What is THEME & How to Vlog with a Story...?

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- If you're about to embark on an awesome adventure or go through a unique experience and you wanna film the whole journey, well there are some things that you need to think about to be able to tell a better story and to be able to make a video that your viewers are actually going to want to watch. So in this video, I'm gonna go through the concept of what a theme is for your video and how it ties into story, and how you can use that before you actually go on the adventure or go and do the experience so that you can craft a better video when you come back. Now recently I finished a video where I climbed this mountain up in the North Cascades of Washington that had this insane 3000 foot rock wall. And I knew that this was gonna be an experience that I wanted to capture on camera and be able to tell this story because this climb was definitely out of my comfort zone and I knew that there'd be a story somewhere in the experience that I wanted to tell and actually make a video around for my second channel. And if we haven't met before, my name is Jeven Dovey, and on this channel, I teach you how to make better videos and how to tell better stories. Now my second channel, Project Discover Earth, is all of the stories that I personally tell, so I'll include a link to the video that I'm talking about down below in the description as well as a link to my second channel. Now this video does not have a sponsor, however, this channel is supported by viewers like you, and the cheapest and easiest way to help support this channel is just by hitting the subscribe button and hitting the like button, especially if you wanna learn how to make better videos. But if you do want some more exclusive in-depth training, then head over to the creatorfilmschool.com, and that's where I have all my classes around making better videos and building a YouTube channel. And you could purchase each course individually or sign up for the membership which is less than the cost of a coffee per month. But let's talk about theme, story, and some things that you need to think about before you actually go out on the journey. Now if you're a YouTuber and you're trying to add more story into your videos, this is one of the concepts that's gonna help you take your videos from just a vlog that kind of follows you along whatever you're doing, to actually something that has more of a story and has a deeper connection with the audience on the other side of the camera. Now if you just have some really cool experience and you wanna make a video around it, well this is gonna help you craft a better video that's not just your typical family vacation highlight reel, or like a recap video, or like a cinematic B-roll video where it's just a ton of footage but there's really no story there besides the visuals. Personally, my focus has been around story and crafting better stories, because especially if you're a creator here on YouTube, well story's gonna help you stand out and your videos are gonna have more of an impact if you can tie story into everything that you're doing. So the big question is theme, what is theme, and how does it tie into story? Well a theme is your overall message that you want somebody to get out of the video after they've watched it. It becomes your guiding light on what to shoot and what not to shoot. Oftentimes the journey becomes the background element and the theme is the more important aspect because it connects you to the viewer who's watching your video. And for my video, I'm climbing this crazy mountain with this 3000 foot rock wall, and most people won't put themselves in that situation, however, the guiding theme that I made for this video is what's gonna connect the viewer to me and it helps give them something that they can take away from the video and feel more connected to the content that they're watching, rather than just being a video that's a spectacle. And don't get me wrong, you can make spectacle content where people will just watch it for the sheer craziness of whatever's going on, but ultimately, we're striving to become better filmmakers, so we wanna have story and theme built in to the kind of videos that we're making so that it could reach a broader audience and not just be about the spectacle. The spectacle is still a part of everything that you're doing, but there is a human side to every video that you're creating, especially here on YouTube, because we're creators, and a lot of times the content that we're creating is around us, so we are the main character and we wanna have that connection with the viewer on the other side of the camera. And so a theme is just a universal concept that somebody can pull out of the content no matter what the content is. So for example, if you watch the movie "Finding Nemo," well the reason that we enjoy watching that and we feel like we have a connection with the story isn't because we're watching this video about a fish going on a journey, the actual theme of that movie is around trust and friendship, and so it's concepts that we deal with on an everyday basis and so we feel a connection to the characters in that movie. Now I know some of you might be thinking, "Well, that's a feature film, and that's so much different than this video that I'm making around climbing a mountain." Well, yes and no. So if you look at the bigger creators on this platform, they are using these concepts of storytelling and theme to make their videos. Let's look at Ryan Trahan's Video, 100 Days in the Metaverse. He did this video where he was in the Metaverse for 100 days. It's a spectacle piece, it's kind of a crazy concept, being in this world that is pretty foreign to a lot of us and doing it for this extended period of time makes us wanna watch that video. But ultimately, the video is not just about being in the metaverse for 100 days, the overarching theme for me was that this digital world disconnects us from reality and we need to get ourselves away from these digital devices and spend more time in the present moment and make real connections with real human beings. And you can see how the bigger theme will connect to everyone who's watching this video, whereas the spectacle is kind of the piece that draws you in. So if you're someone who's making like an adventure video, yes, it's about going on this adventure and climbing this mountain, but you could attach a theme to it that's gonna connect to everyone who's actually watching the video, no matter what situation that they're in. Now in my videos where I have a story, I play around with this theme in different ways. So for example, I did a video where I went up to Alaska and went out to this abandoned military base. The video was about this adventure of me and my buddy Jake trying to get to this military base and see what it was like when we actually got there. And I did it in an explainer format, so it was more about the history of World War II and the actual trip of going to this location was background element, it was the adventure, but the actual story was World War II, the history, and the theme was how much war has an impact on a region even years after the fighting has stopped. And I did another video on my second channel where the journey was finding out where my burger comes from, so I went to a farm and figured out the entire process of how the burger goes from the cow to my plate. But the overarching theme is more about how we've become disconnected from our food and we need to think about the things that we're actually putting in our bodies. And then a third example here on this channel, I did a vlog where I went up to Alaska to test the Mavic 3, so the video was about the adventure of going to Alaska and testing the Mavic 3 in these extreme environments, but so many things went wrong in that video, but the overarching theme became that everything will go wrong at the worst time, but you can't let that destroy the experience. So ideally, when you're coming up with your theme, you wanna be able to boil it down to one or two sentences, and coming up with a theme before you go out and shoot is gonna help tell you exactly what you should shoot when you're out filming. Because if you're going out and shooting a video and it's this cool experience, say you're traveling to Thailand for two weeks, how are you gonna know what to shoot and what not to shoot? And there are plenty of times before I started understanding these stories of concepts that I would go on at an adventure and I'd spend all of my time shooting video without any idea of what I was actually gonna do with that footage, and then when I would get home, it would either sit on my hard drives or I would cut together a highlight reel which becomes very boring for somebody who just stumbles upon that video. Might be exciting for me and people that were with me, but it's not really that exciting from an outsider's perspective, it's just a bunch of footage cut together of a pretty place. So having a theme humanizes the content that you're producing, and also gives you kind of a guiding force when you're out shooting. Now the kind of content that I produce is a mix between vlog and documentary, I call them vlogumentaries because they have more of the story element, sometimes I'll dig deeper into the historical or the science side of whatever's going on, but I always have these vlog elements that are showing the journey or the adventure. I like this style, and I think it's a style that's being produced more and more on YouTube, where creators are putting documentary elements into vlogs, and so they're becoming more than just your typical travel vlog or just daily vlog. So if you're about to embark on an adventure or this cool experience, you need to take a step back first and come up with what is the content that you wanna produce from that. I kind of see four things that you can make, you could do a cinematic B-roll, just visual style video, and that might just be a highlight reel. You know, those can perform well if you're making them for here on YouTube, it could be like a cinematic travel film, and if you're doing that, then your focus is gonna be on just getting really epic visuals. Whereas another piece of content that you could create would be just a typical vlog, and that's where there's not a whole lot of story baked into it, it's more about just filming everything that you're doing and then cutting it together so someone can come along on the journey. To me, those aren't super exciting, there's definitely a lot of content like that here on YouTube, but I think that YouTube's evolving, and I think story is becoming more and more important. And on the story side, well, you can make a documentary which would be about, maybe someone that you're going to meet up with, or the place that you're going, or some bigger story around the whole adventure that you're going on, or you can make what I think is called a vlogumentary, which makes you the center subject of the video and you're taking someone on this journey with you, so it's a vlog, but then you have these deeper story elements baked into it. And you definitely need to think about this first so that you can go into the experience with expectations of what you're trying to capture. Now, theme is gonna be important if you're creating a documentary or a vlogumentary, and I don't think that you have to know your theme before you go out and shoot, I think you need to know where your direction is, where your aim is, and your theme can kind of start building as you're out on the experience. If you can come up with your theme beforehand, it's definitely gonna make a stronger video, however, depending on the type of content that you're producing, a lot of times things will happen that actually push you down one path versus another. So for example, the farm documentary that I did, I didn't have a clear theme when I went up and made that project. I was actually pretty lost, I knew what I was filming, I had a goal of what I was trying to achieve which was basically showing the process of how the farm works and how it gets to my house, however, once I was there, I started to understand how the farm operated and actually what regenerative farming was because it was a newer concept to me at the time, and that started shaping what I was actually gonna do with this video, which became a completely different video versus just showing the process of the supply chain of cow to plate. And so I don't think you need to beat yourself up if you don't have your theme right out of the gate, but have it in the back of your mind, so as you start going on the trip, if you start seeing a theme popping up, maybe it's about the people you're with and it's the friendships and the connections that you're making, or maybe it's about something internally, so maybe you've been struggling with something and going on this trip is bringing that to the surface, and this trip is actually changing you in some way to make you a better person. So sometimes you'll know right out of the gate what your theme's gonna be when you're going into a project, and sometimes you'll figure it out on the journey. So when I'm doing something like the Alaska Project where I was telling the history of the World War II base, I could come up with my theme before I actually shot the video, because all of the pieces are in front of me. I had the whole history and I was crafting the story of how I was gonna tell that history. Whereas this video where I'm climbing Mount Goode up in Washington, I didn't know what was gonna happen, and so the theme for me came out later because I had no idea where the story was gonna go when I was actually filming, and so in that situation where you don't know your theme before you start filming, what I suggest you do is come up with your story, and by story, I mean what is your goal? So what is the point of this video that you're trying to produce? For this mountain climb, my goal is to get to the top of this mountain, and it became sleeping on top of the mountain because it's this crazy lookout point, and we were gonna sleep on the summit, and there was a lot of challenges between us leaving the parking lot and actually getting to the top of that mountain, so that's what I was going off of when I was shooting this video. I knew where the story's trajectory was going, I knew what my goal was, and I knew what some of my challenges were to get there, and by going through the process, I came up with my theme, which is, we need to challenge ourselves to be able to put the rest of life in perspective. And I discovered this on this trip because this was a journey that really tested me in a lot of ways and was one of the most memorable climbs that I've been on, just because everything around the climb became so intense and it became such an extreme adventure, at least for me. I know there's some people that would've climbed that mountain and they'd be like, "Oh yeah, no problem." Whereas other people are like, "I would never go there." And so the actual climb itself becomes a background element because that's more the spectacle, that's the piece that grabs you and makes you wanna watch the video, but the thing that connects us is that we all have our limits, and being able to push past those limits and actually challenge ourselves helps us grow and become better people. And so if you're getting ready to make your video, a couple things I suggest, set up a goal, have some challenges that are gonna get to that goal, that's the basic elements of story, and also think about change or transformation because stories typically have this element of change or discovery at the end of the video, and so if you could have this structure, it's gonna help you start crafting your story, and then you're gonna be able to start thinking about your theme, whether it's before you go out on the adventure or the experience, or it's while you're actually filming it. And when you're out filming, just make sure that you're not shooting everything, you wanna shoot things that fit that story structure that you're building, and also the theme that you're trying to show through this video. Now I know my stories aren't perfect and my themes aren't perfect in my stories, however, it's like a muscle, you have to continually practice, and so if you're wanting to tell stories, well just get started. Come up with themes, come up with stories, and just practice. And the more videos that you make, the easier it will become to come up with these themes and come up with these stories and be able to put all the pieces together to make engaging videos that your viewers are gonna wanna watch. Now if you like this video and you wanna learn more about telling stories and crafting better videos, make sure you hit that subscribe button, but next, you should check out this video right here which goes through my entire process of how I approach making a vlogumentary. I'll see you over there.
Channel: Jeven Dovey
Views: 41,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeven dovey, creator film school, what is theme, theme for filmmaking, filmmaking theme, story telling, how to tell a youtube story, storytelling, story, how to tell a story, how to make a video with story, what is story, theme
Id: w0hEaTHksbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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