What NBA Legends think of Larry Bird - The Brutal Truth

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[Music] [Music] hey folks how's it going welcome back to my show i'm sean david let's talk some old school nba in today's episode we're going to take a look at nba legends giving their honest opinion on how they feel about larry bird and i try to mix it up a little bit so we will have former teammates and of course former opponents but before we get to that i want to give a quick shout out to my patreons thanks a lot you guys for supporting the show it's really appreciated and i would say enough of that let's dive right into today's [Music] episode so the first player that i want to start with is actually not only an opponent but also a guy that played for larry bird of course i'm talking about reggie miller killer miller who had some incredible battles with larry bird now let's have a listen what reggie mello thinks about larry bird by the way bird just bird turned 60. isn't that amazing that's great bird's gotten old well father time will eventually catch all of us but it's hard to think i just i remember sitting in my dorm at ucla and watching those great series between boston and magic and bird and um magic is my mentor i've said this on this show before but i patterned my game who i wanted to be like who i wanted to play like after larry bird so i was torn so i love them both but and have a chance to play against larry early on in my career and then kind of be under his leadership when he took over as head coach um it was a thrill for me because that was you know one of the players that you know i really idolized and patted my game after larry bird at his best lebron james at his best oh my god and do we have to put the teams too or just individual players if there's a draft oh my god you can take bird or lebron so let's say i take larry at this age when i think he averaged 30 10 and seven something like that and lebron right now so you got larry legend okay now what rules what rules are we playing we're playing today's rules oh i gotta go with larry joe i gotta go with larry joe and the following clip is actually of one of my favorite players of all time sir charles barkley and it's kind of funny to see how he responds to the question if he thinks if he's better than larry bird but he said that same thing to bird too after practice no no no no no no no dan are you better than bird am i better than bird oh man that's a great question i'm a better rebounder i'm probably a better defender he's a better shooter obviously you know a lot of people talk about who's better but you have to think you have to have that mentality no no you know you know you'd know uh like if i think you know it's it's a team game and the next player on the list is going to be bill walton so former teammate of larry bird a player that was voted into the top 50 players of all time back in i think was 1995 or 1996 or so long ago anyway he has a very specific opinion on larry burke let's have a listen what what larry was able to do on and off the court it just it defied description and it was very much like being on tour with the grateful dead in that you never knew what was gonna happen you knew it was gonna be fun you knew it was gonna be great you knew it was going to be dynamic you knew it was going to be explosive but you could never say that's what's going to happen well we came to play we came to win it was a really good passage a very unselfish team there just wasn't any doubt in my mind that we were gonna win well steve what about your thoughts on tonight's matchup another lineup change by the coach he's installed jerome kersey in the starting lineup well he's put a tiger in the tank he feels that jerome kersey is going to give him some aggressiveness particularly against larry bird he'll be jerome kersey's garden larry i think his first eight or ten points were left-handed and at that point mikhail was still coming off the bench and and so we score larry scorers as his sixth point on a left some kind of left-handed shot against percy and and mikhail goes hey jerome why don't you start shooting right-handed [Music] games for bird another well left hand is one thing but when the game got close i had to go back to the right one i think it went right down the wire and we might have won by one point you're right there you got to keep them under control they don't know the following clips are actually from my own show i had dennis rodman sean kemp michael cooper and dominique wilkins on the show and of course i'll ask them all about levy burt their opinion so let's have a quick listen to those nba legends 6 87 and uh i tried to do my best to go larry bird it didn't work too well he kind of screwed me a little bit because the whole game every game you play you said dennis are you calling me take that for you all right i take that larry don't worry about it don't worry about it but um after a couple years um under my belt i said okay great i belong in this league brother i've been alone in this league and all of a sudden that larry britney started to respect me then you can see at the the last uh the years we played in the civil dome that you saw that that that brawl that when i blocked larry burns shot bill lambrer came over and i fell backwards and bill and brian came and gave larry a chop you know with a forearm and all of a sudden the melee that when the rivalry started really to happen right there yeah i said oh man i'm in the league now yes coop i'm fine too thanks for asking now in this video i'm talking about your rivalry with larry bird and and how intense it was it was a battle it was war um was it something personal for you it wasn't just uh uh a personal thing it became physical because i had an opportunity to do something about it so when i jumped into that rivalry larry was the type of player and i've guarded many great offensive scorers just to name a few michael jordan when he was young dr j george girvin a kid named andrew tony those players when they just throw the basketball they cut you can kind of take a rest on those guys larry was different than that larry could get rid of the basketball but he was going to go get offensive rebound he was going to set a back pick for his teammate he was gonna he was gonna do something assist he didn't always have to score so you always had to pay attention to him and you know he has said that i'm the toughest player he's had ever guarded him and i have to say larry is the best because of those things i just mentioned is that you always had to pay attention to him uh on the court and one of the best things sean that i saw of larry bird that really gave me the ultimate respect is that we were playing them in the 8485 series and we were just got into boston and there was a bus going by and on the bus they had this huge long picture of larry diving out of bounds and the ball was just right at his fingertips and it and and the quote was i hate it when players watch the ball go out of bounds and that there tells you who that guy was man this guy played the game the entire game to the to the outer limits the sideline the baseline and that's what i respected the most about him but he he was a tough player to deal with because he was bigger than me too now you played probably in the best era of nba basketball and you had some of the most incredible rivalries um especially you as a player your robberies with jordan is legendary your rivalry with larry bird is um legendary so definitely want to talk about that um your first interaction with larry bird was a very rude awakening what do you recall from from that first meeting and what was it like having the final laugh well you know what the funny thing is you know when you're rookie coming to league you're hotshot rookie and you thank you you know one of the greatest and you know those veterans have a way to let you know look you got to pay your dudes and and that was one of the situations with me and larry i went to shake his hand he wouldn't shake my hand and i remember saying to myself well maybe he's just getting into the game and i remember the first play the game he said you and he belong in his league homes and he shoots at three i'm like i wasn't mad he made the three i said did he just call me holmes but uh i remember after the first time you know i made a great play again so i know i remember him saying that you know you got you you got some toughness man i like you but he said i'm still getting 40 tonight he got about 38 so he kind of proved his point now back in the days there were many black players who open i mean for example cedric maxwell for example who openly admit that they thought larry brett was overrated until they actually got to play against him uh when was your moment where you thought okay this kid is for real the first day i played against him first half i mean i knew he was a a super player before i came into the nba but when i had a chance to play against larry berry and death only i can count on one hand the type of guys like him that you had to be totally totally focused on if you didn't he would embarrass you now the following clip is going to be of jalen rose of course jalen never got the chance to play against larry bird since larry retired in 1992 and jalen came into the nba in 1994 but of course he played for coach berg so let's have a look and listen to what jaylen rose has to say bird six okay bird for those that don't know one consecutive one three straight mvps in the league with the showtime lakers and michael jordan and the bad boys present three straight mvps mvp oh so you would say that was the baddest white boy ever no question no doubt okay no doubt all right you guys that was it for today's episode i hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to check out my basketball time machine podcast on itunes and on spotify podcast with me and for my mba legends and also if you liked the video please do me a favor and hit that like button it really helps my channel to grow alright you guys you all be healthy take care and goodbye
Channel: BTM Basketball Time Machine
Views: 638,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael jordan, larry bird, dennis rodman, scottie pippen, charles barkley, shaquille o'neal, open court, sean david, basketball time machine, nba, funny, highlights, top 10, new, jimmy highroller, mike korzemba, btm, podcast, stories, trash talk, boston celtics, versus, story, documentary, last dance, all star game, 2021, 2020
Id: vIG5K1L2CxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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