What Oda Didn't Tell You About Portgas D. Ace

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when Ace left the Goa Kingdom to become a great pirate he had four potential paths to take in one piece we saw an incredibly tragic one but there were other options were it not forever so tiny twists of Fate could have changed the outcome of the entire world I have a question for you what was A's ambition to make Whitebeard the pirate king yes true but what was his goal before that well according to Luffy's flashback it was to quote be a pirate and win win win okay also true but what was his specific goal after that but before the Whitebeard one well in nov Ace this stupidly important piece of information is revealed these books are actually really good and they give a much better picture of Ace than the manga does in my opinion and if you don't like reading words exclusively look I get it sometimes entering a monogamous relationship with words just isn't your thing and if that is the case these novels were also adapted into manga chapters illustrated by Boi they're highly recommended but essentially Ace and the Spade Pirates visit fisherman Island there it's revealed that Ace now has 100 million Berry Bounty it's whole very exciting and to celebrate they go to a cheap Cafe it's specifically noted in the book that the cafe is cheap and it would be here that Ace declared his ambition for the new world Ace stated that he was going to take down each of the four Emperors before promptly burning whitebeard's flag on fisherman Island now we know how this ultimately ended Ace targeted Whitebeard so he ended up losing his ambition but he ended up gaining a father you know that thing that he'd never had but Ace's path to White Beard was pure chance because Ace's strategy was all about eustus kidding his way to Victory it didn't matter which emperor he encountered first in the wild Ace was going to fight it so what would happen if instead of Whitebeard Ace encountered big mom kaido or Shanks it's interesting because one of those Emperors he did encounter and we'll get to that and he invaded the home territory of another but kaido was out of the house at the time assumably purchasing copious quantities of leather to make very scandalous outfits for his crew but let me introduce you to the Spade Pirates first up we have Captain Port gasty Ace a man who needs no introduction so actually we we should probably edit that on and second in command is a character you may be familiar with his name is mosed juice Ace met him on the island of sixis in East blue and they became good friends after Ace hit a giant bird with a giant sword also on six this is where they both ate the maram Marin noi together but only ace got the powers because he was slightly faster to consume and assumedly excrete the fruit product we then have skull who is a pirate Fanboy and his hobby is stowing away on ships because he loves him some pirating and due to wearing the skull he has two sets of front teeth there's also me he has a nice hat and he wants to be an educator and next to him we have saber he also has a nice hat but does not want to be an educator behind them we spot Banshee who's actually a mermaid and is both the cook and not the cook of the Spade Pirates the Spade Pirates didn't actually have a cook but at the same time Banshee made all their meals so they did not have a cook but they did but they didn't there's the all important agie 88 although it's unknown what happened to akis 1-67 and of course kamatsu a literal Panther who likes being around ace because fire is warm and there's also some others I can't afford to get my artist to draw all of them if you want to help that then please do feel free to buy a shirt from store g.com but for now let's just pretend that they're also here it's important to establish these guys though because Ace's story in the actual manga is mostly devoid of the Spade Pirates and in flashbacks it often looks like Ace is just going off and doing things on his own but he's not he has a crew he had a crew he had a very good crew that got him all the way into the new world so with that we're going to start with the kaido paath here the Spade Pirates ENT the new world and the first emperor they encounter is redhead Shanks Ace quite deliberately hunts Shanks down first because he wants to thank Shanks for being Gad just being a generally good dude and inspiring his little brother and all of the that although in the anime this scene is Infamous because the animators gave Shanks two arms which he should not have and for no real purpose either because his missing arm has just flopped in his crotch looming menacingly over his manp Parts but this is very similar to what happened when Luffy formed an alliance with tralor luff Luffy agreed to take down all four Emperors on the condition that Shanks isn't first not that he refuses to ever fight Shanks but Luffy just wants to save him for later and that's what happens here with Ace he has a lovely evening with Shanks and his assorted Scallywags but just as Luffy did Ace immediately set his sights on kaider and in fact the very next piece of information we have about the spay Pirates is them washing up on wner they spent some time making hats in amigasa Village Ace allegedly groomed Tama by promising to take her with him when she became bewitching enough but this was an opportunity Ace and the Spade Pirates then made their way to onigashima to confront kaido and also to free some abducted children but also to do the thing it is that Ace wanted to do here he was met with Yamato who said my father and his men are on an expedition you won't find a single officer on this island but in this case kaido is not out and yam is going to say my father and his men are here right here you'll find each and every single officer on this island and to that acees going to say cheers and the Spade Pirates will conduct their own raid on onigashima and Yamato might even join them because of well why not in the actual series yam decides to fight Ace out of bordedom so when given the opportunity to do something I would call undeniably Odin esque I feel like yam is going to join the fun however the Spade Pirates even with yam are simply ill equipped to deal with the full force of the Beast Pirates or really even a small fraction of that Force I mean none of the lower members are going to be an issue but when we work our way up to the Jacks queens and kings of the world it's difficult to see Ace being able to overcome one of them much less all three one good way to set Ace's level at this point in the world timeline is to think about jinbe Ace fought jinbe to a standstill and a lot of that yes is going to come down to Elemental counters the old water versus fire they had that that going on but they were roughly on the same level of skill so I am going to go out on a limb and say that Ace could probably beat Jack if only because everyone else has Jack has never actually won a fight in the series and I do not see that streak being broken here just realize that Jack is kind of like the opposite to kakuri kakuri never lost a fight Jack never won a fight huh but realistically the Spade pirate have no chance because look at this best case scenario right kaido orders everyone to stay put and he for the thrill of fight battling allows Ace to engage him in a 1 V one even in that best case scenario it's still not working out for Ace he and the Spade Pirates are going to be beaten captured and probably put to work in udon prison what we definitely know is that kaido will not kill Ace because it was said by Hawkins that kaido deliberately preserves the lives of men with strong Wills in order to break them and put them to work serving him kaido so going to be kaido's pet project for the next four years or so and the rest of the Spade Pirates will be put to work much like kids crew when they were captured kaido will threaten to kill Ace and poor kamatsu the panther will be a very very distraught cat and no one's going to have a good time at all it's not a great ending for the Spade Pirates Ace himself or wano as a whole actually because if Ace never escapes wano which I highly doubt he would do on his own he would take his crew with him but I also highly doubt that he would do that to begin with because good old never runaway Ace would probably just break out challenge kaido again be defeated again and rinse and repeat and if he's spending all of his time here then Ace doesn't have the opportunity to join whitebeard's crew and die at marineford so Luffy won't join the Paramount war in fact there won't actually be a Paramount War to join Luffy and his crew will be separated on sabed rayy won't deliver his proposition and the straw hats will come together a few days later to enter the new world where they will almost certainly get eviscerated meanwhile kaido will be using Ace as a fire source to boil pot after pot of delicious Odin to execute people in and thus we reach the stew ending not amazing so let's rewind the Spade Pirates enter the new world and the first emperor they encounter is redhead Shanks as thanks him for being good dude Shanks puts his hand in his crotch and a good time is had by all and Spade Pirates move on however in this scenario they are placed on the big mom path some informations are acquired that lead the Spade Pirates to totalan which is perfectly reasonable as in the new world it actually takes less time to get to totalan than it does to Warner from the red line now totaland is a very different Empire from wner this is a series of islands as opposed to one main location and big mom is also a very different Emperor from kaido where kaido seeks battle big mom seeks tasty tasty treats and if she hears of some no-name Pirates causing havoc in one of her assorted treat towns she's going to send her horde of endless charlatans after them and that's a pun because most of them are actually named Charlotte but even at this stage big mom already has all 85 of her children the youngest of which is Charlotte Anana who is only 4 years old at this point but we are not lacking in problem solving options although I imagine that the first aren't G too particularly well if we try and combat the Spade pirates with a Brule a mondor or dare I even say some sort of Opera then it's going to be a spade pirate Victory there are some genuine threats in the midlevel of the big mom Pirates such as Baron tomago who has a stunningly High Bounty of 429 million berries 329 million in Ace's current Bounty but look that's fine at this stage Ace is very undervalued and at all stages tomago is significantly overvalued speaking of stages I imagine that Ace will either boil or grill tomago depending on whether he's an egg or a chicken but something we haven't spoken about before now something that could come in quite handy here is Ace's control of conqueror's hary in the actual one piece we only get to see him use it accidentally as a child and if we go by the novels he's never particularly amazing at it and in fact it's only in the manga adaptation of the novel that Ace purposely uses conqueror hary on Hammond of all people remember Hammond I do I remember when the straw hats first got to fisherman Island and we encountered Hammond right before entering when that chapter came out people lost their minds it was all like whoa Hammond you look at this guy he's controlling all of the seab beasts he's going to be the big bad guy of the Ark Luffy versus Hammond calling it now where is these days I I honestly don't even remember what happened to him actually is he the one who got clutched by one of Robin's clones I think so no it was two clones I don't know I I also don't care because no one should have ever cared about Hammond but let's get back to was because if he can use conqueror's hak on command then it's going to make H Island a lot easier and it may even give him a slight chance of standing up to kakuri because the real problem is obviously the sweet commanders the absolute best case scenario for Ace is to encounter Charlotte snack he's not at all to be underestimated but we do know that he is very defeatable because he was dispatched by mad monar Rouge a rookie who had a bounty of 108 million berries and Ace is at a very similar level of both Bounty and rookie them and you know as far as where West snack doesn't have a devil fruit ability I mean he probably does it would be weird if he was one of the only Top members without one but we don't know what it is if indeed it is so Ace I think could feasibly defeat him however that triggers a whole new problem that mad monar rou could not overcome when Luffy beat cracker that invoked the Wrath of the entire big mom Pirates once a sweet Commander is beaten we're not messing around anymore and this is where your smoothies your kak curries and in this case your cracker biscuit men are going to get involved and Ace look he probably has a decent matchup against cracker biscuits are notoriously susceptible to heat although heat is also how biscuits are created but too much heat is is how biscuits are destroyed that in eating them smoothie is a much trickier Affair though she kind of presents a gin Bayes counter to Ace's devil fruit by being able to extract in wield liquids forcibly excreted from well anything in fact thinking about it gin bit and smoothie would probably be a onepiece dream tune smoothie creates liquid jinbe fights with it it's a very solid match but with all that we know about smoothie and to be clear that isn't much Ace could feasibly defeat her maybe however then we get to cak curri and I don't see any way out of this forace at this stage and quite possibly at any stage of his life Ace just is not equipped to face kakuri he has future sight a solid Mastery of armament hockey and far more control over conqueror hocky than Ace has at this point if Ace has any control which is unconfirmed this past kakuri is our counter Jack at this stage kakuri has never lost a fight in his life and he is not going to start now so I don't think that Ace will even have the opportunity to face big mom himself even if he did it's not going well but more likely kakuri or a com combination of sweet commanders are going to bring him down like kaido big mom isn't going to kill Ace or the Spade Pirates though at least not yet what they're going to do right is they're going to spin big mom's funky roulette wheel to decide their fate and when it came down to Pedro and zepo who did this a year prior to AC's Invasion their Collective result was 100 years which zeppo paid 30 off poms bed 10 years away and then Pedro bed a further 10 years away by gouging out his eye so that he only paid 50 years what what a bargain I think the only way that the Pirates are in trouble here as if they land on one of the 1,000-year options but it could be as low as 10 years shed between them or even just a limb a limb from one of them and whatever the case I see Ace paying the price first and foremost even if it kills him but there's actually 20 Spade Pirates so with a 100-year option they could probably tank 5 years each and with 1 10,000 years they'd each have to take on 20 but that's not the end of the world most of them would then be evicted from hul island with their lives at the very least at which point big mom will then go and use that life to power some homies and what I'm picturing here is part of Ace's Soul being inserted into a donut homie which Charlotte cter curri is desperately going to try not to eat because Ace is now a delicious forbidden donut and thus we reach the dut ending also not amazing so let's rewind the paid Pirates enter the new world and there Shanks he's a good dude but his very present missing hand is grabbing his crotch Ace is Thoroughly insulted by this and after some polite chitchat Ace declares that he will defeat Shanks right here and now as part of his four Emperor checklist this is the shanks path but Shanks he's a pretty cool dude so he's going to do the pirate equivalent of spanking a child if Ace is very lucky he'll even get to keep all of his Limbs and move on with his life eventually reaching white beard Blackbeard sakazuki and thus we reach the original donut ending yet not going to lie Ace has it pretty rough in one piece in the past I've referred to him as the man who was born to die in the same way that everything in this world Works F Luffy everything works against Ace so please all of you raise your hands in the appropriate military fashion of your particular Nation as we offer a 21 donut salute to the doomed life of podcast deas
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 162,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YSpi3WM4rrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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