What Life Was Like During The Interwar Years | Turn Back Time: The Family | Absolute History

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[Music] the family it's where we love laugh shout and cry [Music] it makes us who we are but it hasn't always been the cherished institution it is today to find out how the modern family came to be a group of parents and kids from across britain are turning back time to face the same ordeals as millions of others over the past 100 years in the northern seaside town of morcom the past is coming alive a row of terrorist houses has been turned into time machines to transport our families through the twists and turns of the 20th century from the age of masters and servants i felt a bit emotional because i knew she was there to take the children away which is quite difficult through the roaring twenties to the depression anything else of value will need to be sold the fact that was in front of the family felt really useless [Music] and on to the groovy 70s i can give a damn about material things for me family is the most important thing and the past is about to get personal [Music] rather than just living in a museum we're actually living an ancestor's life she died of tb consumption i'm sorry for quite emotional we take so much for granted i think we're turning back time to find out how history made the family what it is today [Music] albert road in morcom is undergoing a transformation last week these were edwardian homes but now they're being updated with fixtures and fittings that adorned working class middle class and upper middle class family homes in the 1920s and 30s moving back into albert road our polo playing family susie and phil meadows and their two daughters [Music] joining them will be ian golding a customer service consultant his wife naomi and their three children and finally the taylors a e nurse adele electrician michael and their four kids social historian juliette gardner will be guiding the families on their time travels along with antique gadget enthusiasts joe crowley and journalist susannah reed as the families gather they are about to enter a crucial time in britain's history the 1920s were shaped by the great war that began in 1914 it was a war of unprecedented destruction resulting in the death of over 15 million people nearly 750 000 of those who died were british fathers husbands and sons welcome back families and things have changed a lot since you've been away you're going to be living through the interwar era the 1920s and 1930s and we're starting here at malcolm's war memorial because the first world war had had a devastating effect on family life and among our families i'm sorry to say that susie's grandfather was wounded in palestine and michael's great-grandfather alfred was killed in the trenches the era you're going to be living through was one of remembrance and rebuilding a family life the family became particularly valued children were no longer seen just as workers or people to be seen and not heard and childhood was seen as a time of enjoyment you may find life a little bit more comfortable but be warned as life in britain at this time was a financial roller coaster now it's back to albert road to see how your homes have changed [Music] where the families live and the social status that comes with it depends on their ancestry oh do you think upstairs look at the same curtains dating back to the 1900s phil meadow's great grandfather was a general labourer called james meadows which put his family in number three the working-class house here we go wow what a transformation furniture radio hey this is good this is safer better i'm gonna cope with this actually quite easily last week the family endured a two-room dwelling one bedroom where all four slept [Music] i'm not peeing now do you feed in there and nothing but an open fire to cook on [Music] oh my god we've actually got a kitchen the family now have two bedrooms a 100 improvement on the edwardian era oh wow oh this is lovely oh how cute are you back to this bed oh now this actually this looks very civilized less civilized is the lack of indoor plumbing the toilet is still in the backyard i can't believe in 30 years there wasn't any upgrade for a poor family same lou paper do you know the technique there's a technique it's much softer the goldings are returning to their middle class existence at number two albert road ian golding's great great grandfather was nathan lutzky an edwardian middle class tailor which is why the goldings have the middle class house how much more comfortable is this oh this is certainly more cozy oh yes less formal look at the light oh is it electricity during the interwar years there was an explosion of packaged and branded consumer goods many of which are still in existence today my mom said you'll have oxo cues look we've got so much more stuff social historian juliette gardner has provided each family with a manual telling them how they'll be living ian is working as an estate agent like his grandfather i'm really surprised he was an estate agent i was an estate agent a person that not many people like that's right the interwar years were the boom time for house building the suburbs spread out from the cities and the middle class has moved out for a better life oh yeah i can't believe i'm an estate agent oh it looks more comfortable yeah [Music] house number one is home to the tailors where again they'll be waited on by servants good morning sarah madden i'm your maid and this is your cook michael taylor is the descendant of successful mill manager william bennett a man at the heart of britain's thriving cotton industry in the 19th century oh we've got a booze cabinet look at the cds cds do you not know what these are the vinyl you won't have seen a record player before yeah that's brand new to you but last week the tailors discovered the life of the idol rich had its drawbacks the children were raised by a strict nanny remember that children should be seen and not heard while mum and dad lived virtually separate lives i'm here on my own which is a horrible feeling knowing that adele and the children at home it's hard too sorry that would be nice if we can get the music going this is more what we're used to there's gonna be music playing and and noise and it's just gonna just feel a heck of a lot better than that silence and it's not just adele who has reason to feel optimistic [Music] the children no longer viewed by society as mini adults get to enjoy proper playtime with toys made purely for their enjoyment hornby meccano and dinky toys this is a play room isn't it not a school i want to be a kid again i'm now not going to get bored you may not be quite as wealthy as you were in the edwardian period but for now money is still not a worry for you none of you will need to work father is a man of independent means he has shares in the big four cotton coal steel and shipbuilding you're accustomed to good living you will want to keep up appearances it's the roaring 20s so go and live life to the full from a happy family to an apprehensive one the meadows are about to find out what jobs they'll be doing as edwardians they lived a hand-to-mouth existence working long hours for little money so will life just 20 years later be any easier okay your family are still working class but thankfully things have improved greatly you are all employed in domestic service you work for your neighbors saskia yeah oh um you are employed as first housemaid in the taylor household and the responsibility for keeping it clean and running smoothly is yours generally junior housemaid you are joining your sister-in-service as a junior housemaid as the newcomer you are subordinate to your sister as she teaches you the right [Laughter] one oh my god i'm going to be so mean at least you're together i don't want to see this i don't want to open this phil chauffeur hey you're working as a chauffeur so you'll get so you're also going to work for the tailors we're all going to work for the tailors susie that you'll be working as a part-time general domestic for the goldings next door cooking and cleaning for a few hours a week oh that's not too bad it could have been worse guys it could have been a lot no it says he's sitting there as a chauffeur that does nothing all day except wait for the family to come out and you get to drive that car let's see they go get your arm off my [Music] joe crowley is here to explain why phil's been given the job of chauffeur time to look at the meadows maternal family tree [Music] phil knows little of his family history beyond his grandfather reginald turney but joe has traced back two further generations to his great great-grandfather william turney and his great-great-grandfather john turney so let's have a look at the senses here we can see william a grown-up 35 this is your great-grandfather and there's the name you're right oh god rich that's that would be rich and he's five yeah this is where reginald first pops up phil knew his grandfather reginald well but he didn't know what he'd done for a living so reginald's father william is a groom and his father before him was a groom now reginald he's the one that makes transition and this is so exciting because here we have your family yeah reflecting and mapping this huge change in british society which is the rise of the motor car this is reginald's marriage certificate the thing i want to draw your attention to is if we spool across here rank your profession chauffeur okay how does it feel to see that yeah amazing amazing look where he's working wow look at that place cool this was the home of sir frederick ponsonby and his wife as only it could be frederick ponsonby he's a very established gentleman i mean he worked for the royal family for many many years and royalty stayed at this house how does it feel that you're going to be doing the same thing it's very exciting actually and then actually live it will be fantastic [Music] i'm really looking forward to being chauffeur this week one because i get to drive this great car one of my concerns is that we are quite reliant on the taylor household for our family income you kind of got all your eggs in one basket there but the fact that we've got work and we're getting paid we can't complain but we're vulnerable and if anything happens to the tailors it's going to drastically affect my household afternoon sir good afternoon how are you use your club sir uh yes please [Music] while phil meadow's job gets him out and about his daughters saskia 18 and genevieve 15 are behind closed doors last era privileged teen genevieve worked for her mum this time she's expected to knuckle down on her own pretty basic hard work though in the post-war era there were job options beyond domestic service for young women so wealthy families made the work as attractive as possible with better pay and the latest domestic appliances it's a completely different like environment to be in the tailors have spent the equivalent of 157 pounds on a vacuum cleaner 11 000 pounds on a fancy motor car and are now the proud owners of the latest gadget for their scullery joe arrives to show genevieve how to use it this is an interwar washing machine this cost your employers 100 pounds in today's money that's over 5 000 pounds oh my god so how does it work despite being cutting edge it's still a little bit basic see this thing yeah it's called the agitator that's basically just going to move around to mimic hand washing here's your water heater this just be careful no fingers knuckles going in and one more thing i mean this is cutting edge because it's got electric motor on it which is fantastic yeah but the way it's designed you've got quite a lot of water above an electric motor just be careful those two shouldn't really meet oh no i'm really clumsy though oh no okay take your time it will be fine all right i'll leave you too good luck thank you at home i probably do i close to no washing at all and it's a bitty pretty big basket and a pretty big pile of clothes so it's gonna take [Music] forever [Music] joined the growing workforce of women working part-time as domestics but not for the upper classes the middle classes were employing staff too oh right so we're going to do mushrooms tomatoes and sausages sausages yeah that's absolutely lovely and is it possible to have thin scrambled eggs for that yes well the children requested some scrambled eggs no problemo you have quite an abundance of eggs we do have several yeah yeah so no that's fine joy because long gas so i've definitely gone up a notch as it stands at the moment i feel quite relaxed about cooking today by the time i get home and have to cook for my own family i think i might be a bit more ratty about the whole thing [Music] susie isn't the only member of the meadows family waiting on someone else [Music] saskia also has to manage the new scullery maid hello how's it going is this your version of folding that's my to-do pile where's your washed pile i haven't gone in six hours genevieve has washed only one shirt are you telling me that you just washed that yeah jen come on i just did the washing and the mangle and now it's just come out dirtier make it work we need to earn money that is how the best i can do i bet you you can do this i bet you just prove it because if you do that then you'll get an upgrade and then i mean a promotion made assistant chef today it's not just toys that are keeping the taylor children happy their new nanny is a hit too then if it hits one of these balls out you get to keep that ball if you go to run the gaps in you don't [Applause] and happy with the child care michael and adele get their first chance for a social outing as a couple [Music] it's a huge change not only from their edwardian experience but also their modern day lives [Music] because we don't have babysitters we just don't go out very often yeah not just the two of us anyway just tell me when you want me to blow the horn sir any time now would be good [Music] a glamorous night at the midland hotel in morkham which once played host to coco chanel and wallace simpson boy thank you it's not just adele who's appreciating life in the promising new era yeah not your head off the fact that we've got the whole family's got jobs um and we can we can you know eat at night and we've got a nice warm house that's a big bonus to us and it was only you know last week we were really hungry cold half the time filthy dirty all the time we've certainly stepped up a gear from there self-made man phil is already eyeing the next rung on the social ladder i think i would naturally try and find to improve my lot i think i'm just like that susie's like that as well and i literally was out what would i do i know probably start to shine for school you know you've got to tear up haven't you and i think just naturally i would do try and do that if you could make it happen it might not be possible but i'd certainly look into doing it and if there is a way of making it happen for now phil's dreams will have to be put on hold as he waits for his employers to finish their night out [Music] i'm home [Music] hello family it's been a very long day for me i'm freezing i've got fires on how is everyone oh you're a star we need a boot oh that is good ah so this is nice cup of tea fire family all we need some comfortable chairs next morning and all three families have settled happily into the routine of their respective classes dad would you like to help jack with his sugar oh yes would you like some sugar jack is that nice and warm yes lovely good morning good morning how are you this morning very good thank you how's your evening very nice thank you very much thank you good enjoy your tea thank you very much [Music] as the tailors take it easy across town newly appointed estate agent ian golding good morning good morning you must be mr robinson is reaping the rewards of the housing boom that leaded window is certainly impressive it is another wonderful window but i love the staircase as well wow that is impressive i mean the light hits you as soon as you walk into this room and the open view walk-in pantry will be quite the talk of our friends and absolutely ian's wife naomi is about to set to work too on her children you guys keep playing following the advice of dr watson a middle-class favorite in child rearing in the 1900s ian struggled as a strict edwardian father hello how are you what are you doing in here you're not allowed to be in the kitchen can you leave please you do not come in this kitchen leave the kitchen [Music] yeah he wants to see you when you come home from work he needs to understand that this is the way it was i know now it's naomi's turn to be the disciplinarian there is a sensible way of treating children never hug and kiss them never let them sit on your lap if you must kiss them once on the forehead when they say good night and shake hands with them in the morning good morning katie how are you give them a pattern on the head if they've made an extraordinarily good job of a difficult task little pat on the head no kisses no night jack so guys it's the last time this week we'll be able to cuddle on the sofa together like this hey i'm quite pleased because it's not for the whole year it's not forever no so it's discipline for some but not for others the taylor's nanny is sending them out on a treasure hunt this is the map of where you're going to be going okay see that big cross because that's in like that's where the treasure is i've got a little campus you've got a compass have you ever no no and if there's anything to do with chocolate i'll find it in keeping with the times the taylor children's adventure will be without any adult supervision it's a first for the kids and for mum and dad i am so jealous find the treasure come on great time hi i'm gonna hike all the way up there you don't want to pull and he's dressed down you might be a monster don't fall in this was the era when swallows and amazon's and the famous five were best sellers a time when children were encouraged to roam free giving them far more independence than they have today we're probably on this black line somewhere there we're going to go along here up here right without mum and dad it's quite nice because you you've got a bit more freedom which was good is there something there something brown something squidgy [Music] it's not just the kids who are adapting to their new freedom alice i said what have you got in your bag i've got two cans of beans and five tennis balls she's really excited that she's she's off out good adventure yeah it might do them some good actually because if there's no adult discipline in them they'll have to beat each other to a port first and then sort it out won't they i think it we'll be pleasantly surprised without because i think they're quite well adjusted in that respect to be able to cope and get on with it hi guys how'd you go we found treasure i found the treasure right so did you fall out or did you watch your girl we all got on it's nice without you there is it yeah right alice you're gonna have to show me this treasure then what did you get [Music] back at number two albert road naomi's new child care regime is in full swing [Music] and when ian returns home he too is expected to make a contribution to the new parenting plan oh wow look at that who knows how to play this game after work middle-class fathers were encouraged to spend half an hour with their children who's gonna win playing and communicating instead of laying down the law oh who's that katie no jack wins well done jack guys do you like doing this [Music] but as the good times roll an event is occurring 3 000 miles away that's about to shatter albert road's blissful existence joe is visiting the wealthiest family on the road to reveal the impact of the crash on their finances i have to say i'm here as the bearer of bad news this is very definitely a down wall street has crashed and the world has entered into global recession you have many shares in the industries that are declining ship building cotton coal you are going to have to make severe savings these are your household accounts here's the breakdown and what you spend on staff your motor car your mortgage your tax clearly there are some things you cannot do without because remember you are upper class and you have to keep up appearances right you've been accustomed to the best things in life i'm going to leave that with you but do take it seriously these are tough choices yeah and you're gonna have to work out what you sacrifice okay or should i say even who you sacrifice i'll leave it with you good luck we're skint darling we've got no more money that's your total of what they're telling us that's why our essentials right we want a financial question which will be under a pound when modern day life you couldn't live without a car a car's freedom isn't it the second housemate is actually cheaper than the first housemate it was a compromise yeah you save yourself five pounds a year we've got to consider the fact that there's three members of the same family working for us that if we sack all three that's their income into their house [Music] gone [Music] the next morning and the taylor household is running as normal thank you i'm hoping elastic's invented soon when did is is sir going out this afternoon i don't know the staff are still here working for us at the moment and then we're about to do something that's really wrong and horrible everything okay yeah yeah i'm done thank you when and everybody's finished clearing up from breakfast could we have all the stuff in the drawing room please of course thank you thank you very much [Music] i got some interesting news well all the staff have been called to the drawing room as soon as we finish clearing up from breakfast which is now so whenever we're ready adele and michael have decided that adele should be the one to break the bad news while michael retreats to his study come in [Music] hello everybody and i've had to call you together and to tell you some some bad news i'm sure you're all aware and that the depression has hit and and we had as we're told last night how badly that was going to affect this house which has left us with some really really tough decisions to make chef i'm afraid we're gonna have to ask you to take a pay cut also our food budget is to be cut by two-thirds phil the car is expensive to keep which unfortunately means we can no longer keep you employed we will keep saskia employed on the wages that she is on now but sadly we have to lose genevieve but i just hope the fact that we can keep one income in your house helps just a little bit thank you very much thank you very much thank you [Music] not nice is it but if they know that we're really struggling that's the only way to do it isn't it there's no point pretending [Music] yeah i think you're not working i've never been sacked before um i haven't even she did put it nicely in there she's they're great bosses yeah you're very brave it has to be done that's it yeah did you realize that this means that i'm gonna have to do everything you're gonna have to be the scholar i need to get out and find a job like i'm gonna be washing washing up i might join the army cleaning the beds serving breakfast do you reckon i can get one last spin in the motor before it goes it represents a bit of my freedom i suppose in this big scheme of things but moreover i think it represents a job for phil that car um which is harder still [Music] really it feels crap basically i think to be rid of anyone being rejected feels rubbish i can't help but think back to you know what a struggle it was in our last period a week ago when literally work was done on a day-to-day basis which it sounds like it's going to go back to unless i can find something more permanent but it's going to be really difficult to find a permanent job you know i've now got all the pressure of feeding my family i mean what what's sass going to learn and what suzie adds if susie keeps a job next door no it's not going to be enough we're just going to go into more and more debt and then we'll get into a really bad cycles most white-collar workers like ian golding held on to their jobs how are you good day very good very good i saw the house thank you more money into the coffee okay unscathed by the depression he's off with his family to enjoy the latest leisure craze you're going to come after me katie what you're coming after me style [Laughter] from last week yeah it's nice to be so it's nice just nice to be outside and not just the streets just nice to be oh yeah the views are stunning and just to be together as a family who's done all the pooping yeah i think it's shippies cows sheepies up here last week i was very jealous of mr taylor in the upper class house but uh i think there's no doubt that we're the lucky family this week three two one yeah as the day draws to a close phil meadows has failed to find any employment you feel a lot more secure when you've got a full-time job you feel good about yourself and you can bring something to the family you relax you relax a little bit in the environment you know when you've got a full-time job these last days it felt like stepping back to where we were [Music] another day in morcom and with mum suzy and daughter saskia now the only wage earners in the meadows household the forecast is gloomy even the upper class tailors are feeling the effects of the depression my wow meager rations as the chef said scaled down oh that's lovely thank you i was expecting less to be honest with you thank you the sad thing is you can't even make a smile out of your breakfast look it's missing an eye it's a picasso i think possibly it's a good thing for me if i carried on eating like can i be big as elves i feel like i should take your time a little bit an egg would have been nice we have gone down in the world well we have certainly the interesting thing is we're kind of aware that actually the middle class family have got the car and they've got a cook doing them a full english and some nice um you know they're feeling like they they're coming up in the world i think this is the beginning of the leveling of the the classes are such i mean at least financially at least we get a silver tea set um hey when will that go is it real silver can we put on it [Music] the meadows are starting their day with a scheme that entrepreneur phil has come up with to improve his family's fortunes they're going into the confectionery business at the moment we just need to get some money in so and we'll take it from there i mean seriously there's nothing else to do there's nothing going on i mean it's you know this place is dead it's a smart move as sugar at this time was both plentiful and cheap we've made some honeycomb this morning and now it's set we're gonna bash it so that it divides into pieces and then we're going to package it and then we're going to sell it from our front room which is being converted into a sweet shop well the one time you need people on the street there's no one around do you want some honeycomb honeycomb sale no tesco's okay phil's enterprise mirrors many grassroots businesses started in the depression era as families attempted to escape poverty hi there do you like honeycomb no okay put your hand in your pocket get in there and buy some honeycomb come on dad you have to be nice i am being nice thank you very much goodbye thank you have a nice day two pounds in the pot are you going to enjoy that indeed yeah tell all your friends okay it's coming up very very tasty despite a few sales the honeycomb doesn't prove to be the financial savior that phil hoped it might be that's it don't hold back you have a little sample first so just in case you don't like it but i'm sure you will we haven't lost a casper again there's one there go go gentlemen go stop definitely feel down in the dumps i was actually looking forward to life improving and me not having to scrabble around trying to make the best of it which sounds really spoiled doesn't it sounds really smart but it's really really depressing susie has a lot on her plate but with cooking and cleaning at the golden house and finding a way to feed her own family [Music] but a little light relief is on its way health and beauty join the women's league of health and beauty movement is life for susie naomi and adele this is the first time in 30 years they're together on an equal footing it's very nice to be together isn't it it's almost classy let's change to be together we don't see each other very often i work for naomi here and i never ever ever see adele so um the class barriers are obviously breaking down a bit here for us to come to exercise together over and bounce swing [Music] over on bounce welcome to the three new ladies lovely to see you from the 1930s 10 minutes of exercise gave you poise balance and work the body made you feel absolutely wonderful so feet are stride hands on your hips ready and over and bounce over swing up drop and bounce see closer lift stretch floor and relax their feet together on that call and up you come for somebody from my house getting out and speaking to other women normally without any pretentiousness is it's just fantastic i don't feel guilty at all that i'm out having some leisure some r r i think it's something that actually i need to do to keep me sane in a world where drudgery is the order of the day i think that exercise is a move forward for women and i feel absolutely that i should be taking part in that later that evening and more social taboos are tumbling down [Music] hello come in come in thank you mr taylor after you darling hello how are you are you well very well thank you i've met naomi now hey we've we've done straight leg raises together so we're best of mates lovely house but consider selling yeah would you be interested i'm your man definitely for the goldings it's another step up the social ladder okay cheers cheers thank you thank you so much the meadows however are uninvited stuck at the bottom of the pile with no hope of social betterment [Music] i think it's all going downhill the car's been towed away the staff have left cars had to be sold yeah they made this rule where you can't actually drink and drive have them really yeah so i thought to myself well i can't possibly drive then the meadow family finances are in dire straits we have not a huge amount of food we're eating leftovers tonight um we're just gonna eat you have to eat everything out you know that's you know that we've got to make the money that we have got and we've got to make last as long as possible so all the good stuff's going to go [Music] by morning phil meadows a man who's never asked for help to feed his family has come to a difficult decision he and susie will apply for financial assistance from the state they have to decide how much they're going to give me and for them to decide that jen yeah they come around to the house and they see how much money they think we need right and they look at everything we've got and what we earn we're gonna hide our food we haven't got any we've got a bit of old style bread and a couple of eggs we have nothing to worry about they can't remind you they'll probably find a few things means test man from the public assistance committee come to test your moves thank you downstairs what are you doing now well looking at this you're not eligible for any benefits what we need to do now is take the furniture out for you we'll give you a good price on it you can live off that for a little while then come back to us how many of you four so i'll leave you with four chairs but anything else of value will need to be sold families could sell items themselves and then call the assessor back in but by letting the means test man take their belongings to sell on many were able to receive help straight away let you keep your table side board you don't need your radio are you taking the ornaments as well yep everything you don't need basically if you'd like someone there sir right we'll get that sorted now he's pretty old he [Music] i felt quite humiliated and the fact also that was in front of the family i felt really useless and i'll tell you what that i'm quite upset actually anyway but it isn't there's nothing stopping you from saying clear off mate but then you won't get any money at the [Music] government this feels very unfair that the people can do this to you i think we're about done make sure i miss nothing i can take the lamp thank you [Music] wow basically they've cleared our front parlor yeah and now we're back to where we were in 1910. for many working-class families like the meadows it was back to square one with the poverty trap snapping at their heels [Music] the royal family gave a boost to the nation's spirits with celebrations for the coronation of the new king george vi [Music] albert road's street party is one of many that would have brought communities together across the country it's a wonderful community spirit yes this is how we used to be and could be let's hope it'd be like this again sometime roll up who wants to throw [Music] [Applause] [Music] as their week draws to a close it's time for the families to reflect on their different experiences susannah reed and historian juliet are catching up with the middle class goldings we feel like a family in the 1930s we've evolved to a working communicating unit and that's that's what has made this an enjoyable week [Music] dean has been able to have his father's half hour he's been far less strict the champion is jacka despite the fact that i've had the sort of the tough mother love bit you know i could still be kind to them but i just couldn't give them a great deal of affection um but i think they've been okay with that how have you emerged from the interwar years the taylors not quite as well off as you were how does that feel when i look at what we have got to think about losing we're looking at doctor's bills and education and food on the table and then actually this is serious stuff and i felt i should feel guilty the fact that we had to make some of the meadows unemployed but actually it was down to them or us and even when we had in a naomi round last night and they drank our bottle of cherry brandy and told us their nice cow was outside and they were having a cook cooking their fried breakfast i was thinking we ain't gonna be able to afford another bottle of cherry brandy you've just polished it off so i i think they're on the way up and we're coming down quite quickly thank you very much here's to the end of the 30s yeah i'm all wonderful no just go away the 30s bloody awful the meadows family how do you feel that this era and especially being close to destitution at the end of it has tested your family unit it has tested our family unit in that um but it has shown us one thing that we are strong as a family unit over the last few days we've actually got the idea of it is hopeless you're in a hopeless situation and no matter how hard you want to try and fix it what do you do to do that i feel that as a woman i've got much more hope in this period what seems interesting is historically that the women in the family feel that this has been a move forward whereas the man the main breadwinner traditionally feels that this has been the period of hardest knocks hardest knocks and the least amount of opportunity you know i feel deflated by that to tell you the truth yeah i think men have been emasculated and women have been empowered mr taylor it's been a tough meadow half a century for me i guess i'm going in the snow this moment of reckoning was always coming meadows family i've got taylor in the stocks let's get him come on [Applause] next time the families are rocked by the second world war for the first time the children got really spooked i don't want it to happen again it brings them closer together [Music] but also tears them apart i've got your conscription papers you're going to war do our families have the blitz spirit needed for the home front i'm now thinking go on bomb them bloody germans finish them all
Channel: Absolute History
Views: 427,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history documentaries, absolute history, world history, ridiculous history, quirky history
Id: l9nNpoPFhlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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