Q literally two and nine two in Japanese is knee and nine is Q can't get any more literal than that the NICU NICU no me is the 2-9 fruit Vivi was on the title page the cover page of the chapter that the nikuniq was introduced to us their partner in Baroque Works was Mr nine and their birthday is 2-2 there are a lot of really just damning evidence that VV could end up with this fruit at some point but maybe it was never meant to be about Vivi at all and that it's actually that Lily is the original user of this fruit how else were the poneoglyphs sent to all of the Allied Nations if she had the pawpaw fruit they go exactly where they need to go immediately and maybe that's also why the sea cat is a revered species in alabasta because it reminds the citizens of Lily who would have had paws on her hands we were told that the poneoglyphs were made on Moana so that stage is the setting for nefertari D Lily's great mistake as emu liked to refer to it as right so we cannot understate the importance of wano in the story and Shanks was so sure that Blackbeard would go there which is why he went there expecting to intervene in whatever Blackbeard needed to do there and a weird correlation here is that wanu is the home of the continent colors and Blackbeard's flag has three skulls just like orz's belt had three skulls and wano is one of the only lands outside of punk Hazard which was man manipulated wano is the only place that we've seen multiple climates and on the way to drum Vivi explained that every island only has one climate one traditional climate is one of literally just several Allied Nations that have been stitched or sewn together by maybe the Ito etonomi doflamingos fruit or Leo's stitch stitch fruit and then carried by an ancient Oni some sort of giant being maybe Joy boy and put on top of a mountain creating a new Pangea which for those who don't know Pangea is what the world in its most ancient primordial form was called when everything was still one land mass we know that the ores Junior at Marine Ford was oars the third right but what was the Thriller bark ores because we don't really have a a firm understanding of that was it or is the first was it worse the second was he joyboy's son maybe was was Joy boy the the senior the one before the oars that uh Moria had manipulated could it be that the reason Blackbeard was interested in Moria and the kage shadow fruit is because he wants to take the product lifts stitch them together and then put a shadow into it and reanimate it all of that would make Thriller bark even more automatically relevant and also Marine Ford because then you would have the distant relative of Joy boy or his Junior trying to save the brother of the current Joy boy or is Joy boy less of a reincarnation situation like Poseidon and more of a Club Waterman we learned of the 21 grams of the Soul could Lily with the NICU NICU fruit have pushed joyboy's soul out of his body creating a Club Waterman that was free to fly around and search for or possess a worthy successor is that why kaido or someone like rocks or King you know people that were close to kaido possibly believed that he could have been the return of Joy boy also going back to the the blue snake of it all a dragon can be a blue snake similar to Kashi the image that the shandians were worshiping could Ace have been at one point the ideal candidate did kaido know that is that why he tried to interfere with Marine Ford and Shanks for whatever reason stopped him did Shanks know about this and perhaps there's a situation where Shanks wanted Ace to die so that his horse could become the New Joy boy could it be a situation that when Ace died the soul that may have been in Ace which is why Roger was so sure that his son would be the New Joy boy or at least he believed it to be that Soul then went and found Luffy there's a key moment right before Luffy goes gear 5 where you know he's about to lose against kaido and he pushes his energy his hockey back inside but is that his hockey is that his power could he have been pushing joyboy's soul back inside and taking control and saying you know that no he's the worthy successor was the the soul of Joy boy trying to escape and find a new successor thinking that Luffy wasn't worthy in that moment was it not hockey but a manifestation of joyboy's soul is inherited will tangible there's a visual link between these moments and a lot of Thriller bark with the Shadows the Kake Nomi even Blackbeard's yummy yummy numi and now with emus yet to be explained abilities as well wano will be important to all of this there is a reason why Toki needed to get back to wano a reason why she also left it's the land where all of this transpired 800 years ago it's where Lily likely went to hide from emu where a plan for the stones was devised the Cozy Clan wrote The paniclyph Language they are very much the tattoo artists in this scenario but was big mom's line it's here isn't it part of the one piece referring to the idea that the 30 poneoglyphs are the body of Joy boy and if Joy boy was an ancient Oni instead of a snake a cool idea has been that onigushima is the original joyboy's skull leading to the decisive battle of Luffy and kaido over who is or isn't the true Joy boy taking place on the literal joyboy's skull and if joyboy did lose his head in some sort of way it could be a parallel and callback to log town where Luffy AKA Joy boy was about to get his head lopped off especially if Buggy's fruit becomes important in the void history flashback all of this to say is the point of this story to reassemble the pony glyphs to reassemble Joy boy into one piece [Music] in every portrayal that we've ever seen of the paniclyphs they are all connected by some sort of thread tying them together so maybe this is a massive group effort that is necessary to actually pull this feat off that one man may not be able to do it on their own right buggy and law may have to move the the pieces back together into a shape of a person doflamingo his string fruit is used as the sinew or string that ties it all together Hancock depetrifies once it's in the shape of a person Moria adds a shadow and pudding awakens the memories we're getting wacky or perhaps it's Kuma's fruit that is used for the memory aspect of this we got a curious flashback between vegapunk and Kuma talking about the nikuniku's ability to extract memories similar to pudding's ability if it's not the case with literally being Joy boy could each of the stones have a voice because the memories of void Century allies were inserted inside the Rocks keeping the pudding aspect of it all very relevant because she still should be able to extract those memories if that's the case is Blackbeard sending troops to Egghead because s snake is there and has a reproduction of the marimarronomy which we know he wants does he want one of the vegapunks York they could recreate it does he have an interest in the nikuniq if the fruits were to fall into the hands of Blackbeard then perhaps he would have all the necessary pieces to reassemble Joy boy many of these key powers belong to the original Warlords we're talking Hancock Kuma Moria doflamingo was that the original point of the balance of powers in the first place not so to use them for peacekeeping but to keep them close and on a leash and now that they have the seraphim their importance is irrelevant we know that three of the seraphim are on their way to attack the cross Guild and that green blood cannot replicate the properties of a logia devil fruit imagine a scenario where the cross Guild is up against s crocodile out of nowhere mihawk jumps in slices him in half easily everybody's cheering and then s crocodile puts himself back together signaling that the green blood infused with him is actually Buggy's devil fruit and raging crocodile that his DNA would ever be entangled with this buffoon s Croc would then Dart forward and attack someone else in the cross Guild but in the process would split them into pieces but they would still be alive everyone turns the buggy your power can do that and that is how buggy learns about the untapped potential of his abilities leading to his potential role for the end game now I've been against this idea because no one in the government even knew that buggy had a fruit during impell down so getting his DNA is a question of logic but it sort of is for a lot of the seraphim plus I'm still team as Croc has ivankoff's fruit but I'm coming around to this buggy idea just because of how well it fits into this Theory perhaps Shanks was wrong about Blackbeard going to wano because he couldn't until he had those necessary pieces until he had the marrow marrow in hand meaning that once Blackbeard does have these pieces of his plan he may still have to go to watto leaving a story relevant reason for Oda to have Yamato stay behind is it all for pluton or is there more to all of this Blackbeard becoming a warlord was about access in the pre-time skip era he needed that access in order to infiltrate impel down making Hachi nosu A recognized State and kidnapping Kobe and everything with GARP in order to get that should be viewed from the same lens as it would give Blackbeard access to marajoa is this all for the giant straw hat does Blackbeard know about it is it one of the missing pieces of this puzzle could it be that you can't fully reassemble Joy boy without it when auras was rampaging around Thriller bark he wasn't comfortable without his hat could it be a similar issue could the Nick unique you have imbued a piece of Joy boy into the hat is that why the government has never been overly concerned with someone really finding the one piece because without this crucial missing piece everyone would be too early making it less about a prophesized date and more that Roger because of his illness just literally ran out of time could the ancient robot under Egghead be a counter to Blackbeard's plans could the idea of reassembling Joy boy like Osiris be too crazy even for one piece even with powers like the kage kage or could Blackbeard's idea of recreating and reassembling joy boy be another example of Blackbeard cheating to get to the end essentially Blackbeard would be using all of these factors and bending these Wills to literally restore the past whereas Luffy through hard work and sheer determination has revived the spirit of Joy boy making it so that he would never have to reassemble the pieces at all because Luffy is Joy boy incarnate Blackbeard seems to be after these rocks in the name and vein of famed pirate rocks D's back his ship the saber of zebek did Rock say something at God Valley that made its way back to Blackbeard but Blackbeard is taking what is being said too literally that the goal was never to put the pieces literally back together but that the world would belong to the one who unites the world with what the pieces represent simply put no matter what each Stone has a message and reassembling that puzzle should tell us the story of the true history which in turn would make the ills of the world known revealing the atrocities that emu committed to control this world after passing the information to Every Nation via maybe vegapunk's internet or perhaps vivi's new connection to big news Morgans the very biggest news possible would go out to every country sparking the revolution of a lifetime where now all of these countries would head out to bust down Pangea Castle's doors the Flames of Revolution lit by Nico Robin's translations and the trust that the people have for nefertari D Vivi spreading this message would lead to the toppling of the government by the pirate king and and freest man in the world Monkey D Luffy ultimately uniting the world and creating one piece p e a c e Savage [Music]
Channel: Randy Troy
Views: 79,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Randy Troy, Ran D. Troy, Oda, One Piece Theory, One Piece Super Theory, Final Saga, Egghead, Luffy, One Piece Theories, Reassemble Joy Boy, Tekking101, Parvision, Mr. Morj, Joy Boy, Vegapunk, Blackbeard, One Piece Analysis, Poneglyphs, Joy Boy Was A Poneglyph, Nefertari D. Vivi, Marshall D. Teach, Buggy Awakening, Seraphim, Rio Poneglyph, Gol D. Roger, Too Early, What Is The One Piece, Osiris, Nika, Lily, Nikyu, Paw Paw Lily, Alabasta, Voice Of All Things, Hancock, Pudding
Id: RvoYJ8TuTgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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