What is the HARDEST Kirby Boss!? [Top 15 RANKED!]

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[Music] today we go through every single kirby boss to find out which are the top 15 hardest bosses for us to take down within the kirby franchise we are not really necessarily focusing so much on the kind of spin-off kirby games but more on the main titles because those are the ones that drove me crazy with their boss battles because some of them were extremely difficult once again guys these are my opinions and based off of my experiences and stuff that i've heard from people that i've talked to with how hard these bosses were for them so i've kind of put this list together based on my preference so let me know in the comments down below what you would put in your list and also make sure you leave a like and subscribe to stay up to date on all things kirby and nintendo in general now without further ado let's get on to our list of the top 15 hardest bosses in the kirby franchise now coming in at number 15 and starting off this list we have kirby dreamland two sweet stuff yeah i know it's weird one but for me it was always very difficult to take this guy down because of how weird the mechanic was of course we really didn't have copy abilities that could do a lot of damage here so we had to do with the next best thing yep blowing sea stars back at its face it was actually kind of difficult because the sea stars didn't always come which made it very difficult for you to dodge different attacks that he would throw at you like constant stars and different enemy attacks you probably spent the majority of the fight just in his face blowing water bubbles and it just i don't know maybe it was just more non-fun to me than difficult but i just definitely don't like it it's 15. i can't argue with it coming in at number 14 we have meta knight from all the classic kirby games and i mostly am going off of kirby's adventure here where meta knight was just difficult because he was a small quick object that's what made him so difficult for me it's not like his moves were super crazy or anything it's just his patterns were very unpredictable and he was just like another little kirby character moving around the stage so randomly and sporadically he would also hit me a lot so he would normally take my health down all the way i normally beat him but barely it would take me a full bar of health in order to take down meta knight just because of how crazy he was he was moving too quick and throwing that sword around too crazy coming in at number 13 i have grieth x from kirby return to dreamland this guy was throwing punches at me man and i remember the first couple of times of fighting this guy was very difficult because it is pretty much the same version but just every attack and move is quicker and of course more powerful that punch would come in very fast and yes you can duck underneath it to just dodge it but i'm not judging these bosses off of the most meta way to fight them but the first couple times you have to fight this guy it can be very difficult he has lots of electric projectiles as well kind of like ryu and he's shooting out all these different hadoukens and stuff at kirby in the sporadic ways he even has a mover he bounces all over the stage like crazy it could be kind of difficult now the reason i'm putting star dream soul at number 12 because man let me tell you what it is probably one of my favorite bosses in kirby you know history but it isn't that difficult when we compare to some of the past games and some of the other ones that i've played so far even in modern day kirby and i think the main reason is because you're controlling the battleship halberd instead of kirby himself and lots of these attacks are easy to dodge you have to do is spin and get out of the way and once you know the pattern of how the attacks are coming in it's really not that difficult and maybe it's just because i'm really good with like flying planes and shooting or something maybe i have like star fox in my blood but this was never that difficult for me now when you actually had to go in and fight the heart in the true arena it did get a lot more difficult with that because of course you have to carry over whatever health you have and you don't know what this thing is doing and it can be very difficult but that's probably the most difficult part of this entire battle because i didn't think the you know battleship hallbird portion was that bad coming in at number 11 we have magalor soul x now this boss has two different phases and they are some pretty difficult phases the first one isn't too bad just throwing some basic projectiles and enemies at kirby but then of course comes phase 2 which will test you because he has a lot of crazy attacks even the ability to use these super abilities that kirby can use as well hitting kirby with giant hammers and even swinging giant swords around yeah some of these attacks are actually very hard to dodge definitely not the hardest boss in kirby but it definitely does make me have to grind when i go back to revisit true arena it's always a stretch to finish it coming in at number 10 we have phantom 4 go ddd from kirby in the forgotten land now this guy could be very very difficult and not as much because of ddd himself but the lava everywhere there's lots of attacks that shift the stage and flip the stage and put lava in places it should not be and even king duty can throw his different hammers to create lava pillars and smack the ground to have lava and fire chase after kirby it's a lot of lava and lava is a detrimental thing to kirby in this game it can do a lot of damage so everywhere you look does lava coming for kirby especially as king ddd is jumping and running around kirby on all fours it can be very difficult to keep your mind on what's happening and there's just so much going on it could get very messy am i like the only one that had problems with miracle matter when i first started playing the game when i was a kid i don't know but my memories of this boss were just like it was so difficult for me i love how it transfers and changes into all these different types of copy abilities of its own and kirby has to kind of play off of its different attacks and take what it has in order to throw it back at him and it's actually like really cool but i just kept getting beat up by this thing i don't remember why but i think it was just a lot of just throwing random attacks at kirby and all these different projectiles flying every which way i was just getting beat up like crazy but it definitely is fun just kind of hard for me i don't know why but it just yeah it took me to places when i was younger did anybody else experience this you can honestly say any galactic night fight because they all play the same but it's just very very special in superstar ultra and when i say special i mean especially hard because not only is this balls hard on its own but it comes in a very critical time when you're playing through the true arena and when you're playing to the true arena you're probably getting beat up and you're going to fight this thing towards the very end of your journey in this arena and it can be difficult because it fights very similar to meta knight and it still moves very fast and sporadically like meta knight throwing that lance around you don't know which way he's going to move next but this time he has special abilities like shooting out tornadoes shooting lasers from his lance and just flying across the stage and shooting beams from space yep this guy can be very difficult like meta knight but in my opinion a little bit harder from kirby superstar ultra what's up everybody today's video is sponsored by tokyo treat and sakurako we got cool treats from tokyo from snacks to all types of crazy drinks and we're gonna be trying some for you guys today now with the difference between these two boxes is tokyo treat is more popular japanese candy and snacks and sakurako is more authentic traditional japanese snacks from japan's local artisan and snack makers each box also comes with these cool little pamphlets that show you where the snacks come from and the kind of background in which they come from giving you lots of detail about each snack you eat we have some crazy stuff like this candy ice cream cone it smells like marshmallow oh okay is that marshmallow yeah some of our favorites this one is one of my favorites it's like a lemon salt chip it's kind of like a pork rind but with lemon and salt all over it here's some of their favorites it's like a mochi candy like a green gummy tokyo treat always has special kit kats every single time this month's is cookies and cream those are good they don't taste like cookies and creamy we got these ramune candies as you can see we devoured this entire thing already they're very good almost like little yes they're good now probably our favorite thing that we've had so far ever are these vanilla pocky sticks this box is the sakarako box and the first thing we got is like a chocolate piece of bread it's got chocolate stripes all the way through it with bread i got some orange cake and it smells so orangey oh peanut flavored bites they taste exactly like nutter butters but in my opinion even better little gum they're good no no it's so big this one we have is like a vanilla wafer we had like a couple of these and we already absolutely tore them up this one's really cool because it actually has pictures ingrained on it and i can confirm these pictures are different from the first one we had this one is like i don't know it's a little c if you can see it with little boats on it yeah and this one soccer field also with the zacaraco box it comes with tableware and this month's is this cool little dish that you can use for your dietary needs tokyo treat theme this summer is summer matsuri found high with the most exclusive and flavorful snacks japan's summer festivals have to offer and sakurako's theme for the summer is tea time in yokohama where sakurako is partnering with kanagawa government and local snack makers to introduce traditional yakahama delights in the special yakuhama box design if you guys want to get your hands on your own box use my special code on the screen here or there somewhere it's there it's not there all the links are in the description down below thank you again to tokyo treat and sakura for sponsoring this video coming in at number seven is pi ribbit from kirby triple deluxe i hate this boss i can't stand him i can't explain why this stupid frog used to always give me problems when i run to the true arena it would always come down to this stupid frog i don't know why it's just a fire left on the stage in the most sporadic you know lava bubbles and fire pillars it would shoot at you it was just always so hard to dodge for me i don't know did anybody else have problems with this stupid frog because man he was annoying he also had like this command grab with his tongue which actually is extremely accurate and if he grabs you he spits you out all over the stage and does extreme damage it's not fun at all forgo leon is very powerful not because of himself but because a forego that's possessed inside of him halfway through the battle forgo leon will separate between him and forgo fighting after kirby and it's kind of a 2v1 where kirby is just getting wrecked effecto forgo can create all these different energy blasts which alone are pretty powerful but it's also the fact that leon is trying to eat kirby during the process just making it very difficult to keep your eye on who you're fighting and no matter what ability you have you have to multitask and actually play very defensive in this battle or you will get smoked this is actually surprisingly difficult and i'm glad because this was actually a great way to end the post game or at least start the end for the post game again at number five we have chaos elphaless and i'm talking about both phases baby this guy is a menace that spear of his will be going every which way and what's so good about this boss is you can't sit there and predict how he's gonna swing his spear like it's gonna change every single time he's gonna throw it at you a couple times paul's hit you with another one take a second to step back hit you with another one love how he keeps you off guard and on your toes because you have to react to every attack that he does at kirby he also has attacks where you can make like another duplicate of himself in the background and swinging this giant spear as he's also throwing stuff at you himself it can get kind of crazy he also has tons of projectiles where he can throw meteorites at kirby through like a wormhole and also just different types of spear like projectiles that he shoots out of his spear his soul form is just absolutely outrageous he has all these different crazy laser attacks and attacks from past bosses that kirby has fought it can really keep kirby moving back and forth and using that dodge a lot and once again he can set himself on fire and rush towards kirby which would completely devastate kirby if he gets hit by this move this guy is not playing around coming in at number four we have void termina from kirby star allies and this is from the soul melter x difficulty yup this is a tough boss battle now the first portion just has you kind of moving around this 3d plane which is really cool at the time because we really haven't had a 3d kirby game and this of course was for telling forgotten land but enough about that this was a fun boss to fight in this part but it wasn't that hard it had an auto reticle which already locked on to his heart into the different pieces that you need to hit and it wasn't that bad to dodge i mean all you had to do was just keep moving to the side or keep jumping and you were pretty good but where it got really difficult is where you had to continuously go inside of its shell and fight void itself which void had lots of crazy one of those sporadic attacks where it's just shooting projectiles every which way i honestly think this would be one of the hardest bosses in the entire franchise if it wasn't for kirby star allies mechanics because they have the mechanics of obviously you know gaining stronger attacks with combining fire with hammer and stuff like that and also the fact that you could resurrect teammates and stuff is what made this easier and the fact that you could have four players fight this thing so if this was just kirby on his own this would probably be the hardest boss ever really fit so much they could in a boss battle for the final 2d kirby game until forgotten land they really just threw everything at kirby and this can be very difficult this boss right here ladies and gentlemen this boss right here in kirby's dreamland 2 is so freaking annoying i hate dark matter so much and you may not think it's too too difficult all you have to do is keep shooting back his projectiles at him he has certain projectiles that you cannot shoot back and he also rushes you randomly and it's so many hits to kill this guy even with the most powered up version of kirby you still can't kill him super quick and it's not really phase one that made me that mad it was really phase two where phase two drove me up a wall this fight is all about positioning and that's why if you watch someone that's really good at the game they'll position themselves in such ways where they'll never get hit because of just how they know where the game code is gonna put you but that's the thing you have to know exactly each movement of dark matter in order to put yourself in a good position to not get hit if you don't know those positions to be in you're gonna get destroyed and trust me i did multiple times playing through this game and even playing through it again so i was making a quick poll last night to solidify my answers as to what i wanted in the final three and you guys helped me a lot because you guys also chose exactly what i would have chose number two being the soul melter version of corrupt highness along with the sisters as well i put them both in the same category because you fight them back to back and they kind of feel like they should be in the same category but goodness gracious i was not expecting this to be so chaotic highness alone is very difficult because he's using these like wooden peg versions of the sisters and they still have their elemental powers as he's throwing them at kirby so that can be very difficult but if you have fire you can just pretty much burn each piece of wood very quickly it's not too bad but when this really ramps up is when the sisters come out the three mage sisters are literally all fighting kirby at once yeah you're pretty much 2v3 in her if you only have two people in your team you're gonna want to stack up because this is a complete battle you have electric swords swinging at you eyes throwing at you from the sky and fire pillars raising from the ground this can be the most chaotic thing ever the funny part is it's nothing crazy it's just all the moves that the mage sisters already can do it's just the fact that they're all fighting you at once you can't even take a second to breathe and to see what's going on second you stand up you see a spear heading for kirby's head this is insane and coming in at number one as our hardest kirby boss is soul of sectonia from kirby triple deluxe this was the last boss of the true arena and it was very true and i mean very true once again you don't have any partners this time around like kirby star allies it's just kirby against this plant and there's lots of times where kirby will always feel outnumbered there's lots of little plants shooting at kirby there's lots of enemies coming onto the stage and there's of course the giant queen sektonia plant in the background trying to hit kirby every time and it's almost like this boss is separated into like 15 mini portions that you got to get through and each time you go through the next portion it just gets harder and harder and harder and harder to predict what these freaking plants are going to do they're shooting lasers throwing things at kirby keeping kirby on his toes the entire battle it's also very difficult because there's holes in a platform so you can lose your copy ability down that hole and you can also fall down that hole if you have something in kirby's mouth and you can't flutter back up very difficult indeed because the stage makes this very difficult as well but that's not it queen sektonia has a part 2 here this part 2 is completely specific for the true arena that's it you have never seen this before and once again it does use attacks from past bosses that kirby's fought but it's very very unique because we haven't seen anything like this throughout the campaign so this is new to the player especially as you're running low on health through the true arena this can really throw you off she spawns enemies flies back and forth from the stage throws projectiles and just does things all over the place that really makes this a difficult boss battle and that is why the soul of sektonia is my hardest boss in the kirby franchise let me know how i did and let me know what your list would be and what you would change and thank you so much for tuning in if you like this video leave a like and subscribe to stay up to date on all things kirby and nintendo in general and like always i'll see you all on the next one see you guys [Music]
Channel: Nin10doland
Views: 161,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby and the forgotten land, bosses ranked, all bosses, kirby, forgotten land, all levels, secrets, things you missed, details you missed, ending, ending explained, theory, kirby and the forgotten land theories, nintendo direct, nintendo switch, nintendo, all cutscenes, extra ending, colosseum, arena, mouthful mode
Id: w5EZF3CtBdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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