What Is the Creepiest Thing That Has Ever Happened to You? | People Stories #1013

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what is the creepiest most inexplicable thing that has ever happened to you i used to volunteer reading recording books for people who are blind or dyslexic it was in a studio that was set up in a seminary school it had a campus library a small cemetery etc it would just be me in a little recording booth reading through boring textbooks mostly grammar and spanish glossaries indexes etc one day i was going through some conjugation exercises and i knew i was getting really bored and sleepy and was starting to mumble so i stopped the session stepped out to get a drink and then put my headphones back on to rewind to the last thing i said clearly and start up again the last thing i hear myself say in spanish clearly in a quiet serious voice between my voice was there are men those men are standing behind me or something that loosely translated to that i furiously looked through my book and found nothing even remotely close to that which i might have been reading i broke into a sweat left and never returned the silence my girlfriend from college moved back to denmark after this last semester for good and i am back in california for the summer we decided that skyping would be the best way to keep in contact as we are unable to call each other now anyhow about a week and a half ago we were skyping having a good doll chat about flights and such when i suddenly felt something wet on the top of my foot i was sitting at my desk with my feet under it so i had no idea how my foot could get wet so i looked down my girlfriend watched as i had what must have appeared to be a minor breakdown when i realized that my foot was covered in blood i ran downstairs to show my dad and told my girlfriend it'd be right back me and my dad came back up and looked around for anything that could have happened to have dripped blood on my foot in futility of course i went to the bathroom and washed it off and had no cut or anything that would hint at it being my blood so i get back i am kind of creeped out but i decide to simply ignore what just happened when my girlfriend asked me what may remain to this day is the single creepiest question i've ever heard who was that guy that walked out of your room when you went to get your dad my face when my dad and i were the only ones home that night to this day i brushed the incident off as just some freak occurrence of random blood but i can't shake the thought of that question because she said she watched him close my door as he left a door that i left open on my way down tl dr my desk had its period on my foot new practical joke whenever someone leaves the room while on skype ask who the person is who left the room after them prophet i worked at a pet store and we adopted an umbrella cockatoo from the family of an old lady who died the bird said a few random phrases while there were people around but if the store was empty and the employees went in the back she would start screaming the most terrible things the more notable phrases were mama papa and little boy little boy then the bird would make whispering noises no no help child's laughter and a shrill blood curdling scream i don't want to know what was going on in the house for the bird to have learned all of that i was living in student housing and the way the mailboxes were set up there was one for each suite group of six bedrooms tucked in behind the main office i went to collect our mail one day near the start of the month and found a slip of paper with my name on in the number 23 printed on not written i assumed someone had put it in there to freak me out and just left it on my desk whatever a few days later there was a black leather glove in there also with my name on just one black leather glove that i didn't think was weird till i looked closely at it i had lost this glove the winter before a few days after that a hair ribbon of the sword i'd had a phase of wearing narrow purple hair ribbon by this time i'd asked all my friends wtf they were doing they all denied all knowledge a few days after the glove there was a lipstick used in a shade and brand i'd worn before i had a few of those lipsticks but kept losing them and they'd been discontinued the problem was i was at university in a different country from where i grew up and i'd stopped wearing that lipstick before moving i waited for the 23rd fully expecting some stalkatastic event of horror and terror but nothing happened and nothing happened after that i still don't know what was going on i am tired of stalking this girl better return these things i don't need this is a story my mom told me when i was still a baby i caused my parents a lot of sleepless nights because i would cry all the time and there was just no way to calm me down my grandma she is chinese heard of it and came to visit us one night when i started crying again my grandma went to the kitchen and took one of those big chinese clevers and proceeded to make stabbing motions in every corner of the room screaming at the evil spirits to leave me alone right after that i stopped crying my parents were so creeped out by this you probably saw this woman stabbing the air around you and decided it would be a good idea to shut up because that woman clearly did not freak around one night when i was home alone i heard some ruckus outside of my house while i was sleeping i figured it was just my dogs i have two large doberman so i brought them inside so as to not let them bother the neighbors when i was trying to sleep however there was more noise but this time inside the house again i brushed it off as the dog's playing i was woken up by a third noise which sounded like a cabinet closing hard and i looked around to find my things strewn all over the floor and my room was just a complete a mess my attic outside of my bedroom door was slightly open and my dogs were laying shaking in the corner of the kitchen my doors and windows were all locked and secure i really wish i was making this up check the area for scuff marks someone might be living in your attic i was about five years old but i remember it clearly i came from a huge french canadian family my dad had seven brothers and we all lived on the same block my favorite uncle by far was my uncle bernard he drove a moped grew weed in his backyard and listened to 70s rock non-stop he would always pick me up and take me out for ice cream and didn't ignore me and shoot me away like the other adults did we would fish together and he was one of my best friends i woke up one night to the feeling of someone sitting on the edge of my bed i looked up and my uncle was there he told me my dad was going to need me to be extra good and i would have to help my mom take care of my brother and sister for a little he ruffled my hair and said who is my girl in the monkey suit when i would get angry i would climb a tree and refuse to get down so my dad would have to get a ladder to get me my uncle always called me his little monkey the next morning at breakfast i asked where my uncle had gone my parents were confused so i told them the story as i was finishing my uncle robert ran into the driveway sobbing and my parents ran outside my uncle bernard had died in his sleep that night i stood in the window confused as to why everyone was crying my mother was so shaken no one was to speak of the fact my uncle was dead in my presence my grandmother a crabby old irish woman pulled me aside at the funeral and told me i was very lucky to have seen a spirit and that the world was full of them if you knew where to look i was scared shitless everyone in my family treated me differently afterwards if ghosts exist what else does my parents always told me to not be afraid of ghosts vampires etc because they didn't exist i judge reality based on my experiences and not the words of others after that my brother had anti-social personality disorder he ended up on trial for a double murder and getting a psych evaluation as well i was one day contacted by his evaluator and informed that when i was a young child five my older brother eight would come in and watch me sleep for about two hours every night many times bringing a rope pillow or knife with a desire of killing me apparently he woke up one night having decided he would go through with it that night and went to get a knife from the kitchen when he found that his door was locked for 10 years from that day on my folks would not sleep without locking his door at the age of 18 he was given the boot it was 11 days later that he committed the double murder i always wondered why we never went on any vacations and always stayed home for christmas and thanksgiving my parents kept all this away from me but it turns out that when my brother was seven they found him in the neighbor's backyard trying to burn the corpses of the newborn litter of the next door neighbor's cat he had beheaded three of them and disembowelled another i had no clue until i turned 18 and was going off to college turns out my folks kept a close eye on me but never had any reason to believe that i was as freaked up as my brother i remember one time i was driving home from band practice when i was about 17 years old it was around 12 30 a.m and i was really tired i usually attribute this story to my exhaustion but i have a hard time believing that i'm driving down a pretty desolate main road and as i am driving i notice an old woman walking down the right side of the road she is wearing what looks like a brown ragged dress and is using a cane i thought it was the most bizarre thing to see at 12 30 a.m but i just ignored it and kept driving the weird thing is about three miles later as i am driving i see the exact same woman i get chills just thinking about it i see her clearly so i slow down a bit to make sure she is real and i am not going crazy sure enough as i get closer it's the same woman and the same dress with the same cane then suddenly as i pass she turns to my car and reaches her left hand out towards my car i don't think i have ever driven so fast home in my entire life tl dr saw an old woman walking at midnight three miles later see the same woman again probably just a glitch in the matrix there was a period of time in 2010 where i woke up every morning at 2 15 am on the dot when i woke up i was sitting straight up in bed the first time it happened my dog was sitting at the foot of the bed staring at me probably confused as to why i was sitting up the second time it happened she was at the foot of the bed whining crying while staring at me the third time it happened she was at the foot of the bed growling at me thankfully those are the only times that i remember it happening i think my dog was scared of me for a few weeks after that she wouldn't sleep in the bed with me and she would sporadically growl at me when she had never done it before i don't know what the heck was going on with me but i hope it never happens again tl dr my dog thinks i was a demon visiting home on break from college and my step brothers had the bedroom so i was sleeping on the couch my cat with me as he always does in the middle of the night my cat jumps off my chest which causes me to wake up i then watched him do a slow crawl around the entire perimeter of our house focusing mainly on the kitchen heading upstairs and then back onto the couch with me where he proceeded to stare into the kitchen and growl a slow and quiet growl i found it odd and fell back asleep the next morning my mother told me about the dream she had the night before where she was sitting at our kitchen table with her mother who is dead telling the former resident an old man who committed suicide in the kitchen after his wife died that the house was ours now and it was time for him to leave us alone in it all spooky shenanigans ceased from that day forth normally i would brush off either of the two incidences but their happening at the same time has always creeped me out to no end tl dr my cat smelled a ghost that my mother was presently telling to gtfo of our house whistle she was asleep one night when i was 16 years old it was storming really bad the rain was falling really hard and the lightning had power lines down and there was no power anywhere me and my parents opened the door and there is a man riding a horse very slowly in this horrible storm he looks at us stops takes his shirt off and licks his fingers then rode off in full gallop to this day i have no idea why a man was riding a horse in the middle of the city comma licks his fingers wtf i rationalize and explain what happened now but only until years later did i find out what it could be when i was 15 i woke up one night in bed and sat my head up at the foot of my bed was a man with really pale white skin just staring at me it couldn't have been real but i remember being paralyzed by fair not able to move i sat there for about 10 seconds he then pointed at me and started laughing loudly like that deep from the chest evil laugh you always hear suddenly a crowd of what i guess could be considered white apparitions came rushing through the room i need to set this up a bit to understand i lived in a throne together house and my room was in a hallway basically so they ran through my room and disappeared on one side then would come rushing through the other side but the loud roar of hundreds of footsteps running is what i remember the most this went on for maybe 30 seconds and then just slowly faded away i now understand that it could have been sleep paralysis but for the longest time i was really freaked out it is now my personal opinion that ghost stories are clearly a form of sleep paralysis since not too many people know about it they assume what they saw was real the mind is a very powerful thing sleep paralysis is no joke i've only had minor occurrences but my husband has had really scary ones i stayed over at my friend's house one night drinking and playing his playstation in the lounge room we heard a large thud sound and metal hitting the ground in the kitchen go out and find a knife that had been sitting in the sink on the ground spinning around shortly after the back door starts shaking and sounds like someone is starting to knock on it faster and faster we get up the nerve to go check and as it is still banging and knocking and shaking we open it and there is nothing there it's not even windy we freaked out went back to the lounge room and tried to keep drinking couldn't and decided to go to bed my friend put me in the spare bedroom they had and i went to sleep after trying for about two hours my friend later told me that he never ever went into that room because it always felt like someone was watching him in there and to be honest it really did it was really unsettling freaky butthouse lol want a good friend giving you the haunted room to sleep in one night soon after moving into a new apartment i heard tapping on the sliding glass door in my bedroom it was after midnight but i felt safe so i got up and opened the curtain but not the door some guy was standing there smiling and called me by name then he told me how happy he was that i was there and wanted me to come out for a drink by the pool i told him i didn't know him and he insisted he worked at the same company knew a few of my co-workers and worked in the warehouse on graveyard shift he got all these details right but i'd never seen him and graveyard shift was pretty small then he asked about my sister i swear i had never seen him before i described him at work and nobody had ever heard of him never saw him again another creepy moment one night i woke up different apartment for some reason i don't know why but i decided to look out the window there was a guy walking down the middle of the street with a lantern swinging it back and forth slowly creepy lol i had a storm proof dates lanthan i rebuilt put new burner in it and there was a raging windstorm 45 miles per hour winds i wanted to see how windproof it was very it turns out so was walking along the edge of lake ontario with it to test it out apparently this really freaked out some of my neighbors out because some creepy guy was walking out there in a dark rainstorm with a blood red lantern i used to stay in an old town house in reading england i was working for microsoft at the time as an intern and shared a house with three others that weekend i stayed home and all three went home to see family i thought cool place to myself fire up some oblivion and zone out all weekend so i am chilling at around 2am playing oblivion and i all of a sudden hear my room door shaking i walk out in the hallway and look at my door and the handle is twisting back and forth and the door is shaking the hair on the back of my neck is on end and i open the door thinking it might be the window open or something but nothing i slept with the light on that night if my door handle was shaking and the door was shaking like somebody was trying to open it from the other side last thing i'd do would be open that sucker up i was woken up one night by the sound of my roommate moaning the word remember over and over again while staring upwards at the ceiling he then rolled over and started either speaking in tongues or korean i couldn't tell he's korean i definitely couldn't sleep for a little while afterwards once i was home alone during the day and i decided to have a bath i went in locked the door then started running the bath after spending a while in the bath i put my head under water as you do sometimes in the bath just for fun when i sat up the door was open needless to say i got out of the bath pretty quickly and jumped into bed oh crap someone's in my house better go to sleep i live in halls in a university in the uk with a reputation for drinking we currently sit in the top five of most alcohol consumed per head our campus is built around a large lake and at the start of our degree everyone has to attend a safety talk the key point of this talk was do not swim in the lake it's quite shallow but the bottom is covered in around a foot of thick mud and plants the speaker stressed the point that at least once a year a fresher gets drunk swims in the lake and drowns although this has yet to happen this year anyway one night i wake up in the middle of the night and for a brief second see a girl standing in my room wearing a dirty white dress soaked to the skin just like standing there the image is etched into my mind i remember my heart jumping my eyes blink and she's gone at the time it really freaked me out but in the morning i write it off to a trick of the light but the feeling i had when i saw her keeps me awake for a few nights fast forward a week i'm storytelling at a party to a second year in the uk second year's move off campus and freshers move into the halls who lived in the same block he tells me a few people have had the same experience the year before one saw her through their second story window the others say she was just standing in the room a month or so later i hear a guy from another floor has described the same sighting this time she is sitting on the end of his bed a tl dr drowned female fresher horns university rooms my younger brother has a tendency to talk in his sleep and by talk i mean scream bloody murder since we shared a room when we were little kids i actually got used to him doing this fast forward to our teenage years and we have our own rooms directly across from each other one night i'm trying to fall asleep when the light turns on in my brother's room and he screams at the top of his lungs matthew and there's a man in my room driven by a ridiculous surge of adrenaline i bolt across the hallway towards his room with my pawn shop samurai sword ready to conduct combat with whoever isn't there i charge into his room naked wide-eyed and shaking and he is the only person in there sound a freaking sleep the creepy thing his bed was a good 12 feet from the light switch i didn't sleep that night props to you for deciding in split second time you would handle things nice so me and my then girlfriend had just initiated making out on her family living room couch no one is home it's mid-afternoon suddenly and completely out of nowhere a glass of water on the coffee table shatters or maybe shatters isn't the best word more like completely exploded for no reason obviously it scared the pee out of us we found glass scattered several feet away from where it happened but luckily none of it hit us this glass of water had been room temperature and sitting there and touched for at least a half an hour we stopped making out tldr dong blocking ghosts more like her dad hiding in the closet with a bb gun you know it's 3 37 am now there's a full moon and i don't know why am i doing this to myself but my twin sister dreamed that my soon to be married cousin was going to die before her wedding car crash she woke up sobbing and being a mess relaxes it was just a dream i said nothing is going to happen to aid she is going to be very happy soon she fell asleep still sobbing two weeks later my cousin died in a car crash here's another anecdote the i originally posted with an old username the story itself is a few months old now but i copied and pasted the text so it is still written as if it just happened several days ago my grandmother is in a nursing home after suffering a stroke a few months ago mentally she is all there however her one side is partially paralyzed and she is in rehab in the nursing home she's been weakened by the relative lack of activity though on sunday as we were getting ready to go visit her first thing in the morning as we always do we got a call from the family of her old best friend the friend had moved to florida about 10 years ago and they had gradually lost touch save for a christmas card every now and then well the friend had just died very early that morning and they were calling to inform us of her death when we got to the nursing home we signed in and noticed we were the first visitors of the day we went to my grandmother's room and said hi we also have a little visitors book for people to sign in her room so we know who has visited her nobody had signed it since saturday morning as we walked into her room she exclaimed oh my so many visitors this morning we asked what she meant she replied that she had gotten a visit from an old dear friend that morning it was the friend from florida who had just passed away she had told my grandmother that she was going away for a while not to worry that she would be watching out for her and that they would see each other again my grandmother also remarked at how healthy she looked i've never had chills run down my spine like that before later i asked if anyone had been to my g mother's room that morning and the staff said no we asked if any phone calls had come through for her that morning and their game said no they also log phone calls for residents and when they checked the logs there was nothing that they had forgotten i also this morning called the family of the friend in florida to offer my condolences and ask if they had called anyone else around here i asked under the guys that i would help notify people around here so i didn't want to double call people they said we were the only ones they had called from around here and the only reason they called us is because they thought my grandmother still lived with us they had no idea until i told them this morning that she is in a nursing home i know it's in the realm of reality that she could have simply dreamed it but the chances of her having a dream like that with that sort of message on the very morning that her friend died are so remote that it still gives me chills tl dr my grandmother's friend died and about the time she died my grandmother saw a vision of her saying goodbye even though my grandmother had no idea her friend had passed this doesn't seem scary to me as much as it seems sweet she said goodbye to her old friend and made her feel better about dying didn't happen to me but my grandfather died of a heart attack in the kitchen of his married lifelong home my grandmother sold the house a few years later to a young family whose parents lived right across the street we have basically no contact with them except that one day the grandmother across the street neighbor came into her work to talk to her she said that they think that my grandfather is haunting the home my mother not one to believe in this stuff kind of just brushes it off but the woman went on to talk about how the two daughters six see an elderly man sitting in an armchair in the corner of the living room he will also tell them things about my mom and her sisters that no one else could possibly know she got pretty freaked out by this told me but refuses to tell my grandmother for fear that she'll feel like she abandoned him apparently the family is fine with it the girls think he's nice and don't question anything tldr my dead irish grandfather is haunting my grandparents old house and the new family is 100 cool with it this happened about 16 years ago i had been living away from home for about three four years at that point and was living alone in the middle of winter i had an extremely vivid dream i was in the garage at my mother's house the garage was nearly empty which was unusual considering how much junk was normally in there i was standing next to a large shelf unit that had a bunch of things on it including some hefty power tools such as a circular saw i heard music and suddenly i was five years old again chasing after the ice cream man who just passed in front of the house i heard a crash turned around and saw the shelf unit had collapsed and the circular saw had buried its blade in the concrete floor of the garage i woke up thought how weird and went about my life about six months later my mother asked me to help her paint the inside of her garage i went to her house on saturday morning and we emptied the garage into her backyard i was moving the last of the larger heavier items as she was sweeping the floor she bent over to use the dustpan to collect the debris at the same time i heard music coming from the approaching ice cream truck the dream i had six months earlier flashed into my consciousness and purely on instinct i grabbed my mother and pulled her away just as the shelf unit she was standing next to collapsed the circular saw fell exactly where her head would have been if i hadn't pulled her away that episode is the main reason why i'm fairly certain there is more to human existence than what we can see around us and the only reason why i don't fully call myself an atheist a life was stolen from the red god a man needs a name i work as a cna at a nursing home we have one resident that is really out of it and talks in his sleep really loud i went to close his door so that the other residents could sleep walking so softly that he couldn't hear me he is almost all deaf i closed the door also very quietly given that this deaf man had no reason to hear me he says to me as i'm closing his door come here little girl come here girly come back here little girl i was so scared i almost peed myself thinking i would die the lights were out and there was no way he could see me or know that i was a girl still creeped out by him about 15 years ago my sister received a doll for christmas that sang nursery rhymes unbeknownst to me a few weeks later it had suffered some water damage and was malfunctioning so it's 2 am and i'm getting up to take a pee from a dark corner behind me i hear the distorted and slightly demonic voice of a little girl little lamb little lamb i used to work in an old pub i was there completely by myself one afternoon no boss no staff no customers i was taking the opportunity to royally slack off when i heard footsteps slowly coming up the stairs from the cellar i figured i must have been daydreaming and totally missed someone come in and go downstairs so i grabbed a cloth and started to look busy polishing the ale pumps i heard someone come up the stairs and walk behind me brushing my shoulder i turned round to talk to whoever it was but there was nobody there i remember was more annoyed than anything i was always so proud of my skepticism and some stupid ghost came along and ruined it other stuff happened there too the landlady lived above the pub and was redecorating she had put brand new and opened paint tins on the floor which were opened up and spilled everywhere when she came back from a shopping trip the pub is next to a railway line and bodies of people that were killed on the tracks used to be brought their back in the old days one of the old regulars remembers a railway worker bringing in a severed head to show off to his buddies crap people got up to before tva i am currently sitting alone in the old pub i work at and your story made me move to the chair furthest from the basement doors now i don't think i believe in ghosts and i think this is creepy but my father seems to think it's calming my grandmother dad's mother died before i was born so i had no idea what she looked like i'd never seen pictures and we weren't close to his father so i'd never really asked about that side of the family i was on my computer in my room kind of late one night when the lights went down power cuts are quite frequent in my area so i thought nothing of it and when to get into bed just as i get into bed there's this lady standing at the foot of it definitely wasn't asleep massive chills all over my body she doesn't say anything and sort though just extends her hand like open towards me like she wants to give something to me i freak the frick out standard and the lights flicker on again and she's not there did not sleep that night anyway a few weeks later i'm rummaging through the cupboards trying to find my birthday presents and i find a box of old photos of my dad and whatnot one of them is of my dad and the lady i'd seen a month or so before at the foot of my bed q panic i asked my dad and it turns out it's his mother in the photo he believes she came and saw me i don't particularly know what i believe she needs your blood to be human again if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 10,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepiest experience reddit, creepiest experiences, creepiest camping experience, creepiest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: c2kenxFcTxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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