What Is The Best Map To SCAV On? - Escape From Tarkov

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what is the best map to scav on everyone has a different answer to this question but they can never provide actual evidence so to try to answer this question and provide evidence using only scav runs I made 20 million on every map except for labs for a total of 180 million Rubles made for this experiment I then tallied up all of the stats in the spreadsheet which I'm going to go through in this video and I'll put the link to the spreadsheet in the description below I tried to control as many variables as I could so every test I ran on the same server that is Australia I started at the same time of day 5:00 p.m. W GMT Plus 8 which is about peak time for the server I ran the test on the same type of day that is weekdays because there's a big difference between weekdays and weekends where weekends are usually more popping I had inter level three for all of the tests and I get my fence wrap above six I had no income external from scav runs that is no insurance no Hideout obviously no PMC runs and I kept my general Str the same aiming for fast raids to play riskier if I had bad gear and safer if I had good gear like a bigger bag there are many variables that can't be controlled such as Loot drop rates scab loadouts the amount of players or player scabs in my RAID matchmaking time Fu Market fluctuations however here are some variables that I think are not so obvious that may have had a large impact on the results the Bitcoin price has gradually increased from about 700k to 830 850 or so by the last test test my skill and knowledge of each map isn't the same so I know some maps a lot better than other Maps so I'd expect the results to be skewed in favor of the maps that I know better I've basically been a Labs main for about 8,000 hours until streets came out and then have lived on streets for two wipes so I know streets the best then on Factory and interchange I know pretty much every spawn as I have easily over 1,000 raids on both of those Maps I also have over 1,000 raids on Shoreline and Customs but I don't enjoy those maps at all and I just get my quest done and leave the map until the next one and finally Lighthouse Woods reserve and Ground Zero are easily my worst maps the next uncontrolled variable is the scav skills will gradually increase throughout the runs so later runs chronologically will be skewed positively because I'll have like a little bit higher endurance a little bit higher strength and similarly my cool down timer will gradually decrease as my Hideout management skill increases but it's very small it's a very small amount probably just like 5 to 10 second difference and the last uncontrolled variable of note is that the time of white really affects the runs a lot so for example the economy changes a lot as the wipe progresses like items required to craft early Hideout upgrades become a lot cheaper and consumables for late Sage Hout crafts become more expensive and also generally pmc's get more geared and boss spawns increase for streets my strategy was to focus on Lexus cha mom golden world the safe and cardinal the BSG headquarters astronaut safe Museum and Concordia my most common extract was camchat Sky generally if I had a bigger bag I'd play a lot safer more focused on external areas like golden World astronaut and the museum but if I had a smaller bag I'd play a lot riskier focusing on Lexus Chaka and the mail room the raids were really busy there were lots of players and players scavs so loot was heavily contested hot spots were often looted before I got there but I did have a nice few PMC kills where I got out with insane loot for interchange I focused some of the teex do such as the IDE office TTS German rasm texo and techlite any PC blocks and I finished up looting through Ollie from whatever spawn I got I'd prioritize the text doors as that loot usually gets taken early and then I continue looting until it was full there weren't many options for extracts so usually I took emom as I could fill up at Ole and run a shorter period overweight compared to running to railway I had a lot of desk to pmcs that I didn't see or just happen to blindly run straight into and it was fairly cont Ed with players and player scavs but they were both pretty terrible at looting and left a lot of valuable loot behind o and PC blocks were rarely looted for factory I focused on the tech crates the one underground and the one by the med Med tents then I looted the med bags and Med tents and if I could if it was safe enough then I L the first floor on the office then there were a lot of scattered weapon crates but they usually weren't that good and as a last result it was a little bit risky but I'd loot the top floor of the office i' typically extract at camera buad door as gate three usually had a PMC making noise there and maybe xra camping and there was usually noise in the top floor of the office if I spawned with amazing loot I'd instantly extract or if I had bad loot then I'd be running around for a couple of minutes and then I extracted and the raids overall were really really fast even when I had a decent bag size and I feel like I got pretty lucky with access cards I spawned and extracted with 10 access cards for Lighthouse I focused on either the water treatment plant or the resort and Chalet depending on where I spawned usually extracting the industrial gate stones or Southern Road extract or path to shorelane the only times I didn't L the water treatment plant was when I spawned really far away from it otherwise big or small bag I was heading to the water treatment plant for all those juicy loot spawns throughout the run there were a lot of players still in the Water Treatment Plant much later into the raid than I expected and there was a lot of competition with other player scaves for loot but I did get lucky with thetics from an air drop for Customs my strategy was really simple I focused on construction stronghold and crack housee the main extract I took was Warehouse 4 but sometimes I got unlucky and had to run really far to extract regardless of bag size I always aimed to hit stronghold and one of either crack housee or construction depending on what direction I was heading overall the Run was way worse than I thought it would be as I got team killed by other player scabs three times the map is just filled with new players who are scared and shoot anything they see if I didn't get team killed Customs would have almost been the best map on reserve my strategy was also extremely simple if I spawned on the east side then I would hit the school otherwise called black bishop and then get out the hole in the wall by the mountains or if I spawn on the west side then I would hit White Knight and get out Deo heic door I got a little bit lucky during this run I was able to loot a few of Blu house guards fresh and get out super quick and I didn't die at all I'm pretty sure I only even got shot at once for grer I focused on looting Capital insight and getting out nakatani extract or hitting skyside and the underground and heading to amicom extract I stuck to that plan unless I had a tiny bag and then I went terror group as that's more of a hot spot for pmc's so I had a higher chance of finding dead scabs and pmc's to Gear Up The Run went great with only two deaths but I didn't find any valuable loot at all I'm not sure if valuable loot just doesn't spawn there or if I just got really unlucky for sh Lan this map had the most complicated strategy if I spawn near the village then i' loot the village and get out ruined the road if I spawned near here I look the pier and get at Lighthouse if I spawn near the resort then I look the sort and get out admin basement or if I spawned anywhere near lumber then I would loot lumber mill and get out old bunker however if I spawned with a red flare I'd head to an isolated extract like Lighthouse or road to customs pop the red flare and just loot the cash and leave overall the Run went a lot better than I thought as aird drops carried it hard I was able to loot four air drops uncontested and extract with the loot without the air drop the long run times of Spawn to loot to extract made Shoreline very difficult finally with Woods if I spawned around the camera bunker area i' head to the sunken Village L all the gold SWS there then car Village and then get out Eastern rocks then for most other spawns it was ideal to hit the med Camp then extract for example if I spawn near the factory gape I hit Med Camp then go Eastern rocks or Ru then I go to Med Camp then the boat or anywhere around the crashed plane then i' go to Med camp and then again the boat extract or if I spawn anywhere around the attachment Hut then I'd hit the med Camp then go to railway or Ru finally if I spawn anywhere around like outskirts or scav house then I'd head to USC and then scav bunker like Shoreline Woods was super carried hard by airdrops I was able to loot six and extract with that loot if not for those the Run would have easily been an hour longer overall in first was reserved at 5 hours 58 minutes which was an average of 3.35 million rues per hour then we had interchange at 7 hour 17 minutes with an average of 2.74 million per hour then third really surprisingly Ground Zero at 7 hours 44 minutes with an average of 2.58 million per hour then Shor line in fourth at 7 hour 47 with 2.56 million per hour fifth Customs at 7 hours 51 with 2.54 million per hour six was streets this was really surprising to me 8 hours and 31 minutes at 2.34 million per hour I thought streets was going to easily be number one seventh was Woods at 8 hours 41 minutes with with an average of 2.3 million hour eighth was Factory at 9 hours and 5 minutes with an average of 2.2 million hour and huge surprise ninth was lighthouse with 9 hours 41 at 2.06 million per hour I thought Lighthouse would easily be second or third personally now I also estimated how long it took in real time with the cool down subtracted so assuming a 5 1/2 minute cool down what I did was I multiplied that by the number of raid and then subtracted that time from the total time to get the total amount of time from the moment I click ready into the map to when I extract which is not including the cool down so for reserve the total amount of time with the cool down not included is 3.31 hours at 6.04 milph so in this spreadsheet there are a lot of additional stats that are really interesting for example I estimated the total amount of time with the cool down subtracted here in row 15 so I estimated a 5 and 1/2 minute cool down multiplied that by the number of raids and then subtracted that from the total amount of time so you can see here in row 15 is the total amount of time minus the cool down and then the rubles per hour without the cool down included but it's important to note that I used the cool down time to efficiently sell so it's just just take this as a grain of salt it's just a estimation and I made a little converter to convert my run speed into your run speed with a different cool down so like this's a big Grand assault but generally the idea is if you look at your cool down sa if your cool down of 10 minutes and you just change this value here then what it's going to do is it's going to estimate the amount of real time as in you know say you start it start at noon right how like how many hours it's going to take for you to make 20 million with your cool down and so say with a 10-minute cool down on streets it would take 11.14 hours in real time to make that 20 million but of course this doesn't take into account other variables like with higher rep and therefore A reduced cool down I have a higher chance of spawning with better Loot and a bigger bag and you can also see other stats I recorded any interesting valuables that I got from all the maps down here and I had some overall stats that I personally was interested in like the overall access card likelihood like the likelihood that I would survive with an access card if you want to check out this spreadsheet for yourself then go down into the description and click the link and what what you should do is click here file and then just make a copy in your own Google Drive and you can mess around with it overall I feel like the streets and Lighthouse new map hype like them being kind of newer Maps made them a lot more oversaturated and riskier as there are a lot of content creators like myself making Rubble guides on streets and lighthouse in comparison to reserve which was a lot less contested and much safer and maps that had a long run time to get from Spawn to lose and then to extract made each death cost far more in time compared to smaller Maps like Factory so a lighthouse if I died I usually would have wasted like 3 to 5 minutes in the raid whereas in Factory a death would only cost me like 30 to 60 seconds so while Lighthouse loot is amazing it is also very risky especially as I began these tests at Peak time so due to the high risk and high reward nature of Lighthouse I expect future tests can have massively different outcomes and it would take a much longer test to to get more conclusive results on the contrary Ground Zero had terrible loot but the runs were very fast and safe I think Ground Zero results are much more accurate representation of the average money-making speed on that map and lastly to satisfy my own curiosity I'm going to run a much longer test on interchange and Reserve making 50 million on both maps and in the comment section down below I'll link up Poll for a third map to be retested so you all can decide on what you'd like to see retested to 50 million
Channel: Chuckles
Views: 26,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #eft #fps #escapefromtarkov #tarkov #gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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