What is the Millenial Reign of Christ?

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almost everyone knows the lyrics to  isaac watts famous hymn joy to the world   but few people realize that it is really a miscast  hymn it's not a christmas hymn really at all even   though it's in the top three of the favorite  christmas hymns of all time listen to the words   and see if you understand what i mean joy to the  world the lord has come let earth receive her king   did we receive the king when  jesus was born at bethlehem   let every heart prepare him room and heaven and  nature sing joy to the world the savior reigns   let men their songs employ while fields and floods  rocks hills and plains repeat the sounding joy   no more let sin and sorrow grow nor thorns infest  the ground he comes to make his blessing flow far   as the curse is found has that happened did it  happen he rules the world with truth and grace   i don't think so not yet and makes the nations  prove the glories of his righteousness and the   wonders of his love only during the millennium  which comes after the second advent of christ   will the words of joy to the  world really be fulfilled   only during that time we'll be able to sing  these words with real meaning in our heart   now in your bibles there is a place to which  you should turn which is the central passage   for this discussion and it's the 20th chapter  of the book of revelation revelation chapter 20.   revelation chapter 20 introduces the glorious  reign of christ on this earth which is known as   the millennium now let's take the mystery out of  the term millennium it is a latin word which is   made up of two words the words melee which mean  a thousand and the word anim which means years   mille anim a thousand years so the word millennium  means a thousand years and the text of revelation   chapter 20 is the only place in the bible where  that actual word appears and it appears in the   text six different times if you look down in  your bibles you will notice in verse two it says   he laid hold of the dragon that serpent  of old who was the devil and satan   and bound him for a thousand years for a  millennium verse 3 and the nations no more were   deceived for a thousand years a millennium  verse 4 and they lived and reigned with christ   a thousand years a millennium verse five and the  rest of the dead did not live again until the   thousand years was finished there it is again  verse six over such the second death has no power   but they shall be priests of god and of christ  and shall reign with him a millennium a thousand   years milay and them a thousand years verse  seven now when the thousand years had expired   satan will be released from his prison  the millennium is a period of 1 000 years   that is going to take place in the future and  it is a very important subject for us to discuss   now i need to tell you that there is no more  subject in all of bible prophecy that is more   controversial than this one there are first of all  three perspectives on the millennium roman numeral   one three perspectives on the millennium church  history has seen the rise of three competing views   now it may not seem important to you what a  person might think about the thousand years   but it is very important because what a person  thinks about that thousand year period gives away   their understanding as to how the bible should be  interpreted and we're going to see that in a few   moments first of all there are some people who  refer to themselves as post millennialists now   i'm not trying to get theological with you  today and i haven't gone back to review my   seminary notes but you need to understand these  terms so you will see what i'm talking about   post-millennialism let me tell you what that means  that means that a certain group of people believe   that jesus christ will not come back to this earth  until after the thousand years of kingdom living   have happened and here's how they interpret it  this was invented by a unitarian minister by the   name of daniel whitby in the mid 17th century  and it teaches that the church we the church   will bring about the millennium through the  preaching of the gospel according his view as more   and more people across the globe are converted  the world will gradually be conquered for christ   god's justice will prevail across  the earth and jesus will at last return to a utopian world to take up the  throne that was won him by his church now   i need to tell you that view  flourished until world war one   at the end of world war one people began to  doubt whether this had any credibility or not   you know world war one the motto was make the  world safe for democracy well post-millennialism   started to falter a little bit because it became  apparent to everyone that the world wasn't getting   better and better justice wasn't prevailing more  and more and when world war ii came the world war   that was to end all world wars post-millennialism  primarily died and it ceases to be a major player   on the stage though it has had a somewhat recent  revival under some very strange circumstances   post-millennialism which says the world's  going to get better and better and better until   ultimately it's so good that it's a fit place for  jesus to come back to aren't you glad that intro   because it the signs aren't so good are they  jesus may never get back the way we're going   if we believe that and then there's another  view which is sometimes referred to as   a millennialism i want to hear you all say that  ah millennialism now whenever you put the word on   front of a word it negates the value of the word  so amillennialism means no millennium and there   are some people that take all the passages in the  bible that speak about the millennium and they say   those are all symbolic instead the church inherits  the millennial blessings that were given to israel   in other words the events that are in  revelation chapter 20 are happening right now   the church is reigning with christ over the  earth we are in the millennium according to   all millennialism oh my goodness i hope not don't  you hope not if this is the millennium what in   the world do we have to look forward to i hope  the millennium is a whole lot better than what   we have right now and of course anyone who really  studies the scripture and takes it literally would   understand immediately that the prophecies of  peace and prosperity and purity and all of those   things are not being fulfilled today the exact  opposite is being fulfilled and the problem with   amillennialism is the only way you can make it  work is to spiritualize and symbolize all of the   old testament scriptures once you start doing that  and you get away from a literal interpretation   of the bible then there is no control on  anything and whatever you want the bible to say   it will say and then there is the third view which  is the view that i believe is the accurate one   and that is what we call premillennialism  premillennialism is the oldest of the three   views and it believes and teaches that jesus  christ will physically return to this earth he   will defeat his enemies and there will be a battle  that is spot at the end and he will then set up   his kingdom on this earth and he will reign upon  the earth for a thousand years now i want to give   you a little visual so you see how this works  draw a straight line on your paper all right   just a straight line now start over here on  the left hand side of the line and put a little   parenthesis about that wide in the middle of the  parentheses just put the letters ot old testament   that's where it begins next to the parentheses  where you have ot put across just put a picture   of a cross that's a reference to the to the  life of christ to his death his burial and   his resurrection next to the cross put another  parenthesis and write the word church in it   just put the word church in it now you've got  ot the cross and the church after you get to the   end of the church parentheses i want you to put  an arrow going straight up and one coming straight   down meeting in the middle because what happens at  the end of the church age is we have the rapture   the dead in christ are raised and christ comes  back and we all who are christians go to heaven   after that put another parenthesis and write the  word seven years in it this is the tribulation   at the end of the tribulation in that little  parentheses put another arrow this one coming   straight down that's the second advent when jesus  comes back to take up his reign on the earth   then put a little bigger parenthesis and write the  word a thousand years in it that's the millennium   and after the millennium is the eternal state  or what we call heaven now i don't have time to   go over that again so i hope you wrote that all  down but i want you to know what we're talking   about here we're talking about a period of time  after the tribulation when jesus christ comes   back and he literally reigns on this earth and all  the promises of the old testament concerning the   kingdom are fulfilled in that period of time and  the redeemed jews live in their homeland and the   millennium ends with the final rebellion and the  old earth is replaced by a transformed new heaven   and new earth and this is the view that is found  in all of the writings of the early church fathers   and which is which is more widely believed  by evangelicals than any other view on the   millennium so we have three perspectives  of the millennium now i want to give you   four purposes for the millennium why do we have  to have a millennium somebody says what do we need   this for just so we can have something to discuss  in theology no it's very important that there be a   period of time like this going forward and i want  to give you just a few reasons and i'm going to go   through some scripture and i want to tell you i'm  going to go through these scriptures fast so if i   go through them fast you watch fast and listen  fast and understand fast all right here we go   ready the first reason is to reward the people  of god there needs to be a millennial time to   reward the people of god there are scores of  promises scattered throughout all of the bible   both in the old testament and in the new  testament guaranteeing god's people that   they will receive rewards for faithful service  for instance isaiah 40 10 says behold his reward   is with him and his work before him the son of  man will come in the glory of his father with   his angels when's that going to happen the  second advent at the end of the tribulation   period just before the millennium and he will  reward each according to his works matthew 25   34 the king will say to those on his right hand  come he blessed of my father inherit the kingdom   prepared for you from the foundation of the world  colossians 3 24 knowing that from the lord you   will receive the reward of the inheritance for  you serve the lord revelation 22 12 and behold   i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to  give everyone according to his work the bible   teaches that when we serve the lord here on this  earth as christians we are going to be rewarded   when we get to the kingdom with the opportunity  to serve the lord in a new and special way   in the previous message we talked about the  crowns here we're reminded that part of our   reward will be to reign and rule with christ upon  this earth and each of us will have opportunities   to serve the lord based upon our faithfulness in  serving him right now first thessalonians 3 13   says that the coming of the lord will happen  when he comes with all of his saints when jesus   comes back at the end of the tribulation  period just before this millennial time   we who were raptured at the beginning we're going  to come back with him we're going to come back to   this earth and we're going to reign upon this new  earth that he's created with his righteousness   and paul told the corinthians that the saints are  going to judge the world in first corinthians 6   2. and in revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 that  we read a few moments ago we read and they lived   and they reigned with him for a thousand years who  are they the christians the saints who come back   with him literally men and women there has to be  a millennium so that we can live out our rewards   during this thousand year period of time in the  parable of the talents jesus taught that our role   as servants and rulers will be based upon our  faithfulness matthew 25 23 the lord said to him   well done good and faithful servant you have been  faithful over a few things i will make you ruler   over what many things enter into the joy of your  lord in the millennium we will be ruling the earth   with jesus as our king and we will be serving  the lord not as a punishment but as a reward   the idea of service as a reward is foreign  to a lot of people who don't like their work   who only put up with their work until it's time  to retire we think that faithful service should   be rewarded with a long vacation but god  offers us an opportunity very different from   work more responsibilities is his reward increased  opportunities is his reward greater abilities and   resources and wisdom and empowerment we will have  sharper minds stronger bodies clearer purpose   and unabated joy and we will serve the lord  for a thousand years on this earth as it is   reigning and ruling with him can you imagine  a reign of righteousness with all godly people   in every single position having not had to be  elected there but appointed there by king jesus   whoa would that be something just imagine it so in  order for there to be a time for those rewards to   be realized there has to be a millennial period  that's when they're to be carried out number two   there must be a millennium to  respond to the prophet's predictions   the prophets of the old testament predict such a  time the old testament scriptures are absolutely   totally understandable if there is no such period  as the kingdom because most of the prophecies of   the old testament in fact dwight pentecost  who is a tremendous scholar of prophecy said   there is more information about the millennium  in the bible than any other prophetic event   in all of the scripture we push it off to the  side nobody wants to talk about it it's sort of   controversial so we avoid it but the bible says  in the old testament that such a time is coming   now i don't have time to give you the  myriad of verses that talk about it   but i'm going to give you a bunch of them just  one right after the other rapid fire right on   the screen and you listen to what the scripture  says psalm 72 11 all kings shall fall down before   him all nations shall serve him isaiah 9 7 once  again often referred to as a christmas verse   but only part of it is a christmas  verse the other part is a kingdom verse   of the increase of his government and peace there  shall be no end upon the throne of david and over   his kingdom to order it and establish it with  judgment and justice from that time forward even   forever the zeal of the hosts of the lord will  perform this isaiah 60 21 also your people shall   be righteous they shall inherit the land forever  the branch of my planting the work of my hands   that i may be glorified zechariah 9 10 i will cut  off the chariot from ephraim and the horse from   jerusalem the battle bowl will be cut off he shall  speak peace to the nations his dominion shall be   from sea to sea and from the river to the ends  of the earth luke 1 32-33 he will be great and   will be called the son of the highest and the lord  god will give him the throne of his father david   and he will reign over the house of jacob  forever and of his kingdom there will be no end   without the kingdom without the millennium none of  those could be fulfilled those prophecies all say   there's coming a day when king jesus is going  to rule over this earth as it is now with his   saints as co-regents with him and it's going to be  a rule of righteousness and peace that will last   for 10 centuries for a millennium why does there  need to be an earthly kingdom because christ   will come back and triumph on the very earth  where he was seemingly defeated by his enemy   his rejection by the rulers of the world remember  he came unto his own and his own received him not   he will come back to the very earth where he was  rejected and this time there will be no rejection   and it will be when he comes again to rule this  world in righteousness he will at last pick up his   inheritance and he will be the king everyone had  hoped he would come to be when he came the first   time do you remember when jesus came at bethlehem  and he started out and his disciples began to   realize who he was in some fashion they wanted to  know is the kingdom going to be now they weren't   really interested in christ being the ruler of the  world they wanted to get the romans off their back   they wanted him to come and set up the  kingdom but jesus said not now but someday   and it's in this period of time  that that's going to happen so   there needs to be a millennium to reward the  people of god and to respond to the prophet's   predictions here's an interesting one that's just  really simple and that's to receive the answer to   the disciples prayer do you remember the disciples  prayer our father in heaven hallowed be your name   your kingdom come your will be done on earth as  it is in heaven has that ever happened has his   kingdom ever come and his will been done on this  earth as it is in heaven not yet but it's going to   one day when jesus returns his kingdom will come  and his will will be done on this earth even it is   now being done in heaven when the disciples prayed  that the kingdom would come they were looking   forward to this very time we're talking about this  morning called the millennium so the millennium   is necessary to reward the people of god and  to respond to the prophet's predictions and to   receive the answer to the disciples prayer and  finally the kingdom is necessary and i want you   to listen carefully because then i want you to  lose this it is necessary to re-emphasize man's   depravity and the necessity of christ's death let  me show you what i mean the bible says that at the   end of this 1000 year period of time when jesus is  running the whole world and satan if you remember   he's bound for a thousand years do you remember  reading that in revelation 20 satan is bound for   for a thousand years he's he's incapacitated  but if you read the text that says at the end   of the millennium he's going to be released and  there will be one final rebellion you say well   where is the ungodliness going to come from well  only godly people will go into the millennium   but guess what they're going to have kids how  many of you know righteousness is not inherited   how many of you know god doesn't have  any grandchildren he only has children   so the kids born to the righteous people in  the millennial and some of them will become   unrighteous and at the end of the millennial  period in spite of all that has happened during   the reign of christ on this earth in spite of  all the righteousness that has been legislated   at the end of the millennial period there will be  a final rebellion against god what does that say   it says that our problem is not our environment  amen have you ever hear anybody ever tell you   that the problem we have in our world is  our environment if we could just educate   everybody and get everybody straightened out and  change the environment everybody would be better   well i want to tell you something god put two  people in a perfect garden and they rebelled and   at the end of the world he's going to run a world  for a thousand years in peace and righteousness   and at the end there'll be a rebellion there why  because the heart of man is evil and it's not a   problem of our environment it's a problem of our  nature that we inherited from adam when he sinned   against almighty god so the millennium will prove  once somebody else somebody will stand before god   at the great white throne judgment and say lord  god i just didn't have the right environment   and the lord's gonna say i gave you a thousand  years of perfect peace and righteousness and you   still rebelled depart from me i never knew  you all right we've had three perspectives   on the millennium four purposes of the  millennium and now we have to really move   five profiles of the millennium what's it gonna  really be like on this earth and all i can do   here is just tell you what the scripture says what  will it be like can you imagine in your in your   greatest fantasy what it would be like on this  earth if all sin were removed if all rebellion   were removed if all unrighteousness were removed  from what you know of the earth as it is today   first of all it'll be a time of great peace a  time of great peace that's the first profile did   you know this is kind of a joke to me but when i  see it did you know that right across the street   from the from the united nations building there  is a statue and on the statute are these words   they shall beat their swords into plowshares the  united nations is supposed to make that happen not it's not going to happen  through the united nations   that will really only happen when christ rules  the earth that which the world has longed for   for so long will become a reality only then will  the angel's message be fulfilled that he gave to   the shepherds on that night outside of bethlehem  peace on earth good will toward men all man-made   implements of mechanized warfare will  be eliminated even the natural kingdom   will be at peace now are you ready for a  scriptural tour here we go hang on psalm 72 7   in his days the righteous will flourish an  abundance of peace until the moon is no more   micah 4 2 and 3 many nations shall come and say  come let us go up to the mountain of the lord   to the house of the lord of jacob he will  teach us his ways and we will walk in his paths   and out of zion the law shall go forth and the  word of the lord from jerusalem he shall judge   between many peoples and rebuke strong nations  are far off and they shall beat their swords into   plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks  nations shall not lift up sword against nation   neither shall they learn war anymore isaiah 11  6-9 the wolf will also dwell with the lamb this   peace even extends to the animal kingdom and  the leopard will lay down with the young goat   and the calf and the young lion and the fatling  together and a little child shall lead them   the cow and the bear shall graze the young ones  will lie down together the lion will eat straw   like an ox the nursing child shall play by the  cobra's hole and the weaned child should put his   hand in the viper's den they shall not hurt nor  destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth   shall be full of the knowledge of the lord as  the waters cover the sea it will be a time when   war will be utterly unknown not a single armament  plant will be operating not a soldier or sailor   will be in uniform no military camps will exist  not one cent will be spent for armaments of war   not a single penny will be used for defense much  less for offensive warfare can you imagine such   an age when all nations shall be at perfect peace  and all the resources of the earth will be made   available for enjoyment and all industry engaged  in the manufacture of the articles of a peaceful   luxury that's the way it'll be it'll be a peaceful  time i know everybody says is that possible not   here not now not until jesus comes and sets up  his rule on this earth and then it'll be a time   of prosperity everybody's into prosperity at least  that's what i've observed by watching television   everybody's into prosperity well this will be  a time of prosperity like you cannot imagine   once again listen to the word of god ezekiel 34 26  and 27 i will make them and the places all around   my hill a blessing and i will cause showers to  come down in their season and there shall be   showers of blessing then the trees of the field  will yield their fruit and the earth shall yield   her increase and they shall be safe in their land  and they shall know that i am the lord when i have   broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them  from the hand of those who enslave them ezekiel 36   again i will call for the grain and multiply it  and bring no famine upon you and i will multiply   the fruit of your trees and the increase of your  fields so that you need never again bear the   reproach of famine among the nations the desolate  land will be tilled instead of lying desolate in   the sight of all who pass by so they will say the  land that was desolate has become like the garden   of eden amos 9 13 behold the days are coming says  the lord when the plow man shall overtake the   reaper in other words the cycle of reproduction  in terms of the of the harvest will be so short   that while the guy's out there harvesting the  plow man will be right behind him planting it'll   be just one internal and eternal production of  food and the treader of grapes him who sow seed   the mountains will drip with sweet wine and the  hills will flow with it zechariah 8 12 the seed   shall be prosperous the vine shall give its fruit  the ground shall give her increase in the heavens   shall give her due isaiah 35 the wilderness in  the wasteland shall be glad for them and the   desert shall rejoice and blossom as a rose and the  parched ground shall become a pool and the thirsty   land springs of water the millennium will be a  time of peace a time of unbelievable prosperity   and that it will be a time of purity sin will be  kept in check and disobedience will be dealt with   christ's kingdom will be a holy kingdom isaiah  11 9 they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my   holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the  knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea   isaiah 25 9 and it shall be said  in that day behold this is our god   we have waited for him and he will save us this  is the lord we have waited for him we will be   glad and rejoice in his salvation isaiah 66 23 and  it shall come to pass that from one new moon to   another and from one sabbath to another all flesh  shall come to worship before me says the lord   zechariah 13 2 it shall be in that day says the  lord of hosts that i will cut off the names of   the idols from the land they shall no longer be  remembered and i will cause the prophets and the   unclean spirit to depart from the land it will be  a time of peace it will be a time of prosperity   it will be a time of purity now here's one i  like it's going to be a time of prolonged life   you know prolonged life people are going to live  longer you know if you study the old testament and   i have a chart in my bible maybe you have one in  yours too that shows how before the flood people   used to live to be really old but when you get to  the flood in genesis chapter 6 something happens   900 doesn't happen anymore it starts going  down and down and down until you get to   kind of where we are now 130 was was old then as  it would be today many people believe that that   the flood changed the nature of the earth so that  the canopy that protected us from the ultraviolet   rays was was uh was contaminated and so  our ability to live long on the earth was   was destroyed but in the millennium the period  of time that we're looking forward to in our   message today everything that happened before  the flood in terms of the longevity of humanity   will return let me just give you one verse that's  amazing isaiah 65 20 no more shall an infant from   there live but a few days nor an old man who has  not fulfilled his days for the child shall die   100 years old now now just get that last phrase  when you are a hundred years old if you die they   will say he was a child all of you who are working  on a hundred right now doesn't that feel real good   someday i'm going to be called a child again and  i'll be a hundred years old and people will live   to be seven eight hundred years some of them  will live a great portion of the millennial   period under the reign of christ prolonged life  and finally it will be a time of personal joy   the millennium will be an exhilarating  era of happiness and contentment and joy   it will be the answer to many of the anguished  prayers of the jews and many of the hearts hopes   that are represented here today once again just  a multiplication of scriptures are you ready for   this stream of word of god coming to you from the  old testament listen to this isaiah 9 3 you have   multiplied the nation and increased its joy they  rejoice before you according to the joy of harvest   as men rejoice when they divide the spoil isaiah  12 3 therefore with joy you will draw water from   the wells of salvation isaiah 14 7 the whole earth  is at rest and quiet they break forth into singing   isaiah 25 8-9 he will swallow up death forever  and the lord god will wipe away tears from all   of their faces the rebuke of his people and  will take away from all the earth for the lord   has spoken isaiah 30 29 you shall have a song  and in the night when a holy festival is kept   and gladness of heart as when one goes with the  flute to come into the mountain of the lord to   the mighty one of israel isaiah 42 10-12 sing to  the lord a new song and his praise from the ends   of the earth you who go down to the sea and all  that is in it you coast lands and you inhabitants   of them let the wilderness and its cities lift up  their voice the villages of keeler inhabitants and   the evidence of silas sing let them shout from  the top of the mountains let them give glory to   the lord and declare his praise to the coastlands  from several passages in the old testament and   these are just representative few you get this  impression that the millennial time is everything   we have always heard it would be even if we didn't  know the bible a time of great joy and prosperity   and purity and a time of peace and prolonged  life and king jesus will be reigning and ruling   on the throne of david which will be in the  city of jerusalem and out of jerusalem will   flow this wonderful reign of peace over all  the world as we know it today can you imagine   whoa isn't it interesting to see what  god has planned and listen to me now   here's here's the kicker in the whole deal you  ready for this this is just the prelude to heaven   this is the overture of heaven you know when you  go to a concert or a to a big symphony they play   the orchestra plays an overture at the beginning  and it has a little snippet of all the different   songs that are in the program and you sit there  and the orchestras put this thing together and   it gives you sort of a picture of what's to come  well the millennium is an overture of heaven and   it gives you just a little picture as you study it  of what heaven will be like and where we will be   now not just on this earth but on the new heaven  and the new earth that we talked about last week   and the same king jesus will be in charge and  all sin and all death will be eliminated and   everything that's true about the millennium will  get kicked up another level and into the eternal   state we go celebrating forever and ever with king  jesus amen that's all right isn't it all right now it's interesting isn't it  that jesus came the first time   to become our savior and he's coming the second  time to become our king the coming of christ   to set up his kingdom will be so much different  than the first time that he came he entered the   world the first time in swaddling clothes he  will reign the second time in majestic purple   he came the first time as a weary traveler he  will return the second time as the untiring god   once when he came he had nowhere to lay his head when he comes back he will be  revealed as the heir of all things   once he was rejected by tiny israel when he  returns he will be accepted by every single nation   once he was a lowly savior acquainted with grief  then he will be the mighty god anointed with the   oil of gladness once he was smitten with a  reed then he will rule the nations with the   rod of iron once wicked soldiers bowed the knee in  mockery then every knee will bow and every tongue   confessed that he is lord once he received a crown  of thorns then he will receive a crown of gold   once he delivered up his spirit in  death then he will be alive forevermore   once he was laid in a tomb then he will sit on a  throne king of kings lord of lords that's jesus   and that's the millennium and it's a fact that  we will be impossible that will be impossible   for us to mistake if we read the scripture  you remember the commercial i think it was   for some kind of an oil filter and the guy got  on the screen and he said you can pay me now   or you can pay me later and they showed the engine  kind of coming unglued because he hadn't taken   care to make sure the oil was clean he said you  can pay me now or you can pay me later say that   pay me now or pay me later well  i want to tell you something   almighty god has put together a program just  like that do you know what it says in philippians   chapter 2 look up on the screen with me for just  a moment philippians 2 10-11 this is what it says   let's read it out loud together that at the name  of jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven   and those on earth and of those under the earth  and that every tongue should confess that jesus   is lord to the glory of god the father what does  that say it says one day in the kingdom and before   the white throne judgment the bible says every  single knee of every single person on this planet   will bow their knee before god and say for the  final time and without any hope of the future   you are lord and you are king and you  are worthy and you are who everybody   said you were when i was going to church back at  shadow mountain when i was when i was on earth   you're exactly who they said you were but by  that time it'll be too late when you get to   that place in the prophetic scheme of things  it's beyond hope you cannot become a christian   your opportunity is over now here is the  pay me now or pay me later application   jesus says one day everyone's going to bow  you have no choice as to whether or not you   will bow before the lord you will either  do it now voluntarily in obedience and in   humble humility but one day you will bow before  him and you will acknowledge that he is king   how much better it would be for all of us where  it be true for us that we have said lord god i   believe who you are i believe your son jesus  is the savior of the world i accept you as my   savior i bow before you as my lord i receive you  into my heart i bow my knee to you lord jesus   when you do it now you will never have to be  forced to do it later because it will be the   most natural and normal thing that ever comes  to your life to love and worship and adore him you
Channel: David Jeremiah
Views: 1,102,689
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Keywords: Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. David Jeremiah sermons, Dr. David Jeremiah 2020, Turning Point, Turning Point Ministries, Turning Point Television, Jesus, Christ, Savior, Eternity, Son of God, Son of Mary, Teacher, Praying, King of Kings, King of the Jews, Old Testament, New Testament, praying, Heaven, sickness, pain, death, eternal, promises, God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.