What Makes This Song Great? "G.O.A.T." Polyphia

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hey everybody i'm rick biatt on today's everything music it's what makes this song great episode 103. the band is politia and the song is goat coming up next [Music] goat is the last track of new levels new devils which was the 2018 release by prolifia it's really kind of an internet or youtube legend because it's been covered so many different times and been explained by tim and the band but i'm going to look at it from a different point of view in today's video and talk about kind of the theory behind it how the song is structured and the harmonic sequences that go into the progression of the song i got together with tim when i was in la last week and we talked about the intro guitar riff to the song okay i'm here with tim and tim's going to show me how to play this actually he's not going to show me how to play it he's going to play it for me yeah let's see if it sounds good [Music] okay what is the hardest part of this the sweeping thing [Applause] [Music] okay so how do you come up with an idea like this so this started from bell melody yeah um which has kind of a harmonic progression to it already yeah is very like inspired from trap music the i made a video on how i made it where i i referenced um the jaden smith song that like i was listening to um but yeah i mean that's it's a pretty common thing like in in trap music around that time was using omnisphere bells and on the bell melodies you know it's just kind of like long spaced out notes you know as tim mentions it starts off with this bell part that's played with omnisphere omnisphere is a plug-in it's a synth plugin that's been around forever okay here's the opening bell sound [Music] so that sound tim says comes from omnisphere well i opened up omnisphere and it pulled up the sound in in memoriam 2 and it's pretty much the sound right really cool haunting bell sound i really love that but it starts with the octave b and it's based around these notes basically you've got b f sharp b d so it's a b minor triad with the flat six the flat six gives it that haunting tone right so it starts like started with that melody and then kind of my whole philosophy on making riffs is just you know starting simple and then flexing as you go for those of you that don't know what flexing is it's actually basically showing off your chops or showing off you know it starts out the same first three notes right and then like as you start adding in more it just gets more complicated as it goes and then the biggest flex for me the tried and true formula is um hitting hitting a super hard flex on the third time okay um and that that way like on the fourth time it's simple enough that like you're like oh my brain recognizes the original phrase you know and so like the first two will kind of build to that third one and then it resolves on the fourth one so how do you get how long does it take you till you come up with that and then you can play it perfectly cleanly um it depends but if i'm like really trying like the composition could take you know about an hour and then like depending on how crazy it is like i could probably learn it in about an hour so two hours but i don't want to test that today so let's talk about some of the cool production things that go along with the bell part so it starts out with this and there's a little effects part that comes in right here check it out [Music] i love this there's such great production elements to this song listen to this here okay and then there's a little build up extra sub bass thing that happens at the end of the riff just before the guitar comes in right here so there's a there's a swell in the keyboard part there but that's it by itself because uh this is the stem of the mix and then the guitar comes in i'm gonna solo the guitar so you can hear the riff [Music] okay so this is kind of doubled up with a couple different parts together listen to it again [Music] let's actually talk about that riff that tim's playing there and what's going on harmonically meaning what chords he's implying so he starts out with this with the open b string and the b at the fifth fret and then then place f sharp and then f sharp up the octave this is really implying a b minor chord right or b power chord and then we have this harmonic but it's a tritone that resolves into a d major so he's essentially he's implying like an a7 over c sharp to d major in the lick but okay so this part [Music] is one of the hardest parts in the song so he's blind sliding up from um that's implying a g major chord but in second version with d in the bass so you've got these notes and then he goes into which is a b minor chord but you play like that's a b minor in second inversion and then with a b minor harmonic so really he's thinking g major b minor and then the next lick [Music] okay so that little section there is g major seven g and b a quick move between the major seven of the root and then a b minor chord that equals g major seven all those notes b minor over g is g major seven then he goes into this [Laughter] tritone again so he's implying he's actually implying a c sharp half diminished there and then he slides and then that's into f sharp seven in first inversion so it's really like a two five one but it's coming from this fridging major that's the sound really of the entire chord progression if you think of it from the beginnings next let's check out what else is going on during this [Music] that look is so incredibly great but here's the synth part right here [Music] really cool orchestral brass into the strings [Music] that actually gives you more of a sense of what the chord progression is underneath it it's very much like a classical progression with kind of a spanish feel to it right that's that's what that chord progression sounds like it it has those two things going on simultaneously while also sounding like math rock right [Music] [Applause] and then basin drums enter right here three [Music] four [Music] tim talks about how the drum beat was inspired by trap music check it out [Music] let me solo clay's drum part you can hear the trap influence listen to the hi-hat patterns he's playing with those fast what i call the cicada rolls but the really fast rolls check it out another thing is the bass and drums together are really amazing listen with a bass here are the two clays playing the bass and drums together just before the base and drums enter the synths swell up and that sucks you into that section listen [Music] and then you can hear the guitars playing together sounds chorus [Music] you also hear like a like little synth stabs in there sounds like beautiful [Applause] [Music] i mean just beautiful beautiful guitar parts there right there's a couple other things going on here like the uh the sins listen that string that's going on under this [Music] and that really adds to the pulse and to the mysteriousness [Music] tim and scott are such great players i mean they've really created their own original style combining the progressive rock math rock hip-hop trap music and just redefining the way the guitar is being played the parts are just so original sounding i mean that's really why people like polyfia not only is the song melodic but it's just the creativeness of all the parts the drum parts the bass parts the guitar parts i mean it's really brilliantly arranged and played i just love listening to it listen again [Music] and then everybody in [Music] i love that extra distortion there the bass playing in this is incredibly good i'm not even gonna try to play the bass parts listen perfectly compressed base so tight [Music] i love that really aggressive tone too i think that that adds to the heaviness of it because if you think about it the guitars are not really distorted at all so what gives it its heaviness it's not just the drums it's the base tone that aggressive mid-range in it the really compressed bass all the ghost notes with the slapping that happens that just adds to the rhythmic excitement and the power and intensity of it [Music] if you really focus on the bass [Music] it's where a lot of the power is coming from [Music] love that triplet and also here in the drums all these the gray stuff's on the snare listen all this symbol all those rolls on the hi-hat and then you have these 808s that happen right here they happen only a couple times in the song but those on a big system with a subwoofer sound massive they're tuned so they actually act as as a sub bass right [Music] and then [Music] any of this build up that really sucks you into that next section listen [Music] let's check out the guitars there i mean these are just amazing likes [Music] there is an aggressiveness to the guitar tone too even though they're not really distorted the way that they're compressed they have a little bit of gain on them but they sound so powerful the uh the types of lines that that these guys are using and the way that they're played it's just really has an intensity and an accuracy to it that love [Music] and all that whammy [Applause] [Music] beautiful tone let's check out what the guitars and bass do together during the sections [Music] really [Music] then the base holds over those lines [Music] i love all the rhythmic things that's going on [Music] the drums just start to take off right listen [Music] that's an amazing fill let's check out that fill by itself listen [Music] that's probably my favorite fill in the whole song [Music] there's all the great things that are going on in the guitars all the chunking that's happening right there listen [Music] [Music] it's so futuristic sounding listen [Music] and then back to the bells [Music] killer song great band for those of you that are not familiar with prolifia you should definitely follow them and tim also is a youtuber so follow tim henson on youtube that's all for now don't forget to subscribe if you're a first time viewer ring the bell that'll let you know when i go live and when a new video comes out give it a thumbs up leave a comment that's very important if you're interested in the biato book go to my website at www.rigbiada.com follow me on instagram or rick be out of one check out the new beatto ear training program at beautiertraining.com and if you want to support the channel even more think about becoming a member of the beatto club thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,136,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, what makes this song great, guitar lesson, polyphia, polyphia goat, polyphia reaction, polyphia goat reaction, polyphia g.o.a.t. guitar, tim henson, scott lepage, scott lepage guitar lesson, tim henson guitar lesson, tim henson polyphia, tim henson guitar reaction, tim henson goat, clay gober, clay aeschliman, goat bass, polyphia bass, goat drums, polyphia drums, goat, g.o.a.t.
Id: sxhefSeDZag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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