Austria: The Don'ts of Visiting Austria

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good Scot fellow Travelers Mark here with Walter world and today we're here in Vienna Austria for the don'ts of visiting Austria because there's a lot of things you want to do when you're here whether it's visiting the awesome cities the big cities like Vienna and all the culture here salsburg with all the history inbrook with the the gold they have a golden roof it's cool the great museums there there's so many great things to do here in Austria that sometimes we forget as some of the D about going to a place and that's why today what we have for you are the Dons of visiting Austria and my first don't for you you notice I said grot at the beginning yeah don't forget to say grus Scot when you go into a business or you go into a restaurant or you go into somebody's house you want to greet people when you go into a store when you go into places because here things are very much formal than a lot of other countries so titles are much more important greetings are much more important so the go-to greeting here in Austria is grot greetings to God so make sure you have that and make sure you're following your manners here too cuz they're pretty much a stickler for those kind of things and speaking of a a rule a stickler kind of thing you need to make sure you remember is the second thing don't be late look austrians are not late okay whether it is for a dinner whether it's for a meeting whether it's for a club whether it's for the Opera to start a concert to start whether it's students going into class everything seems to start exactly on time not like oh I get there at 9:30 no I'm already there seated at the meeting ready to go so at 9:30 we start talking to do ourselves right away way I'm here teaching and my a I get to class 10 minutes early you know to be there before my students my Austrian students are already there before I get there I'm like well you guys are a little bit too early for me okay so definitely make sure if you have any kind of meeting or you have any kind of tour or anything like that they'll leave without you okay so make sure you're there and you're on time you know Z be punctual very important here in Austria now if you do get invited to somebody's home or they're a partment or something like that another little don't I'd say is don't wear your shoes inside people's homes it's kind of rude and you'll see when you come in there'll be like a mound of shoes there or suit actually no they won't be a mound there'll be shoes lined up there just take your shoes off leave them there you'll be fine so if you're a tourist you've been traveling around make sure you watch your feet and you're we the clean socks okay when you're going over to their house just to make things a little bit more nice now I know a lot of us don't always get invited to locals homes so most of the time we're eating at restaurants so my don't for the restaurants for you is don't expect over-the-top service here in Austria whether you have beautiful like hot or you're seeing the mountains in inbrook or you're you're taking in a coffee here in Vienna a cafe and and a Sak to cake oh yes it's so nice but do not expect to have overly friendly service now they'll be a professional and they will know stuff I mean these people are trained in the service industry so they if you tell them well I have this allergy or I prefer this kind of cut of meat they'll tell you the best thing for you to order on that menu but don't expect them to be super nice about it and don't expect them to be overly friendly cuz I know for a lot of Tours coming from from the US UK Australia Canada you used to kind of the over the top the king the customer King kind of mentality that does not go here okay take my word for it so you need to have some patience so it will take time to get your menu it will take time to take your order oh also they don't just bring you your check when you finished eating cuz here they're like look we don't know if you're going to have more food so you might have 10 strudles that night they don't care you can sit for hours at a meal and that's one thing you should know is don't think you'll go for a fast dinner or fast lunch it will take time not just cuz the service cuz the amount of food you'll have but just know that you'll have to ask for the bill okay so don't expect it to just show up just like could I play you know d p am I permitted to pay k p can I pay that can really help out another thing I would say to go along with that don't is don't think you can pay with credit card everywhere around Austria now a lot of places you can I'm not going to lie for that but if you're going around for example you're here for the Christmas markets oh my God we've been the Christmas markets in fuk and salt here in Vienna and inbrook oh my God this country is fantastic at Christmas but if I want to have my glue Vine or if I want to have my my my oh God the dumplings they have in Saltsburg oh my God they're so good with the cream and but the thing is if you're out and about doing like this and buying stuff it's a cash only kind of thing you want to grab that that Vena that hot dog you want to get your hot dog Frankfurter kind of thing you need to make sure you have change to get that because they don't necessarily take Card everywhere so make sure take some money out of the ATM has some change with you so if you want to get something small you can do that so the thing is when you think of Austria a lot of times you'll think about what you see in the tourism guides right you'll see Vienna with the shinan palace displayed there or the badier palace there you can see all the gusta kimps or or the National History Museum the ccer or car St Charles Church k k here Stefon Doom St step's Cathedral or you're in inbrook and you'll see the the folks Muse you'll see all these really great things these great cities that are here Saltsburg lint Gratz you see all these things my don't for that is don't think Austria is just these cool beautiful towns and cities there's amazing nature here in Austria for you to enjoy in the winter time yes you can go skiing it's a little pricier than going to other places but it's it's so worth it cuz if you're an inbrook and you're staying in inbrook and then you go out skiing when you come back you have such a great feeling in the town but you get the nature of going out there hiking in the summertimes oh man it is so beautiful here you don't want to go hiking oh don't worry they have lakes if you buy salts you can go to Lakes here in Vienna you can even just go outside of Vienna and go to the vaval the Vienna Forest and just walk around and wander there it's such a great natural beauty kind of place that a lot of people don't think of because Austria is usually thought of this super culture place with these great cities and museums yes yes they have that but they have so much more and when you are traveling around my next St for you is don't skip out on the regional folk museums or any Regional museums austrians take great pride in Austria they also take great pride in their region they and they also take great pride in their city which means you are blessed we as tourist are blessed with some of the best folk museums like Regional museums and folk museums anywhere in Europe for example if you go to inbrook I love the tro folks Museum there and you go there and they've taken rooms from houses all over T roll and put it in the museum so you really see how do these families live for you know all these years and it shows you that and it's just so cool so make sure you do check out the regional museums I mean yes check out the big one the big museums and art museums and stuff but if you can go see the region museums that show the culture they put a lot of effort into it you get a lot of lot of information but you get a better understanding of the people here as well which is really really nice and speaking of culture when you are here I would say is don't skip the coffee and cake culture in Vienna and in other cities the cafe scene in Austria is a thing I mean drinking coffee and having amazing torts or amazing cakes or whatever is a thing you do yes the apple strudel thing you you do want to have that when you're here here the Sak to yes you should have that when you're here the Lin to you should have that when you're Lind you have all these great things and a lot of people just think I'm going to do my tourist thing I'm going to go to the museums and then I eat my Venus schnitzel and I go no you want to sit you want to relax find a place like this find a cafe on a pedestrian street sit down have a coffee have a cake and just sit back and enjoy the culture that's there because seeing the city seeing the city alive with the people going by really makes it a really cool thing so don't skip out on the culture of cafes with coffee and you know cakes and stuff like that and honestly I don't drink coffee I drink the hot chocolate so it's even okay in the summer now I know a lot of people get worried when they're traveling places is it going to be easy for me to like find accommodation or public transportation or all this kind of stuff do I need to worry about that well here's the thing in Austria you do not you don't have to worry about the tourism infrastructure whether it is people speaking English and other languages at Major sites or minor sites you got that covered you you need public transportation you got that covered great trains all kinds of stuff to take you anywhere you want to go buses as well oh you're trying to find it you don't know if there's a hotel or Airbnb or or or Bed and Breakfast you're not sure where to stay don't worry the local tourism board can help you out cuz they have tons of accommodation here because auster has been a famous and fabulous place to visit for hundreds of years and so they've got this complete developed tourism infrastructure which makes it so easy to travel around and that's why though your waiters may not seem like super friendly they are super professional because they've been trained to be a good waiter and what it takes and know what foods work with what and that's what makes it so awesome here now you notice I smile a lot and I smile randomly a lot as well here now my next not for you is don't randomly smile at people and don't try to make small talk at the checkout when you're going shopping and stuff like that cuz it doesn't seem like the austrians really dig that like they're like why you smiling at me why you talking to me you're not my friend what's going on here now that would be the first or second or third time you see them now the fourth time maybe be a smile a nod a nod and a small okay that that could be a good way but just know that small talk and and and being nicey nicey and stuff like that that's not a really big thing here it takes time to develop friendships in Austria so you're going to move here don't think you're going to make friends like that it will take time but once you make friends with austrians they will stick with you because you're one of us now you're with me and you have that really kind of cool feeling you know so do make sure you check that out if you want to think about it it's like a mozar kouan you know it's got the the the the hard crispy chocolate on the outside that you have to bite through it's hard to get through that but once you get through into the marzipan it's so easy to really enjoy it it's like friendship here it's hard to crack but once you get into it oh yeah you really really love it and another don't I have for you when you are here is you'll notice that it's not really too loud at this park and it's like noon time and there's students all around and stuff like that and my dope for you for this is don't be loud in Austria whether you're on public transportation you're going to a restaurant you're walking down the street I mean you just they're just not allow I mean I was at the uh the Vienna Opera's 150th anniversary you know birthday celebration it's an opera outdoor Opera thousands of people were sitting there watching it it was totally quiet you could hear a baby crying like a block away cuz everyone was quiet on the Metro the uban the subway quiet it's just quiet here in Vienna but also in salsburg also in Lin also hot beautiful Town hot oh my God that is the whenever you see that cute Village on the lake with the mountains behind it that's hot okay they're just quiet so that means we tourists we need to be quiet too don't be the tourist that's at the cafe when everyone else is sitting there quietly having their coffee and their tour and you're sitting there FaceTiming your your friends back hey I'm here in Austria I can't tell you how many times I've seen that and the waiters will come up and tell you hey quiet down the other the locals y will say hey we're here to enjoy our our our cake not your conversation and so you do need to be a little bit quiety when you are here just give me your heads up CU I know some of us get a little bit loud and boisterous I mean I feel really bad making this video right now cuz I'm being kind of loud but there's nobody around here so I feel a little bit better about it but it's still like one of those things now my next don't for you I know I told you about the infrastructure um about transportation and stuff like that another don't that kind of goes along with that one is don't worry about taking taxis or Uber or anything like that when you are here in Austria now you can it's not a problem but their public transportation system within the cities and within the towns is so good you don't really need to you can save a lot of money just taking that public transport it's safe it goes pretty much everywhere around the city all the tourist sites and the towns you go to they will have it so just know you can save your taxi and Uber money and just get the public transportation tickets okay so my next don't for you when you do come here to Austria is don't get snitel or settled out if you're not sure what schnitzel is Venus schnitzel it's the ve cutlet hammered down bread and fried it comes in very different there's ve there's Putin which is turkey there's chicken schnitzel there's usually schine schnitzel your pork schnitzel you'll have a lot of that or you might have steta which is basically you know a pork knuckle this big hunk of meat with a bone going through it oh my it's so good but it's so heavy especially if you're going to have these things with some of the dumplings that are here with all the strudles and the cakes and things like that it can become quite a heavy meal here so make sure you don't get strel out okay don't get you know snitel out there are tons of international restaurants here and also vegetarian options and stuff like that so don't feel you have to eat Austrian all the time cuz you can eat a lot of other good stuff here that you can kind of balance out the heavy Austrian foods with a little bit more lighter fair from other places and that's what's one thing that's cool about Austria it's a very international country so you have a lot of other restaurants and and nationalities influencing the food here now my next Jone is specifically for my American followers and I would say is don't expect the austrians to appreciate your love of The Sound of Music as much as you do because the austrians I mean don't get me wrong the tour guys in Saltsburg truly enjoy The Sound of Music as much as you do because that sound of music for them is ching ching CH ching ching the money going in their pockets for all the tours they do look it the sound of music is Devon tra family stuff that's something that's really big in America but not really here so you don't really have to worry about like talking about it or singing or anything like that and really it's only like a salsburg region thing where that stuff is so if you want to do tours there are plenty of Tours to do that but it's going to be a Saltsburg thing not a Vienna thing okay okay so do have a couple more don'ts for you in terms of the don'ts of Austria one don't I have for you is don't think you can shop on Sundays most stores are are actually closed on Sundays now as a tourist it won't affect you too much because of entertainment restaurants Transportation still work just fine on Sundays but just no shopping ain't going to happen on Sundays here now my other Don is you notice I'm here in this nice restaurant here and there's no smoking around but just realize don't get upset with the smoke here in a people still smoke here quite a bit so if you're at a cafe don't be surprised if you're having your Cafe and Tor and the person next you is have a cafe and a Marboro okay so just be ready for that there's no point to complaining about it because they can smoke outside and some places have smoking rooms inside so just have a heads up for it to make sure you're in a nonsmoking area and you'll be okay anyway let's go back and finish off over at Carl's plot and my last don't I want to give you for when you're here in Austria is don't think that Austria and Germany are the same thing cuz I know a lot of people go oh I already went to Germany why do I need to go to Austria or I went to Austria why do I need to go to Germany they are two very different countries okay different kinds of culture different kinds of people different kinds of ways they eat and the ways they go out and stuff like that they are different places so don't think they're the same because Germany is Deutschland Austria is is so they're not the same how see the locals know like yeah they're not the same place and they appreciate when you realize the difference so take the time to learn some of the Austrian history when you come here because you really get a lot more out of it because it's not the same as Germany okay so do enjoy that and I hope you don't mind that I went through these Dons for you to help you have a better time here in Austria if you want to learn more check us out on our website at walterw we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest and we really appreciate your likees subscriptions if you like honest fun travel videos like this hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell and we get new travel videos every Wednesday and Saturday and we'll say bye from here here in Vienna and thank you very much for a great time here in Austria to all my austrians who shown me great times for the last 20 years of visiting this country I really appreciate it so dun bisha or until next time or until later is really translation but whatever chose
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 91,962
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: aTrvIZxk9xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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