What is Terraform? | Terraform Tutorial | #1

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howdy in this series of videos we're going to go over everything about terraform so what is terraform terraform basically allows you to write code to create all your infrastructure in the cloud so normally you would if you need to create like like say you set up a server set up for like you know create a virtual machine or on AWS you could an ec2 instance you would come into the the interface here and you would create the instance you know through the portal and all that which works just fine but get in for more advanced that's not really the way you'd probably want to do it so there's a thing called infrastructure as code which is what what terraform does so basically instead of going through the portal and manually clicking through and creating your your infrastructure you can actually just write your infrastructure as code which solves a lot of problems and helps helps things out drastically so some things like it can help out is it's easy to create repeatable environments so let's let's say you have you know a dev a dev environment a prod environment or dev and production environment or staging or different things like that well having to go and create all that through the portal every time it can lead to a lot of mistakes you know to get that exact set up for dev and prod production what would be very difficult but if you if you're able to do it by writing code it makes things much much more simpler and you can get repeatable results that are better you know known every time and it takes out a lot of the human error as well so so just to look at like some some basic code for terraform this this is some very basic code for for AWS if you wanted to create you know you you would create you know you have a provider of AWS and then you can create an instance so this is a very very basic example of what terraform does but it's just kind of an example and terraform is able to run on a lot of setups so you can run it on Azure or AWS or a Google cloud provider and I'll add a lot of different other other services I think there's like 200 plus services and terraform provides its own its own language basically so the code here that we're looking at is called terraform language it's really simple cuz there's not much to it and you know if you're not a programmer or you're assist admin or just a system coming over and never written code it's it's pretty simple to pick up it will go over all of that throughout this course some of the cloud providers like Azure an AWS have their own native way of doing infrastructure as code as well which you know for AWS is called cloud formation and a sure it's called as a resource manager and both of those work great and they're very good and they do what they needed to do a reason that like you would maybe use terraform instead of one of the clap the native cloud ways of doing the infrastructure as code is maybe you have your setup that you need to do maybe you have a production website and your your setup goes you know you have servers on Azure and AWS well in that case you knew would need to because it cuz a lot of times like like websites will to prevent like downtime though the hosts website on Azure and AWS so if you do both you would have to write your infrastructure as code in cloud formation for AWS and arm as your resource manager erm for a sure so now you have to maintain two different code bases to create that one set up who a terraform you can go and you can do both of your infrastructure as code through one little code base so if we go back to our code here like we can we can specify AWS here and we can specify a sure and we can do it all in the same file if we wanted to so we can create both both instances of both cloud setups through main codebase so you don't have to worry about like your developers or sis admins or anything like that haven't alerted cloud formation and as a resource manager you know they can just learn one of terraform and they can get basically everything done that way and a little bit less learning curve for hiring new people and different things like that and also another reason is maybe you don't you're not hosting and two different you don't have one website that's going on AWS and Azure but maybe you you're a company that needs to do you use use both you use as your AWS and GCP depending on what your clients want so you use all three you know if you have to maintain all three of like cloud formation and as your resource manager that just that just gets me to become difficult whereas you can just put everything in terraform and do everything that way so just one code base to manage multiple cloud providers which is really nice so that's the basic of terraform in this whole series we're gonna go over everything about terraform you know from beginning to end on spinning up you know all kinds of different instances security groups virtual network subnets and and all of that so stay tuned make sure you click the subscribe button below to not miss out on any videos and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Will Brock
Views: 30,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraform, AWS, Azure, Cloud, Infrastructure, Infrastructure as code, ARM, CloudFormation, Tutorial, Servers
Id: vwn77cUarTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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