Are the Europeans 1 Race? The Genetic Evidence

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japheth I are in euro poit Caucasian there have been many terms used for what those in the english-speaking world would refer to as white or European people and the term race already has a devious enough connotation for some people and may incite certain emotions due to historical context but throughout history and in the present day it seems that there has been a heavy debate for political or research purposes on just what constitutes the European race some have even gone so far as to say that the concept of the white race is a myth or social construct which I suppose if you're judging purely by appearance then you'd be correct but in today's video we're going to look over the genetic origins of people of the European continent to see their divisions and connections with other group of people one of the most widely used terms Caucasian is rather odd considering that the average inhabitant native to the Caucasian region such as Georgians Armenians or as Ceres definitely are not what people think of the general European to look like not to mention that the indo-europeans most likely originated in the steppes of Eurasia and honor Russia rather than the Caucasus as was previously assumed in the United States and other Anglophone countries for a long time in their histories it was brought into question just who is a part of the Caucasian race and therefore admissible as immigrants and at various points in time Slavs Italians Greeks Turks Arabs Indians and mestizos from Latin America debated whether they should be considered Caucasian or not and in the present day the United States Census Bureau considers all those with origins from Europe Caucasus the Middle East Central Asia and North Africa to be white except Spain which makes absolutely no sense even in the United Kingdom the British police defied Caucasians between what they officially call I see one more Europeans who in this context are mostly native Brits or immigrants from Poland and Lithuania and other Caucasians classified as I see to Mediterranean which includes immigrants from southern Europe such as Greeks Italians Spaniards and southern Frenchmen with some minor overlap with Middle Eastern and North African populations as well and this is based purely off appearance for kin sake but why is there a difference in appearance between Europeans from different areas if they really are descended from a single unique source well I'm sure as you could guess it's because Europeans are not in fact a single population grouping but have a plethora of different admixture sources in their gene pool similar to almost every other large ancestral continuum and this is due to many ways a migration into and in-between areas of the continent and divergent evolution that gave rise to different genotypes and phenotypes similar to most other areas of Eurasia the original inhabitants of Europe were not anatomically modern humans but rather various groups of Neanderthal the distant cousin of Homo sapiens and although many Europeans tend to pride themselves on their high levels of Neanderthal DNA and others disparage them for it it actually turns out that East Asians have the highest degree of Anderton admixture although both populations have been influenced in quite interesting ways by their archaic cousins and inhabited their homelands hundreds of thousands of years before them the modern people of Europe are actually descended from three major archaic groups as can be ascertained by archeo genetic analysis at being the indigenous European hunter-gatherers who date back many tens of thousands of years although really you can also divide these between eastern and western European groupings Neolithic Anatolian farmers who as their name implies arrived in the area from Anatolia around the Neolithic Revolution around 7000 BC and lastly the indo-european speaking steppe pastoral us around 3,000 BC who brought with them the wheel and many other innovations including their language and another branch they proto-indo-iranian or are in component instead headed southeast into Iran in the Indian subcontinent by cross-referencing with ancient genetic samples we were able to see just how these archaic and several populations interacted and created the modern people groups we see today and there's a surprising amount of overlap between various groups and just like the Amerindians despite diverse origins each ancestry has penetrated all regions of the continent to degenerations of intense intermixing the Neolithic Anatolian farmers intermix with the archaic hunter-gatherers and penetrated all regions of the continent but especially the southern regions around a Mediterranean but is most heavily preserved in the population of the island of Sardinia today who despite their central position in arguably the most important body of water in all of human history have remained relatively untouched by outside migration from either Italy Europe or other areas this ancestry is also likely the reason for the basal morphological differences between northern and southern Europe with the more southern phenotype often described as Mediterranean being closer to that of the Near East and both facial features in color and body type than those in northern Europe the steppe pastoralist or yam naya ancestry that entered Europe clearly had the biggest impact on the northern and eastern regions with the proto-indo-europeans being rich in ancient north eurasian ancestry fan and siberian and paleo Amerindian populations and later entering the Caucasus and Middle East as well this steppe pastoralist component is today highest in Scandinavia North Eastern Europe and around the North Sea region although again penetrated virtually the entire continent and varying amounts and ironically is even found at some of the highest rates among the Volga Ural region and the unmerged Tatars and chuvash all of whom were formerly indo-european speaking before the migration of Eastern Eurasian Raelians and Turks again these differences in ancestry and the continent have likely contributed to the differences in phenotype and genetics between those in the north and south as well as some phenotypic gradation between east and west as well becoming more correlated with modern ethno-linguistic groups in the present day due to endogamy and migration additionally principal component analysis charts of genetic clustering among Western Eurasian populations usually show a spectrum with Northern Europeans at one end and Middle Easterners at the other with southern European groups being in between these two while the Caucasus definitely seems to cluster more heavily with the Middle Eastern Cline even known indo-european speaking groups like the Hungarians still display a high genetic affinity to their neighbors in Europe despite those opposed at foreign origins showing that most groups have retained their genetic base since this time period of intermixing roughly four to nine thousand years ago with the migration of the indo-europeans being the last major migration to shape the continent bringing with them haplogroup r1b and r1a with the latter now found at its highest rates in Eastern Europe and northern India due to the migration of the proto-indo-iranian but should the Aryans really be considered European well that's a very loaded and politically charged subject due to the legacy of colonialism and the subcontinent but as I mentioned in a previous video the old steppe indo-europeans of Central Asia were indeed quite close in both genetics and phenotype to ancient Europeans I'll be it with heavy Middle Eastern and minor Eastern Eurasian admixture over time these different groups in the European continent would gradually become their own distinct gene pool and the fact that Europeans had a much higher rate of in a regional migration and intermixing than many other areas of the world further strengthened this genetic clustering due to these high rates of inter mixing in the past few thousand years Europeans generally do not have the same vast regional genetic disparities as say Africans who are very clearly and easily divisible by nylon ik pygmy Poisson and West African components at the very least because of surface level trends there's also the issue of the Ashkenazi Jews and Romani two groups that have lived in the European continent for over a thousand years but they originated from the Levant and northern India respectively the Ashkenazi component you usually see in genetic testing companies like 23andme is actually a combination of ancient Semitic and European DNA well the Romani are more of a combination of low caste northern in Orient's with a substantial amount of Middle Eastern admixture but similar to the Ashkenazi have large and varying levels of European DNA with many Jews and Romani actually being indistinguishable from a native population although due to generations of endogamy and drift are easily recognizable genetically creating a map of European DNA worldwide would be quite difficult especially in the periphery regions as for instance even though at least 10% of the gene pool of the Maghrebi countries of hijiri america and tunisia can be traced back to migrants from europe within the past 2,000 years with these genetic testing companies those from this region usually only display a North African ancestry as they control for this admixture which has become heavily entrenched in the local population additionally groups like the Anatolian Turks Central Asians and in DeLoreans also share ancestry with Europeans but almost certainly wouldn't consider themselves to be part European so for my map on European ancestry worldwide I decided to go only by self identification rather than genetic admixture as you can see interestingly patterns of European migration and settlement are almost exclusively north of the Tropic of Cancer and south of the Tropic of Capricorn basically just anywhere except the tropics for obvious reasons different groups of Europeans and the Diaspora may have varying rates of admixture from entirely different racial groups most notably in Latin America with the number of full-blooded Europeans is actually quite small even though the self-identified white or European population is actually higher than that of the United States believe it or not the situation in the US Canada and Australia is pretty similar and that although a large portion of the European population claims ancestry from the indigenous people MRR Indians and average eni's respectively the percentage that actually have any sort of significant native heritage whatsoever is actually quite small less than 10% the native or non-white heritage of the south african afrikaners is much more substantial and widespread than in other english-speaking regions with around four to seven percent of their genome being a Bantu coy or South Asian origin on average although ironically this is the one area of the planet where they don't actually claim it so are the Europeans one race well as I discussed in my video over the number of races when you get past the four major ancestral Continuum's racial lines become increasingly arbitrary and up to interpretation and I think it's a real shame that race and ancestry has become such a politically loaded and sensitive subject essentially European ancestry is actually a measurable and well studied cluster in population genetics but white people just like black people as a modern global socio-political concept has a much more fluid and ill-defined meaning which I don't think is too relevant in the current-day so go ahead and let me know your thoughts on the origin and evolution of the Europeans and the interesting dynamics between European groups and other highly disparate populations throughout the world in the case of myself of course my father is European while my mom is Iranian and black American for today's poll let me know which group of Diaspar Europeans on various continents you'd like to learn more about or have an interest in and as always thanks for watching everyone this has been Mason and I'll see you next time
Channel: Masaman
Views: 1,664,516
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Keywords: masaman, Who exactly is a European, Are the Europeans one race, are the europeans 1 race, the genetic evidence, Southern European vs Northern European, Europeans, People of Europe, European Race, White People, European People, Genetics of Europe, European Genetics, Races of Europe, European Races, European phenotypes, European diaspora, White Americans, White Latinos, White South Africans, Genetic History of Europe, Indo-Europeans, Caucasians, Ancient Europe, European History
Id: B8Vx6ZfteoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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