What Is The Best Acrylic Paint? (Liquitex, Culture Hustle, Golden, Ara, Amsterdam & More)

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This is what it's about people, this is serious  business! This is acrylic paint we're talking about!!   *Intro Music* Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel!  In today's video I thought I would test out some   acrylic paint, to try and figure out what the best  acrylic paint is that you can buy. Now I only have   eleven different kinds of paint from nine  different brands, so this is definitely an   unofficial official paint review. But I have  tried to match all of these acrylic paints   based on colour, so I've picked a red hue  just to keep it as fair as I possibly can,   and I've also bought paints from various different  price points. So I've got really cheap ones, and   I've got quite expensive ones as well. And the main  things I'm going to be looking for when I review   this paint is the application, the pigment, the  price is quite important as well, and the coverage.  The coverage is a very important one, I don't want  any transparent paints! And then at the end of the   video I'm going to rank them from worst best,  obviously. And we'll find out which one comes   out on top! Also for this paint test I'm going to  be using exactly the same brush for every single   paint, just to keep it as fair as possible, and I'm  also going to be swatching the paint just neat, and   then I'm also going to be swatching it mixed  with water, just to see how they perform... cause   you never know! Anyway let's get into it! Right  I'm gonna start off with the cheapest paint   which is from Jackson's, and it's in the colour  crimson, and this costs £2.75 per 100 mils.   And just because it's cheap doesn't mean  it's gonna be awful, it could be quite good!   Okay so first impressions... it  seems like quite a thick paint.   *Music* Okay that wasn't too bad, for a cheap paint  it's actually quite nice... I'm not mad at that one   at all! I really like the color, it is  a little bit sheer, I'm not gonna lie   it's a tiny bit transparent, but other than that  it's, it's all right! Try it with a bit of water...   *Music* Oh it actually works really nice with a bit of  water, so far so good! We will see what it looks   like when it's dry, but for a cheap paint... I  think it's all right, it's performed quite   well! Okay the next paint I'm gonna be trying  is the Amsterdam standard series in pyrrole red,   and this comes in at £3.20 per 100 mils.  And I've actually got the Amsterdam expert   to try out as well, because I am curious to see  whether their standard and expert, if there's   actually any difference in them, because there's  quite a significant price difference! Also I think   one of use, I can't remember who, and I can't  remember when, told me that the Amsterdam paints   were quite nice, and I've never tried them before,  so we will see! Okay so it's a little bit more   runnier than the Jackson's, and it's also a slightly  more orangey red than the Jackson's paint as well.   *Music* That paint is definitely a lot less transparent  than the Jackson's paint, it's quite nice actually.   I really like the color of it.... the thing is  these expensive paints that I'm trying out later   have to be really good to beat these cheap  ones, because the expensive ones, one of them   especially, the last one is really expensive!  So it's gonna have to really perform well!!   Let's see what this is like with a bit of water...   *Music* Yeah I like that, that's.. that's a nice paint.  I'm actually quite pleased with that one!   But you never know, it might change once it's  dry... suspense!! So next up we have the Vallejo   in the color rose madder, and this comes in at £3.50 per 100 mils. And also don't worry if you   can't see everything like super close up, I will  give you some close-ups at the end of what these   paints look like. Okay straight away this paint  seems thicker than the Amsterdam one, it's not as   liquidy. I do like the color, it's very similar to  the Jackson's, but slightly deeper, slightly darker.   Oh this one smells weird, it's got quite a strong  smell.... it smells of something familiar, I'm not sure   what.... not a bad smell, it's quite nice actually.  Anyway let's just swatch it, stop sniffing paint!   *Music* Oh no, oh this paint's not nice! It's very  transparent! Oh I'm not a huge fan of that   one! Oh that's a bit of a letdown. I would say  if you want full coverage paint, you're gonna   need a few layers of that, because that is thin and  quite sheer! Let's try it with a tiny bit of water... *Music* It's not bad with a bit of water actually, I think  I honestly prefer that paint with a bit of water,   than I do neat on its own. I'm not a huge fan  of that one I'm going to say that straight away!   So the next paint I'm going to be trying out is  the Winsor & Newton galleria, and this is in   the color crimson. And this costs £4.94 per  100 mils. And again with the Winsor & Newton, I   bought the professional one as well which was  significantly more expensive than this one, so   I'm very curious to see if there's actually a  difference! I have faith that the Winsor & Newton   ones are going to be good, it's quite a traditional  brand that's been around forever isn't it? So you   shouldn't be let down by this, I hope not anyway! I don't want to slag you off... but I will if I have   to! Okay I think it's got a very similar texture  to the Amsterdam paints, it's a little bit runny,   it's not too thick but it's not like watery, and  the color's again like more of an orangey red. *Music* Okay it seems very shiny, it's quite a  smooth application which I appreciate.   I really like the color of this one, it's  very bright... oh it's not too bad actually.   I'm gonna have to go in with a magnifying glass  with these paints you know, to figure out the   results... because I feel like there's gonna be very,  very little difference. But that's, that's actually   quite nice, I'm not mad at that one, I quite like  it. See what it's like with a little bit of water...   *Music* Ah it's nice with water, it's very nice with water.  Actually it almost becomes more saturated, and   more full coverage with a little bit of water that  one. Yeah what are you up to? Like look at them on   camera, they just look the same don't they!? But it's  the fine little details that are going to count,   this is what's going to push one of the paints to  the top spot, and one of them it's going to just....   it's going to fail down to the tiny, tiny, minute   little details. This is what it's about people, this   is serious business! This is acrylic paint we're  talking about!! Okay next up we have the system   three acrylic paints by Daler Rowney, in the color  cadmium red hue, and this comes in at five pounds   and ten pence per 100 mils. And these paints I've  used quite a lot actually, I've got tons of these   paints in the studio, and they're not an amazing  paint, it's definitely not a fantastic acrylic   paint, but it's quite a cost-effective acrylic  paint, and it's quite good for just abstract paintings. I   always find the system three paints as well, their  consistency to be a bit more kind of gel like.   *Music* Yeah it's not bad, I would kind of compare  it a little bit to the Amsterdam standard...   strangely it's actually performing better  than I thought it was going to, and it's also   got like a little bit of a shine to it as well.  Let's see what it's like with a bit of water...   *Music* Yeah it's quite nice with some water, I quite like  it. I like testing paint, it's quite fun. Yeah it's not   bad, I really like the color of the system threes  as well, all of their colors to be fair, they've   got a ton of colors. Not mad at that for like a  mid-range kind of paint, it's definitely not   too bad! Okay so we're just over halfway through  this paint test, hopefully you're finding this very   informative and entertaining! I know the suspense  is probably killing you! But don't you worry,   you know we're going to get to the end, I'm on the  edge of my seat to see which one's going to win!!   What's going to be the best!? And now the paints are going to significantly jump up in price, so   those paints were kind of the lower, mid-range priced  paints... these ones are getting quite expensive now!   Who knew testing paints could be this entertaining?...  Not me!! Also I don't know whether it's coming up   on camera, but I have been picking up my dry skin  again. I was gonna put a plaster on my nose but I   was like you know what, I don't care! I'm getting to  the age now where I just couldn't give a shit!   Okay so the next paint is actually the Amsterdam  expert series in the color cadmium red light,   and this comes in at nine pounds and 96 pence per  100 mils. So this is about six pound more expensive   than their like standard range, so it should be  six pound better than their standard range! Okay   it's a very orangey paint, I would say it's on the  slightly thicker side than their standard series.   *Music* It's very orangey! I think it's the most  orangey red out of all of these paints.   Oh it smells weird! It's got a very  strong scent, not a nice scent either!   Application's quite nice though, it's  very smooth, it's going on quite nice.   Was there other paint the same color? No they're two different colors, so it's quite hard to compare.   But my first impressions is that the Amsterdam  expert seems to be a little more smoother in   application, and a little bit more full coverage, so  far anyway... see what you're like with a bit of water   *Music* Oh yeah you're nice with some water aren't you?  Check you out! Okay with water this paint's really   good, well done you!! The next acrylic paint that  I'm going to be testing out is the Ara artists   acrylics in the color cadmium red deep, and this  comes in at 13 pounds and 81 pence per 100 mils.   Oh we've got like a weird little bottle  situation happening there, it's like a little...   little nozzle, I quite like that. Trying to win  me over on packaging! It's not gonna work... or   it might! Straight away I like the red, I love  that color, that's a very nice, deep red color.   I think this might be a nice paint you know,  sometimes when a paint comes out of a tube you   just know it's going to be good, and I'm getting  that impression... don't let me down! Oh this is nice...   Oh I like this paint, that color is just something  else! That's a nice, nice red, very deep and dark and   mysterious! Again it's a really nice smooth full  coverage paint. You've impressed me Ara, you've   impressed me a lot! Hopefully it dries quite nice.  Let's see what you're like with a bit of water... *Music* Mmmm, yes you're very nice with some water aren't  you!? I think it's a German paint because it's   got a lot of... oh no it's Holland. That is nice,  I like that paint! I'm yeah, I'm quite surprised,   I've never heard of it before. Yeah that's, that's  gonna be up there, that's a very very nice paint.   It was on the expensive side, 13 pound 81  per 100 mils, but still it's pretty good!   Okay so the next acrylic paint that I'm going  to be testing out is by Stuart Semple/Culture   Hustle, and it's the ray gun portion in cadmium  red, and this comes in at 14 pounds per 100 mils.   Now I did test out their full range of colored  paints, and you can see that video in this corner   here. And I'm probably going to be comparing all of  these paints to this paint, because this paint is   so good! This paint is the shit! It is such a nice  acrylic paint! Like I honestly, I can't say any more   good words about this paint, it is brilliant! So  if any paint can come close to this I'll be quite   surprised, and it'll get some good reviews so... the  only issue I have with these paints is that the   lids stick, and that can be a little bit of a  nightmare. So if you have arthritis or poorly   hands, you might struggle with the bottle.   *Music* Yeah... oh you're just so nice! And these paints are actually scented as well, I can't remember what this one  smells like... I don't know it just smells like paint.   But it does have a flavor somewhere in there.  Yeah, just... it's a really nice smooth saturated   paint, and it dries down really nice as well.  And they usually work quite well with water too. *Music* You're lovely! When I first bought the Culture  Hustle paints, I thought they were quite expensive   for an acrylic paint, until I realized there  are acrylic paints out there that are really   expensive! Like the last paint on my list is  absolutely shocking how much it costs! And it   better blow my mind otherwise I'm going to be  very disappointed! Next up we have the Winsor   & Newton professional acrylic, in the color  cadmium red deep, and this comes in at 18 pounds   per 100 mils. So obviously we tried out the Winsor & Newton galleria, which was only four pound 94   per 100 mils. So this is just over 13 pounds  more expensive for this paint. Okay it's quite   thick in its consistency, the color is quite nice  actually. Ah I think it's going to be a nice paint,   I do, I can just tell it's one  of them where you can just tell. *Music* Oh yeah you are good! And none of these paint  brands have sponsored this video by the way,   this is all just my opinion. I can already tell  you that it is way better than the galleria one, the professional one. It might change once it's  dry, but right now.... let's try it with a bit of water.   I get far too excited about paint,  I don't know what's wrong with me! *Music* Mmmmm, orugh! I'm not even saying words, I'm just making sounds!  But it's really nice with water too. Ah the thing   is it's a lovely paint, but why'd you have to be so  expensive for! Like 18 pound per 100 mils is a lot   to spend on paint, but I suppose you get what you  pay for don't you!? I want the expensive ones to be   shit, because I'm cheap!! Okay so the second most  expensive paint that I'm going to be trying today   is by Liquitex professional. It's a heavy body  acrylic in cadmium red medium, and this comes in at   27 pounds and eight pence per 100 mils. The thing  is Liquitex is obviously a very familiar brand,   you know I've used a lot of their products before,  and I was quite shocked at how expensive their   acrylic paint is! It's more of an orangey  red, not as orangey as the Amsterdam expert,   and it's not liquidy, but it's not like too  thick either, it's kind of just in the middle. *Music* Yeah it's quite smooth, yeah it is,  it is a nice paint. I'm not like   blown away by it or anything, for 27  pound you know, I was expecting it to   make me dinner or something! But it's, it's nice,  it's a nice color, it's a very nice application,   it looks decent on the paper. See  what you're like with a bit of water...   *Music* The one thing I'm finding with the Liquitex paint,  is I seem to have to use a lot to get a lot on the   paper, I don't know why... it just seems to kind of  disappear for some reason. I think I prefer it with   a bit of water than I do on its own. It's not bad  you know, but still expensive for an acrylic paint!   Okay so it's time for the final acrylic paint, and  this is Golden artist colors, in the color cadmium   red medium, and this comes in at a whopping 31  pounds and 66 pence per 100 mils. Now I'm just   going to say this straight away, I would never  in my life spend that amount of money on paint   if I wasn't doing a video on it. So I almost  don't care how good this paint is! It must be   amazing to warrant it being that expensive, it  better be! It better be good! If it's... if it lets   me down I'm gonna write them a letter! Yes I'm  going to go all Karen on their arse, speak   to their manager and everything! I think this  paint is quite a thick paint by the looks of   things. I actually have a feeling that this paint's  going to be quite nice, which I'm not happy about!!  *Music* Okay the color's nice, it's a very smooth flat  paint. It has a similar issue to the Liquitex   one, you seem to have to put like a lot on for  it to go... you just kind of have to drag it and   it just disappears for some reason, I'm not sure  why! Looking at that one, and even comparing that   one right now to even the Amsterdam expert, I  can't see much difference other than the color...   because it's a darker color, which it's going to  be because they're two different colored paints!   So I don't know, I don't know about  this one! I don't know about these   high costing paints! I don't know whether they're  going to be worth it. Let's try it with some water... *Music* It's okay with a bit of water, it  doesn't blow me away or anything.   I don't hate it, but for 31 quid I don't  love it! But we'll see once it's dry,   it might change my mind, I might be converted  to very expensive acrylic paints... who knows! *Suspense Music* Okay the results are in, and it has been a very,  very close competition I have to admit! I am   gonna put on the screen some images of the paint  once it's dry, both the paint on its own and with   water, just so you can go back and reference it  if you want. You can pause the screen have a good   look for yourself, because I'm just gonna quickly  go through these. Okay coming in last place by no   surprise at all is the Vallejo paint, it was very  transparent, the application wasn't great, didn't   love it! In 10th place I'm putting the Winsor & Newton galleria. Although it is an alright paint, I   just had higher expectations for such a well-known  brand, and for a paint that's been around for such   a long time. It was all right but I wasn't  blown away! In ninth place I'm putting Golden,   the most expensive paint I tried. And the main  reason I'm putting it so far down, I just... I just   find it completely overpriced! Eighth place goes to  System three, it was an alright paint, it's fine but   it's just, it's not gonna blow your mind or  anything like that, it's just okay! In seventh   place is the Jackson's paint. Now it's not a very  good paint, the application's pretty awful, and it's   quite transparent. Based on price alone, not bad at  all! In sixth place goes to another very expensive   one, and that goes to the Liquitex one. Just because  I found paints that were cheaper than that to be   just as good, if not better. In fifth place comes  the Amsterdam standard. That was a really cheap   paint, and a really good paint. I was actually quite  surprised, it could give the top end paint a run   for its money, I would buy it again! Taking fourth  place is the Winsor & Newton professional. It is   a slightly more high-end paint, but I do think  it's really nice, the quality, the application,   the color, everything about it, really enjoyed it! I  think it's worth the money! Third place goes to Ara, mainly because it's a paint I hadn't been familiar  with, and it took me by surprise! I was quite   shocked, a really nice paint! I would definitely  buy their paints again! Now drum-roll please!!   *Drum Roll* It's come to the end! Who is going to take first  place!? Well I'll put you out your misery right now!   And in second place we're gonna have Amsterdam  expert. I think it was a really really nice paint,   definitely one I would buy again and especially  for that price point. Really, really, solid good   paint. Really nice, really pleased with it!  And that means Culture Hustle is stealing  first place! And it doesn't surprise me if I'm  honest with you, because their parents are just   so good!! Seriously they're the nicest paints  I've ever had my hands on, really really nice,   all of their colors to be fair! So that does it  for my unofficial official acrylic paint test!   Let me know what your thoughts are on this  little paint review down in the comments,   and let me know if you disagree with me, you're  more than welcome to! If you did enjoy today's   video make sure to give it a thumbs up! But  I'll see you next week for a brand new video! Byeee!!! *Upbeat Music*
Channel: Anthony Crammen
Views: 27,629
Rating: 4.8503537 out of 5
Keywords: what is the best acrylic paint, acrylic paint review, acrylic paint, acrylic painting, liquitex professional heavy body acrylic paint, culture hustle acrylic paint, golden artist colors, golden artist colors heavy body acrylics, ara artists acrylics, amsterdam expert acrylic paint review, amsterdam expert acrylic paint, amsterdam standard acrylic paint, winsor & newton acrylic paint, winsor & newton galeria acrylic paint, winsor & newton professional acrylic paint
Id: m-XW8yLx_K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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