What is the Gospel? Part 1: Understanding All of the Gospel - 119 Ministries

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[Music] hello and welcome to another teaching from 119 ministries our ministry believes that the whole bible is true and directly applicable to our lives today if you would like to know more about what we believe and teach please visit us at testeverything.net if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel down below we hope that you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a top priority of 119 ministries is to share the full gospel with the world to do that effectively the gospel as taught in the scriptures must be fully understood simply put the word gospel simply means good news we will further expound on that definition later in this teaching but for now what is the gospel or good news from a christian perspective there are many responses you will get if you randomly ask this question the understanding of the gospel has almost lost its meaning because the word gospel is used so much has become too familiar watered down for example some might say the gospel is that god loves you or jesus died for your sins while that is certainly correct such responses are incomplete another popular definition of the gospel is that death burial and resurrection of christ and this definition is given to us in the scriptures particularly in first corinthians 15. first corinthians 15 verses 1 through 4 now i would remind you brothers of the gospel i preached to you which you received in which you stand and by which you are being saved if you hold fast the word i preached to you unless you believed in vain for i delivered to you as of first importance what i also received that christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures that affords us some more detail but what does all that mean exactly most of us have heard a presentation of the gospel related to the cross so let's review what many of us have already heard and it really is good news great news in fact breaking any commandment in the bible is defined as sin if we have transgressed god's law then we have sinned first john 3 4. for more on this we would recommend our teaching what is sin you see god gave man a perfect way to live we were created to glorify god in all that we do we were created to obey him and to love him in fact god defines loving him as obeying him that is how you love god and his commandments are easy they are not a burden first john 5 3 god's commandments also teach us how to love others the law of god teaches us how to love god and how to love others that is the point and purpose of every commandment matthew 22 40. but how many of us know that sometimes we put ourselves before god and others we do things that break the law of god again that is called sin it is a failure to love god or love others how god instructed us to so when we break a commandment in the law of god we have committed sin we have fallen short of the goal of how god created us to live unfortunately we have all sinned or broken god's law all of us are guilty because god is also a righteous and holy judge he must judge us to the same standards that he set for himself if god did not hold us to the same standards of being holy or set apart if he did not hold us to the same standards of righteousness then he would not be a righteous judge romans chapter 2 for all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law james 2 12 so speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty because he is righteous perfection he can only accept righteous perfection and because of our sin none of us are inherently righteous romans 3 10 in the beginning when man first sinned we learned that man's sin results in death this puts us all into the same state condemned to eternal death lost and hopeless because we have all sinned by breaking god's righteous law we all deserve death we are all cursed eventually we all die however jesus his hebrew name being yeshua who lived the law of god perfectly took on death when he did not have to god sent his son messiah yeshua as the solution for the prison of death that is promised to us because of our sin do you see how this is good news our messiah can point to his death as payment for the death that we deserve he makes salvation eternal life available to all who believe in and follow him if you have never heard of any of this before pause this video and reflect on all of this for a moment anyone watching this teaching is alive right now you are alive someday you will not be each is appointed to die without god life has no purpose in this life will someday end an eternal life with eternal purpose is what god promises us as a free gift if we simply choose to accept it and this is why the good news is actually the best news ever so what does that mean how do we acquire this eternal life john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life to accept this free gift we simply need to have faith in christ jesus messiah yeshua the one sent by god that made this offering of grace freely available to us that is certainly good news for without the actions of our messiah we are condemned to eternal death but that's not the end of the story the gospel is not some ticket to heaven for when we die but has massive implications in our lives right now when we receive eternal life by faith and messiah true faith will lead to following the messiah luke chapter 9 and he said to all if anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me when we follow our messiah we learn the right way to walk we learn the right way to practice the established truth in the word of god the scriptures we are to repent or turn away from sin and turn toward the word of god this is so that we can avoid sin because we should desire to not sin which is the same as desiring the law of god it is this desire for the law of god to practice it and keep it to live righteously like our messiah who practiced and kept all of god's commandments that is the evidence of our faith and thus the evidence of our salvation consider how popular christian author john macarthur puts it if a person is genuinely saved his life will change for the better he is saved for good works and there is no way he can fail to bring forth at least some of the fruit that characterizes the redeemed his desires are transformed he begins to hate sin and love righteousness he will not be sinless but the pattern of his life will be decreasing sin and increasing righteousness this is the typical presentation of the gospel and it is all correct and true quite often the presentation of the gospel stops there but there is so much more to consider if we are to hate sin and love righteousness what does that mean exactly we already covered how sin is defined by the breaking of the law of god and again for those who seek a more thorough definition of sin we would suggest our teaching what is sin so if we are to hate sin and sin is defined by breaking the law of god then wouldn't that mean we should love the law of god in this teaching series we will cover how the gospel is much more than our messiah dying on the cross let's consider the cross why did christ even have to die on the cross more importantly what is the importance of the resurrection just what is the gospel what really is the whole gospel it is often said that we need to accept jesus yeshua as our messiah which also entails following him however it is not often taught what it really means to follow him we have to understand and examine what following him really means otherwise what's the point of saying it we'll get into more of that a little later for now let's look at the greek word translated as gospel to get a little more clarity the gospel defined the word gospel is usually a translation of this greek word eu angelion in the greek new testament scriptures euan galion according to bower danker lexicon is number one god's good news to humans good news as proclamation number two details relating to the life and ministry of yeshua the good news of yeshua number three a book dealing with the life and teaching of yeshua a gospel account thayer's greek lexicon more precisely renders this word as a a reward for good tidings and b good tidings thus it is usually translated as good news if we break down the word you and galion even further it is a compound word combining the greek words you which means good and angelion which means message likewise an angel is a messenger a eu angelion is a message of good news which is delivered by a herald a messenger the gospel then is a proclamation of good news theory's greek lexicon notes that the greek word eungelion corresponds to the hebrew word basura which also means tidings messenger's reward and refers to the message that a runner brings to a king it means to proclaim there is certainly good news about the messiah as documented in the new testament writings a focus of the message proclaimed the work of atonement accomplished by our messiah on the tree and the subsequent validation of his work by his resurrection from the dead the message also proclaimed the ministry accomplished in the heavenlies when he was proclaimed to be a priest forever in the order of melchizedek but did you know that this good news was proclaimed before the events described in the new testament this good news was first announced in the law of god the torah look at what it says in hebrews 4 about the gospel being preached to israel hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for good news gospel came to us just as to them but the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not united by faith with those who listened so the gospel message the same gospel that was proclaimed to us was proclaimed also to israel this message of the death burial and resurrection of the messiah is foreshadowed in the torah god gave his people a set of instructions regarding the set apart or holy times which they were to proclaim leviticus 23 yahweh spoke to moses saying speak to the people of israel and say to them these are the appointed feasts of yahweh that you shall proclaim as holy convocations they are my appointed feasts six days shall work be done but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest a holy convocation you shall do no work it is a sabbath to yahweh in all your dwelling places these are the appointed feasts of yahweh the holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them each one of these set apart days was to be a remembrance of something that the lord had done to provide redemption for his ancient people israel and each one of those set apart days was to be a foreshadowing of christ's work of redemption which he accomplished at his first coming and still needs to accomplish at his second coming the appointed times in leviticus 23 proclaimed the gospel in fact by observing the biblical holidays you are prophetically modeling the gospel the appointed times proclaim the gospel let's review how the appointed times the mohadim found in leviticus 23 relate to the historical and future work of our messiah yeshua the appointed times and the good news the appointed time of the feast of unleavened bread proclaims good news and that yeshua became our passover sacrifice for our redemption in addition he spent his ministry teaching us the word of god and how to live it which is represented in the week of unleavened bread the message of christ which is also taught in the week of unleavened bread is to follow me or to put it another way since he was the word of god in the flesh he is saying live in obedience to the commandments we are to follow the messiah which means following the law of god the torah since that's what the messiah did we are to walk in the same way in which he walked we are not to follow the doctrines of men in the ways of the world in which they go against god's commandments we are to follow the word not men the instructions to rid our houses of leaven and eat no leavened thing during the week of unleavened bread is symbolic of eliminating not only the sin but also the false teachings and doctrines from our lives christ fully preached the law of god we are to do as he did and walk as he walked which was the torah we're not to walk and follow the doctrines of a pharisee sadducee pentecostal baptist catholic or any man-made religious institution to do so is to confuse who we follow we are to obey god not men acts chapter 5 but peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey god rather than men our messiah came to fully teach the law of god and destroy the doctrines and traditions that are contrary to the word of god we are called as sons and daughters of god because we are to walk in his ways to do his word and to live in obedience to his commandments but there is more good news proclaimed in the torah yeshua rose on the appointed day of first fruits becoming the firstfruits of their resurrection that is still to come first corinthians 15 but in fact christ has been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep for as by a man came death by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die so also in christ shall all be made alive but each in his own order christ the firstfruits then at his coming those who belong to christ then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to god the father after destroying every rule and every authority and power but there is more good news christ also furthered the work of redemption at the appointed time of shavuot also called pentecost shavuot celebrates the inauguration of messiah's kingdom that is overtaking the world by the work of the holy spirit and believers there is a reason the spirit was poured out on shavuot it's connected to the giving of the torah which is traditionally what shahud memorializes the torah points to god's rule over israel his kingdom legislation shavuot is all about god re-establishing his rule over the world through the messiah and the work of the holy spirit and believers but there is more good news the appointed time of yom teruah also called the feast of trumpets or day of shouting is to be proclaimed because it likely foreshadows the very day when our messiah will come down on the clouds of heaven and with a loud trumpet blast and with a shout he will resurrect those who belong to him and gather all those living disciples unto himself that is most certainly good news but there is more good news the appointed time of the day of atonement yom kippur may foreshadow the day of judgment and the day the adversary is locked up for one thousand years with the deceiver locked up the kingdom of righteousness of christ can move forward it may also foreshadow the metaphorical marriage ceremony between us as the bride and messiah yeshua as the bridegroom it will indeed be good news for us when we see that day arrive but there is more good news the appointed times of the fuso sukkot also known as tabernacles was a celebration of the time when god lived among men when he tabernacled with israel in a tent while they wandered through the wilderness it also was fulfilled when the word and human flesh the person of messiah yeshua lived among men there are good reasons to think that the messiah might have even been born during sukkot and this feast is good news for us because it is illustrated by and is fulfilled by the reign of christ on earth as god once again will be living among men at that time we will participate in the marriage supper of the lamb this is also a picture of the sabbath day the last one thousand years in yahweh's seven thousand year plan the one thousand year reign is a type of sabbath which again is certainly more good news it teaches us that we get to rest with christ for one thousand years before the new heaven and new earth arrive the author of hebrews in chapter four explains this as the rest we are waiting to enter for more on this see hebrews 4 in his rest now or later the creation prophecy and also the teaching the fourth and seventh day all of yahweh's appointed days teach us about the gospel this is why yahweh sees these days as so important for us this is also why the adversary has tried so hard to convince god's people that these days have been abolished the adversary hates the gospel the best way for the adversary to begin attacking what christ has done and still plans to do is to convince god's people that the appointed times are done away with or no longer important how can proclaiming the gospel by our observance of biblical holidays no longer be important as we can see the appointed days that god gave us as a remembrance of what christ did and what christ still must do are all about the gospel so paul's declaration that the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of christ is just a summary and capsule form of the gospel in the scriptures in subsequent parts of this series we will further reveal the depth of how the gospel is presented in scripture in conclusion the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of the messiah yeshua when we believe the gospel and except yeshua as our savior we are given eternal life this gift of eternal life is not by works but by grace through faith in messiah nevertheless true saving faith will result in following the messiah which entails keeping god's commandments as messiah did obedience is the evidence of our faith the torah proclaims the gospel message this can be seen in things like the appointed times of leviticus 23 which we are still to practice today in commemoration of messiah's work we still have much more to present as it relates to the full picture of the gospel we pray that you've enjoyed this teaching series so far and remember continue to test everything shalom [Music] it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high quality teachings completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 ministries so that we can continue this effort please visit testeverything.net and click on the support 119 tab learn how you can partner with us to take the whole word of god to the [Music] nations you
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 6,220
Rating: 4.9193954 out of 5
Keywords: 119Ministries, torah, bible, hebrew roots, Gospel, New Testament, Christian, Christianity, Faith, Yeshua, YHWH, Yahweh, God, Love, Bible Study, The Apostle Paul, Gentiles, Jews, Israel, Messiah, Messianic, Yom Teruah, Sukkot, Yom Kippur, Passover, Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Mo'edim, appointed times, Old Testament, Full Bible, God's Word, church, resurrection, the cross
Id: q5FYJfMQvnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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