How My Led Zeppelin Video Got Unblocked? (SALE)

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what's up everyone so I still get nervous when I do these I don't know why this is like the only time I get nervous is when I'm getting ready to do a live stream right when the camera comes on I always have this feeling like you're going onstage even though when I go onstage I don't feel nervous totally strange so thank you everyone for being here I'll give out the discount code for today's livestream like I always do which is RB 4:17 and that's the oh it says in the in the comments here it's 60% off you know 50% off the the YouTube Instagram viado book transcription bundle which is six hundred plus pages and 30% off the ear training course which is the same discount code but it's I just go to my website you can find all that a trick B outer com excuse me well this week was quite an adventure I mistakenly took a chance when I made the Led Zeppelin video I was under the assumption that because the whole lot of love video was unblocked that maybe by some chance I had been what they call whitelisted meaning that they give you they allow you to use you know certain either artists or companies Warner Music Group I believe is what Led Zeppelin is on which is Atlantic Records as part of Warner Music Group and Led Zeppelin is was signed to Atlantic Records but I believe the Jimmy Page I know he paid for the first record but I think that they owned all of their records I think that that they I might be wrong about this but I think they licensed them to Atlantic Records very few people back then had the had wherewithal to do that that was really because of Jimmy Page being a session musician before he was ever in Led Zeppelin and was really experienced new producers and understood the value of publishing that that he financed the first Zeppelin record I believe for 4,300 pounds he paid for it produced it produced all the records kept all the rights and I think has all the Masters and I'm pretty sure he does so anyways um my I put out episode 43 which was what makes a son great a whole lotta love which happens to be of Zeppelin too as well and that video was up for about two months or so hit about 200,000 views and then it got blocked just out of the blue it just got blocked and it was down for probably three four months nothing then out of the blue it got put back up with no explanation at all it just was up there somebody said you know your Zeppelin videos back up here what makes this song great now if only I had only had a few videos blocked in the past to this day there's one thank you David Thank You Patrick for the for the super chat so there is only one video in my series that is blocked which is episode 12 Fleetwood Mac I've that video was actually up for a while and then it it got blocked and I've been very vocal about blocking on my channel now myself Adam Nia Lee Paul Davis all my friends that that talk about you know famous songs no matter what era was genre Marty Schwarz we all have have issues with D monetization and occasionally with blocking where they take down the video that's what blocking is I coined that term blockers because it says your videos black so I finish ramble on I go to upload it it doesn't upload and I get this check this out and it says due to a copyright claim your video has been blocked this means your video can no longer be played on YouTube this is as you can see episode 88 Led Zeppelin I says number 2 because it's the second Zeppelin video I had done and it says view details claim details and it just said that I used all this material and they were blocking it so that's what I got i sat there from it I was stunned I have to admit the I hadn't had a video blocked in a long time other than elements of videos that were blocked for example like the Grateful Dead thank you David appreciate that Richard Harry thank you Jason the Grateful Dead Blunt believe it or not the Grateful Dead blocked a section of a black - an entire video where I used a small clip of them talking about this was a history of the I believe of the nineteen nineteen seventy two seventy nine I was talking about guitar so I was talking about Jerry Garcia and I used this short live video clip and and they blocked the video so what I did was I went into the YouTube editor which at the time they didn't give you this option they do now where it's to actually clip that part out of the video which I really find it I think it's ridiculous because essentially what what they like that you give you two options you can either mute the video there where there's nothing going on but if it goes on for 10 seconds you don't want your video to be silent for 10 seconds where you'll just be sitting there or a videos playing and there's no sound right so there's either that or you can clip it out so I decided to clip it out thank you everybody for the super chat really appreciate that so the so I did that I had my Bloody Valentine was another group that blocked a video same thing had a video taken down in one of my list videos and I had to chop it out of there and I've done it a number of times another one was Randy Rhoads I had an Ozzy Osbourne clip where I was talking about Randy and Randy was clearly improvising it was not the melody of a song he was improvising with somebody it was a that was on YouTube and I took a 10 second spot of him improvising and I was talking about him but I got a blocking email like that from YouTube from Aziz people these are all manual blocks now this Led Zeppelin one was not a manual block it was done by a bot because of its instantaneous so upon upload your videos black so it never gets released and none of you got the got the notification so so I'm sitting here after that Zeppelin block 15 hours working in this video I'm thinking this is a really good video I'm really proud of it Thank You Wayne Thank You Gavino everybody so I was really just stunned and I thought okay what am I gonna do I don't like going two days without having a video out that just kind of found my channel has always been I don't go a long time between videos I love making videos and but I don't have any videos saved up to put out ever I don't have anyone here working with me I work by myself I shoot and edit all of my videos by myself nobody makes my thumbnails my thumbnails look bad because I make them so so I said I'm just gonna make a video until the story about my video getting black so I did that and I put it up and it's very similar to what happened about a month and a half ago I did a video on the mixolydian mode and I got a D monetization from the Beatles cuz I talked about how the song she said she said one of my favorite songs uses the mixolydian mode in the melody and I the reason I use old songs is because the range of people that watch my channel are from you know 90 years old down to however you young kids the biggest demographic on my channel is 25 to 34 which is 22.3% this is so the but it's pretty even between 18 to 24 and 44 to 55 it's pretty much 20% of the people so it's a very even split amongst the age group so I try to take examples from historic bands of things that I think people should know and use them so I played the melody if she said she said and the Beatles demonetised my video or they did a revenue-sharing revenue-sharing is basically d monetization they say that they take they don't say how much money they take but it's it's I think it's between 66 and 80% of it you know of the video and and this was clearly a fair use thing I never ever dispute claims I just don't when they get and most of my biggest videos Rd monetized they are either there demonetised which is completely fair if I use someone's intellectual properties I expect it to be D monetized I have no problem with that but the blacking thing is is is disturbing to me so that when people ask me because people are constantly writing to me why don't you do Jimi Hendrix well Jimi Hendrix is Jimi Hendrix is a state and I've tried these things I've talked about Jimi Hendrix four years ago on videos that I had blocked I had a lot of videos blocked years ago this is where I got hip to this ACDC blocks a few years that use their their songs I mean you can do a recreation but what's the point in learning from a recreation that's not the song Fleetwood Mac the Beatles the Eagles are notorious blockers Guns and Roses Guns and Roses and the Eagles will block guns roses will black people that teach these songs they do how do I know that well I haven't taught a song I had a block but I have friends that have taught their songs and they make them take it down okay so Ozzy Osbourne Queen you know I haven't done a home video and I haven't done these videos some of the people I'm not sure about Pink Floyd newer bands any anything from the eighties on people have younger management and the the artists realize how important it is to be out there and have people talking about you you know I have a video I'm doing with a band carnival what makes this song great coming up anything you know from the grunge era on anything in the 2000s although I did have a Queens of the Stone Age video block but they reinstated that Radiohead video was blocked they reinstated that so so I really depend on for my channel I depend on my sales of my book sales the the merch my t-shirts my mugs that I sell and my ear training course that's pretty much how I make a living for my family I'm a I'm able to do I've done 700 and I don't know pry 725 videos on my channel I don't believe in wasting people's time coming on I don't tell people to subscribe at the beginning of my channel and I have no problem with youtubers that do this this is just my own perspective I don't tell people to subscribe to my channel I don't talk about my buying my book or buying anything from me in the in the main part of my video I say it at the end if people want to click off feel free to click off you you know the the people that support me through either buying things or my Beato Club I mentioned the B Auto Club at the end of the video the B Auto Club is another way that you can support the channel I have four different levels it's like patreon and it's through Erin who's who is my partner in the ear training course and he wrote it and Erin is on here he's got flat 5 you can find it on flat 5 calm but Erin runs my Beato Club and I've got four different levels one of the levels I mentioned it in my last video I never mention it one of the levels I one of the reasons I don't mention is because it's it's filled most of the time and it's a I do a 10-minute reaction video to people's music you know people are always sending me music that I can't really that I can't which I can't listen to so I have a certain group of people that are part of the B Auto Club of that of that level where I will do a reaction video and I get to listen to people's music which is really cool so those are the ways that as a youtuber that I make a living now artists that that a heritage artists or classic rock artists man thank you everybody for the super chat Deacon everyone that's put super JEP in super jaden thank you okay so people that black videos so I've talked to people that work at all the big publishers people in the Content ID departments so here's the story every artist has a certain percentage that they allow to be played of their songs on YouTube it could be 50% of their song it could be 80% of their song so if somebody plays a song from the beginning to the last chorus and stops some artists will allow that okay in order to something for something to be fair use as to be transformative in nature meaning you have to do something with it that makes it different or you know like a discussion on what makes the song great to me would be a transformative work where I'm explaining to people things about the song what do people hear in the song that make them want to listen to order that makes it become a hit song that to me is a transformative work well some people like Led Zeppelin has a zero well they did this is where the gray area is a CDC has a zero percent tolerance they will not allow anything to be put put out there Hendrix nothing Phish nothing and and all the bands that I manage Fleetwood Mac zero Fleetwood Mac I try to put my Fleetwood Mac video on Instagram and it got blocked there instantly okay so they're really and and it's there it's not just the artists it's their management you can look up who manages these people and typically it's people that are old I'm talking way older than me okay that are used to the music business where they they are looking for every revenue to make money to max maximize their profits since streaming doesn't bring in as much money as it did historically but the reason its streaming doesn't bring in as much money is because people aren't listening to these groups as much yes let's upland yes they are but not like they were when I was a kid right so every opportunity to be on a channel that has a lot of traffic a lot of subscribers my video right now the Led Zeppelin video is number 45 trending on YouTube that's because of all you that have watched the video and and the trending list has to do with how fast the videos growing and about videos that YouTube decides is a video that they want to push out there and put on the trending page so out of all of YouTube my what makes a song great video on Led Zeppelin is number 45 trending in the world so um the so the this idea of people blocking their music and forcing youtubers not just me but other youtubers to have to edit things out if there's a small reference to a song that has done like Ozzy Osbourne or whatever and what when I what happens these people is that they are removing themselves from history I believe this I really do I do because people have their own music that they listen to today current bands my kids I have a seven year old 10 year old 12 year old I died they listen to music they listen to their music I listen to their music too I'm not obsessed with the past except these songs need to be studied because it's part of the history of songwriting that's why I talk about groups from 50 years ago but I also talk about contemporary music as well and people that will say oh Rick never talks about this you don't talk about electronic music they're talking about this I've made my living up until 2017 through as a writer with Sony publishing writing with contemporary bands okay contemporary artists of all different music from electronic music to pop music to country me everything okay I gotta mention discount code for this stream is RB 417 for my Beato book in youtube transcription bundle 600 plus pages or might be out of ear training course this is how I make a living if you buy might my my Beato book bundle here it's less than you would take a one lesson from it from an instructor if you take it to our lessons or piano lessons or whatever it's like it's for my 700 you can look at it like this I don't like to get on here and talk about this stuff but it's you think about it like this it's less money to buy this than to take one lesson at a local music store pretty much anywhere you know and I have 725 free videos of all different levels that I've done in my channel I don't get on here and and tell people this stuff I don't want to I don't want to do the the sales pitch like that and everything I do discounts on my live streams for people I do them for today and through tomorrow midnight Eastern Time that's that's that's how long the the discounts last and I do that you know because as an incentive for people to you know I don't know I just do it I just think I think it's a good thing to do I think it's a good thing to make videos on music history because it's important to understand where people come from I there's a there's been a lot of jazz artists that have passed away recently Lee Konitz this week Ellis Marsalis well you've had people like Bill Withers pass away that have died of the corona virus and it's incredibly crushing and and the and there's a lot of jazz artists jazz music there's a record label called ECM records that is infuriating to me because they are one of the best jazz labels other than blue note of all-time ECM records blocks everything instant block anything you play of them and they have some of the greatest musicians of all time like Keith Jarrett who's a phenomenal pianist I saw somebody mentioned John Prine as well to that I mean there's all mean so many people so many famous musicians my old friend of mine Adam Schlesinger that passed away who I played in with ivy for a very short period of time before I moved to Atlanta in 94 Kenny Rogers yeah I mean it's just been a crushing the past past month month and a half anyways so uh so the this idea of of teaching people about the history of music through and and the the lineage of people ECM records has this great lineage Pat Metheny all of his early records from 1975 to 1984 or 85 were all on ECM records I cannot play one note of one of the records there Lyle Mays who played with Pat Metheny and keyboardist on all those records he passed away a month and a half ago now I did not do a video on Lyle Mays one of the reasons is that I cannot play any of Lyle mazes music I can't do it what's the point of making a video where you can't play the music because of ezm records now I've written to I have written to ECM records I wrote to Manfred Eicher who's the who's the owner of the label he's in his 70s I've written to him a few times I've never gotten a response I don't know anyone at the label there they're based in Munich I believe and they don't realize that I mean what's the point they put out contemporary music they have great contemporary music modern classical music they're putting out records all the time what is the point of putting out music if you black everything there's a phenomenal saxophonist named Chris Potter that I interviewed on my channel he is one of the greatest sax players in the world I interviewed him about three years ago on my channel and I couldn't play any of his three records that he had just done on ECM records and the video didn't do well because nobody knew who Chris Potter was on my channel I know Chris Potter and somebody just wrote if ECM blocks up and you discover them you can't discover their music you can't you can't you can't and and that's it even though there's some of the greatest you know records oh my god my first ECM block was where I've did an hour-long video and I had a Keith Jarrett two minutes of a Keith Jarrett improvisation this improvisation is an hour and four minutes long and and I used a two-minute section 33 minutes and 44 seconds into the improvisation and a bot found it or somebody found it and blocked my video and the video was not about Keith Jarrod it was about other people it was about jazz piano and but I had that one snippet in there and they blocked all these other me talking about all these other people Art Tatum Oscar Peterson Bud Powell red Garland all these classic musicians Wynton Kelly all these great pianists right up through Brad Mehldau through through Ida ness and through you know all the greatest pas pianists of all time and McCoy everybody and they black the video for that one snippet of Keith Jarrett now what good does that do that does no good to any of the people in there so anyways um I don't want to get on here and complain about this but I it's important for people to understand this and what happened with Zep is that right from you being on people that posted I believe on Twitter because that's where Jimmy Page and Robert Plant I think that they look at Twitter and people tagged them on Twitter and I believe that that's where the blocking why the blocking was taken away it's through Twitter the other blocks I've had taken away like Radiohead I tweeted at Radiohead and and Thom Yorke when my what makes the Sun great paranoid android was taken down as like why are you taking this down why are you taking this down it's a I mean what if I don't get it I don't get it I don't understand the logic in it the videos are demonetised so those artists are making all the money I'm not making one cent know people say oh Rick's getting on there and he's selling stuff through his store yeah that's how I'm able to do all the other videos for free on my channel you have to you know people begrudge me for that that's what every youtuber does I don't do ads I don't I don't endorse any equipment or anything like that I don't I don't say this video is sponsored by anybody already or anything like that you know if people want to support my channel they can buy my book they can buy my ear training course they can become a member of the be auto club they can buy a t-shirt a mug you know those are the only thing is I sell I don't you know I don't have my ear training course is a video course along with a with a very sophisticated set of modules hundreds of modules that go with it that are is a web-based program so that is a video course but I don't have any other courses or anything i but I might might be out of book is 468 pages I said what I needed to say in that and then my YouTube treads option bundle are our transcriptions of a bunch of my YouTube videos along with all the Instagram videos that I've done and for those of you that don't follow me on Instagram please follow me on Instagram please follow me on Instagram because I I try to put new posts there all the time I do a lot of improvisation videos guitar improvisation videos and it's a place where I've reclaimed my ability to play the guitar or something like that or people really people oh you play the guitar so you know and there's just some some wonderful youtubers out there that that like my friend Keith from 5-watt world who has an incredibly great channel who does histories he was on my channel a year ago pretty much a year ago this month and he had about 200 subscribers now he's over 80 thousand he does histories of instruments and histories of amplifiers and history of the tube screamer and their their like document their documentaries they're not like documentaries they are documentaries on the history of instruments you guys know Rachel Rhett's the person that got me into doing videos here and you know it's important to support people that you know support your musicians and and get hip to the the channels Adam Neely was was one of the first people to shout out my channel when I had you know a few thousand subscribers and and I am always grateful to Adam for that and you know Adam is just a brilliant musician and just a great guy and a great friend and I will always always appreciate that but anyways you guys are the reason that my video is backed up because of people going and pleading to Led Zepplin on this in Led Zeppelin was incredibly gracious to do this and and and you know that there's nothing to say other than that they understand this it's you know and for the other people that are giving me shoutouts on this too I mean a lot of people went to bat for this video and and it's trending and if you haven't seen it please please check it out so that's that's all I'm gonna say my discount code for my book is RB 417 that's how I make a living if you think of it like you're buying one lesson but it's not even the cost of one lesson with me because it's you know for might you get my 725 free videos for for the for the 1 lesson and the Beato Club my ear training course that's it please subscribe if you haven't subscribed you guys are amazing and and it's because of you that that this this is done well thank you to everyone in the super chat I appreciate it there's so many that have gone on here I can't I can't begin to thank all of you once but you guys are incredible so thank you so much we'll see you guys later have a great great day and be safe
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 473,243
Rating: 4.9471779 out of 5
Keywords: led zeppelin, jimmy page, classic rock, led zeppelin rock band, blockers, beato book sale, beato ear training, led zeppelin live, fair use, demonetization, copyright, rick beato, music theory, everything music, music production, rick beato what makes this song great, hit song analysis, music analysis, rock music, john bonham, led zeppelin songs, music lesson, music business, what makes this song great, led zeppelin songs ranked
Id: 4MWqWVszR4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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