What on Earth Happened to the Huns?

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you might be under the impression that to the average European of classical history the Far East of Asia might as well have been on another planet as it wasn't until the days of Marco Polo or the Mongols did any Westerners actually make contact with East Asians but this is actually incredibly far from the truth there is actually been contact between East Asia and Europe for many thousands of years now maybe not directly but the uralic peoples or your aliens are proof of this as lying in northern Eurasia halfway between Europe and East Asia they are essentially an ancient mixture of both peoples with the original protégée link people originating from eastern Siberia north of China and gradually migrating west where they intermixed with ancient North Eurasians and other Western Eurasia the reason that Europe and East Asia typically didn't have much contact across this vast stretch of land is due to a couple reasons namely climate and geography with the southern route through Central Asia to China being quite rugged and mountainous before leveling off into one of the world's largest deserts while the northern route through Siberia is quite inhospitable for obvious reasons but every now and then a group of curious or desperate nomads would make the trek through this passage across the super continent of Eurasia the Huns are an example of sukkot people becoming one of the most infamous tribes in all of Western history in just a few short years but they weren't the only ones as a few other invading nomads that have seemingly been lost to history I've had quite a huge impact on European history and elsewhere you see before the arrival of the Huns or even the rise of the Romans the area in between Europe the Middle East India China and Siberia known as Central Asia was conquered and settled by indo-european migrants from the Pontic Caspian step which for a time essentially made it an extension of Europe demographically speaking or perhaps somewhere between Europe and the Middle East over time many invading tribes from the Far East intermixed with some of the Central Asians such as the Citians creating new people groups and nations even before the Huns since at least 2,000 years in the past Turkic peoples from Eastern Liberia had been making conquests into Central Asia and even as far as the fringes of Europe where they clashed not only with the Scythian 's but also early slavic and germanic peoples and keep in mind even the Chinese were aware of these nomadic tribes and thought of them as a similar nuisance since they had been invading China for hundreds of years as well it actually wasn't until the 4th century AD that the Huns emerged at the borders of Europe having carved their way through North and Central Asia but where did they come from exactly due to the fact that almost no written records of the Hunnic language exist this question is extremely difficult to answer but judging by place names and personal names seen in the Han army it would appear that the hunt forces were actually a hodgepodge of many different cultures including Scythian Turkic Slavic and Germanic with much of their army likely being local and origin rather than having migrated from their original home in Siberia similar to the Mongols their initial invading force was most likely relatively small perhaps a few tens of thousands but through conquest and conscription their army would have grown exponentially in a snowball effect due to superior tactic and preparedness the hums were definitely a distinct ethnic group though most likely originating from eastern Siberia and nearby to the homeland of the Mongols Turks and your aliens with it being debated which larger ethnic affiliation they belong to with many historians and linguists coming to the conclusion that they were likely Altai akin origin related to the Mongols Turks and Tengu SiC peoples of siberia and it's unknown if the Huns were actually the ones to invade China as their links to Xiong nu tribal Confederacy that frequently rated northern China has so far been unsubstantiated and the Huns of modern Western depictions were most likely a stand-in for Mongols Turks or any other number of other peoples in the region but since they're still around while the Huns have bit the dust it probably seemed like the safer choice not to mention Western audiences could relate to the existential threat and destruction wrought by the Huns the original appearance that the Huns probably lined up well with others from Northeast Asia to the Mongols although over time the hanukkah popular would have become extensively mixed during their trek westwards and by the time they reached Europe they were likely quite mixed similar to turkic tribes in the area and while the ranks of the Huns most likely would have consisted of those of European origins as the Goths allons or Slavs the ruling elite would have been Hunnic in origin or Eurasian or East Asian in appearance according to Roman accounts and only a century the Huns marched from their homeland and the Far East to Central Asia quickly passing the Ural Mountains leaving a path of devastation in their wake and by the early fifth century the Huns had arrived in Europe on the border of the Roman Empire having conquered every people on the path it is quite difficult however to refer to the Huns as an empire since they didn't exactly govern over the territory that they conquered instead being a loose affiliation of tribes who formed shaky alliances based out of convenience and survival and hence there were no exact borders of the honey control realm but the Carpathian Basin and Central Europe was under the greatest extent of Han rule in Europe extending outwards into Germany Eastern Europe and possibly even beyond into North Central Asia following the invasion of Europe by the Huns thousands of refugees fled from their conquest including the Ostrogoths and Alan's largely settling in the Eastern Roman Empire with the Alan's actually surviving the ages up until the 15th century when they traded their traditional language of yacek for Hungarian and little known fact the Huns also attempted to cross the Caucasus Mountains into Persia but were eventually defeated and pushed back north the Romans didn't exactly have time to prepare for this massive Asian however as due to internal political conflict separatism and civil war this provided the perfect opportunity for the Huns to pass the danube into the balkans and what was then known as Pannonia a region mostly located inside what is modern-day Hungary after a series of devastating raids in the Eastern Roman Empire the Romans eventually agreed to pay a yearly tribute in gold and were soon Attila the leader of the Huns after murdering his own brother started an incursion into the Western Roman Empire as well quickly and cutting through Gaul and eventually crossing the Alps in Italy with the destruction being quite legendary to say the least in the mid fifth century just when it seemed as if the end of the Romans was nigh with the Huns on the brink of sacking Constantinople as well as Rome Attila unexpectedly died of a hemorrhage which sent the hunnic realm into chaos as many of the Germanic tribes under the Huns were emboldened enough to rebel against their rulers with whatever cobwebs structure governance that was held together almost disappearing overnight although his three sons attempted to hope a crumbling Kingdom together the Goths Citians and Romans essentially banded together to stamp out the threat of the Huns for good slaughtering the remaining hun army although some hunting villages managed to survive throughout Central Europe for a few generations but the longest-lasting possibly being in the caucasus mountains where they were eventually absorbed by the Turkic azaria cognate the Huns were not the last invading force from Siberia however as the Avars who are sometimes often referred to as Huns and historical sources also settled in the region of Pannonia or the Carpathian Basin establishing a new empire in 567 ad a century after the fall of the original Huns and similarly were mostly composed of a variety of Germanic Slavic and other European peoples ruled over by the 'var elite although eventually the of our language fell out of use and the Empire embraced Christianity similarly to Hunnic the 'var language was never recorded although it is heavily speculated it was also of Altai ik origin with others that would settle in this region including the Turkic bow gars and later the Magyars from the Ural region of Siberia with the Magyars eventually integrating with the local population eventually becoming the nation of Hungary although the Hungarians still refer to themselves as magyar in their own tongue the reason they are known as Hungarians in English is because many early scholars originally associated the Hungarians with the Huns although there was obviously no continuity in the rule of the Huns and the Magyars that followed the average genetic impact of the original Huns and other Eurasian steppe nomads all the people of Hungary and the surrounding area Eastern Europe today is without a doubt pretty well with the average individual from this region having around 1 to 4 percent East Asian DNA with most Eastern Eurasian haplogroups being completely absent from Central Europe showing a complete absorption into the populace one exception to this are the setlist who show moderate north eurasian genetic impact in the paternal and maternal haplogroup s-- possibly as high as five to seven percent most likely due to their isolation from the rest of the Hungarian population who would have had higher rates intermixing with the surrounding Germans and Slavic people so essentially the sec Lee's are a snapshot of what the Hungarian population would have looked like in the past but honestly the difference isn't huge if you remember from my video over the U Raelians Finn's Estonians and the Sami have some of the largest rates of East Asian DNA in Europe proper meaning Europe excluding Russia and do share some genetic affinity with the Hungarian population although they're Asian DNA exclusively derives from northern Eurasia and Uralic speakers and Europe proper at the highest rates of East Asian DNA are still found in the Tatars of Eastern Europe with there being small numbers scattered throughout Crimea and the rest of Ukraine the dabrian region of Romania and even as far north as Poland and Lithuania although these are tied with later Turkic migrations as the impact the Huns left behind was not so much a genetic footprint but a cultural and historical one traditional Hungarian shamanism is very similar to that found among Turkic and other Siberian peoples today also known as tang grism and is essentially a combination of Turkic and Uralic animistic practices and folktales and the Huns persisted in details and legends of many germanic slavic and hungarian peoples throughout the ages since then many nations especially the hungarians exactly's would claim affiliation with or descent from the Huns presumably in order to make themselves appear more dominant and intimidating or in order to revel in the military success and glory of an older people while conversely in much of Western Europe and the European Diaspora they have since come to associate the Huns extreme violence and savagery hence the Western depiction of the Huns in mulan or evidenced by reference to the germans as the hon menace in allied propaganda during world war one and two either way the legacy of the Huns will certainly continue to live on throughout all of Europe and the world for their oppressive even if extraordinarily cruel and fearsome feats all those centuries ago so go ahead and let me know your thoughts on the Huns and their legacy and for today's poll tell me which other nomadic your aging people you'd like to learn more about as always this is a Mason thanks for watching everyone I'll see you next time
Channel: Masaman
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Keywords: masaman, What on Earth Happened to the Huns, What happened to the Huns, Huns, The Huns, Hun People, Hunnic, Hun Empire, Hunnic Empire, Hunnic People, Hunnic Language, Hungarians, Huns vs Hungarians, Hungarian People, Hungarian Language, Origin of the Hungarians, Attila the Hun, Hun invasion of Europe, Hun invasion of the Roman Empire, Avars, Magyar, Avar, Huns History, History of the Huns, Who were the Huns, Mulan Huns, Xiongnu, Han Army, Attila, Hun Conquest of Europe, Huns Invade
Id: 1CP-I31J1r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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