What Living in a Teardrop Trailer Full Time is Like (A Day in the Life of Living in a Teardrop)

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[Applause] so yeah welcome to my home uh i am currently just kind of chilling out in the trailer and uh this is usually where i just kind of put my back up against the wall here and in front of me is the cabinet so i'll just put my phone up there and watch some youtube videos at night usually when it just gets too cold outside and even sitting by the fire it's just not very relaxing honestly it's so cold uh i put some cushioning underneath me to sit down on it just makes it a lot more comfortable and that's it there's not much else to it um my sleeping bag is to my right of me so when it's too cold and kind of late i'll finally just crawl into that and go to sleep all right well i've been up for a little bit now but i finally got out of the trailer um and start making some breakfast and uh make some coffee it is not warm out here um temperature is reading 27 degrees but it says it feels like 16. so it is very very cold out here i'm i'm bundled up pretty good i got many layers on and thankfully i picked up this jacket at a north face store because it's definitely helped me with the windshield and stuff um temperature inside the trailer right now is reading 60 degrees 60 degrees and um you know if you were to keep your house at 60 degrees you'd think that's pretty cold well right now i'm really feel like crawling back in that in that trailer right now and bundling back up my sleeping bag is pretty chilly out here but i'm not i'm gonna get a good start to the day um yeah make some breakfast and see how that goes [Music] so so [Applause] [Applause] well all right well i hope you can hear me okay in the middle of filming uh today the weight of my camera tipped over my tripod and i had a little uh microphone plugged in the bottom of my phone for better sound and it broke so now i'm just using the sound that's off the off the phone so i'm sure there's a best buy in town i'll go check out some better microphones i don't wasn't particularly crazy about that one anyways breakfast is done i always do the same thing every morning i do an omelet some fruit some oatmeal and some toast or a bagel or something uh it's easy easy clean up right now i'm actually boiling some water i always do that right after i make my breakfast in the same pot that i cooked my oatmeal so that way i can wash my dishes with some hot water because the last thing i want to do is stick my hand in freezing water when it feels like 16 degrees out here really i'm just going to sit here and just drink this coffee for a little bit it's nice and hot so that's going to feel pretty good relax enjoy the scenery and then um i'll do a couple of little maintenance things i gotta take care of so all right well i just did dishes and i just used this collapsible sink here that i got at walmart and does a really good job i recommend it to anybody and then to wash my dishes i always use dr bronner's soap the stuff is great because it uses no synthetic detergents so it's safe for the environment if you need to dump your dishwater out on the ground or anything it's safe to do so although i prefer not to whenever there's pit toilets available i like to dump it in there like i just did now but this soap is great you can use it for you know shampoo you can use it for laundry detergent um really just about anything and a big bottle like that lasts me a long time foreign all right i hope you can hear me okay again the microphone broke and it's a little windy out here so hopefully hopefully the uh the wind isn't overpowering on my voice here so i try to speak up a little bit but basically my mornings start um like any other morning um i get up usually around 7 30 i check the weather i find out it's usually below freezing so i stay in the comfort of the trailer for a little bit i'll run my little uh heater a little bit for it to warm up and that's nice because it usually warms up a good 10 to 15 degrees if i use my mr buddy heater it'll warm it up a good 20 degrees but that is a propane heater so it's not my favorite thing to do to run it while i'm sitting inside of it even though i do have a carbon monoxide detector um after that i give myself a bath with wet wipes um and then i come out here and i start breakfast from there it just depends on what my day is feeling like um yesterday i did some hiking today i'll probably go into town and probably head to my next next destination and um man if i could score a a place to get some water and a shower that would be pretty dynamite um although i'll admit i did shower just like two days ago so it's it's it's not crucial that i get one but i was able to get a i was able to get a shower for three dollars at the uh last campsite i was at so that was pretty nice so let's go ahead and show you what the inside of the teardrop looks like all right so for starters i put this aluminum foil kind of wrap on the inside of the door here to help keep a lot of the heat in because those windows definitely have a lot of cool air that comes in and then i put this mosquito netting um here i've really haven't had a chance to sleep with the door open but eventually i hope that i get a nice enough weather that i can just sleep with the door open and then close this mosquito netting uh and as you come in this is my home i have my cabinets up here where i have a bunch of clothes and have my this is my sleeping bag over here so literally my sleeping bag is just on a single air mattress that i wrapped in some old sheets to make it more comfortable and then i have my sleeping bag with a fleece liner and some sheets that i also put in there make it more comfortable and then lately it's been so cold at night i've been throwing this extra big king size blanket over the top of it just to make it a little more comfortable uh i have a cabinet over here that's just bungeed right now to keep it shut but i basically have some old some toiletries in there i have some extra contact stuff i just have you know some more toiletry stuff that i need uh i had kind of like this nightstand up here that was all falling down that's why it's all tuck taped up there but usually i put maybe my phone up there at night um keep my wallet up there just anything that i need to just kind of put i can't take out of my pockets i kind of have my medicine cabinet over here um i kind of had some toiletries back here i had some extra supplies back there i have a extra sleeping bag for actually it's a warmer sleeping bag it's only a 50 degree bag so when i actually get into warmer temperatures i can do that but yeah this is kind of like my house coming here i bought this pad so i can actually just kind of sit down and make it a little more comfortable and i usually put my phone up there on that little hook and i just been watching uh youtube videos on it at night all right so this is me chilling out in my home um this area is kind of perfect because it gives me a good space to just kind of sprawl out and i put some cushioning down here to make it more comfortable and just facing forward and i'm able to watch some youtube videos on here all right so when i take my shoes off at night i actually just put them in the shower caps and that way the dirt from the shoes don't get onto the carpet anywhere else in the trailer that's why i also have this mat here is i can actually just take this rug and just you know shake it outside make it nice and easy to clean up a little bit um but yeah this is me kind of sprawled out in my trailer so i like to get to my campsites before it gets dark that way it's easy for me to find a spot these campsites get pretty dark at night time so it's kind of hard to see and especially if there's other uh travelers here or other campers uh maybe trying to find a spot is kind of tough um after i found a spot i usually go ahead and get dinner going i like to get dinner going before it gets dark i like to cook over the campfire it makes it uh tastes better i think i can save my propane and then afterwards i got a nice fire that i can throw some some wood on and kind of sit around the fire and warm up and that's kind of what my evenings are like i sit around the fire warm up as long as i can before it usually just gets too cold just sitting there not really doing anything until i crawl into the trailer at night and maybe watch some youtube videos uh before falling asleep um i actually have some lights inside the the teardrop so kind of doesn't have i don't have to have these really bright lights on i have these kind of like fairy lights they call them and i had some colored lights in there to make it uh feel a little bit more at home um last night i just lit a candle while i was in there and just watched some youtube videos um and it was nice because the candle actually gave off a tiny bit of heat so it kind of felt good and that's basically it that's kind of it the teardrop is not very big so i don't go in there very often except for just at nighttime to warm up or to sleep and then spending my time out there in the back galley area to cook or brush my teeth or something well alright so here is my galley area so this is the table that i just slide out and want to use when i need to do some cooking these legs right here are just literally pvc piping that i hook onto the bottom of here so that when the it pulls out i use the weight of the trailer and i use those legs as a way to balance it all out and then over here this is my uh kitchen cabinet i guess mostly it's dry goods in here i had some you know cooking stuff spices i used a couple mugs in here propane for the for the stove and then i really just used everything that i had at home so a lot of these things just came from home spatulas i had some real silverware versus like all that classic stuff i knew it would just melt while i was cooking um i have to clean up um even at home so i cleaned up the whole countertop every i clean up the whole countertop after i get done cooking anything and then over here is just a bin that i keep uh like pots and pans i have both of my cast iron skillets in here i have some plates i had some knives i have some cookware for spatulas and things for like when i cook over an open flame so yeah this is my kitchen area um i have my cutting boards back here i forgot about those um and then this is really just a bike uh mount for your phone and then i just velcroed it to the back here so now i can velc so now i can put my phone right here and listen to music when i'm cooking um i always have a thermometer out here so it's a little warm out here it's 40 now um better than 27 when it when i first woke up but yeah this is my cooking area well the car is all packed up the teardrop's all packed up i did a little cleaning today and the teardrop i vacuumed and it kind of straightened things up a little bit and i'm going to go ahead and head on out and before i do that i'll show you a little bit of the outside of the teardrop and i have some lock boxes up front where i keep some supplies i can kind of show you what i keep in there and then i might go ahead and head on to my next destination i think and see what else is down the road all right well i have some supplies up front in these lock boxes so the first one is really just kind of like my camping one i have some extra propane stove uh propane bottles in here i have my mr buddy heater i have my portable shower i have a big tarp here that goes on the end of this awning pole that i installed so i want to get some shade um some matches candles really just kind of like i said just a big a big box of camping supplies and then on my other one this is kind of like cooking things i have a little grill um grill top in here so i can cook over a open flame if i need to can't fire i have my boot for the side of the wheel that goes over here uh i have some charcoal i have some fireproof gloves my chucks just kind of like a lot of camping cooking stuff rather in here i have a little fold-up chair down there so that's really that's all that's going on in these boxes um and then when i want to take off i got my wire here that runs to the car which will run the lights into the trailer and i have a coupler lock right here and then when i'm docked i actually have another coupler lock that connects right here um and then of course have my chains and yeah that's it that's my little setup for the trailer nothing too elaborate which is so nice about it now i'm just gonna take off and go to my next destination make sure you check me out on instagram where you can find me at escaping.normal.life where you can see all of my pictures from across the country as i travel around in my teardrop
Channel: Escaping Normal Life
Views: 50,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in a teardrop trailer, living in a teardrop trailer full time, what's it like to live in a trailer, what's it like to live in a camper trailer, what's it like to travel full time in a camper trailer, what's it like to travel full time in a teardrop trailer, what's it like to live in a rv, traveling full time, traveling full time in a rv, traveling in a teardrop trailer, full time travel trailer living, full time travel, how to travel full time in a rv
Id: HRZoi4t6dWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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