What is Sploot?

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well hey gang it is i jackson galaxy your cat daddy and uh you know where as i may be the cat daddy there is a whole galaxy of words that jackson has no idea about i'll be the first to admit that i mean i like to make up words more probably than most i mean look the the this is the galaxy of my words right here but that said there are some that are wildly popular and unless you guys pointed them out to me i wouldn't have any idea at case in point the word that we're going to be looking into today that has over 150 000 people signed up on a reddit sub forum uh when it comes to this one word one word in the lexicon of cat 150 000 plus people 150 000 won now counting me so what is that word well you know what i'm not going to take all the glory i am going to save it for my counterpart who would be very angry if i stole it from him so hey counterpart welcome to another edition of cat daddy dictionary with your host jackson galaxy today we explore a word that like many others that we look at roll off the tongue tickling the palate like a fine champagne this word today does such a thing and tends to confuse the more conservative of pet guardians the word today is sploot what is sploot well of course to get that answer we get to the dictionary um lost my place no ah there we go sploot when a dog or cat lays belly down on the floor with hind legs stretched out behind them as opposed to under the torso can also be done with front legs tucked under torso or out front like superman you know oddly enough this is one word in the dictionary that doesn't have a part of speech falls between noun and verb for instance it can be used as such hank is the sploot master or hank is performing his morning sploot or hank is splooting noun verb adverb proper name we have no other choice than to reach out to our educated cat audience and ask how do you use the word sploot it is a word born of memes pictures where a cat is performing something that looks splootish and then there is the word sploot exclamation point how is that a word to be used in sentences where is the english language going i ask oh i'm getting all the flutter well anyhow i guess we have no choice but to explore this ourselves a little more carefully shall we roll them [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] as always a wonderful excursion into the world of the feline and the world of humans with their felines who continue to make up words that are inane and fabulous and that is why i am here now that of course is where i end my expertise we still don't know how to use the word but we will i'm sure thanks to you in the meantime why sploot for that we return to our esteemed yet off host and i'm back once again without all of the flowery glory and all of the let's explain this whole thing but i guess that's why i'm here right why is sploot let's take a look at why the why is there's one part of it that's actually pretty simple if you think about it when a cat makes themselves wide and flat on the floor basically increasing the surface of them against that place they're pretty much trying to cool down trying to bring down their body temperature because you'll see sploot happen on hard wood and on cement flooring and things like that more so linoleum more so than carpeting again just to bring down that body temperature also if you take you know if you take a look at boxers or fighters for instance in between rounds you'll see their trainers bring out their arms and you'll see them put an ice pack to their chest to bring down their heart rate and to also increase blood flow to different parts of the body again that's what your cat is doing your cat is spreading out and putting that cold temperature against their chest so you might see sploot when they're fully comfortable you might see sploot when they're trying to get comfortable or actually to try to calm themselves down a little bit sploot serves a whole lot of purposes so speaking of comfort that is the other part of sploot if you take a look at the body posture when a cat is even remotely ready to get out of town they're going to have their legs underneath them whether that's their back or their front so for instance if a cat is in the uh the position where their paws are tucked in underneath them and they're laying on top of their their paws some call it the loaf some call it the meatloaf i think i'm the only one who's ever called it the meatloaf as i'm told this is for another day all together but anyway they're tucked in like this that is comfort because why take a look at its alternative some call it the sphinx some call it the semi-loaf anyhow in this position paws are underneath them and they are ready to spring into action so now let's take that and look at sploot absolute comfort why because i am just spread my back legs are not under me my front legs are not under me i am just sploot and that means i am absolutely comfortable take a look at another alternative and that's what i call the cat hug so that's a cat on their back right in otter position and and and that position is exposing my midline my most vulnerable parts my paws are up in the air completely my legs are as my mom used to say in yiddish versprates my legs are spritzed it means absolute comfort so that is sort of an upside down so now we're into the upside down sploot and uh that could be the otter position the straits leg position the cat hug you see this is why we have the dictionary people because if it weren't for the dictionary we'd be just running a muck with words now the last thing i'll talk about is there's always going to be a crowd out there and i'm talking to you the guys who are like how come my cat doesn't sploot if splooting is about happiness and comfort and all those things not all cats sploot it is a very specific body language the same as upside down on their back definitely not all cats do that they will do different things that some are more universal than others when it comes to comfort etc uh but the sploot is a very specific body posture that said if it weren't for a hundred and fifty thousand plus people on reddit talking about spooky you gotta assume there's gotta be at least 150 000 cats who sploot so that's it for sploot a very positive body language it's all about comfort or attaining comfort safety or retaining safety happiness or attaining happiness all rolled up together and flattened out into a cat pancake we call sploot all right you guys that's it for sploot uh next time we're out well i'm not gonna tell you what happens next where's the fun in that until the next time we meet you guys all light and all love and all splooty mojo tea well there's the the loaf and then there's the semi loaf semi loaf is when it's like this what are you talking about that sphinx no i call this the semi-loaf i mean it could be a semi-loaf except you're the only person that calls so you need to maybe i should skip the loaf all together all right guys if your cat is in splooty don't forget you can be as well and if you do go full sploot on the floor you know send a picture i got to see that until next time this is the most sexual all right so we're going to scratch that whole section all right you guys please don't and don't get naked okay meow
Channel: Jackson Galaxy
Views: 116,720
Rating: 4.9552736 out of 5
Keywords: jackson galaxy, cats, my cat from hell, animal planet, cat whisperer, cat guy, cat guy animal planet, cat expert, cat advice, cat health, cat behavior, pet care, pet, cat breeds, types of cats, cat care, cat training, cat supplies, cat toyskitten care, sick cat, cats and kittens, cat illnesses, cat symptoms, cat psychology, taking care of a cat, cat behavior problems, kittens, kitten videos, cat videos, kitten health, adult cat, adult cat videos, jackson galaxy videos
Id: 8Qsn984m7pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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