What Makes Wonder Woman So Good? (Diana's Duality)

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this week on the full-fat podcast we're diving into Doctor Who and the ending of Bojack horseman as well as all the things we've seen recently you can catch it every Wednesday on Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts the link is in the description below I was nothing if not incredibly surprised by DC's Wonder Woman when it debuted in 2017 Man of Steel B vs and Suicide Squad were not what I was hoping they would be sorry and Marvel was set to have its greatest year since 2014 with the release of not one but three solid super flicks some might even argue three great superhero flicks a gluttony of bad will that had been built up over the years from past DC movies not to mention the characters somewhat half-baked extended cameo and BVS meant I was expecting very little from Wonder Woman solo outing but oh boy was I wrong patty Jenkins Wonder Woman is a stunning period superhero action movie that carved out its own unique paths while simultaneously elevating key moments from previous material it didn't feel like a poor-man's MCU movie the action was delicious and most importantly it established key relationships and characterization that would make audiences love Diana Prince oh and they beat Marvel to the punch of the female it's super a movie almost a full two years earlier that's pretty gangster as the kids say do kids say that I don't know anyway what exactly makes Wonder Woman so good the most readily apparent way this movie nails Diana Prince in the Amazons the action the first set piece on the beach is a stunning ballet of combat and acrobatics as the Amazons ward off the invading World War One era German soldiers on the beaches of thermos Kara Jenkins in the team are keen to balance power and agility there's a weightiness to their sword swings but also i satisfying weightlessness as they leap and flip over their enemies I like this movie isn't afraid to pull some ridiculous jumping maneuvers and slow-mo I think that's kind of become a bit of a dirty word in the genre they feel sufficiently superhuman but vulnerable crucial moments diana is more of an observer here having barely started a hero's journey but later in the movie we get to see her kick ass on her own terms and it's like Jenkins took all of the good work in the beach scene and dialed it up to eleven the one thing I think feels most unique about Diana in combat is the way she zips and slides across the room it feels very Arkham Asylum in that sense her speed is unparalleled and it's immensely satisfying when she makes contact with a bad guy and since his [ __ ] flying out the nearest window the slum I employed earlier makes a welcome return here aping Zack Snyder's glorious visuals in 300 again I like how Jenkins isn't afraid to slow it all down just so that we can get a good look at the move diner is about to pull off there's revelry in the spectacle a joy to seeing sparks fly and swords swing which too often get lost in action movies too preoccupied with shaky-cam madness to have little details about the action in this movie that I dig 1 diana has a great arsenal weaponry and tools and these scenes utilize them to their fullest one second she's blocking bullets through her bracelets the next she's messing up dudes with her sword and shield combo and then before you know it she's cracking out the whip I'm sorry the listserve truth I guess you could say the truth hurts to Diana's sidekicks are actually useful her band of merry men get stuck in during the action and actually help the outcome of the fight I like how they've all got unique abilities and characteristics like Charlie sharpshooting or Sameer silver tongue and they feel like a legitimate team that are stronger together than they are apart but truly the movie could have all that and still suck Wonder Woman's strength as a fighter isn't really what this movie is about what 50 villages a sort the movie spotlights Wonder Woman the healer her strength comes from her intellect her ability to conjure trust in just about anyone inspiring people around her to nurture their best selves it is her will and her empathy that strikes a chord through the heart of the movie right from the start the shoe ality between the warrior Diana and the healer diana is at play when we meet young Diana I thought that Diana in one sentence I pray they will never come with us to fight but you know a wolf must hunt she is a child anti he represents the warrior encouraging Diana's desire to train whilst Hippolyta and body's healing wanting Diana to grow up happy and strong but at the same time unaware of the potential danger in Ares return you neglect your duty if she cannot fight you speak of a time that may never come I love her as you do but this is the only way to truly protect her entire peace realist approach wins out and Diana indeed becomes a warrior and walks that side of it is important is her ability to connect with people that proves to win the day I think this also ties in very nicely with the romance between Diana and Captain Steve Trevor most films in the superhero genre aside from a few instances feature forgettable romantic subplots often put in as part of a checklist requirement for a story rather than being an essential components but Diana and Steve's romance is woven directly into the movies adventure and Diana's journey as a character their tactics and view of the world stand diametrically opposed diana likes to face her enemies head-on she prides honor and values the way the battle is won as much as the how means you should to be from very far away they never know what hit them you fight without honor beautiful honor steve is a spire who is of course willing to line you subterfuge to get the desired end result just about they will die we are going anyway you mean you were lying I'm a spy that's what I do is dissonance co-op stop several times in the movie as often used to highlight the way in which diana has found herself dropped into a man's world what is the secretary go where he tells me to go and I do what you tells me to do where I'm from that's called slavery I really like her both of them have a fascination with each others worlds and ways of living for Diana Steve's human world is backwards and all too eager to cut off its nose to spite its face and impede progress if only they had stops to truly listen they would have known that they had the best warrior on the planet fighting for their cause Steve recognizes the technological advancements of the mascara but to seize aspects of that magical reality is backwards God of War is our responsibility only an Amazon can defeat him and once they do the war will end he knows all too well that the evil of mankind is a trait unique to each individual attributing those evils to the work of a gold solely is to take the responsibility of those evil deeds away from those who commit them live it doesn't mean you cannot go into German High Command and kill anyone you can yes you trust me both worlds in many senses are predicated upon traditions and conventions that both characters believe should be because that's the way things are Steve learns the value in wearing your heart on your sleeve making grand gestures of heroism with the purpose of galvanizing the people who face subjugation Diana might already be a mighty force by herself but the liberated village in the second act stands to better the lives of many thanks to what she has been able to prove to learn diana learns that sometimes subterfuge and deception are powerful agents both in the hands of the good guys and the bad willfully subscribing to basic concepts of good and evil like the Amazons leaves her open to attack from Ares when he reveals his true self Steve's sacrifice proves that in spite of the potential in every person's heart to enact evil the best of what a person can be is what is worth fighting for people are evil of their own accord but can be heroic by the same measure I wish we had more time I love you the way the movie navigates love and sex through both characters is tasteful interesting and often quite charming entertaining yes recently we've just don't sleep with don't sleep with women I mean I do sleep with work I sleep with Diana is naive to these concepts but not in a pixie dream go away get married next babies we're all together what is that like I have no idea she learns throughout the movie the more she is exposed to the world beyond the mascara she makes informed choices based on these experiences and as Steve and her fall for each other makes the decision to pursue her romantic desires I find it sweet without being saccharine but no matter how fun or integral to this story Steve Trevor is it never detracts from the fact that this is Diana's story it's her journey both internal and external and that drives the entire movie jenkins made sure that every supporting character on said journey propagates down a story in some small way everyone has a characteristic or added texture to their character that makes you see them differently and gives them so much more humanity me I love acting I do you don't want to be a soldier I'm the one color the last word took everything from my people we have nothing left at least here I'm free or in some places to show that humanity is distinctly lacking that's a great moment I always get a laugh out of that it also retroactively Lee makes the photograph T's in BBS more rewarding now that we've seen the story behind it and actually like all these characters there's something bittersweet to it knowing that all of them bar Diana were destined to live out their lives in the last century whilst she never ages it's rare that T's in a previous movie ends up paying off like this Diana's sword also serves the theme of warrior vs. healer at the start of the movie it's a mule noir esque figure in the story it's powerful significance to destroy marked by the subtle title the god killer when Diana begins her journey first thing she does is retrieve it at this point in her origin its warrior first the sword proves tremendously effective until she finally comes face to face with Ares who effortlessly rotates the one item Diana was led to believe she could destroy him with this symbol for war and destruction is shattered literally so the best version of Diana can rise literally diana is the one who can stop ares not a random weapon by the end weapons are unimportant jenkins stated in the upcoming 1984 that diana won't use her sword or shield and I think that makes perfect sense I don't get why people are annoyed that movie is directly following up this one where her sword was destroyed as part of her actualization so why would she start using a new one again besides I don't think it means the sword is gone for good she's just no longer fighting in a war zone if she really gonna stab some dudes in the middle of shopping mall come on all of these ideas explored in the movie hit their stride and fire on all cylinders in what is the best moment of the movie the no man's land scene when passing through the front line to reach their objective diana becomes convinced that the team must help the soldiers it's not possible so what so we do nothing no we do we are doing something we are we just we can't save everyone in this war Steve is right he's also wrong diana is no mere mortal man and doing this act now might not stop an entire army but it will help those in need and that to her is worth it this is not what we came here to do no but it's what I'm going to do seeing Diana choose to do whatever it takes donning the iconic tiara before literally taking on the front line herself absorbing the brunt of every single bullet with nothing but her trusty shield is one of my favorite superhero origin moments [Music] of course there are some things I don't like about the movie the final battle sounds exciting in concepts but it kind of evolves into a bit of a CGI snoozefest out of much rather Ares had remained in the form of charming British actor David Thewlis and the airfield is just a little boring but overall that doesn't detract from the experience I have watching 2017 is Wonder Woman I'm excited to see where Jenkins and the team take the character in the sequel I thought the trailer made it look really fun I'm down for the setting I don't get the full ragnarok comparisons like movies had wacky colors in them before that you know I typically hate resurrection storytelling but if Steve Trevor is back thanks to wish-granting I actually kind of liked that and I think it's kind of interesting and it appears that tampering with these powerful magical forces to wish things into reality will have a clear cost - it's not like oh say a scientific apparatus that cures gunshot wounds to the head and has no downsides and you can use it willy-nilly Wonder Woman 1984 should be the best movie in the Canon of Petro peskow action-adventure movies that feature resurrection and lassitude choreography but Wonder Woman unfortunately didn't save things for the DCE you all of the good work put in by this movie was very nearly tarnished just a few months later with the release of Justice League an awful confused mess a hodgepodge of two directors visions so blatantly stitched together a movie so bad it caused Ben Affleck to leave the role of the bat and cavil to possibly do the same with Superman we're still not sure yet but rest assured there is another a DC EU solo movie to rival the quality of Wonder Woman was also being utterly bonkers and featuring the musical talents of one Armando Christian correct the music in this video is provided by Sam Kim you can check out more of his awesome work over its channel the link is in the description below thank you for watching another full-fat video if you like to see more from full-fat videos why not follow us on Instagram and Twitter please consider becoming a patron on patreon we've got some cool exclusive content on there thank you to our $100.00 patrons dr. chi K and Jax merit Kris and I really really appreciate it until next time stay milky
Channel: Full Fat Videos
Views: 33,407
Rating: 4.92518 out of 5
Keywords: Video, Essay, Discussion, Review, Problem, Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman Video Essay, dceu, DC, Diana Prince, DC Comics, gal gadot, chris pine, justice league, superheroes, superhero, Warner Bros Pictures, Warner Bros, Wonder, Woman, 1984, WW84, Patty, Jenkins, Analysis, Breakdown, Writing, Screenplay, Character, Best DC Movie, The Dark Knight, DC Movies, DC Universe, Marvel, Superhero Movies, Superheroes, Comics, Comic Book Movies, Zack Snyder, Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad, Batman, Full Fat Videos
Id: eu7R7FbnFCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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