What Makes This Song Great?™ Ep.87 LED ZEPPELIN (#2)
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Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 959,972
Rating: 4.9775023 out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, hit song analysis, music analysis, song analysis, what makes this song great?, how to write a hit song, rock mixing, rick beato what makes this song great, how to write a song, music production tips, led zeppelin, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, john bonham, Led Zeppelin ii, music education videos, No Swearing, No Cursing, How To Play, ramble on led zeppelin
Id: lCN97ZS7Ax4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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The content Rick beato puts out is incredible. He gets you to think about songs in a deeper way and I appreciate them more
I wish Jimmy would get a YouTube channel going where each episode was each Zep song, done in sequence, where he talks us through the songs, giving us the full perspective of how they were created.
fabulous love this song.
Glad he picks some stuff that isn’t 100% obvious when it comes to a band like Led Zeppelin. The fact that he chose Walk for Pantera and Symphony of Destruction for Megadeth gives me a hunch that he doesn’t spend a ton of time actually listening to those bands.
The bassline is like a black soul singer. The inflections are so vocal.