What It Took to Restore a BMW E39 5er Back to its Former Glory - Project Rottweil: P7

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coming up we delete dents and scratches refurbish the headlights and make the original Toledo blue paint amazing again it looks so fresh [Music] hello and welcome back to the seventh and final round of the Rejuvenation process of project rottweil over the course of six episodes we sorted out the mechanical side of this battered E39 530i touring as well as the interior and now it's time for the exterior the E39 is still wearing its Factory original Toledo blue paint all around which is remarkable for a 20 year old car but the condition of it isn't little to no care was put into maintaining the pain over the course of the car's life and we have heavy Swirls and deep scratches the right side was keyed we have sunscreen fingerprints all over the car and dents so many dents on top of that we have a rough spot below the left taillight and the front and rear bumpers are heavily scuffed up and Beyond the point of saving and in need of a repaint but due to time constraints and tight filming schedule I didn't manage to sort that out in this episode but I will at a later date off camera what we are going to address first is the Sea of many dance having previously washed the car I am now going around it and circle showing all of the dents in preparation from painless then removal AKA PDR right every single body panel has a dent or 15 plus scratches look at the amount of dents on the hood pretty sure this car has hail damage even the roof is buggered Defender all of the doors pretty sure PDR guy and I are going to become best buds after this it's going to spend days working on this car that being said I did Circle even the tiniest dents on the car that you can barely notice but the most important thing is to remove the big ones one dent on the on the hatch there this side all carry the dents as well and then roof anyway I'm going to pull the car inside and give it a final look and then the PDR guys stopping by tomorrow morning and he's going to start working on the car tell you what the Toledo blue paint is going to look fantastic once we are done refreshing it it's already shiny and I just washed the car spotted another dent there we go you've seen PDR done before on the channel but in short Peyton's dent removal is exactly that various tools and techniques are used to carefully massage the body panel and straighten it out here A Rod is used to push on the metal on the back of the hood and take out the dent a wonderful thing isn't it this may look straightforward but it requires a lot of skill and practice to perfect it and make it as if the dent was never there amazing thank you foreign guy just left and this car ladies and gents had hail damage it had so many dents a lot more than what I initially noted and the guy worked in this car for three days not three full days four or five hours a day because it's super hot now and he got it to look well it already looks 50 better but as far as the dents go 99 he got them all out if you remember a really really big one here 100 gone and this Fender was pushed in and really close to the hood he managed to fix that Gap as well which is really amazing the hood is straight as an arrow now this side was probably the most difficult one especially the rear door because someone tried to do some PDR work before and the upper section there was just really horrible and he had to correct all of that and now I mean look at that no events and then this side as well straight as an arrow and then the roof as well he fixed all of the dents here he charged me 670 Euros for all of this which is actually a really good price given the amount of work that he had to do here and I didn't have to paint anything you have no idea how much this changes the appearance of the car when you look at it and there are certain angle and you see that the side is straight that the hood is straighter there are no dense it just looks so much better so I'm really happy with the results and it does great work he did project Chicago and project Dubai and now project Rothwell so with that ticked off the list let's move on now we're gonna focus on the high glass Shadow line window trim which we need to polish but there are a few pieces that started to oxidize for example this one here and that looks very ugly then another one right over there and we have two more pieces on the other side so those trim pieces we are going to replace let's remove this one first in a while since I've done this there you go three screws and he pops right out nice and easy now this one that was easy as well on this side same story this one is particularly bad and then we have a tiny bit here so I'm gonna remove both of them now we're gonna polish the window trim and last time I did this on opina it took me 10 hours to do one side but on opina the trim had 15 years of Texas Sun beating on it and it was super difficult to cut it this I'm hoping is going to be a bit easier so let's start and see Geon APC all-purpose cleaner so much mud here all right so I'm using Geon rotary heavy cut pad and Geon compound just one pass and this is already so much better [Laughter] yeah this is going to be much easier to cut than on Project Chicago Surface Prep we're gonna do GM polish now I'm using the extension with ultra finishing pad with Geon primer which is the last step polish look at that beautiful looking trim and thankfully this one is going to go much quicker than an Alpena because this one is in much better shape overall here's the plan to speed up this process I'm going to remove the bottom trim and the top trim because they're really easy to remove and then I can polish them on the table much quicker and easier and then the rest I'm going to polish on the car this one here is super easy to remove just pull off this Rubber seal and then we have tabs here that we need to bend inwards and then this will just come off there you go and then it's exact same procedure with the front one now this bottom one can be paint sometimes and actually it's always a pain you know what I think I'm going to leave the bottom one in because this one is always in nightmares to pull out and then when you go to put it back in it never wants to sit where I did before it always starts lifting at the ends so I'm gonna leave it on the car for now and then try to polish it if it's going difficult then I'm gonna remove it in the end but for now leave it there this is my Arsenal I bought rupe's dual action polisher Flex battery powered polisher and here you can change extensions and go from rotary to Eccentric to dual action to whatever you can use small and big pads and then my friends from Gian send me some high quality detailing stuff we have compound plus and compound this is for paint correction and removing deep scratches then we have a Polish and primer which is the ultra finishing polish and then they send me about 158 polishing pads all of really nice good quality more in the back polished wipe carbon fiber towels inspection light from Geon Surface Prep and some nice cool bottles that make me look like I'm professional even though I'm not I did say I'm not going to polish a car again because it takes absolutely forever and I'm gonna have to go back on my word because it's middle of the summer I'm super busy I'm traveling in July and I'm trying to finish this car before I leave so I'm just gonna have to suck it up up and make this car pretty again all by myself [Applause] [Applause] and this one is done that was million times quicker than an Alpena so I can do just two to three passes and it's gonna look you're perfect deep deep scratches I can't remove but I don't want to push it too hard and burn through the whatever this paint is so we're just getting it to about 90 95 perfect because this is a used trim it's never going to be perfect now I'm going to polish the trim that I removed from the car big big difference now we're going to put back the trim Hugo deer it's back in push back to tabs replacement one neighbors decided to play a lot of music very good it's not even good beautiful they changed the music now it's at least better the bottom trim piece that is a brand new Original Part this one here isn't I wanted to buy that new as well but it's discontinued nla no longer available so I had to settle for a used one and he was rather tricky to find one that wasn't oxidized as well and this is the best I could find this one has a very tiny spot right over there but it's a lot better than the old one and I couldn't find anything better but look at the rest of the trim I finished this side completely and the difference is huge looks beautiful took me about four to five hours I want to say I did have to run out and do something in the middle of the day but yeah quite happy with the progress we have more trim here than on Alpina all right on to the next side there you have it the trim looks spiffy it really pops now it took about four and a half five hours again took my time with it this trim and that trim brand new the rest they polished now I'm going to flip the car around and then we'll continue before we start polishing the car we need to touch up some areas of the paint as it is 20 year old original paint we have a lot of rock chips in the hood where the metal is exposed it is important to address these as if left untreated it can turn into a big rust spot an example of that you can see here on the side skirt below the rear left door this now needs a full treatment and respray this is what we're going to use to touch up the rock chips first I'm using a fiberglass scratch pen to remove the surface rust then alcohol to clean the surface and I've mixed a bit of paint together with the clear coat and now with just a small plastic tip I'm dropping the paint into the chipped area I'll be repeating this process on the entire car wherever I find a paint chip or a deep scratch that expose metal so many Rock chips and this is the worst crouch on the entire car as it is wide and went down to the metal I'm touching it up for now and after 48 hours I'll wet sand it and polish it to make it less visible I'm going to remove the kidney grills as they are broken I have new ones and I'm also going to remove the windshield washer nozzles these nozzles are heated which means they are a fire hazard I'm gonna leave that disconnected one removed it's the second nozzle removed now before we start polishing the car we need to clay bar the paint you see it's a bit rough player bar and Clay Lube this is a very important step and if not done the dirt that you see here will clog up the polishing pad so it won't cut as well and we need to blow out the pad constantly here I decided to do a quick ghetto fix to try and hide this rough spot on the bumper I know this is a crop repair but the whole bumper will be repainted at the later stage and for now I just wanted to make it visually better and not as noticeable my landlord jumped in and helped me as he has more experience with painting foreign gonna let that dry and then a couple of days later I'm gonna wet sand this and polish it it looks better than before and that was the whole goal right now I'm gonna do one test spot here I'm not going to be able to do what Eve did on P9 remove every single scratch [Applause] [Music] here we go beautiful before and after tunnel Swirls and scratches here and here's the paint corrected surface and this is just the first step pin correction after that comes the Second Step where we use the Polish and then we use the ultra fine polish which is the primer from Geon which is going to give us the nice deep high gloss finish I started off with the Dual auction polisher But ultimately I was not happy with the results it was cutting very slowly and not removing deeper scratches so I ditched it and went for a rotary polisher instead and I applied everything that I learned from Eve and Gian from our detailing session with Alpena with a rotary removing Swirls and scratches was much easier and faster it would take me 10 separate passes with a d8 to achieve what I can do with the rotor in three passes that said the rotary creates a lot more heat and it is very easy to burn through the clear coat so I took my time with it so my recipe for the first step was Geon compound plus which provides extended cutting power with a rotor and a wool cutting pad and then smaller Flex polisher with a rotary extension and heavy cutting foam pad for Tighter and smaller areas after you're done polishing a certain area or the whole panel it is important to use something like G on Surface Prep to degrease the surface and remove the Polishing Compound that's filling in and hiding scratches as this will give us a True Result and how the paint looks like after correction the second step is GM polish with a medium polishing pad on a DA this will remove wool marks and haziness that we got in the first step with a rotary and the third and final step GM primer with a finishing pad the hood is done and just look at this finish it looks beautiful nice mirror finish absolutely thrilled with the results I mean we can walk all day long around the hood with inspection light and it looks stunning it's coming out a bit grayish on the camera which not sure why in person it's beautiful deep blue color you might be able to notice like dots or pins in the finish these are not solvent pops but they are very tiny sandblasted spots from the age and use of the car and they cannot be removed with paint correction but they are only barely noticeable under certain angles and lighting and doesn't really affect the overall finish [Applause] thank you the roof is finally done this took forever because it is a touring and there's so much property to polish here but it turned out really really good the roof had a lot of deep scratches all over the place and I managed to remove what 95 maybe 96 of them and look at that finish [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign at this point I got so comfortable with a rotary that I went back to the hood to cut and remove some deeper scratches that were bugging me [Music] [Applause] brand new emblem tailgate is done even though the bumpers will be repainted I went over them as well to make them shiny and match with the rest of the car foreign [Music] I also polished all of the trim that I previously removed these two trim pieces from the bumper were badly scuffed up so I had my neighbor repaint them thank you I finished polishing the car late last night and then I had to wash it to get all the polishing compound and dust off for that I used the Geon restart wash which actually works really well because it also decontaminates the paint and now I have so to speak naked paint on which we can apply ceramic coating I started polishing the window trim on Wednesday today it's Thursday morning the following week seven days I've been at this for seven days 12 hours a day on my feet with the polisher going absolutely mental I could have rebuilt the engine in E31 three times could have dropped the donor engine from the N3 six times in that time frame no here I am making paint perfect on a daily driver and this is the problem with detailing and paint correction and polishing at least for me my mindset was this is a daily driver it doesn't need to be perfect I'm just going to do a couple of passes make it nice and shiny and call it a day well that clearly didn't happen once I had the power in my hands with a rotor and wool to cut most of the scratches out I just went to town I just I couldn't stop I couldn't leave it alone you know I can't just get it to a certain level and just say yeah that's good enough so with wool on this car this is original paint so old hard clear coat with wool three passes you're gonna get about eighty percent of the scratches off but the really deep ones you have to work them you have to be patient and concentrated on one single spot to get all of them out I mean most of them out I mean the car was skied for crying out loud on both sides and now those crashes are gone you can't see them this is just how it goes it just takes time it took me a whole day just to do the roof I mean look look how big this car is it just takes time yes you can polish the car in two days but it's not going to look as good as this and uh yeah I just went slightly overboard like with everything on this car and just made the daily driver in perfect it's a nearly showroom condition I believe I got the paint to about 97 at least as far as the scratches are concerned I didn't want to cut too deep because as I said the paint is original and I don't want to thin out the clear coat but I did want to remove most of the scratches so I'm super super happy how it turned out my body it's in real pain everything absolutely hurts so now we're going to prep the surface ceramic coated and then I'm gonna go home and drink beer alright first we need to dust off the paint all right this is what we'll be using to protect the car Geon Evo pure ceramic coating comes with the applicator Pad but before that we need to use Surface Prep to prep the surface and some premium carbon fiber towels two towels I surface prepped the entire car now I'm going to start applying ceramic coating so I'm going to glove up and mask up once we applied 10 to 30 seconds you need to wipe it off immediately it's pretty hot now so I can start wiping almost instantly and that's how that works it's pretty simple once I'm done so I'm recording the car I like to kill all of the lights in the shop take the inspection light and just go around the car and make sure I wiped off the ceramic coating properly because if you only partially buffed it out and there's a little bit of that haziness left that's going to look like Holograms once it fully cures and that's not nice and once it fully cures the only way to remove it is to polish that spot and reapply ceramic coating but right now while it's still not fully cure you can just apply a bit more ceramic coating and buff it out but quite happy with all of this and I already checked the other side so we are good to go the roof rails we're going to use trim ceramic coating from Geon to Spruce them up a bit foreign this should give it somewhat nice matte finish yeah make it look fresh so we're going to let that cure and then I'm gonna do another coat later Tire Express no I don't like it when it's this shiny so we're gonna buff it out I like it when it's on the matte side now I'm going to repeat the same process with the rest of the wheels now I'm going to clean the glass with Gian Clear View I'm not going to spray on the car then we have a quick view which is water repellent so I'm going to coat all of the glass with this then it needs to sit for five minutes and then we're gonna wipe it off with a damp towel very nice damp carbonias get it Kim's rid of brand new original normal size kidney grills which I'm going to ceramic code first and then put them on the car for seal on the driver's door is torn that's been driving me nuts ever since I got the car and I wanted to buy a brand new one it's only 40 Euro unfortunately it's discontinued in La no longer available no longer produced so how to settle for a used one which was actually quite tricky to find but I managed to find one in good condition for 25 Euro shipped so let's quickly swap that out I wanted to do this when we polished the window trim but I didn't have it back then okay well that is out full expect this to be an absolute pain to get in foreign fixed now that's better a daily driver right more like a show car it is ridiculous how clean this car is now and take a good proper look as soon as it goes out through that door the real world is going to hit it thus dirt scratches all of that good stuff but there is one more thing that we need to do before we head out that time to refurbish the headlights foreign screws we are going to refurbish the headlights and update the projectors in the past I've always used Evo XR 2.0 projectors which is what I have on my E39 M5 and they are great projectors but after talking to sweet lip they suggested these lz7 AK G5 projectors as a better alternative the main difference is that Evo XR 2.0 is very hot spotted and has a narrow Center focused light output while lz7 has a wider hotspot and therefore wider light output so it covers the surrounding ground much better the second difference is that unless modified Evo XR 2.0 doesn't Sit Close to the Shroud inside of the headlight and leaves a big ugly gap while lz7 sits flush same as the stock projectors without the need to modify the Shroud studs lz7 is also a newer projector and while both of them have an aluminum bowl David from switlib has been testing or in his own words torturing both of these projectors in his shop playing with different temperatures and lz7 show to be far more durable whereas reflecting surface the grades on Evo XR 2.0 with all of that in mind and given that I've been happy with EVO XR 2.0 for six years on my E39 M5 I was excited to try out the newer projectors first remove the stream here now remove the Xenon ballast I'm going to give it a quick clean actually should have removed this as well now I'm going to blow this out with compressed there I'm gonna remove the bulbs by the way you can tell that this headlight has broken Adjusters shouldn't do that the production date of that E39 is December of 2002 which means that this headlight is permanently sealed hella the original manufacturer of these headlights for BMW in mid 2002 they changed the way this headlight is put together basically everything before that date they used butyl and you can use a heat gun you can bake it in the oven for 10 minutes and the headlight cover or the lens it's just going to pop off super easily but after that date they decided this headlight needs to be permanently sealed and they used some really strong sealant it looks like windshield sealant to me so you can heat this up until tomorrow it's not going to soften up and you can't remove this cover easily for me the only way to do it and for most people is to Simply cut this thing open and that's what we're going to do this cover it's pretty short as you can see I personally don't like polishing headlights like ever because you can polish it for three days it's still not going to look like a brand new headlight or a brand new cover so whenever there's an option to buy a brand new cover that's my way to do it and I have brand new cover sitting in the box right over there first I'm going to start slicing here far away from the black trim inside then I'm going to remove this cover and then I can pry up this plastic and cut near the edge and be careful not to go too deep because if you go too deep you're going to cut through the black trim inside I'm going to put a respirator because this plastic smells like crap protective glue glass steering protection as well and let's start cutting [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign now my goal is to First remove this black trim inside but it has plastic tabs here here I think two on the bottom and one here and there are also sealed in place with that sealant so you have to be careful not to break them all the way when you pull them out they are going to break which it doesn't matter as long as you have a bit longer of it left you can still use butyl and this is going to stay in place but this is all brittle plastic so in any case you have to be super careful with all of this see now I can Flex this up and then I can also use for example and start cutting the thing and then twist with the pliers you know it's a long process this anyway I'm going to start cutting again on the bottom [Music] so this is what I'm talking about don't go too deep where you cut through this black trim [Music] [Music] foreign and try to extract the tabs that hold the black trim in place without breaking them too much there we go careful these are the tabs one two and three on the bottom now it's much easier because we are not going to damage that bit there now we can extract this now we can remove the motor for the headlight leveling be very careful how you grab and handle projector housing and the reflecting surface here it's very easy to to take this reflecting surface off and then and you need a new one well replacement one so don't touch it don't rub it with anything just put it on the side blinker reflecting surface now there are two screws here so we need to remove this is for the lens I'm gonna finish removing the rest of the cover tomorrow it's pretty late right now it's dark outside so it's perfect time to play with the projector I want to install the new projector put it in the housing put it on the car and take it outside and just make sure that the cutoff line from the projector is aligned it's parallel with the shutter and if I need to adjust it I can do that during the day I can't do that because I need Darkness E39 headlights have two main issues the first one is always broken adjusters due to H these are very brittle and break the second one is wearing our projector the reflecting surface inside is yeah it's crap so we are going to replace the adjusters and the projectors now we're going to remove the projector while I'm here I want to point out something here you can see how the projector needs to sit it's very close to the Shroud and if you put Evo XR if you just bolt it in it's not going to sit that flush it's going to have a small Gap there and you need to change these studs here and use some spacers to get it to align properly with the Shroud but the projector that we are using doesn't have that issue but we'll have to do some modifying to the projector to make it fit here foreign spacers you can put the Shroud on the side I don't know how much you can see in there but the reflecting surfaces spitted and it's not looking good when I did this for the first time on my originally 39 the surface inside was completely burnt our new beautiful projector and this one has metal housing this is the supplied bracket with the projector and this lines up exactly with the studs on the shroud take it on so we need to mount this bracket on the projector first and we need to drill the holes here and tap the threads and then use supplied screws to secure it in place and then we'll drill an additional hole on the bottom here as an extra securing point to break out the drills gonna start drilling with a three mil bit first and now three and a half mil [Applause] M4 tap it fits right into this four mil socket beautiful now we can mount the bracket now I can drill one more hole here screw and a nut that's the bracket installed now when we try to mount the projector the upper holes line up just fine but on the bottom we need to trim off this part of the projector here because it's in the way of this start going through and mounting on the bracket so I'm going to mark that with a marker this is how much we need to trim off here and here in order for the stud to clear and go through this hole on the bracket fire up the Dremel again start cutting first I'm going to use some tape to tape off intersection of the projector [Music] [Applause] this is what we ended up with just a bit of trimming there and now you can see that it clears the washer and this stud Bolt and look how it sits exactly like the original one there's no Gap in between the Shroud and the projector nice this is a better projector than ever XR and this is actually not that difficult to you know to trim this off it's rather easy now we are going to put the little bushings here because all I want to do now is Bolt the projector directly to the Shroud put it on the car and see the cutoff line and then if we need to adjust it then I'm going to expand these holes here and that way I can rotate the projector and once I get it exactly to where it needs to be then I can just tighten them up and that's it that's easier said than done because once you put this in and then in the headlight housing you can't access the nuts on the back it's going to be a bit tricky good and you can see we have very nice clearance there Clarence next up the bulbs awesome night Breakers you need to trim off this little tab here high beams now the broken Adjusters that's what's left of it actually is another piece here are the new ones I don't know if I mentioned it but this is to adjust the headlight position up and down and left and right so very important I'm gonna blow this out of the compressed there this wire here we're not going to be using so I can just zip tie it oh these brackets or thingies for the adjusters you need to extract the old one leftovers from the old adjuster now you can put this back in place clip it into place now this motor for the self leveling make sure you collect that in as well now we can go and test this and we have light I did the same thing off camera with the right headlight and now we're going to go outside and see the cutoff line you can probably quite clearly tell that we definitely need to adjust the projectors because they're completely out of line the projector is removed now and now we need to expand the holes on the bracket and that way we can rotate the projector and align them properly move the bulb I'm going to use six and a half millimeters drill bit to expand the holes so now when we put the projector on the Shroud we have the ability to rotate the projector and align it I don't know how this is going to work though because you can't access the nuts on the back once you put the Shroud back in the headlight housing so I'm not really sure and even if I leave they're not slightly loose so I can turn it I can't access it might need to figure out something else I don't know let's try this first and then take it from there I'm going to eyeball it for now because I don't know what else to do now we're going to add washers I'm going to put all of this together and then test it if that doesn't work then I need to find a way to power up the bulbs outside of the car which shouldn't be a big deal I just need 12 volts the biggest problem that I have is I don't have where do I do it I don't have room to do something like that because I need a nice white wall and long distance as well don't have that look at this it's actually pretty spot on I just eyeballed it and they are perfectly aligned that being said I do need to move the bulb lower it a little bit because of the hot spot it's not where it's supposed to be and David from sweet lift told me about this so I'm going to go back inside and do that but as far as the alignment of projectors I think it's it's pretty spot on First You're Gonna solder in the high beam Splitters which I actually forgot to order so I had to go and steal these from my E39 M5 because that car has Evo XR projectors that way we can test the hot spot of the bulb and see if that is aligned properly as well this is the thing all of this you have to check before you put the headlight back together because once it's back together it's too late to do anything about it all right do the same with the other one [Applause] all right now we're gonna raise or lower the hot spot of the bulb one of the two so David told me to get aluminum tape four slices here which will well lower the hotspot and I forgot the reason for this something to do with the projector and the bulb obviously so this is all we need to do four slices of tape right over there put back the bulb and now the high beam splitter Plumb that in all right gonna put it back in the car and then let's see success perfectly aligned projectors see that and then when I hit the high beams we have the by Xenon function working correctly all right it's actually two in the morning and I'm gonna call it a night and we're gonna assemble the headlights in the morning see you Manana good morning and welcome back we're going to continue with the headlight housing and remove whatever's left of the old cover so the way I'm going to do this I'm going to cut along the edge through the sealant and then I'm gonna start pulling on the on the plastic and once you get it going at least one part it's a bit easier because you can just cut all around and then just pull it out so be sure to wear eye protection because plastic is going to be flying everywhere all right foreign there it is the housing did start to crack here a bit no worries I can use pdfix to fix it and this is the stuff that I'm that I was talking about this is like windshield sealant you can't melt this and now it's the most boring part of this entire project scraping the old sealant out for this I'm using blades in combination of various screwdrivers and yeah this is going to take a very long time but you need to clean this channel thoroughly in order for the butyl to seal right the majority of sealant is removed now we're going to use Victor rights remove which is sealant remover gasket remover so I'm just going to spray it into the channel let it sit for a minute and this is going to dissolve this small well whatever small stuff is still left in there foreign I'm gonna glue back this piece here Speedy fix and you can see how nice and clean the channel is reassembly time but first I gotta very carefully attempt to clean this so dry carbon fiber don't rub right blow this out with compressed there it's nice and clean and we are ready to reinstall it these are my favorite headlights to retrofit with good projectors by the way they're very simple headlights much easier than say e70x5 headlights easier to remove easier to open if you get the ones before 2002. so to seal the satellite we're going to use butyl I have nice thick doodle here and I'm going to start laying all around and in some spots I'm going to put extra like where these Tabs go in we have a bit bigger hole there so I'm going to put a bit extra on those parts and I think here as well the channel is quite deep and as this is sticky a nice trick is to use water and just wet your hands and then it's not going to stick to your fingers now I'm going to add a thinner one here you have to make sure that the channel is full otherwise it won't seal properly now I'm going to use the heat gun go over butyl maybe 20 times get it really soft and tacky then we're going to install the black trim with angel eyes and then the brand new cover [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna blow this up with compressed there do the same with the cover a bit more butyl here so a lot of people here like to install aftermarket Angel Eyes hello rings I don't like to do that because as soon as you do that to me that completely ruins the headlight because you can immediately tell that it's off the market it looks ugly and most importantly it's far too bright it just shines so much it looks unnatural so me personally I always keep original Angel Eyes now we're going to heat it up some more and then install the cover [Applause] but without a compressed there for the final time grab the new cover which I'm also going to blow out a compress there simply push it on make sure it Clips all around and then we have two screws here but don't over tighten these or you can break the plastic inside rather easily so just feel it pushing the cover in nice and easy Brian your headlight cover installed I just remembered I forgot something I forgot to put the reflecting surface for the blinker don't forget this okay foreign now we can do the two screws turn signal bulb we are going with clear ones or Chrome don't touch it with your bare hands clean rubber boot high beam splitter bulbs for the angel eyes I prefer white ones or LED ones on E39 and these are actually pretty good quality I got them on eBay these are called citronic I think 35 Euros something like that for two of them and this is what I'm running on my other E39 and part of Chicago as well that's the only thing that I don't like on the original headlight it's the yellow eyes ballast now the rubber boot for the main projector we have to modify it slightly in order to fit so essentially we have to cut cut this section off and then it will fit which is irrelevant point of the boot here because this is for the old projector this doesn't serve any purpose of the new projector so you can just chop it off stream piece on the bottom which I thoroughly cleaned and Polished as well a bit finally brand new trim piece on the top or this is some sort of weather stripping wipe it down and the headlight is done look at that better than brand new original hella headlight why because the projector is much much better much more durable because of the metal housing and I also learned that brand new hella headlights the cover it's made from recycled plastic so it fits like crazy remember the brand new headlight on the E60 M5 project rally I paid 1200 Euros for those after two years of driving on the Autobahn they are sandblasted completely not that this is any better quality this is just a cheap cover from eBay paid 100 euros for both of them so I'm going to put ppf on them yes it's illegal to do that in Germany but otherwise this is just going to look like crap after one year of driving with the Autobahn I regret not doing that on Project rally I'm not going to show you that but I will be doing that the spot of cleaning is needed only to polish the bumper again so I made a few scratches when I was removing and installing the headlights gotta be careful with this tab here not break it doesn't that look million times better time to test them Angel Eyes confirmed confirmed and a high beam excellent everything is working perfectly fine this is one of my favorite mods on E39 the headlights I love driving at night and having good headlights it just has to have that I did have to adjust the hotspot further by adding more aluminum tape which worked a treat and this is how it looks fully dialed in also you can see that the cutoff line curves out or bows out on the sides this is normal for these projectors due to design of the shield in order not to Blind the oncoming traffic I'm not sure if this is coming out on the camera properly I'm using same settings as before but the difference in person it's literally night and day the new projectors are so much more Superior than the old ones and the high beams the headlights are spectacular now ready for night driving look I knew that this car would clean up but we're in a situation where I need a daily for my daily for my daily you know what I mean far too nice now I mean just look at this thing it looks incredible look at the paint look at the headlights at the wheels the window trim the glass all of it and as always the biggest issue keeping dust off of it that's dust look how shiny it is ignore the rust that will be fixed promptly but I can't believe how well this car cleaned up it looks so fresh all right view the music [Music] thank you [Music] it sure is pretty I just spent hours going through the invoices and adding up the total cost of this project and it's a lot more than one would expect but bear in mind that this was sorta and no cost build I could have done a lot of things cheaper and skipped the mods and upgrades that I did but E39 was my first car it's one of my favorite platforms and this is something I always wanted to do properly restored from top to bottom all at once with original and OE Parts with subtle upgrades while maintaining the stock look and just create a perfect daily driver and to that end we come to 17 882 euros and 99 Cents that's uh that's a lot of dinero and while this doesn't make Financial sense I did what I did and I do what I do out of my love for these cars and I know that this fine specimen is going to be trouble free and solid as a rock for the years to come cheers another neglected BMW saved I presented this card to you at this very spot about four months ago and I think we can all agree that it looked pretty awful in every single way Outside Inside mechanically and as soon as I laid my eyes onto this fine automobile at that dealership lot I knew it had potential that the bones were good I mean look at this paint it looked terrible before and now the car is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous took a lot of time effort and money of course but we saved a glorious example of the 5 series touring this is my favorite generation of the 5 series probably my favorite model overall and I'm pretty happy of what we achieved here this pretty much concludes the Rejuvenation or restoration process of this of this car we ticked off three big items I always start with the mechanical stuff then interior and finally exterior so that's sort of the final episode on that we are going to have one more episode in the near future probably in August where we're going to bolt infinitas supercharger to this engine and make this car a bit faster and more powerful anywho thank you so much for your support for following along for liking subscribing commenting to all my patrons thank you so much without you this this wouldn't be possible so you should be proud of this car as much as I am gonna finish my beer and I'll see you in the next one beautiful even the bumpers cleaned up and they looked horrible [Music]
Channel: M539 Restorations
Views: 493,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e31, bmw, 850i, 850ci, restoration, revival, barn find, e39, e38, m5, 740i, 840i, 840ci, 850csi, csi, 8er, 8 series, classic cars, bimmer, 540i, v12, 535i, 750, e46, m3, m70, road trip, m73, budget, first start, car project, b7, b8, alpina, restore it, e34, e32, e24, hoovie's garage, hoovie, tavarish, doug demuro, vin wiki, vice grip garage, car throttle, samcrac, e60, s85, v10, challenge, m54, 3er, 325i, chrisfix, detailing, disaster interior, detailing geek, top gear, edd china, cartrek, Abandoned, dealership, alfa romeo
Id: 7buE7bd1QNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 26sec (4106 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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