What No One Tells You About Learning To Taste

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[Music] when you learn to taste something really important that no one really talks about the process of learning to taste developing that skill is great because you can detect define describe kind of communicate what you're tasting and beyond that you don't just know that something is good you can explain why it's good and because of this the highs get higher you will enjoy certain foods or drinks even more than you did before and maybe even more than those around you but here's what we don't talk about while the highs get higher on average what you eat and what you drink will get worse and it will get worse because you'll see all of the floors all of the mediocrity in a way that you didn't before this will quickly take you to a bit of a difficult place where all you'll want to do is just have good experiences you'll start dragging yourself across towns across cities looking for the better place so you don't have to compromise and you'll get there and you'll still kind of tear it to pieces and while the highs do get higher very soon you realize they get further and further apart they're harder and harder to find and you'll start to spend more time and more money chasing those pies eventually you'll become kind of a burden on your friends they don't really want to hang out with you if all you do is complain no I got myself to this place and I'll tell you what worked for me what got me out of it in the case of coffee I started to drink bad coffee now I didn't go and seek it out but when it was gonna happen I just let it happen it might have been a plane an airport a hotel a diner I didn't fight it anymore I just started to drink the bad coffee so I'll tell you why this worked for me without a little ugliness there can be no beauty if everything you drink is special then nothing is special I mean I needed that context I think we all need that context and yeah we might wake up brew coffee and think maybe lack some sweetness maybe lacks a little complexity but in the great scheme of things in you know in the broad spectrum it's amazing and I'm not saying we shouldn't try and make coffee better I'm not saying we shouldn't be chasing excellence but it's okay to stop and just enjoy where we are sometimes it's okay to just enjoy your morning coffee do you need to taste terrible things to enjoy the great things to be reminded of what makes them special and so that's that's the deal that's the contract that you enter into when you learn to taste you're gonna develop a skill but it's gonna mess you up for a little while but hopefully well maybe this will help you get out of a bad place I'll be interested to hear what worked for you as always thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a great day [Music] you
Channel: James Hoffmann
Views: 334,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tasting, coffee tasting, wine tasting, taste development, developing sense of taste, palate development, wine, coffee, beer, cheese, cocktails, food, gustaation, flavour, flavor, aroma, tasting skills
Id: tU1y7hBSgiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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