What Is the Most Good-Aligned Dragon in D&D?

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[Music] d features a wondrous variety of different dragons the most iconic of them are the dragons following a classical european sense they're cruel greedy terrifying monsters whose breath attacks are burning death but along with these evil dragons the d d world also has a number of good aligned dragons they are the light that balances out the darkness supporting truth justice beauty and love or at the very least they operate on this level of basic decency and are not inclined to act out malevolence but what kind of dragon is the most good aligned how virtuous do they actually go ready your locate creature and commune spells as we are going to take a close look at all the draconic heroes of dnd with the goal of determining which type is the noblest of them all i'm going to start with the lesser end of goodness and work my way proceeding towards the most righteous that i can determine before we enter this glorious hall make sure that you have given honor by hitting the like button and subscribing to the bell and let your tribute resound through the sanctuary of draconic majesty there is no need to slink about with the worms of the underworld spread your wings and journey courageously into the realm of many wonders moonstone dragon personality playful suave cunning charismatic themes moon dreams inspiration grace elegance fey interplaner prizes silver platinum mithril things with deep sentimental value allies potentially anyone layer wilderness area with ample moonlight at night magical portals enchantment magic intruders are magically banished typical good deeds inspires artists thinkers and heroes moonstone dragons are true dragons with a feywild origin while this band's treasury classifies them as neutral they do seem to be much closer to good than evil even the worst of them are described as merely pompous and ill-behaved though still gentle and curious young moonstones are more capricious and prankster-like as many kids and adolescents are and adult moonstones tend to be wise teachers legendary storytellers and these magical beings who travel between the material ethereal and feywild planes their influence upon people's dreams inspires great poetic works deep thoughts and heroic bravery so while i suppose we cannot consider the moonstone dragons on the whole to be decidedly good aligned they are undoubtedly good leaning fairy dragon personality fun mischievous sneaky clever smart themes magic fae invisibility trickster prizes any kind of treasure even small bobbles and trinkets allies with good humored fun companions layer forest grove or cave chaos magic causes spell ricochets grasping plants typical good deeds brings about laughter frustrates or disorients evildoers a fairy dragon similar to the copper and brass dragons that we're about to see is not exceedingly virtuous it's chaotic good in alignment though the good part of that is really not very far along into the good spectrum a fairy dragon doesn't really go out of its way to harm people it doesn't typically commit terrible sins and in the end it does follow its conscience but more than anything it's a magical prankster it's a feywild dragon that revels in mischief the older fairy dragons can wield some rather potent magic which we like to hope they wield against the wicked and would-be villains copper dragon personality crafty pranking cranky envious possessive cautious hospitable themes acid hills highlands trickster storytelling music jokes riddles prizes coins and wealth art objects and oddities allies with bards performers storytellers and charismatic creatures layer hill cave narrow tunnels secret chambers spikes mud pits hidden treasure typical good deeds hosts and offers hospitality spreads cheer copper dragons are similar to brass dragons in some ways they both love social interaction conversations getting to know interesting people they're both likely to get along famously with high charisma characters also like the brass dragons a copper dragon can only change shape if it's ancient meaning that most of them will not possess the ability to don a human or animal form though copper dragons are ultimately good-hearted they're not very high on the good scale they still possess the greedy miserly ways that we associate with chromatic dragons and they are temperamental creatures that can easily become cross defensive and upset in a way they're more complex than many of the other metallic dragons in that regard they have their good moods they have their bad moods just like real people do more than anything copper dragons love things like music stories performances and riddles they are certainly the most bardic of all the dragons which appeals to me greatly if we imagine the alignments of d and d as spectrums of a good evil axis and a law chaos axis the copper dragon would actually be fairly close to neutral but it'd be a little ways out into good and a little ways out into chaotic maybe a moderate way out into chaotic but on the whole they are not really the most virtuous of the dragons brass dragon personality hypersocial talkative extroverted themes fire sunlight desert canyon conversation prizes magic items that allow for communication sentient items genie lamps allies essentially anyone layer arid sand or loose gravel windy buried treasure typical good deeds engages in fun games shares interesting and useful information entertains and helps travelers that converse with it brass dragons are the extreme extroverts of dragonkind they are chaotic good and they are fire breathing which is a great representation of their enthusiastic natures they dwell in hot dry areas and are likely to be rivals and enemies of blue dragons who layer in similar types of regions i cannot consider brass dragons the most good aligned they often want something out of people they want a good chat in the least but those who try to avoid a brass dragon will find themselves chased down or even put to sleep by its magical breath only to awaken in the dragon's clutches with it demanding to know about them however this is due more to the dragon's immense curiosity and its hyper-social nature not some kind of wicked streak like many other metallic dragons a brass dragon can shape change into the form of a humanoid or a beast though only the ancient brass dragons are capable of doing so pseudo-dragon personality elusive playful shy selective emotive themes draconic familiar tiny lesser dragon telepathic prizes simple genuine treasures and gifts allies rarely makes allies and only does so with worthy people layer tree hollow or a cave typical good deeds provides companionship and even aid in battle to someone who has proven to be good hearted the most minuscule of dragonkind is the pseudo-dragon it is a tiny thing it lacks toughness it's shy yet playful it's benevolent it's empathetic it's telepathic pseudo-dragons are well known for their service as arcane familiars you might be inclined to trust or at least regard well a mage who has a pseudo-dragon as his magical pet for these little dragonlings are quite repulsed by abuse and ill treatment a mage who is the master of a pseudo-dragon is really the friend of the pseudo-dragon and probably shares the critter's jovial attitude and sensitive nature there's something heartwarming about a dragon who possesses whimsy and innocence this creature reminds us that we all have a child in our hearts after all what is d and e without the play and imagination of childhood in terms of how good a lined it is i have to put it above dragons like copper and brass which are limited in the ways in which they embody goodness there's a purity to the pseudo-dragon's goodness that shines above those semi-good dragons but i cannot place it any higher for the dragons beyond this point take good to a higher level you could even say a higher stakes level they willingly face the worst of horrors they courageously put themselves at risk even self-sacrificing for the sake of the greater good children are beautiful creatures but they are children after all they're like unmolded clay unrealized potential it is more righteous and more virtuous to possess knowledge of the dark side to have felt its temptations to have suffered its hooks and stings and still choose to confront it for that chance to triumph over evil even if it means you might pay the ultimate price crystal dragon personality optimistic nurturing cheerful caring themes radiant psionic positive energy short range teleportation shape changing prizes diamonds reflective items star charts and works of astronomy divination items illumination items and healing items allies potentially anyone layer cold wasteland ice castle beguiling whispers gleaming starlight typical good deeds takes care of others infuses life wherever it goes crystal dragons live in remote desolate and frigid places yet they are some of the friendliest most hospitable dragons out there this band's treasury actually categorizes them as chaotic neutral but if you read their lore they really seem more like neutral good or at least chaotic good they are innately psionically connected to the positive energy plane and they are just brimming full of life and optimistic disposition in this way they are the opposite of the topaz dragon that we saw in the evil dragons video they are caregivers nurturing hosts and essentially psionic mages of light adult and older crystal dragons have an unbelievable shape-changing feature being able to transform into any medium or small creature as just a bonus action they do retain all their own abilities so in that ways it has limitations but it's mind-blowing all the potential that exists in such ability the crystal dragon is somewhat confusing to me but one thing is crystal clear it is definitely not evil not in the least and the neutral classification really is in name only i don't agree with that if we look at the creatures actual personality traits and the things that crystal dragons typically do it is undoubtedly good aligned bronze dragon personality freedom loving organized fair strategic themes storm sea coast war shape changing prizes treatises on war and strategy ceremonial items treasure from sunken ships allies anyone fighting against tyrants and evil doers lair coastal cave sunken treasure fog thunder typical good deeds helps people fight against tyranny and evil barters fairly for things at once keeps watch over the coasts and waters of its region bronze dragons are coastal guardians keeping a lookout for trouble in the water or on the shore they watch for invaders marauders and pirates as well as anyone who has fallen into dangerous hazards that they might be able to help out adults and older bronze dragons can shape change into the form of humanoids and beasts it often uses such geysers to swim alongside ships say as a dolphin or maybe to discreetly enter a ship as a rat or a bird that way it can inspect its cargo and learn of its intentions this spying is done for the sake of good for bronze dragons will not steal they will trade in a forthright manner for whatever it is that they desire they have keen minds and are very intelligent typically possessing a wealth of knowledge especially when it comes to battle tactics and warfare in fact bronze dragons are some of the most war loving creatures in existence but they do not promote war in and of itself rather they are fascinated by strategy and they will always support the most morally just side of a conflict bronzes are very disciplined responsible they're well organized they detest tyranny and malevolent oppression silver dragon personality friendly staunch ally encouraging respectful themes cold intermediary between gods and mortals guide prizes relics from the past volumes of history innovations from various societies beautiful works of art allies essentially anyone layer mountain peak or mountain citadel snow fog icy wind typical good deeds provides aid of all kinds to those who seek it out the silver dragon represents the archetype of the just king the ruler who is based in wisdom perception and virtue who presents the cold truth who allows people to be free and to develop the just king serves as a reliable foundation when the people are in need this contrasts with the evil king who can either manifest as an iron-fisted tyrant that oppresses the people or as a corrupt manipulator who dons a mask of justice while he enslaves people to his ideologies while the gold dragon and even the bronze dragon to a degree are more active in their fight against evil going so far as to root out forces of darkness a silver is more likely to remain upon his throne taking action only when someone seeks him out for a noble cause or maybe if some truly malicious enemy intrudes into the land then he'll activate but otherwise silvers would prefer that you grow stronger that you strengthen and win your own victory but if the odds are too overwhelming the silver will indeed leave its throne and bring devastating retribution to the foe the silver dragon is an immensely good aligned creature but there is one who is slightly more so one who often ventures out into the world who more often goes into the wilds to the corrupt parts of society even into the dungeons of darkness to face down the sources of malevolence gold dragon personality wise benevolent orderly humble private aloof mystical themes fire majesty hoarder hide's true identity holy seeker prizes pearls gems and a large treasure horde allies essentially anyone layer waterfall cave lake or river glimpses of the immediate future intruders banished into a dream plane magically warded secret treasure vault typical good deeds provides wisdom and counsel promotes virtue wherever it goes helps those in need hunts down evil the gold dragon is the most mystical and secretive of the metallic dragons it is also the most humble and simultaneously the most powerful it is a source of tremendous wisdom though there is a good chance that it will not let on that it is a gold dragon while it is providing said wisdom when it's not within the privacy of its home it usually dawns an alter ego when it ventures out from that of a simple animal to a humble person to a spell caster of the light or even a questing paladin they are lawful good and at all times they act and speak in a way that helps others that brings about good order while remaining discreet they will seek out evil doers in order to put a stop to them golds can eat almost anything and they delight most of all in consuming pearls and other precious gems though they do not gorge themselves without control in fact they are some of the most hoarder-like of all dragon kind amassing incredible amounts of treasure and items which they carefully hide in warded vaults deep within their layers the gold dragon thus receives the crown as the most good aligned dragon in dnd 5e this of course is not counting dragon gods such as bahamut who would be on a higher level still of course but in terms of what we have as entries in the actual 5e b series the gold dragon is the most noble-hearted the least egotistical the most virtuous the most willing to put itself right on the front line to ferret out and strike down sources of corruption and malevolence while the silver dragon is very socially oriented very righteous it's an emboldening king the gold dragon is a savior who chooses to walk through the valley of darkness helping and strengthening those he meets along the way he conquers the vile enemies and selflessly risks his very life in order to save others let us give a mighty cheer for the gold and for all these dragons they remind us that power can be wielded to do great amounts of good they show us that fierceness and ambition can drive us to overcome our plights to rise above our misfortunes it is important that we face the evil dragon in the cave of terrors and it is equally important that we commune with a good dragon in the pool of wisdom if you enjoy this kind of content i encourage you to support me either on patreon where you can get monthly exclusive 5e content or by purchasing a copy of my 5ebook espers emporium of esoterica or another product in my shop links to everything are down in the video description and i want to thank you as always for watching may you find the good dragons who will age you in your life quests and may your adventures be many [Music] you
Channel: Esper the Bard
Views: 33,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d&d, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, dnd, 5e, dragon, dragons, analysis, good, virtue, virtuous, righteous, alignment, most good, best, celestial, shapechange, transform, powerful, critique, review, ranked, ranking, top, moonstone dragon, faerie dragon, pseudodragon, brass dragon, bronze dragon, copper dragon, crystal dragon, silver dragon, gold dragon, fizban, monster manual, dungeon master, dm, game master, gm, esper, good vs evil
Id: 13PLWnb2jJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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