What it's like running a small business in your 20s | Photoshoots, new collections, time w Friends

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I intended on filming this week and then I just never got around to doing it so I apologize for that I've been pretty busy this week doing some samples for my Autumn winter collection I filmed a little bit of the behind the scenes but I mostly did it for tick tock so I can't really use the videos on YouTube because they're all in portrait rather than landscape and I film on my phone but I am hoping to do more behind the scenes this week for YouTube so that I can just put it into a longer format it's Thursday afternoon I've just been sewing some April tops for the markets I've still got a few to do but I just needed to top up on those for this week it's been pretty slow lately so I have kind of got a lot of stock made up I've still been topping up where I need to but I don't really have to smash out a heat which is also kind of a good thing because I haven't really ordered more fabric yet I'm still waiting on the black linen to come in stock which is supposed to be the middle of April so anything that needs black linen I've just kind of been avoiding doing for the market so then if I get an order that requires black linen I can just use what I have left over otherwise anything out of that I'll have to kind of put it on hold until mid-april which is a little bit stressful I have a shoot tomorrow morning with Natalie she's done one with me before um we just did like the April maxi dresses and the Isla sets they were the last ones that we did together but tomorrow we're going to be doing some content for the diary address April top and probably the Harper sets just because I don't have a lot of content of those and also I really need some new content I've continuously been posting the same thing for the last couple of months I haven't really updated anything besides the shoot that I did with Samara I got some of the April maxi dress in the chocolate color but I don't have any more of that fabric I to wait to order more of that it's on back order um it's all just everything's really annoying it's frustrating everything's kind of catching up now though for the rest of the day I'm just gonna quickly iron those pieces just organize what I need to do for tomorrow I'm just going to have like a picnic basket A Book Like some film camera that sort of thing just a normal setup I guess I always kind of do a picnic sort of vibe and again it's down at the beach but this time I'm going to point Cartwright instead so we're using like the rock wall there kind of thing which I haven't used before but I think during Sunrise it'll be really nice but I'm going to be taking and using my good camera because I've had this for so long and I just never use it and I kind of frustrated by it because it's an expensive camera and it just kind of sits collecting dust I used it at my shoot that I did with Sam and the photos turned out pretty good um I just need to like kind of have a fiddle around with the settings and editing and everything and I think I'll be a lot better with taking photos eventually this one's just a Canon 600D I've had this since I was like 16 so it's almost 10 years old oh my gosh it's like eight years old wow I've had this for a long time um and then the lenses I just use I got it as a kit so I haven't really used this lens before um it's more of like a long distance lens but I'm going to maybe give it a go tomorrow um and then that's just the normal standard one that it comes with as well so I'm just gonna use that tomorrow I'm also going to use a film camera I'm actually gonna go grab it now to show you so this one I'm very excited about is my mom's old film camera I've been using it a little bit lately just like to test it out and get a hang of using film so this one is a Pentax Zoom 90 WR it's really nice I haven't seen how the photos I haven't seen how the photos develop on it yet though so I have a roll of film in there that I need to get developed and I have another role um that I also need to get developed it's just sitting in the fridge I'm gonna do some more film on this camera and then get all three of the film that I have done developed I don't know what's on that first roll actually this one's kind of just like random stuff I was just testing it out I took it when um I went to catch up with friends on the weekend and just used it there and this one which I used at my last shoot with Sam um is my bricken-ish one it works I had the film developed from that shoot and because it's my first time doing film I didn't really know kind of what to do and like what to look for when buying films so I had a chat with someone recently and um he told me kind of about the I think it's like iOS like the brightness level I guess of film I need to look more into it I used a Kodak film for it and I think that iOS was too bright and all of the film photos just ended up being very bright so some of them turned out really nice and then some of them were either really blurry or just really heavily exposed um so I can't really use those which kind of sucks but also I wasn't too concerned about it because it was my first time doing it and I had no idea what I was doing I just kind of winged it but it was good to get an idea um for what to do with this I won't be using it for this shoot though because I have this one and I want to test to see how these photos turn out my mum also has another I think it's SLR film camera I think that's how you say it I'm not too sure Sr phone camera it's fine Nikon I think or maybe it's a cannon I can't remember but she had to go get that fixed so she has it with her um and I don't currently have it so I'll use that on another shoot I'd like to test it out so that I can use it for a bigger shoot that I'm going to do for my Autumn winter collection that's kind of the reason that I am practicing doing all of the photography now because I really wanted to do it for the Autumn winter collection it just saves me a bit of money um don't get me wrong I love working with my photographer Jess she does an incredible job and I'm you know I'd love to work with her again but um the location that I want to use is a little bit more expensive and I'm also thinking of hiring a model that's signed to an agency and they're also more expensive so the price just kind of keeps going up with that so I was thinking just to kind of save costs that I would just do it myself and then also I would have a little bit more control of the photos I guess that I'd be doing so yeah there's nothing against Jess or anything I love the work that she does but it's just a money thing at the moment I just want to save some money and also I have a camera like I need to use it I have film cameras now like I should use them um and I really want to just try and extend my knowledge in photography I'm not great at it but we'll get there we'll get there anyway I'm gonna spend the rest of the day ironing these pieces out and then just organize stuff for the shoot tomorrow and then I have to work tonight so that'll be fun [Music] I had such a nice morning this morning with Nat it's like 9 30 now so I am pretty tired I just went down to a lullaby after the shoot to go for a swim and have some breakfast yeah I'm really happy with how a lot of the photos turned out from what I've seen they look really nice I still have to go and get the film photos developed but I'm going to do that later on today I'm going to spend the rest of today just finishing off those pieces for tomorrow for the market and then editing some of those photos I'm just sleepy little baby I also found this shell today when I was at the beach with Nat and look how cool it is going to add it to my collection of shelves [Music] a few photos I'm so happy with how they've turned out they look so good some of them do look a bit funny though but that's totally fine I'm still honing in on my photography skills but I am so proud with how the majority of these look they look incredible Nat did such a good job and I dare say so myself I did a good job I'm just going through and changing a couple of things on the settings so all I'm really doing is adjusting the exposure the contrast and then going in with like a darker Shadow I'm also changing the saturation on the ones that were done when it was more bright outside because the ones that were done um earlier in the morning where it was a little bit more darker I love how those turned out so I kind of want to have it all sort of flowing into the same sort of Direction so they're all that sort of Darker tone I'm so in love with these photos and I'm so happy with how they've turned out um I wish I did get a few more videos on my phone um and some more like live photos because the live photos I can turn into videos or reels um on Instagram I didn't get as many as I thought I did but that's fine I have heaps to use and I want to do more smaller shoots like this just using pieces that I already have rather than you know creating new pieces it's just after 12 o'clock now and I'm gonna go to the camera house and get my film developed and hopefully they turn out really good I haven't tested this camera before yet so I really hope that the photos turned out good some of them will probably be a little bit choppy just because it's my first time using the Pentax camera so I'm gonna see how they turn out hopefully they're good fingers crossed hopefully I get them back today too because that would be nice to be able to look at them today this is Kyla just keeps driving around and I don't know what he's doing also I did a lot of like Blurry sort of in the moment photos and I love them I think they turned out so cool I don't know I don't know if everyone really loves those types of photos but I think that they look really cool and artsy and just kind of like you know in the moment so they're really good like little filler photos I guess I wouldn't really use them as photo to promote the products on the website I'd kind of just use it on the Instagram to show like photography I'm gonna finish up editing some of these photos I have heaps to get through so I'm just gonna stop around now and go drop off the film to get developed and then when I come back I'm just gonna start sewing because I need to get on top of that thank you [Music] I'm just about to go to the Post Office and post out this parcel for a girl she just bought the Amari mini skirt in the red check I only have I think five left in stock Saturday at the markets was brilliant it was a really nice day had lots of customers there was like heaps of people out which was great the last two months have just been really quiet and really slow for not only myself but other small businesses and a lot of people that have been at the markets like other store holders at the markets have all said that they've just had a really bad couple of months so it's really nice that it started to pick up again that always happens around this time of year February is always pretty slow the same thing happened with me last year in the year before it was all really just slow because everyone's kind of coming off the back of Christmas and New Year's and then January is kind of like trying to play catch up and then February you're just like okay I need to kind of probably stop spending because that's the same as with me I haven't done much today I've just kind of been cleaning the house a bit and just catching up on chores I can't believe I just said the word chores um and then I went to Spotlight before just to get some zippers and some more thread because I'm out of my overlooking thread in the white so I just picked up some more of that I normally purchase it wholesale but you need to have a minimum order requirement and that's the only thing that I need to buy at the moment so I don't want to like do it just yet until I really need to order the wholesale version I did place an order for more white linen fabric and some chocolate brown fabric so that I can do my April maxi dresses and April mini dresses in the chocolate I might also do the top in the chocolate as well I'm going to do a poll on Nancy I probably will because I think it could be nice as a top and it's also a different color I've been doing the Cobalt that I have left over as the April top and it's been doing pretty well at the market so I'm going to put that online probably tonight or tomorrow just so I have something else going out and then hopefully get a few sales that way as well yeah it's just been a very slow month which is fine but also because I'm trying to do other things and have a new collection launch it's kind of like you need to have those sales coming in so that you can pay for things in the future anyway I'm going to go to the post office now post this out and then I'm going to come home and just work on some Social Media stuff for the week and I just got my film back from the shoot that I did with Nat on Friday and a lot of the photos turned out really beautiful I'll put them on the screen but most of them are a bit too grainy or like a little bit out of focus um and then some of them are like really green but for the most part I think that they turned out really beautiful I did shoot it on expired films so a lot of it's either really grainy or just has like a really big green tinge to it and I'm pretty sure that's just because it's expired film so I've done a little bit of research and I think it just depends on how the film has been stored will be depending on how like the film kind of reacts when you take the photo I'm still learning how to use film so obviously this was just a test and I just wanted to see how these turned out and most of them are really good and then there's just a couple in there that I probably won't be using yeah I'm super happy with how they turned out um and I'm excited to just do more film photos and test them out today I'm gonna spend the day sewing I have an order that I have to do that I'll probably make and send out this afternoon I need to go to Spotlight and get a zip for it because it's just a pair of bell linen pants um and I don't have any more Zips which is annoying so I'll go do that this afternoon I'm also going to do some sampling today because I really need to get on top of that I'm falling behind so I'm gonna do that and that'll be my day [Music] okay my objective for today is to find a space is looking so let me get back to um the most Improvement um after I need to find a better stool button and then against the wall here I have more time in here and I can I use according to that so it's kind of ever-changing foreign I look really silly right now but I was just trying this top on because this is like the sample of the paste that I want um to make for the Autumn winter collection or one of the pieces at least and I just I don't know this pattern's really frustrating me just because of the elastic I did it in the cotton fabric because I think that's the fabric that I'll end up using for the finished product and I wanted to test it in this Fabric and hopefully have it finished today but I'm just it's really frustrating me and I don't know how like what I need to fix on it it's kind of the shape but also not the shape like I just don't feel like this is very flattering but like this is the kind of look that I want like the elastic shoulders and the ruffling and everything but I think it just it ends up pulling it all up which we don't want I think this is like sort of how I want it but maybe like a little bit lower like I don't want it to be pulled up all the time like that I want it to sit about there and then the back would also need to be down like that I'm just trying to figure out how to put the elastic because it just kind of bunches it all up so much so I think I just have to use less elastic and I might even have to make the top a little bit bigger just so you get more of like that ruching and everything but I can use like a little bit more or less I don't know I don't know how to explain it this is the part of fashion that takes the longest and it really just does my head in how I Envision it is perfect and I love it but then just how I'm making it it just isn't looking how I want it to look and it's just frustrating it's just the elastic that's just kind of pulling it up and I know that there'll be elastic here that will kind of help cinch it there but it's still going to be pulled up and I don't know because I keep adding elastic to it but then if I add too much you lose all of these Ruffles so I'm trying to figure out how to do it the best way possible so just very frustrating very time consuming but we'll get there I'm going to pack that order that I got yesterday um I already have a pair of the Bell pants done up so I was just going to give them a quick iron um and then I'll package it up and send it out for Anna who is a third time returning customer this is her third order so thank you Anna if you're watching yeah it's always great to get returning customers it's always good to get new ones but it's always great when people are coming back and shopping with you again because it means that they like your stuff and obviously you're doing something right so I figured out how to do the pattern yesterday I spent like a stupid amount of time just trying to figure out how to do it exactly how I wanted to this was the last sample that I ended up with it's still not the finished product I'm still gonna do another one properly but it's basically there the only thing that I have to change is just the sleeves they need to have more elastic in them this side's a bit funny looking this side's pretty much how I want it to be it's just a little bit like too thin I want it to be a bit thicker so I've changed the pattern around that's going to be a little bit thicker it's also got more um like length in it I guess you'd say just so that when you rush or when it's got the elastic unit it's more ruched I've made it so that this will come down a little bit more here so that you have more space just for your bust as well as have more fabric there so then you can Rush this a lot more just so that it doesn't kind of look like that and look a bit funny and then when I do the proper version this will also be double lined for the white cotton Just So that obviously you won't see anything and you can go braless with it when I did it I put the elastic really low but when I do it properly I'm going to have it probably about bearish where that sort of is there it won't look like this I also dropped the sides here on the underarms so you'll basically have them down there a bit just so that they're not so tight on your underarms and I think that's all yeah ignore this side that side's not the pretty side this side's the pretty side this will also be thinner it's not going to be this thick I'm going to do it as a nice little thin piece of fabric rather than this big thick chunky piece because it just looks a bit okay I'm really happy with it um this pattern will also go into a dress except the sleeves will be different I won't have them like this I'll have them as like a nice big puffy sleeve because Maddie's been telling me to do a dress with puffy sleeves so I'm going to do a dress with puffy sleeves so I hope you're happy Maddie now that I've done that I'm probably going to work on the dress pattern today just so that I have that done and while this is all fresh in my mind I can kind of figure it out all properly okay something very exciting we actually just came in this came all the way from the UK which is crazy because that came pretty fast I thought it was gonna come like in another week it's a pattern grading book that I ordered online to help me do my patterns currently when I do my patterns I just base it off of the sizes and everything and I just like grade it from that or I just completely do a whole new piece and I want to do it properly so this will hopefully help me this is just a pattern grading book it basically just has all of the basic bodices and how to grade them between the sizes so this will hopefully be really helpful for me so I'm very excited for this this was a very expensive book though so I'm just going to make sure that I don't just write foreign I don't know if you can hear but it's actually raining right now so I think we're gonna get a storm so I finished the dress pattern I still have to do a sample of it but I'm gonna do that tomorrow because I'm a little bit drained and I just want to be sitting down I'm pretty much just going to spend the rest of the day finishing off the Cotton Tree sets that I have to do um I'm gonna try and finish all of the ones in white today so then tomorrow I only have to do the ones that are in Black tomorrow is Marcus's birthday if you don't know who Marcus is that's my boyfriend um but it's his birthday tomorrow um he's working so we're not really going to be doing much until the afternoon but his parents are coming down at some point so I don't think I'll really film tomorrow because they're going to be here and I don't really I want to be filming in front of them I will pick up and film on Saturday when I'm doing the market so I'll film more behind the scenes of that hopefully um and then I'm leaving there at like 11 o'clock because I'm going down to Brisbane to go to my friend's birthday dinner so I'll try and film a little bit more on Saturday for you guys and I hope that this Vlog is a little bit more interesting than my previous Vlogs because I know that a lot of it is probably really repetitive of me just like sewing and going to the markets like I hope that this one's just a little bit more interesting with like the pattern making and everything I'm trying to get more confident with vlogging but it is kind of scary thing to do so be patient with me so yeah I'm gonna spend the rest of the day sewing and then I have to work on my other job tonight as well so [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Jaimi Meszaros
Views: 158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion, small business diaries, lolita olympia, australian small business, australian vlogger, vlog, behind the scenes, diy, the essentials club, fashion brand, fashion vlog, how to create a fashion collection, small business vlog, running a small business, how to run a business
Id: IDszjn9R5Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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