What Made Nicki Minaj's "The Pinkprint" So Successful?
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Channel: Pop Dissected
Views: 39,687
Rating: 4.9666529 out of 5
Keywords: nicki minaj, the pinkprint, pop dissected, pop dissected nicki minaj, pink friday, pink friday roman reloaded, pink friday roman reloaded the re up, queen, nicki minaj queen, nicki minaj the pinkprint freestyle, nicki minaj the pinkprint tour, nicki minaj anaconda, super bass, starships, hip hop, r&b, rap, pop, playtime is over, sucka free, beam me up scotty, chun li, barbie tingz, megatron, pound the alarm, flawless, swish swish, fefe, trollz, tusa, side to side, pills n potions
Id: lYvL6x33sI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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