WHAT MAKES KITTL GREAT! 5 Best Features. Why you may want to use Kittl for Creating Designs.

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In this video I'm going to talk about  Kittl and five things I think Kittl   does really well. So if you're looking  to compare different design apps or just   want to learn more about Kittl,  this video is for you. Let's go!! Hey everyone, it's Juna with Detour Shirts. In  this video I'm going to be talking about kid on   the five things that I think Kittl does really  well. Now I wanted to put this video together   because a lot of there's a lot of different design  apps out there and you may want to compare one to   another so I want to highlight what Kittl does  well I may do other videos for other design apps   but they do well so there's lots of Pros for  each one I wanted to give the highlights for   this one first kiddo and if you guys want leave  in the comments different apps that you want   me to do these same kind of videos for I could  do one for Canva, Affinity Designer, Inkscape,   Photopea any of those but I'm going to start with  Kittl and I think there's lots of pluses lots of   Pros on Kittl we're gonna go there first and I'm  gonna show you what I think my favorite things   are about Kittl so you can see what they are as  well so here I am on Kittl Kittl.com you can see   right there so the main thing that Kittl does the  first thing that I think Kittl does really really   well better than any other design app online  is templates now this is what they started   with you can see this is their main focus all  these templates right here their templates are   amazing not only do they look amazing but what's  amazing is you can click any one of these click   on it open it up and start typing and editing  it like I could change free to another word I   could change this color I could change any one  of all of these are editable which is amazing on   its own and the way that they've done it too is  you can see if you're not selling shirts like I   am and you want to do posters this is great for  any graphic design content creation online right   so if you're the type that loves to do posters  maybe with displayed or a Redbubble or you like   to do cards with Zazzle or whatever it's here all  of it is here if you want to do some social stuff   they're all here and one thing that I wanted  to show you that you may not have known this   is kind of a secret thing if you go inspiration  you can go t-shirts which you do know but if you   don't click those and you just hit inspiration  you can see they've sectioned this out so this   is what's cool if you do logo they have all these  different sections if you do t-shirts now they're   in sections you can if you want to narrow down  to animal t-shirt you click on here and you'll   see a bunch of animal t-shirt templates and so  on so look at this they just broke it out so   maybe you want to come in here and you want  to do a sports design let's click on it and   look all the sports designs here look at that  I can go in here and click on here and maybe I   want to do a fishing shirt or do one like this  that looks like Athletics right uh any one of   these you can start here and right here it just  makes it really easy start creating it opens the   artboard so that is the first thing and I think  the best thing about Kittl in my opinion is the   templates nobody even comes close to these kinds  of templates this kind of vintage design right   um there we see a lot of simple templates all over  the internet but this kind of design these are   made by professional designers and you can see it  it shows right so again number one is templates so   the second thing that I think kiddo does extremely  well is fonts they started as a font Foundry and   so you'll see the best looking fonts on here I  think in my opinion they have some of the best so   I started a new project here and we're just gonna  type fonts just do a text any one of these you can   also hit the t button and let's do that right now  just hit T you can see right there now it starts   you off with just a Sans serif here but check out  these fonts right some of the best fonts uh online   but they're here embedded into Kittle right  uh think of that like you can buy these fonts   online separately if you wanted to download some  of these but they're already here in Kittl when   you have the subscription check this out like I  can go through all of them but that's just a look   how many fonts they have and they're all of them  are really cool some of these you they're hard to   find right um like this one is really cool would  be hard to find and they like they work together   like this adventure like this is a family pack  right here which would cost hundreds of dollars by   itself you go to my fonts.com and try and look for  a family pack usually they're in the hundreds of   dollars but these all work together right because  they're Adventurer and there's there's a bunch of   those like that but there's also some really cool  like Street fonts right which are hard to find and   let's see some other one even got some of these um  for posters and things like this so it's so cool   um that there are there's a lot of cool  ones I can't talk about it enough they're   just a ton of good fonts I think I have  some of my favorite I have a video for my   favorite fonts but it keeps changing because  they keep adding more and more fonts here   um I when they first came out they they had  awesome fonts but now they just keep adding more   and more and they know fonts these are font guys  um this is what they started with they started   as a font Foundry and then they made Kittl so  they know fonts um better than most people I   would say uh and so you got some cool stuff like  vintage stuff here look these are kind of hard   to find too right this this is what's trending  right now they know the fonts that are trending   so again great fonts on here on Kittl so that  would be my second thing if you're looking for   good templates vintage templates and you're  looking for good fonts Kittl has both so the third   thing that I think that Kittl excels in and kind  of deals with fonts and that is font effects or   text effects so check this out so I'm gonna pick  this font headline here I'm gonna make it smaller   right and you can just distort it if you want  you can come in here it's still editable which   is amazing right and this is the kind of thing  that's popular right now these vintage fonts   that kind of do this wavy pattern look if I want  to come in here and I want to type something else it does it and it keeps that same Distortion right  so not only distorting the fonts you can see here   this one has rounded I can go do that and that I'm  going to get rid of this and then do some other   effects check these out they're shading effects  right and it's still keeping the font now you can   still edit it but it's adding these effects on  top of it and then there's these drawing things   which you can you change too so you have these  tools down here that can change the color right   of stuff on here just so much you can do with uh  fonts and you can put these two together so if you   want to do this effect with that effect right you  can all in real time all with editable text and   just amazing so not only are they fun guys they  know that we're going to need they're designers   so they know that we need to do some text  effects some settings some things and some like   look at that just really quick they know that some  of these are the things that we need that we like   on t-shirts and posters and things and so it's  just automatic right you got you can do custom if   you wanted to but you can do something like super  easy automatic like that so if you're looking for   a design app that can quickly do text effects can  quickly do distortions on your ticks and still   make your text editable then I think Kittl is  something you should consider so the fourth thing   that I think kiddo excels at is their texture  so if we come in here they have a whole thing   just dedicated to textures so you can do this  really easily right on here you can see I just   changed the texture I can come in here and pick  another one any of these grunge ones look just   add a click of the button this is something that  does really well on T-shirts that distress texture   but it does well everywhere especially with the  vintage designs that you find on Kittl already and   you can see I can go back and pick any of these  they also have pattern textures they have cracked   textures they have a bunch of textures that and  they keep adding more and more textures here too   which is really cool so um that's one thing that  I think is really cool about Kittl that you won't   find in most places it would be really hard you  can do it yourself in Photoshop but then you'd   have to go and get those textures downloaded and  do it here it's all included so that's something   really nice they have a whole bunch of them  and keep adding more and you can actually knock   these out and make sure that they're you know  I can come in here and do an alpha mask on them   and then they're knocked out of the design so  the T-shirt will show through these textures   um through through the design through these  holes that the textures have made the distressed   textures which is really really cool and something  that I think a lot of people want to do on their   t-shirts just to make it stand out just to give  it that old grungy look something really simple   you can do in Kittl that it's kind of hard to do  anywhere where else but here so and especially   with all of these you see you got 20 here like  68 here 22 all of these come included each one   of these you would have to go and find if you  can't find them for free you would have to buy   these textures and keep them on your desktop and  and use it that way so the fourth thing again like   I said and it all kind of works together with the  textures and the fonts and the text effects and   the templates right they all kind of work together  so it's all that kind of thing if you're looking   for that kind of style I think Kittle is the way  to go so the thing number five that kiddo's really   good at is adding more and more stuff really  good at listening to what the customers want   the users you and I and adding more and more  things to their app so if you come over here   um they didn't start with this Kittl AI right you  got all this AI stuff so when I do a AI version   of a dog you have this background remover which  is new you have this vectorizer which is new you   have this object Shadow which is new so they're  always constantly adding new and new stuff so one   thing that you may not know is that you can see  the things that they're working on and you can   go here go to your profile go down here feature  request right there and this is where you can   actually request what you want here feature  requests here and if someone's asking can you   put a erase tool can you put in guidelines and if  you want to do that too come in here and vote I   want this too I'm going to upvote it right instead  of 11 it's 12. and here's the road map these are   all the things that they completed already look  at that and here's things that are in progress   so if you want cropping they're working on it  if you want artboard presets they're working   on it and here are some other things that are  planned that they're going to work on so they're   constantly improving Kittl um more and more just  making it better and better and they understand   uh graphic design because they're that's what  they do they do fonts they do graphic design   they work with graphic designers and these are  professional graphic designers that are asking   for these things so I think that's the power of  Kittl is that there there are really really good   but they're going to get better and better and  better from listening to their customers their   users so there you go those are the five things  that I think Kittl really excels in uh things that   I really like but the goal is to find the design  app that works best for you so you're gonna have   to try it out see if it's doing the things that  you need to do and to help you with that I have   a code I'll put it in the description for a 30  day free trial now it's only um active for seven   days so hopefully you're watching this uh video  really early if it's past the seven days and you   try it that's probably why it's not working but  I'll try it out try keto out for 30 days try all   the things that you see me do in this video as  well as this playlist I'm going to leave this   playlist here of all my Kittl videos and you can  try all the different things there and see if it   like if you like it if it works for you and what  you need to do as a Creator or seller thanks again   for watching and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 12,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, online entrepreneurship, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, print on demand tshirt business, print on demand 2023, kittl, kittle design app, how to use kittl, what is kittl, designing with kittl, design app, online design app, graphic design app, kittl ai, Kittl design, print on demand kittl, how to use kittl pro for free, kittl pro, t-shirt maker, heritage type, kittl premium templates
Id: UzAns1qT_cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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