What Is Your Favourite Quality vs Quantity Example?

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what is your favorite quality vs quantity example friends keep the circle small it's likely that you will only have a small number of really close friends but we shouldn't make a virtue out of having few friends keep your closest home is closed but it's fine to have circles of medium friends work buddies acquaintances we shall strive to be friendly with people and not retreat into a no new friends mentality agreed i live in the boston area and was born here but i hear from new transplants that it is so hard to make new friends here because the mentality seems to be you form your cork leak early and then that's it no new friends because you don't have the time so then if you move here and don't already have your clique and you aren't still in school you're kind of stuck i'm much more outgoing and i really enjoy making new friends i still have my core group of a few very close friends but a much wider network of medium slash work friends also one of said medium slash work friends eventually became one of my besties and now her and her husband are god parents to my child if you set up a mental roadblock of i only need ex-friends then you are not only missing out on potential great friendships but you are essentially creating a shunning situation to anyone new to the area tools one quality screwdriver wrench or whatever will last you a lifetime and can replace dozens of cheap tools i like adam savage's take on this buy the cheap tool first and if you use it often buy a better one no use in buying expensive tools which you don't use a lot i call that the harbor freight rule if you find you need a till you don't own buy the harbor freight knockoff and if you use it enough it fails then you know you use it often enough that it's worth it to invest in a quality product if you only use it once or twice a year you'll likely never wear it out and it wasn't worth it to spend big money on quality work you will have some bosses that say take any time you need get your job done and be ready to work when you have to while others want your but in a chair at your desk for eight hours every day no questions asked i'm a software engineer for an application used by a call center we had a major release that helps automate some of the steps that the call center workers would otherwise do manually it cut the average call time by about 40 which we were really happy about a few weeks later one of the call center managers asked if we could remove the new feature because the employees weren't spending enough time on phone calls this completely incompetent [ __ ] thought quantity of work was literally the only thing that mattered i was like dude the whole point is to keep customers happy by limiting the length of their calls he was ready to freak over our customers and all of his employees for no reason it was probably impacting a metric that his annual review depended on clothing i used to buy so many cheap items of clothing because it was only a few dollars then one day i realized i had so much clothing but nothing that great or that lasted more than a few uses it's so much better to buy a couple of good quality pieces of clothing that you can wear for multiple occasions than to buy a bunch of cheap stuff this so much i used to buy pants for like 20 dollars a pair because what psycho spends 100 on a pair of jeans finally i realized yay the pants were 20 each but i was going through three four pairs a year went out spent a few hundred on some higher quality jeans and shorts and have had the same pairs for going on four years now still no holes or anything i got a pair of levers the other month out of curiosity of what spending that much more would get me i have no idea if they will last but they are a much better fit than the cheaper jeans i bought on the same day i know they aren't the best in the business but i was pleasantly surprised to find there was actually a step up a party i used to party a lot because i thought that's what fun was supposed to be now i just sometimes go to the parties i myself really like much much better i tried going to rages and found that they just weren't my thing i'd always feel weird in high school and college when i would say no to parties like that since i felt like i should've been going but even so i'd much rather chill around a bonfire watch movies and play games and just keep the parties smaller with a closer group of friends found it to be much more fun that way i feel like a lot of people attend the big parties because there is more of a pool of potential friends hookups and potential partners once i started seeing someone the big parties just didn't have much appeal to me other than hanging out with friends when i became single again they were a great way to meet new people though there's been a recent trend of tv shows only having having like 10 episodes per season instead of 20 plus and a lot of times it's so much better for the show british tv has been doing that for years largely due to budget constraints and it's one of the reasons many of the big dramas are really tight on the story and characterization i'm glad to see it's a trend that american tv is jumping on yeah british tv was kind of hard for me to get into at first because of that i would think five episodes for a season really that's it but over time you realize that each episode is better made than if you had a 20-season show my mom's last days two weeks from pancreatic cancer diagnosis to her death we were expecting to be able to care for her at home for at least a couple of months she refused treatment but two days after coming home realizing how much strain would be put on us to care for her my eldest niece was on the verge of dropping out of her final year of school to look after her beloved granny i think my mom always the stubborn independent one just decided no not doing this to my family i'm going to go see my husband but honestly the two days we had with her were all quality someone was sitting with her every second she battled to speak at the end but her kids and grandkids and her puppy were all there we all got to say everything that had always been unsaid when we ran out of words we sang to her she literally died in her granddaughter's arms of course we'd have loved a bit longer but for her quality was definitely better than the quantity that would just have included increasing suffering and dependence and indignity my sister-in-law was terminally ill she had suffered for a few years plodding along but i think she had enough she had a great day with my wife and when she got home she didn't take the medication she needed to live she died on the sofa lying down chatting with my wife we didn't find out till later that she didn't take her meds my wife thinks maybe she was too weak to get them i know different she was an incredibly strong independent woman she'd had enough and went out on her own terms after having a great day my grandma told me about how her aunt did this she had owls probably had about six months left and still had a fair bit of function my grandma took her out to lunch and then to a doctor's appointment the doctor told her she would have to go on hospice soon she died that night they didn't conduct an autopsy but it's an open secret that she likely purposely overdosed on the strong painkiller she had been prescribed to manage her pain i don't blame her in fact i'd probably do the same studying i have friends who study for hours and hours but don't target specific material in a way that's effective there have been tons of academic studies that show which kinds of studying are the most effective for retention so i stick to those and end up studying for far less time it depends on your goals cramming was plenty effective for me at getting a test done the next day and for getting 90 of the class one hour afterward i agree i find cramming to be effective but there is a definite limit to how much you can cram in one go matloop can't believe no one else has said this and i don't mean to shame anyone slash too much mac hoop is disgusting but you can get a good coverage with good quality products instead of having to reapply crap stuff by layers man makeup is such a crap shoot you can buy a 10 foundation and it can be amazing or awful same goes with the 50 foundation you can read or watch all the reviews first but everyone's skin and preference is a unique so it will work differently for you i know this is kind of a tangent but i felt it was worth mentioning i recently went to sephora to get a new foundation with spf and they gave me little sample cups of a couple different ones to try at home i think they do samples of almost anything that can be easily put into a sample portion it's not a lot of product but definitely enough to know if something is right for your skin before dropping a lot of money on it shoes especially if you're active and or work on your feet yes my husband used to wear running shoes he bought at walmart and they constantly hurt his feet and of course fell apart quickly his first pair of nikes was life-changing for me getting measured and getting some well-fitted brooks running shoes made cross-country phenomenally more pleasant if he's really into running i would suggest taking him to get fitted for some shoes better to stay quiet and be assumed an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt speak little but say a lot after a while people will begin to realize that when you do open your mouth it's because you have something important to say and tend to listen much more closely than they would to a chatterbox making the same point better speak up to be proven an idiot then stay quiet and remain one i've never heard it phrased this way before i've always heard better to stay quiet and be thought an idiot than speak and remove all doubt or something like that your phrasing makes it a completely different statement like ask questions or remain ignorant forever birthdays and anniversaries wouldn't be special if you had them every day right there was a year where it seemed like we had to go to a birthday party every two weeks and you're right they kind of stopped being special yep i have two little kids in classes of about 20 students each the school policy is that if you invite one classmate you have to invite them all you can do the math we order gifs in bulk and keep an excel spreadsheet so we don't give slash regis the same thing each year or two siblings on accident it's freaking first name basis with every jumpy palace or kid zone in the area you can read the textbook cover to cover read the notes over 3x but if you don't absorb anything you're wasting your time it's better to go over the lecture slowly and try to predict what kind of questions will be asked on the exam then write your own practice exam take a break to clear your mind and see how much of it you get right yes and don't under value rest too it's better to take a break either an app or recreation and come back with a fresh head than to puzzle over something you're just not going to understand in that state so many times i have woken up from a 30 meter nap with the answer to some simple ass thing i wasn't understanding from by reading would reading that page 20 more times have helped nope promise book length so much can be conveyed in such few words so little can be said in gigantic books filled with paper wastelands but a well-written book that is also lengthy sign me the frick up examples are game of thrones books count of mont cristo east of eden and many people ofc can attest to harry potter being lengthy but good for me if a book is good i want it to last for a while i hate it when i read a good book and there isn't enough world building or character development because the novel is only like 200 pages long oh i agree lengthy books can be beautiful i do however think that world building can be achieved through several books which allows you to properly differentiate your storylines as token so masterfully did dating websites a lot of people get caught up in presenting themselves in a full slide to generate more matches and thus more sex slash connection slash etc i fell into this same trap after a year of serial dating with no real emotional connection i decided to overhaul my page to limit my matches and find someone real well i fashioned my tinder profile to reflect the real me i'm a weird guy i posted pics exclusively with a man bun i referenced the office throughout my bo and really took myself out of my comfort zone a week goes by with zero matches and i start to question if i made the right decision but then i get a match from a girl who sent me this message you think you're weird you've met your match needless to say we have been dating for a while now and have hit it off all of my friends approve my mom approves and she is a breath of fresh air she is so freaking weird and i love it the dating scene as it currently is is all about instant gratification quantity but if you shift your focus towards being patient you are setting yourself up for much more success quality cola my parents used to buy generic store brand cola all the time i wondered why they would do it because that stuff tasted awful it was vile but it was cheap perfect for satisfying a degenerate addiction now when i buy cola i go to a smaller store that sells the mexican coca-cola that comes in the glass bottles and has real cane sugar in it i only ever drink it if i have something to celebrate my parents used to get this horrible brand of cola because it was cheap too president's choice i think it tasted like expired memories of pepsi like someone spilled their drink cleaned it up with lysol wipes and then squeezed that into a cup of tonic water with a sprinkling of aspartame i tried it recently and they have definitely changed the recipe since then it's not good still it tastes like it's worth a dollar for two liters which it is but not nearly so bad [Music] you
Channel: Panda Entertainment
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Id: L4AN3i1pQwI
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Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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