How The Sixties Changed Britain | Turn Back Time: The Family | Absolute History

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the family it's where we love laugh shout and cry [Music] it makes us who we are but it hasn't always been the cherished institution it is today to find out how the modern family came to be a group of parents and kids from across britain are turning back time to face the same ordeals as millions of others over the past 100 years in the northern seaside town of morcom the past is coming alive a row of terrorist houses has been turned into time machines to transport our families through the twists and turns of the 20th century from the age of masters and servants i felt a bit emotional because i knew she was there to take the children away which is quite difficult through the roaring twenties to the depression anything else of value will need to be sold the fact that was in front of the family felt really useless [Music] and on to the groovy 70s i can give a damn about material things for me family is the most important thing and the past is about to get personal [Music] rather than just living in a museum we're actually living an ancestor's life she died of tb consumption i'm sorry for quite emotional we take so much for granted i think we're turning back time to find out how history made the family what it is today [Music] [Music] albert road morecambe an ordinary british street where three houses are being transformed again into family homes of the 1960s our two families are heading to albert road the meadows from royal berkshire for the last three eras they have toiled in the working class house living just above the poverty line it's not washed yes it is it's got stains on it where i washed it now they are hoping things may be looking up well it's all feeling very exciting this time with the girls looking absolutely stunning all three of them look so different to anything we've done before just because we have a car and wearing nicer clothes i don't get my hopes up we might be living in an absolute pig style they're joined by the taylor family from norfolk so far they've lived in the formal upper middle class house separated from their children actually you wouldn't know your family you wouldn't know your kids because you never see them michael and adele are looking forward to what the 60s might have to offer the 60s was cool fashion good music um more family time i get to go out together and go and do something really fun um i don't know some sort of trip out where we're all out together and enjoying ourselves together journalist and mother susanna reid will be guiding the families through the era the 60s was a treacherous time for the traditional family unit with teenage rebellion threatening to split the nuclear family apart it's an exciting time to be a teenager perhaps not so much for the parents [Music] joining her will be social historian juliet gardner and antique gadget enthusiast joe crowley the families are in for a surprise upheaval families welcome back to albert road and it's all change it's now the swinging 60s we have taken another look back at your genealogy and we have placed you in houses which directly relate to where your families would have lived at the beginning of the 1960s meadows phil by 1953 your maternal grandfather reg turney was no longer a chauffeur he was a businessman so you're now living in the middle class house michael your grandfather was a motor mechanic so resolutely working class so tailors you'll be in the working-class house oh gosh no i'm gonna work teenagers this was your era there was a shift in power relations within the family teenagers were no longer so dependent on their parents it was a youthquake once again the family unit is going to be under pressure as you can see the big house has long gone it's been carved into flats so you may have some new neighbours all right families it's time to go and look at your new homes [Music] at number two albert road it's a step up for the meadows unlike the past three years they are surrounded with comfort and the latest technology oh wow we've got a television in the 1960s this looks like my parents house consumer goods produced on mass transformed family life i wouldn't mind moving in here permanently maybe like that oh good things are comfy i think it's so we can we have a tv record player drinks cabinet hoovers fridges washing machines and irons appeared in homes across the country creating a domestic haven for housewives i've got a kitchen i'm just so happy yes next door at number three the tailors will have to adjust to a working-class lifestyle after previously experiencing the high life with staff luckily for them there were jobs for all and 130 rise in wages over the decade the working classes really have never had it so good it's not bad it's all right it's launched we've go have got french wow it's nice kitchen despite falling down the pecking order the tailors are taking the move well it's all right you know i mean in comparison what it was like in the 1900s as this house in the poor house i think um it's actually okay yeah more relaxed but adele who will have to work in this era has concerns about how being working parents will affect the family i think we'll see less of each other again and that's that's what is bothering me [Music] a new family are arriving on albert road with high expectations for a new life brother and sister jonathan and rachel hawkes have come to sample the life of a caribbean immigrant family by the end of the 60s nearly half a million people from the caribbean had emigrated to the uk [Music] the hawks from dullard south london are so close they even have their own family band student rachel and music teacher jonathan's grandparents migrated from jamaica in the late 50s sadly both have since died it would be great to get a virtual feel of stepping into my granddad's footsteps and trying to understand what he was going through really get a sense of what the atmosphere was like initially they will be traveling to albert road on their own without younger sister haley and mum sandra their grandparents are not here to relive and to share experiences i think that's important knowing who you are and that's why important going back into the 60s wow they're gonna get who they are [Music] i wish i was a teenager in the 60s probably wouldn't have been the same for a black girl as it was for a white girl but at the same time the culture the creativity the music the fashion that was a mate that was the best period in my opinion their grandparents hazel adams and ralph lauren morgan came to britain when they were in their twenties back on albert road jonathan and rachel need to find a flat torrent like their grandfather did oh wait i said no irish no dogs no colorads despite the fact that they were invited to the uk caribbean families often faced a very hostile reception on albert road there is only one option for the hawks room to let yay jonathan and rachel are moving into number one the big house where the tailors once lived in this era many big properties were split up into flats due to high taxation for the [Music] wealthy [Music] i can't believe someone would rent the place out like this because i wouldn't the amount of dust in this place [Music] i can't sleep in this it's not the way i've been brought up as so many landlords refused to rent their properties to immigrants those that did often exploited them charging them high rents for little more than dives i can't have my mum my mother come in and stay in a place like this it's dirty i'll have to clean it for her we have to just i don't know how they did it i can imagine them on the ship just you know leaving their lives behind and then walking into this country where there's banners saying go back to where you came from and no colors here i think some people would have come here and completely regretting coming over because they were led on to maybe believe that they are wanted here and then the reality was that actually um this is quite for some an unwelcoming place hi guys next door joe crowley has arrived with news that will shake up the meadows family it is a time of change particularly looking at youtube young people are asserting themselves as much more freedom much more independent brilliant you are now going to be working in a boutique in morecambe so you'll be earning a wage okay and with that newfound freedom comes this your own flat what with me as well yeah it's time to spread your wings exactly how does that feel i got my own place you're breaking free sex drink rock and juice it's not encouraging i'm just saying how it was for 60 years the meadows have overcome everything history had to throw at them right deep deep team family they got through it by working as a close family team girls are going to be moving out tomorrow they're breaking down their family unit which i think me and susie may struggle with just a bit [Music] saskia and genevieve are heading off to work at the local boutique with the school leaving age at 15 even genevieve could have worked full-time genevieve meadows featuring the 1960s cocktail dress that looks really pretty for the past six decades saskia and genevieve have been wearing the same clothes as their mum now boutique owner amanda wants to help them get the look it's very short yeah they were though they were very short yeah so they're after the better so they would try and like not wear what your mother wanted to wear in those days it was a chance for teenagers to get their own identity just come out to work now we're going back with dark makeup on short tight dresses on tada's not going to be in prayer oh i just stuck that i feel like i've got more freedom by having my own job getting my own money i don't need to rely on my mum and dad to do that for me [Music] back on albert road the taylor children are also enjoying a newfound freedom that their working class status brings the children have been used to severe formality schooled by nannies remember that children should be seen and not heard you do not disturb mamar and papa downstairs [Applause] now they are making the most of having the run of the house can we not jump on the furniture please this era gives the kids freedom to play and i almost feel like because we're working class no one's expecting anything everybody's um allowed to talk to each other and stuff that's not strict yeah i like getting more freedom it's the family that i recognize the hubbub and the chaos two doors down the newcomers rachel and jonathan haven't spoken to anyone else all day and with their family separated rachel has no choice but to take on her mother's role rachel doesn't have the experience because my mom does do pretty much all the cooking this is a garlic isn't it this is garlic i know this is garlic i like cooking but i've been told that it's not very good so you know i i usually let other people cook hopefully i'll eat tonight fingers crossed okay i think that'll be enough garlic the meadows girls are back from work and are ready to show off their new youthful looks hello hello hi my god oh that smells lovely mommy oh my word you went out looking perfectly sober and you've come home looking absolutely amazing mummy are you slightly concerned about the length of their skirts well they are a tad short i don't mind it being that sharp okay okay we're going for your long dresses we don't have any this is what we wear this is our new now we're starting the rebellion right now i'm sorry about it i actually can imagine that parents of teenage children of 60s would have been absolutely aghast at what their kids were wearing and their behavior it would have been so alien it's their last night together before the girls move out it's been a really bit of a head twister this one because we're comfortable with it and we want to encourage them to be away and it's good that they're being independent and we're proud of them that they're making that step away but on the other hand you know we don't really want them to go i'm not sure that jennifer is ready next door at the taylors it's their first family night in together for 60 years it's a big thing for us throughout our history so far we've been separated out we've all been gone off and you know i have to walk and evacuated all the upstairs with the nanny and so it is it is a big deal for us it's been a big deal for us to have tea together it's been a big deal for us no it's still not cooked through it's still red right oh okay back at the hawks their night in alone is getting worse we either have light or electricity can you turn on the hob and then i'll let you know which ones have blown okay nothing works properly in their rundown flat and dinner is starting to look unlikely yeah well that's back on turn on another one oh john the one that was playing with fine is is gone off at the moment i'm feeling quite isolated um obviously it's just jonathan and i so we haven't really spoken to anyone else in the neighborhood haven't really seen anyone all right so let's just make a small one what yeah that's fine yeah for now canal i'm feeling really homesick so i can't even imagine how homesick my grandparents would have felt you know knowing that their family is is so far away in a completely different country [Music] it's been harsh for the new arrivals and something's been playing on jonathan's mind all day seeing the sign no blacks no color heads no dogs all that stuff i honestly didn't think it would affect me as much as it did but it really got to me it made me actually really quite angry thinking about somebody actually having to come over here and seeing the sun like that feeling absolutely disgusted yet still having to pick themselves up and carry on next day on albert road and the girls are about to move into their new flat i'm excited but yeah i'm gonna be i'm upset that i have to like part from you too because you're my mum my dad and i love you so i'm so used to like we're so used to living as a family that all of a sudden i've got my own place and and i am excited because it's like exciting new i love you and i don't want you to go saskia just two things don't go over the top with your new freedom and being able to drink and go to parties and not have to come in and work with your two parents going what time do you call this don't go over the top of this okay and then the other thing is you aren't going to have to look after genevieve oh yeah she does need looking after still you know what she's like all right baby but not too hard on the party thank you so much i love you let's go good night the girls aren't going far they're moving next door to a bed sit directly below the hawks [Laughter] [Music] well long walk guys it's almost unthinkable that a 15 year old would move out of home today but it was surprisingly common in the 1960s when teenagers moved to the cities to take up jobs and apprenticeships why is there holes in the walls well this is lovely for middle-class youth of the 60s the bohemian nature of bedsits is exactly what appealed it was a world away from the stuffy confines of the parental home i think i prefer our house don't you ask just a bit this is horrible this is dirty and uh and the girls will have to share the bathroom with the other tenants are you kidding me this is disgusting is this so desperate for a week i can't go in there look at it oh this is not good that means we have to go to mum and dad's every time when either we we can't do that i'm not going where's our videos go down because i want to be independent i'm not i don't care i don't want to be that independent [Music] this is not home i'm starting to miss my mum and sister as well it's like when are they coming upstairs jonathan and rachel have the added pressure of having to earn enough money not only to pay the rent but also to save up to reunite the family so jonathan is following in the footsteps of many immigrants recruited to work on britain's transport systems oh so come out with your bag it's alright okay thank you some immigrants like school teacher jonathan were professionals but in order to survive had to accept jobs for which they were overqualified [Music] is that it doesn't take long for jonathan to feel their frustration for me it kind of feels like my head's gonna explode because i know that i can be doing something which i've worked so hard on okay have a lovely trip take care very frustrating the fact that you are more of a skilled worker and that you have much more to offer this country rachel is working as a cleaner at the local council offices because of the necessity of making money quickly many immigrants couldn't afford to study or train and were often forced to accept low paid unskilled jobs immigrants generally seem to start a lot lower than others because they have to kind of go through this test of of endurance for rachel the reality of life as a new immigrant in the 60s is hitting home being in the same circumstance for a long time would be quite soul-destroying and really i think crippling on self-esteem the meadows girl's only concern is making their bedsit more swinging i do like doing things up and you know making it my own and you know mum can't go oh jenna you can't put that there or jenna that doesn't go there or something like that because i can just put it wherever i want because it's mine no no no no move i think it's quite cool it's just a bit cramped a bit small since we've got the posters up and i've been a bit more proactive i've had a change of heart i'm enjoying it now phil meadows is following in the footsteps of his businessman grandfather reginald turney it's very powerful 4.2 liter engine goes 150 miles an hour in an era when car ownership more than doubled he is running a car showroom it goes north to 60 in 7.9 seconds i think it is i can show you on the brochure so it flies but racy cars can't distract him from his worries about his racy teenagers don't drive it off without me no no i can relate to what was going on in the 60s if you had parents from the war that would you know that were so marked by that experience and the youth wanted to go out and party and spend that money that they had and where those clothes that they can buy would just be so frustrated by the way their parents were pulling them down you know did you know it used to be rationing just five years ago did you know just all that that no wonder that kids wanted to get away from it that's it phil's next-door neighbor michael taylor is also doing his grandfather's job working as a motor mechanic in previous eras the tailors lived the upper middle class life of their relative mill manager william bennett now they are following a different line that of grandfather john joseph taylor you should be able to take it out and undo it with your fingers unfortunately i didn't know my grandfather very well but to know he he did a job like this can work to learn to live in to keep his family going and that's what i do you have to do that's undoing at the moment the 1900 mill manager i couldn't connect with that man at all i couldn't connect with the idea of sitting around and being waited on and being looked after michael's grandad john joseph taylor was a skilled worker who would have earned a good wage in the 1960s the pay gap between the middle and working classes was smaller than ever before usually be like one there one there one there one there so i see myself as working class so in the 1960s i feel at home here oh gosh this rice isn't rice anymore it's pasta back at number one albert road historian juliet has arrived with charlie phillips a family friend of the hawks to share his experiences as a first-generation immigrant oh my gosh oh my gosh all right how are you doing not too bad good to see you man yeah this brings flashbacks when i first came here this is what we used to live on the family of four used to live in a room like this you know and um never imagined that um really brings flashbacks yeah why didn't we part of my history you know part of my life charlie arrived from jamaica at the age of 10 in the late fifties your parents must have had such a struggle coming over here as immigrants it was a big cultural shock all the other kids on my street were very curious off me they'd come up and touch you here and say oh you're like steel wool some of the kids thought we were from the jungle you used to get called like or and sometimes i had to get in fights and we had to fight my way out of certain situations as well yeah unfortunately some of us became demoralized like myself which is dreadful i mean britain has a lot to be ashamed of how did you react to that you had to overcome it the only thing that could unite the family was listening to you know music most of the radio stations you couldn't get music that we liked you know we weren't the fats dominoes the platters little richards and we used to play them at these house parties as well we never had um access to clubs or entertainment that was the only thing that brought us socially together as well you know music is a soul alike yeah oh i see thank you yeah sorry i gotta go yeah i'm in awe of the fact that despite this experience you know they just they kept going it went on they kept going you know it shaped who they were as people it shaped grandad to be so strong there's always one sock in there goes a wondering no problem adele is working at the local laundrette it's the first time she's had a job since she came to albert road [Music] this time i've got a purpose i'm working on bringing money into the house my biggest issue has always been being still i hate sitting around thinking about things i'd rather be busy and occupied laundreds became important social centres [Music] so adele has brought the kids with her yeah just whack it on brilliant put the lid down and then scoop sculpture adele may be happy that this is more akin to her modern day life but this wasn't what 1960s women aspired to i don't have to employ anybody to look after them not a stuffy place where they would just have to sit they i mean they're charging around like mud phillips today so yeah it feels really nice having them at work [Music] being a domestic goddess or whatever term you want to use it's not rewarding enough in the 60s if i'd been a woman around then i would not have been happy susie may not be enjoying it but being the perfect housewife was seen as immensely desirable i've struggled with 1960s woman i am not that person um i actually was happier bizarrely as a woman in the 1940s because i had a job you know i had a purpose get all your stuff come on guys get all your stuff together susie has the added pressure of hosting a dinner party tonight for her neighbors the tailors [Music] do you think you'll manage to get your hair done no phil do you know what hair done is least my aggravations at the moment i'm struggling with a souffle sweetie because i've done it wrong despite her desire to impress the preparations are running behind schedule might be okay so you don't think hair's gonna happen probably not unless you want to come down and do my hair right now as we're speaking do you know what i'm starting again i think that tells him doesn't it while mom is stressed over the dinner party saskia is making her own plans for the evening hello hi hello hi i'm saskia sister nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you rachel awesome and we're going to a club this evening we wondered if you would like to join us yeah yeah why not we'll come okay cool yeah so we'll see you in a bit see you later bye the teenagers are planning their first visit to a nightclub free from parental influence they're rebelling from what they're being allowed to do and they would have not just rebelled a little bit they would have wanted to go over the top to shove it in everyone else's faces [Music] saskia has asked 15 year old megan taylor to join them on their night out on the town welcome straight up the stairs thank you very much very nice thank you straight up the stairs in the 21st century their parents can get in touch whenever they want but in a time without mobiles no one can keep tabs on them it feels nice to be out here without our parents having a good time dancing having a taste of real life and freedom and you know independence has given me an excitement of being an adult for the [Music] future that's very kind of you thank you darling yeah no no okay thank you hello all right look at this it looks very good this is the wine of the moment right apparently it's going to be the rage wow thank you i'm impressed it does look very very good right we did a lot of jobs ourselves actually we'd like to be in keeping with modern times so we're going around getting everything updated dinner's served chaps dinner served this is french onion soup suzy's dinner party is going swimmingly but thoughts soon turn to their teenagers out on the town i must admit i do feel like sasuke is actually leading our daughter do you actually my daughter was near her knees jenna leaves however is up around here [Music] right um that's all i know because i have been away from them today i have no idea what they're doing i don't know who else they're with at the nightclub the 15 year olds are getting acquainted with the locals hi hello how are you good thank you she's hanging out i've never really seen my sister in a club it's a bit weird yeah [Laughter] can't know i can't bring them on their mobiles because we don't have mobiles so there's some some real twisted emotions going on in my head and moments so what my true emotions are i just can't work it out i can't work out my own head [Music] next morning phil and susie have put their concerns about the teens aside and are planning to spend the day out together i think they're coping they're not asking us for food or or moaning about their conditions so you know it's they're making they're going for it and the fact they've got their own pad i mean it's just as i would be when i was there they were very excited about it however after two nights in their bedside the meadows girls are losing the spirit of teenage rebellion i'd quite like to go home really i don't want to be a rebel do you want to be a rebel saskia i think it's a great idea and you get all excited about it until you actually move out and and then it all becomes very realistic when i'm having to sleep in here i don't want to be completely free because then who's going to look after us i am the world's worst rebellious teenager is quite funny teenagers back then probably didn't have much for a relationship with their parents they might not have been so like laid [Music] back believing the girls are now happily independent phil and susie are off to do their own thing [Music] it's a really nice day for picnic i'm glad we decided to come i mean this is a real treat for us because we've actually got a bit of time to ourselves i mean this type of thing we just didn't do in any previous of uh previous years no we've just had we've just had too much work to do we've been too busy this is quite nice the tailors also have leisure time to fill after a night round of the meadows they're keeping up with the neighbors by indulging in the latest 1960s fad diy [Music] you take pride in your home don't you you want it to be the best it can be for your family you've hung it upside down roses grow like that and how was it growing that way about the flowers it's just the round base this is why divorce started to happen from the 1960s onwards next door phil and susie have returned from their picnic to a surprise phil children are home i'm very pleased to see you in there are you yes as long as you don't make a mess of my kitchen you know you're welcome any time how much are you paying for that no we're staying home now no no you can't stay here we are yeah we didn't like it i thought you wanted to move out and be independent mum stop throwing us away i can't believe this conversation is going on i was so excited to come home oh well we would be no no the thing is saskatchewan we don't want you to miss an opportunity of having some fun and being independent let's go through them and see if we look at it later on today we have to wash up in the toilet shared toilet a shared toilet with the rest of the flat you guys have really offended us you do know that have you whilst parents and teens clash at the meadows rachel and jonathan are bringing a little bit of jamaica to malcolm by hosting a house party always good to have a party we thought we'd invite them around and introduce them to our world and a bit of our culture we've got the guinness punch new arrivals from the caribbean were often excluded from clubs and pubs so they made their own entertainment at home [Music] the tailors continue to have it good they're going on their first family holiday oh this will be lovely during this era of prosperity holiday entitlement doubled so many families could enjoy the luxury of three weeks off a year that view is gorgeous it is incredible i love it life's good [Laughter] you're working hard but you're working hard to get actually something quite nice at the end of it so that at the weekend you can go and have a good time with your family and you save up hard so you can go away and have a holiday with your family and time out from your normal mundane sort of existence so i think for a family like ours a caravan would have been the ideal answer [Applause] [Music] the idea is about everybody being happy having some free time spending it together and actually enjoying yourself it is beautiful it really is beautiful [Music] here back at the hawks the party is in full swing so how are you finding it over here do you live here and you never know what to expect nowadays however there is a surprise in store mom sandra and sister hayley have arrived in morkum we're really close as a family and we've been away from them for a while so i just want to make sure that they're okay mom sandra has high hopes of where she's heading to i expect the place to be in a way that i would be ashamed if anybody came around to visit us so i like it you know they know i like my place to be nice and clean i hope you know they've made it homely they know what i'm like so yeah it better be good is this it okay oh my god this place is so dirty [Music] is this where they're living no carpet on the floor it could sweep the place hi guys [Music] are you okay oh my god are you all right this is where you've been living oh jesus baby this is our mom by the way yeah this is our mom these are some friends we've made yeah you're sleeping in here you've been giving us sleeping in here the two of you it's been really hard i'm not going to be staying here i know yeah am i yeah what not in this room i'm gonna be staying in this room so there are no bedrooms or this is it plus the kitchen it was all right for us camping out but now you've come here so oh my gosh you realize how crap this is sorry it's not good enough for you at all oh my gosh was it this bad for black people in the 60s for a lot of people it was this bad really yeah wow the shop caribbean you want to be with your family you want to be together i really think it would have been a big shock you have this big massive expectation about oh you're coming to england and the motherland and then when you actually get to the home where you're staying and then you think oh my god oh my goodness is this how bad it is well why did i come the meadows have retreated downstairs to the bedside oh it was a bit of a buzzkill yeah i was just getting ganked i found that quite shocking i wanted to to kind of go up and say to her it's gonna be okay as soon as she walked in the door because that was so real raw emotion would have never changed places with the daughter i felt so sorry for because her mum's come over she would want her mum as i would to walk in and be proud of where she is i feel so embarrassed now i'm like i'm so sorry anyway what can we do [Music] it does feel as though you haven't really given it a proper shot just going oh no we don't like this we'll go home because it's warmer home cleaner the meadows have called a family meeting to discuss whether the girls should move back it's not the reason that it's disgusting and it's only one toilet to share it's not that at all it's just the fact that we want to be here with you guys that's the only reason we're back i think in the 60s dad and i would have been far less easy company with my mum and dad i felt like i was so different you know when you feel like you must have been adopted that's how i felt about my parents when when i was their age they're not in that situation the idea of me moving out right now as an 18 year old in the 21st century would not be an option if you're not ready to move out yeah which it seems you're not you don't have to move out i can still be rebellious at home no you can't yes i can no no no no i'm so happy to be home [Music] home time yeah i am quite disappointed in myself that now i feel like i'm not really ready to leave home and move out and kind of live my own individual life i think it's the just the idea of having to move out and fend for yourself that frightens you i'm not ready for them to move out i'm just quite happy that they're coming home and we can have a little bit of control for a little bit longer i think that the 60s would have been a very difficult time if your kids were rebelling and wanting to be independent and you had to say goodbye to them must have been very difficult for those parents we're home hello girls hello hi babies i've got the children fighting in the bathroom as we speak which is fabulous um one moment guys shut up it's like live like students this place has got to be clean before you cook next door rachel and jonathan are relieved that their family are also reunited not having our mom and our sister there it was like how are we going to do this you know and then when to see them it was like this massive load had kind of been shuffed off from my shoulders how can we sweep up this sorry the family brings um a sense of security family is everything and it's a heritage that i really want to honour in the 21st century [Music] next day and it's a momentous one for albert road to celebrate their girls homecoming the middle class meadows are inviting all the neighbors over to watch the most important match of english football ever hey that looks great mom [Music] the 1966 world cup final i'm really excited actually i've made a bet with the local petting club that england are going to win put a million pounds on it but hold it down i'll hold it up the families are coming together just like many did on the afternoon of the final would you like a drink i'll be guinness please welcome do you want to take them through okay thanks very much hi darling nice to see you again oh i love the setup this is beautiful come on england as the era draws to a close how has it been for our families has your family survived the 60s it has it's been about family time we've had lots and lots of time to spend as a family it's been quite good for the taylor family considering we've moved down in the world it meant that we're all together and enjoying life together which is what family is what it's about everything about it it just seems ideal this is what i'd aspire to as a modern mum to live like this whilst we know that at some point the kids will be moving out because obviously they're getting older they'll want to fly the nest i can't imagine them just saying okay then bye and us not seeing them for months and months and months when they do go i'm probably going to be bereft actually because i will i'll have so much less to do i thought we were going to experience a swinging 60s and it wasn't swinging at all it's definitely hit home the realism of struggle um and i think i'll definitely go back to the 21st century appreciating that heritage it must have been really painful time to have to revisit in a sense what the immigrant experience could have been like in the 60s as soon as i walked in and absorbed the atmosphere i really could appreciate the fact that afro-caribbeans would have felt a tremendous weight on their shoulders and a tremendous amount of responsibility i just have complete respect for people who make the most out of their circumstances and as a result and over time show that they have progressed whether it's as a people or as a family next time it's the groovy 1970s but there are shocks in store for new arrivals on albert road i mean look at that you don't want you don't want that outside your house it's disgusting the men have to learn to cope with women's lib what do you reckon megan thank you whilst power cuts and strikes cause mayhem for everyone it's like being back in the 1900s with better clothes
Channel: Absolute History
Views: 251,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history documentaries, absolute history, world history, ridiculous history, quirky history, turn back time, the family
Id: Ygk2rDQfibU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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