What is TrueNAS Scale and how does it compare to TrueNAS Core?

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tom here from orange systems we're going to talk about truenass scale and i've been talking lately about trueness core the up and coming convergence of freeness and truenass into a fully open source system but in addition to that they're also working on true nass scale and there's been a lot of confusion in people thinking that maybe this means the end of bsd support because should scale is built on debian but it doesn't and we're going to explain why and go over some of the details of what trueness scale is why you may or may want to use it and how the development's going on there and its current status right here in july of 2020 before we dive into all that let's first if you'd like to learn more about me or my company head over to lawrences.com if you'd like to hire sharp project there's a hires button right at the top if you'd like to help keep this channel sponsor free and thank you to everyone who already has there is a join button here for youtube and a patreon page your support 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with the distro awards for which distros did you choose and it mattered a lot in earlier days it matters a lot less because of the way things are designed now and specifically because of the portability between os platforms and they're kind of dive into all of that inside of here so how did they enabled multi-os and this is what's really important middleware was updated to be os and independent have a clean rest and web sockets api web user interface was modernized using angular and the new apis so it's also os independent essentially what they've done is you have the base operating system well truenas freenas are built on an insurness core built on freebsd but freebsd for all the things it does have and great features it does not have some of the things some people are asking for such as docker support instead they have io cage and jail so the containerization systems and some of the back end things that are kernel level well need high levels of kernel interaction are fundamentally different so for people who want that and want a system as they refer to it as scale out for clustering and things like that that is where you may want a linux based operating system so by packaging up the base that is the middleware that makes up the system and when you look at the way these look you can tell wow they look very very similar to each other this one being trueness core this one being trueness scale that's because of that packaging and compatibility because a lot of the all the languages that this is written in is compatible with both base operating systems so i don't think they're going to go windows in case where the os 4 between windows and the open source world is still going to continue on i see for the foreseeable feature i don't predict there's going to be a version of this it gets ported over so windows is at its core it seems terrible but the other more popular operating systems that are more suited for this both debian and bsd they've packaged it very well so it can be portable now this means they don't have to end support like a lot of people seem to think for the bsd world they can keep porting this because they do development on the core middleware applications and then it just works on either platform so the people who want the debian with some of the other features containerization features they're going to get them by running this on debian people who are used to the i o cage and some of the scalability features you have and of course the rock solid history that bs d has of stability you can keep running it here and there's not a big challenge because they don't write the operating system they write the middleware over ix systems that's what they're actually supporting therefore the updates can still come from the freebsd side the updates can come from the debian side and the platform can continue to live on both and you can have your cake and eat it too because you can choose whichever platform works better for you so trueness scale is like i said really neat it stands for scale out converge active active linux container easier to manage so i'll leave a link to this announcement and dive into some of the details but what does it actually look like functional wise not really that functional first thing is currently it runs close to um absolute zero with a negative uh 269 degrees and this is running on that super micro server i'll leave a link to that i did a review on the other day i just had it here so i wanted to test it and so that's the first thing i noticed on air was wow it runs at an incredibly cold temperature which obviously is just some of the bugs in it um i also did load some updates and then it broke things so i rolled it back and then i went to the command line which by the way yes it does run debbie in and yes you can apt-get and update this and it pulls from the ix systems repositories here but uh i can guarantee you this will break things this breaks a lot of things if you just do it from the command line so like i said very very beta they're predicting sometime in 2021 they don't have any exact dates you can follow ix systems for updates so this has a little ways to go but things they did include yes from the command line we have options for docker and from the command lines they have some gluster in here i don't know where its development is in terms of how fully functional and if it's able to set up gluster file systems on here or not but that's part of the plan you can have the zfs base you're going to be able to do clustering and have docker containers on here and you know it's really cool that they're doing all this and i love the fact that we're going to end up with all these extra features for people who want to run it on there because one thing that you may have noted on this channel that i haven't covered is virtual machines virtual machines use the beehive system inside of the bsd platform which is popular for virtualization there and in here they're going to be using kvm so once again they started on two different bases so you get the one that you're looking for in terms of functionality now i did try creating a vm here and it just hung the processor and broke so there is still a lot of things to go this is far from ready uh matter of fact so one of the things i noticed that isn't even in here right now is the acls are missing so it does have their old style permissions and when i try to access even a test share that i created i get some errors sometimes so it's working now so cool but it is still very very beta in terms of its overall functionality so for those asking should i start running this right now i'm probably going to go with no it's not ready for running but if you want to participate as a known nightly you're going to have bugs person and going to help report those bugs and everything else that's great uh so the functionality will slowly be ramping up as the development cycle continues it's going to go through the same testing cycles that freenas and surenas core are going through uh to coming to release so i do think this is a great project i do not see it taking away from uh the stability that we're used to and especially because as someone who's we are full disclosure and ix systems reseller and we do sell these commercially to uh businesses that are looking for really long-term support they will be easy uh to get that support and they're gonna stay committed to the bsd base and you know these are rock solid built on bsd so it's corporate world especially they're they aren't always looking for the latest features as much as stability matters a lot to them when it comes to their storage servers so truenas will be a popular storage device for a long time to come in terms of built on bsd rock solid stability but for those looking for some cutting edge and some new features they're going to be able to ship true nass scale and the cool thing is it's not like they have two platforms to develop because as i stated they're not writing the operating system they've can built a container essentially around the middleware to say all right we can make it portable we can develop on one group one team working on the middleware and then we can compile it to match either platform you're gonna get as i said the different virtualization machines some of the extra features and everything else when you move over here so those are my thoughts on shoena scale it's like i said really beta right now and uh but development's coming along you can follow along at ii systems follow along in their blog post it's not a secret that's all open source both of these platforms are still open source they're still free um that's still on the roadmap this is all published on github for those of you that have commented asking me was it really open source yes so that's still the business model that they have for these is still you know contributing back to the open source community making all this uh open source i'm looking forward to all development on there but for stability purposes and everything i will continue on the path of recommending and using and doing lots of free and astronauts videos a matter of fact that's a nice thing once you have the interface is the same other than some of the back-end features when you have a front-end interface the same uh the things i do where you learn and familiarize yourself with are going to port over perfectly fine either way so whichever one you choose is going to be a preference based on whether or not a function you want or if you're a preferred docker user i do know a lot of people that have done a lot of work with io cage so they're gonna really wanna stay with the bsd because they're more familiar with that platform so the choice will still be yours to make um in terms of you know what base os you want to have it on but you're going to get the same cool interface so that's my thoughts on truna scale it's a cool system i'm looking forward to development on it and thanks i'll leave links to where you can get to all this and thank you for making it to the end of the video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you'd like to see more content from the channel hit the subscribe button and hit the bell icon if you like youtube to notify you when new videos come out if you'd like to hire us head over to lawrences.com fill out our contact page and let us know what we can help you with and what projects you'd like us to work together on if you want to carry on the discussion head over to forums.lawrentsystems.com where we can carry on the discussion about this video other videos or other tech topics in general even suggestions for new videos they're accepted right there on our forums which are free also if you'd like to help the channel in other ways head over to our affiliate page we have a lot of great tech offers for you and once again thanks for watching and see you next time you
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 25,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawrencesystems, truenas scale, truenas scale download, truenas scale vs core, truenas scale linux, truenas scale release, truenas, nas, zfs, freenas, freebsd, network attached storage, ixsystems, freenas (software), storage, open source, bsd, technology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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