What Jesus' Rebuke of John REALLY Means | Messianic Reaction to The Chosen S3E6

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you'll catch your death out there conscious four more and so early in the morning what time of day is an ideal time to die so they're doing a little bit of a introduction here kind of an interesting one we got Pontius Pilate we have his wife which we know he existed we do know she existed and they're setting out her up as a dreamer which at the end of Matthew is what happens exactly has a dream about Yeshua right so yeah and we know that pilate existed because we even have archaeological evidence uh ancestoria maritima there's a you can see this Stone uh really commemoration of pilate it says he's like the prefect of Judea which was a big find because that was the first archaeological evidence that he existed so many people would have tried to claim he didn't really exist but we actually have archaeological evidence he existed Stone hard facts exactly ice is not an evil man oh wonderful now we have two devoted fans of a terrorist yes he has been ruthless but he's not like other Roman soldiers associating with him could hurt our reputation with the pilgrims in the tent city do we have a reputation reputation has never really seemed like a priority it is foreign [Music] he's not worried about his reputation even 2 000 years later he's not worried about his reputation it's not it's not reputation management isn't a high thing on his priorities or you wouldn't have Associated himself with us right so for sure we are glad that that's not a part of the story yeah it's a it's that's good news it is in and of itself right I like how they're showing them like processing right there would be a lot of processing yeah I argue that everyone's a verbal processor and people say well you know I like I'm an introvert or something like that but really it's like everybody needs to verbally process and because you know it actually ends up revealing your heart and sometimes you don't even realize things that are in there right and then somebody else can say I don't know about what you just said you could tweak it and yeah but these are big things they're encountering and right they're like wondering about is he's gonna start a revolution right right that's what they're showing here they're still wondering okay are we gonna overthrow Rome right if you all are sharpening weapons should I be too sharpen that handle if you have the sharpest weapon of all his width [Laughter] that was mine then you can poke somebody in the eye with it in a pinch I could not do that dude Jesus born on him am I right if you need anything sharp and just leave it there tell me about the one you're shocking it's a dagger stuff why don't you sharpen the kitchen knife go to utility knife or the next dagger is a weapon Nathaniel you throw my Kipper into a weapon Z did he say it I could turn my Kipper into a weapon he said you could you could turn my Kipper into a weapon Z so I think he's just emphasizing how dangerous Simon is I don't think he's wearing a Kipper so I don't know what he's talking about he's not he's not currently let's go later for being a Jewish thing I think but point being he's a dangerous villain the Train's dangerous man right you pretend like nothing's happening you stabilize yourself and then the shark move forward just change the thing and then surprise them okay so this once again you see so the curved dagger like that that's the sikari and that's what the the some of the zealots would use yeah that's a thing it's a real thing it's a thing yeah so they're definitely showing his zealous uh tendencies you have brothers guys yes sir one Germanic Origins and you only have one yes older or younger what your brother I could have you drawn in quarter for not answering me the first time younger remember how Gaius was talking with Simon they're having that little Bromance yeah you know we were a developing relationship yes and then he was talking about his son and then a servant who's like a son right kind of adopted him yep so do you think that his servant boy it's gonna fall ill hmm and need to be healed it would uh seemed to be that way [Music] it took me a while I like after we watched it last time and I was like laying in bed or something and I'm like wait a minute I think there are times when I am just along for the ride right people have been saying this for a long time oh I'm sure they have I'm sure they have literally every movie we would I would watch growing up or some everybody'd be like I saw that coming and I'd be like I was so surprised I'm the best guy for surprises you know Atticus is meeting with pilate in Jerusalem and he's telling on me like a meddling little brother he's there right now slandering our oversight of Capernaum I need Tyler's endorsement if I ever hope to get a promotion So speaking of Gaius and us just now thinking that he might be the guy yeah Atticus always eating Atticus we know he goes to Jerusalem and he's talking to Herod or no pilot pilot yeah and he's definitely the guy who's surely this was the son of God throwing out a prediction I said definitely I don't really know but I think they're setting that up because then you kind of know the characters right and it's more fun when you know the character and then she turns and and loves Yeshua so it could be right could be because he oversees everything kind of sits back in overseas so I think he'll be overseeing that final crucifixion scene I like that you just dubbed him always eating Atticus yeah I will do better you're not enforcing the ordinances I suggested and worst of all they have no money zero that one works waiting around for us a spectacle from the creature who I might add I thought we were done with and Jaylen costs money so how can I make it right you could kill Jesus of Nazareth make a very public display of it so they have no reason to stay I don't know do you think that conversations like this were had about Yeshua you know on the Roman side I mean there it was obvious that they were having these conversations from a Jewish religious you know like there were there were some throughout the gospels that were like we gotta trap them we gotta we gotta catch them and then as it developed we got to kill him right but I don't necessarily see that on the Roman side I don't know I think so yeah and the reason is just because these towns aren't millions of people yeah okay so I mean you know if he's healing the crowds yeah I mean they're gonna hear about it and drawing crowds right I mean they're definitely gonna hear about it I think they're they would quickly heard about it been concerned about it because they're just trying to keep the Pax Romana right right the Roman piece and they don't want anything that's gonna stir up anything revolutionaries especially which is what they're trying to show here so and this would happen right there were guys that would rise up and they would claim to be the Messiah sure it would lead a revolution they would get crushed and they would die you know semi-regular things yeah this was a real thing so I think that they would have been highly uh on on guard or alert on their radar exactly that's interesting okay yeah put out the fires Gaius until it's too cold dark and miserable to stay [Music] primi I know what I must do Dominus you know his servant is who gets healed it's because he's they're shown him softening up right you've been pointing this out along the way like he's soft and it began with Matthew and they just continually are showing him sensitive to Yeshua yeah so like when you know quintus here is talking about killing him you can see the conflicts squirming a little bit he's like I don't think so you know it's like he's a sympathizer at this point but later it's gonna be it's gonna be different right I mean you you know the story it's like he comes to him and it's a pretty dramatic story so it's gonna be good now you're setting it up I'm even more excited all right who's nothing Andrew Phillips it's me Leander who okay foreign drop your knife oh no no I forgot I had this there you go sorry what who are you what is happening you guys remember me right I was the one who showed you out when the council said you had to go Andrew's reactions are priceless who are you why are you in my house I love Andrew I want to meet the actor just shake his hand and be like thank you for making me laugh so many times the two capitalist is mostly Helens but it's also a Melting Pot Jews Romans so eucids Arabians oh it sounds messy it is it's already barely holding it together your preaching made it the town is on fire not really on fire some places I'm sorry I don't understand we only appreciate the Jews it doesn't matter who you were there for a few Greeks overheard some Jews kept sharing what you said before you know it a few Greeks quit worshiping Olympian guards or stopped reading the auspices that made people angry so they turned on the Jews the Jews closed ranks and sent the hellenists and sympathizers out of their communities you guys really turned the place upside down that's awesome that's great this is a fun report this is cool the to the Jew first principle exactly here right Romans won so they go to the decapolis which was you know not inside of Israel proper and yeah but they still went to the Jewish Community is what he's saying but that just still overflowed into the Nations right Romans 1 16 right like that the gospel should go to the Jew first but also the Nations you said your teachings were interrupted incomplete well not by choice we are sent away what you did say spread to the ten cities of the decapolis tensions we have in larvae boiled up everywhere the whole area the new wineskins bursting the old so Philip said that the wineskins were bursting you know but I do like to point out when you look in Matthew's version of the parable of the wineskins that they were talking about in a previous episode last episode maybe so new wine must be put into fresh wine skins I'll be the first one to admit that I don't don't get it two actually says that both were preserved like he was saying you don't put new wine into old wineskins or it will burst right and so throughout Christian history they've used that passage sometimes as this replacement theology to say hey the Jews have been replaced that's the old wine skin and now we've got the new ones this is good keep going but in Matthew's version it actually says at the end the reason you don't put the old wine and the new is to preserve both the wine skins cool I've never picked up on that so that's important here so it's not that you know Yeshua isn't saying that he that he didn't you know care about the Jewish people or the Jewish leadership or something like that or the Traditions even but he is saying that he needed these younger guys who weren't the religious leaders in order to really fully understand what he was saying right but I think it's important to point that out because it's been really Mis represented so often in Christian teaching right right and not a like out with the old in with the new type of thing like he's he's the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and even when he's talking about the Sadducees he's like I'm he's the god of the living right you know and so he's like that that's one thing about Resurrection but but even just to kind of expand this point it's like he's this covenantly faithful God right as well so he's this God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he's faithful to those covenants and yet he's he's starting some some new stuff exactly you know it's both hands right which is very much a Biblical Messianic worldview it's the both and but it's the more here but he's not just doing away with it right he's the Messiah of Israel right he's the king of the Jews like he's killed for being the king of the Jews exactly so that's important that he came in time in history to the Jewish people fulfilling all the prophecies exactly right not doing away with the prophecies but being the embodiment of the prophecy and he took on Jewish flesh and he remains that exactly forever forever right yeah which is yeah that some people that doesn't click right but it's like no that that's I didn't decide like that's a new revelation for me right I wasn't raised with that understanding what was I rather against brother out there is that what you meant for us of course not then come back and finish what you started [Music] that's interesting foreign [Music] what just happened I think I think that was a uh an expression of frustration have you ever done that when you're like frustrated about something large and you take it out on the small thing right I feel like I do that sometimes I'm like out the trash it's like when you're arguing with your wife and it's not really about that one thing you're arguing about it's not at all it's about something way earlier or this big problem that you aren't talking about but the trash is what makes it explode other people's marriages yeah for sure [Music] what do you see foreign between the beats what do you see I stand is that dry blood I come from a water and Country [Music] my brother and I were on a trip to Unearthed minerals for the family business [Music] and when we returned our village had been wiped out by a rival Clan this just reminds me how everyone has a story and you know until you get to know them and hear their story you just don't have that sympathy and that empathy and that understanding and you just kind of think oh well you don't know blah blah blah you know then you hear somebody's story and it's always like oh wow right you know somebody that looks whatever you think is normal and everything's fine and good it's like I feel like every time you get to know their story and it's like whoa I had no idea there's something that you're like whoa right including my father my mother [Music] this necklace that has been passed down to Generations that I didn't want to sell for just oats [Music] foreign [Music] there's a lot of like little themes about this conversation you know and those like you can't assume I can't just make snap judgments right it doesn't work right and especially if you're going to be in relationship with people you can't you can't just have a relationship based on assumptions right even about their story or whether who they are where they come from or it's like you have to get to know people right whether they're Jewish or Gentile they're all different people and then I was thinking of James the Book of James and where he talks about Envy in envies like this really dangerous right thing right and he calls it demonic and so it's it it really jacks up your judgment when you have Envy right uh so it's just this really dangerous thing that can ruin relationships comparison is another word yeah you could use here that they're you know comparing to one another and it's like that never goes over well for any of us but we still do it all the time oh yeah oh yeah and that the enemy's like trying to get us to compare yeah and you know so annoying it's a tool to disunify the preter of upper Galilee oh he slips occasionally and claims the whole of Israel I'll kill him Galilee does well yeah don't kill us good let me think his name is quintus revenues are strong he was reprimanded for use of force after putting down an uprising last year that's him and he'd be all too honored by your recital he's the kind of man that wants to be remembered we are very different then see my problem with his reprimand is that I have been reprimanded for my use of force so if word spreads that everyone in Israel is heavy-handed then I have to be even less forceful how is the report hey I tormented him for you Governor I think I'm gonna add red party to my repertoire oh wow wow I have to admit I wasn't envisioning pilot being so young he's such a baby he's he's a young man he's a strapping young man young Pontius I feel like Atticus is much older yeah what did he call him a red bottom something they have an interesting friendship yeah they're like old buddies or something kind of weird this kind of strange if James and John had been as enthusiastic I'm not working as you do I'd be retired in living in a mansion because I'd be rich I'm catching so much fish it's a joke what my jokes never go that way yeah you think they call them Abba jokes [Laughter] wow Zebedee likes to tell our jokes doesn't he first century Ava jokes wow I didn't see that coming Sam I'm here all day Simon son of Jonah his brothers were right to question our identity there are strict edicts coming out of Jerusalem about false prophecy your suspicion is warranted true or false Andrew is a fine dancer false absolutely the worst true or false when Andrew leaves himself he wretches and gags because he hates the smell we wouldn't know he always goes so far away in the wilderness to do it because he's shy about that sword nice trick question I like the true or false true or false true or false let's make this easy let's make this quick 50 50 chance zealots were magicians also there's no smoke I didn't see any smoke [Music] see the cigari [Music] I'm gonna get a fight scene we're pausing now one of those guns intense I mean we're talking about a zealot who loves Yeshua that's like the combo Warriors right there yeah right so this could be like you know crashing Tiger Hidden Dragon you're like I was thinking Matrix you know yeah Matrix everything goes in slow-motion right and then nobody's injured it's dodging nobody's injured John the baptizer my cousin who has prepared the way for me is now questioning if I'm the Messiah or if maybe we should keep waiting John is getting impatient yes it's one of his quirks he has been in prison a long time word reached our ears about what happened in Nazareth that you said the spirit of the Lord is upon you to Proclaim Liberty to the captives if you say you are here to free prisoners then why does he remain he rightfully wonders why you would allow his entire Ministry to be halted by an impostered King proclaiming Liberty to the captives can mean more than just freeing inmates there are many kinds of captivity that keep people is that what we're supposed to tell him no that's just for you we heard our former comrades Andrew and Philip have gone to the decapolis is that where you're planning to launch the revolution to overthrow Rome I have something in mind for the decapolis and it will be revolutionary but probably not in the way you're thinking what are we supposed to report back careful careful go and tell John what you hear and see the blind receive their sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the mutes speak and the poor have the good news preached to them blessed is the one who is not offended by me I mean so I think it's important that we actually look at what the text says in Matthew 11 so the John's disciples come to and they asked him this question and he replies Jesus answered them go and tell John what you hear and see the blind receive their sight the lame walk lepers are cleansed and the death here and the dead are raised up and the poor have good news preached to them and blessed is the one who is not offended by me so I I've I've heard different people talk about this and I've had conversations about this passage of scripture that John's disciples are coming to him John's having this I mean he's Reckoning with the Kingdom's at hand he's seen it he's touched it he's felt it he's he's even proclaimed that the Messiah is here and now he's in prison so he has this dilemma sure right and so he's wrestling with the fact that like I'm in prison and are you who you are do we need to expect somebody else right you know and so I've heard people talk about this passage of saying Yeshua is is could be quoting some biblical prophets and saying the deaf hear that lame walk Isaiah yeah and the dead are raised but he doesn't say anything about the captives are set free and so there's there's talk about this that there's different expectations that were laid out for I mean we you know we've talked about this before but it's like there's different expectations that people had for the Messiah right and part of what Yeshua does is that he's coming and he's he's kind of blowing people's minds and saying I'm here to do this I have a plan I have a purpose and it may or may not be what you expect but the kingdom is here and so so we're seeing John wrestle so obviously John later he dies right but but Yeshua is still the Messiah yeah and they're showing the zealots yeah they're showing Simon yeah and and his wrestle then or he's trying to show the other zealots that hey the how we understood the kingdom breaking in uh doesn't look exactly the way that we thought it was going to be right and then of course John they're showing that John's wrestling with the exact same issue so they're doing a really good job of presenting all this tension on and you know expectations and as we know now in hindsight you know it's 2020 right I mean we know oh okay he comes as the the lamb and he comes back as the lion and but they're saying you know where's the lion even we have wrong expectations and and you know we think things should go differently or something like that it's like okay well you are the Lord you are the king then I submit to your will it's like that's that's what we do so he's he's God it's a good lesson on Prophecy because a lot of times you know whether it's biblical prophecy or getting even prophetic words today is the most challenging thing is often the timing for sure right it's right and and this is not a Biblical passage but the devils and the expectations right and this is where we can really end up even forcing things right that aren't supposed to be there I'm just impatience right I'm thinking of Abraham and Hagar right I mean God gives this great promise yeah it's to Abraham it's biblical it was right it was this prophetic word that would happen but he got impatient and he wanted to make it happen in his own timing and so this is and yet I think John is also I don't think it's a crisis of faith for John some people present it that way right I think it's a more crisis of expectations and timing yeah it's like what like help me understand right and Yeshua is answering him like they they these are evidences that the Kingdom of Heaven has broken in the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and that would be proof to him wow you're right because he knows the scroll of Isaiah he knows what it says I think it's important to note too that he doesn't go back he doesn't say to John's disciples go back and say John you're screwing up because you asked me this question right right he actually goes in in the in the order of this passage this question is asked he answers and then he honors John did my response to the baptizers disciples sound to any of you like a rebuke yes I can always count on you Nathaniel many of you were baptized by John I myself was baptized by him you heard how strong he was how passionately he believed and yet now even he has questions when you went to the Wilderness to see him did you expect to see a reed shaken by the wind someone in fine clothing like those in King's courts or did you go to see a prophet Prophet a prophet yes and I tell you John is who Isaiah and Malachi spoke of what did they say big James behold I sent my messenger before you who will prepare the way before you yes and this should tell you something among those born of women none is greater than John and even he has questions another demon-possessed blasphemer and you call him great he called your religious leaders your men of God Vipers are you going to say something I think his silence is his response and here's what's so wonderful though none are greater than John here on Earth kingdom of God the one who is the least is even greater than he and John himself would say the same I mean this is such an interesting passage here because he's talking about how you know John was the greatest or he had this great privilege you know of being the Forerunner of Messiah but then he says he's the least compared to those in the kingdom of heaven right now so it's just kind of like what's going on here and but clearly Yeshua is talking about the fact that the New Covenant era is breaking in and John's like the greatest man who who lived here yeah and had this great privilege but he's still he's actually saying he's gonna die before he sees the New Covenant era Dawn interesting right before Yeshua dies and resurrects and the outpouring of the holy spirit in Acts chapter 2. so I mean he's we're seeing that this great access you know the breaking into the kingdom is the great availability of the Kingdom of Heaven through what through the blood of Yeshua through the forgiveness of sin forever right and then the empowerment of the Holy Spirit right so I mean that's what John he didn't have access to all of that wow and so that's now here we are you know everybody after is like wow what a privilege that we get to walk in that you and those in your order say John has a demon because he lived in the wilderness preaching repentance while refusing bread and drink and now the son of man comes preaching salvation while eating and drinking and dancing and I'm called the glutton and the drunkard a friend of tax collectors and sinners it doesn't matter what is put in front of you you will reject it I love how Yeshua is comparing himself and John here and it's like you know he can't win for trying you know John doesn't drink yeah and and he's you know rejected Yeshua says I dance and you know you call me a drunkard and it's like so this is how it works right no matter what you do you're gonna have your haters right right I mean hater's gonna hate you know well like this is just like it's not about these expects again it's about expectations yeah and they have these wrong expectations but it's it's really something he's yeshua's going deeper though he's saying it seems like it's about expectations but really he's going right after the heart I mean he's just digging right into it you know and saying that you and he's like looking right at the right you know the religious leader there and he's like saying like you the son of man like is showing up and you're not recognizing the hour that's upon you yeah I think there's there's things that he's saying here that that are equivalent to what he says in various gospels it's like you know if you actually read and believed Moses you would see me because even Moses said there's one coming after me that's greater you know and so he's he he calls them out because they're the teachers right it's like they're held to a higher standard exactly and so he's he he at times will get like really direct with some of these religious leader guys that's why I think it's a it's a pretty accurate portrayal there that's a great scene wisdom means nothing if it's not acted on [Music] wisdom is justified by all her works wisdom is justified by all her works we he's talking about the personification of wisdom right and we saw this in Proverbs right oh yeah and then we talked about how even in John 1 right the word became flesh this logos reality and he's this is him here now identifying himself right with this personification of wisdom and I mean it's like he's he's saying things that are intentionally provoking right but also he's saying that his what the Miracles actually demonstrate who he is it's good like that's what he keeps doing over and over it's like hey the proof's in the pudding right it's like well who else can heal like this right I mean that's what they're all confronted with with the Kingdom of Heaven breaking in this is what the evidence is to John it's like but this is what's happened to death or hearing the blind or seeing the dead are being raised right the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and it reminds me of later on Paul does something similar like First Corinthians he's talking about and to come with you come to you with like eloquent speech but it came with you a demonstration of the holy spirit's power right right so it's it's like believe these miraculous signs when it's demonstrated it's pointing to Yeshua that's what the the signs are a demonstration of it's that the kingdom is breaking in the kingdom is at hand Yeshua is who he says he is period [Music] what is it did it work I'm afraid to look it's time Shula [Music] I did it [Music] [Laughter] yes it worked [Music] I didn't see you're not as handsome as you said you knew he was coming he knew it was coming well [Music] thank you [Music] I don't remember everything being sober how long has it been over 10 years [Music] thank you friend about him I'm fine this is about you this is about her some other time maybe [Music] thank you we'll see you're a true friend well now friends we must all get home Barnaby she will still need you to walk her home it's getting late shalom shalom thank you I'll take this from you I don't think you need it anymore thank you wait a minute here it is my legs and there it is this did you of course in front of you who else who else yeah do you think anything you should have got picked up yeah oh for sure you're welcome good now get your little room you can do it faster than normal tonight he will be dancing for sure wow what a fun job right what a fun fantasy is around for this one instead just as fun that's a good I I love that they're using the word fun I know sometimes funds like it's almost like too casual of a word or something but like life in God is fun yes like Joy is the fuel of the kingdom and you know doing Ministry is fun indeed and seeing what God does in people's lives yes whether it's you know physical healings or you know spiritual healings you know Insider outside I mean man it's so fun there is nothing like it there's nothing better than a transformed life nothing like it right oh man it's there's nothing better than the presence of the Lord yeah it's so fun it's so fun it's so life-giving like not just to the what's a good example not just to the person being healed but to the friend that's good right I mean this is wow what what a good depiction of friendship too of just love it if you like our videos please help us spread a Biblical Messianic worldview by donating to grafted I think we're gonna see smeagle more of a joke Sam I think the Abba jokes might be come with me that was
Channel: Grafted
Views: 86,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grafted, remember Jerusalem, messianic reaction, the chosen season 3 episode 6
Id: qCmxUUulVRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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