What Meetings Sound Like to Interns

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so that's it for our it onboarding session make sure you check your calendar for any meetings coming up and as always don't hesitate to reach out to us on slack if you have any questions welcome to umbrella daily stand-up and then nicole and i went to see monkeys skiing down the niagara falls it was crazy awesome sounds like you had a fun weekend then well happy monday everyone today we have nick joining me is he in bed for the next four months so welcome nick and we're excited to have you on the team this is our daily stand-up meeting where we just talk about the progress of the stuff that we're working on and some of this stuff might not make sense to you at first but i'm sure you'll ramp up in no time all right let's get started with todd how's project zeta zoo cell phone going yeah so project triple z is currently doesn't cyber phones start from that data driven kpi perspective standpoint there's lots of moving parts here so we're looking to double down on our synergy efforts while cascading relevant information to cross-functional teams and stakeholders to make sure this scales just make sure you get your geese in a row so we can hit the ground running okay yep aligned with the geese standpoint i was actually talking to steve f from the international client containerization front and as graph infrastructure team about some of the best practices for scripting down javascript into java into the channel touch base with him and see if we can leverage what's in our wheelhouse to get this shipped yeah thanks for flagging i'll be sure to loop him in it's actually on my radar already and i'll be attending the deep dive into that at the upcoming dinner and discover but i just want to quickly call out that my bandwidth is pretty limited this week because we're launching the migration from asp.net to asp.com yeah no problem we want to make sure the transition is seamless so let's time box that and let it marinate so we can circle back on it later sound good yep aligned oh and nick let me peel back the onion on this to give you some context so this project is our strategic proactive initiative that we've been meticulously iterating on to drive our vibm to the moon by orchestrating a conceptualized virtual distributed system while also being backwards compatible our ai api confirmed that the aws av tests have shown a huge lift in not only ctr across crm and css but also the http and html so overall it really is going to revolutionize the abstraction of the paradigm shift of the paradigm shift right of course yeah super exciting work being done to disrupt the industry and alex heard you were pulled into an incident friday night what's the hot air balloon view on that yeah i was sort of thrown under the truck there with the sub-zero because there was an issue with our monolith platform cash packaging back-end system which caused a huge spike in latency in one of our macro services but i was able to reach for the low hanging fruit to find a quick win there and i'll be owning the postmortem for that but there are definitely lots of key learnings to unpack here if we want to hit our okrs for q5 alex you're a rock star kudos to you for thinking outside the box and implementing methodologies across various touch points there to move the needle forward in the haystack let's not boil the ocean for now but thanks for flagging yeah and just wondering if everyone got a chance to review the design dock for the modularization of the horizontal token authentication data system yet i think it's really going to propel us to the north star if we can get this win right let's put a pin in that for now and we can take this offline i'll circle back on it by eod but let's just make it an action item for now and if nobody has any questions then i'll give you all seven minutes back sorry dave just to piggyback off of alex there uh nick to give you a single source of truth perspective on our current data system we're using amazon kinesis dynamodb elastic time stream open search service with some lambda functions gluing it all together and we were thinking of doing something sorry don't mean to interrupt but that sounds really complex and expensive why don't we just use redis they're the most loved database in the world and the sponsor of this video how do we use redis isn't it just the caching database well actually with redis enterprise you can get a unified real-time data platform you can use services like reddit streams to collect data red as time series for analysis redis json for persisting data and redis search for indexing all these services are in a single system reducing the complexities in architecture and resources required so really you can get a unified system that's both fast and cost effective i'm listening and redis can also be used as a primary database you already know redis has a caching database and most redis service providers only support redis as a cache so usually you'd still need a separate database but that just introduces a lot of complexity and latency luckily with redis enterprise we can use redis as a caching and primary database in a single system that's blazing fast wait really yeah and best part is you can get 200 in credits for free by signing up for redis enterprise using the link in the description well there goes my design doc see i knew you'd ramp up quickly welcome to the team nick and happy monday everyone who's a senior engineer now yes mother of an issue with our platform packaging issue with our platform packaging packaging platform an issue with our platform packaging pack platform i was talking to steve from the international client containerization front-end ads graph infrastructure team i'm running out of breath [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nicholas T.
Views: 925,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer science, waterloo cs, waterloo computer science, nicholas t, cs major, computer science student, internship, university student, cs majors be like, software engineering internship, swe intern, startup, coding interview, technical interview, first internship, software engineering interview, coding, interview, job interview, intern, corporate jargon, meetings, corporate, mbrlla, what meetings sound like to interns, software engineering intern
Id: xBbt_HKXfXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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