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hey everybody this video is brought to you by the good folks over at armor cat makers of quality cat trees for over 20 years thanks armor cat food food that's not good for you if you're a cat you should eat the things that you're supposed to eat but not the things that will kill you okay hey everybody jackson galaxy your cat daddy and today we're talking about food now cat food is a big wide-ranging topic and i just won't even dive into all of it today what i will concentrate on is the food that is not good for cats and that again i mean if nothing is simple what is simple is this cats are obligate carnivores cats have evolved eating a diet of prey meat bones muscle fat but as they've evolved they're not the cats they were even 100 years ago they are eating cat food we feed them cats have turned from predator mostly into scavenger and that's the truth being obligate carnivores evolving from a very very specific type of nutrition has made the rest of their digestive system down to their blood cells kind of fragile now we're going to break it down today into the things that are absolute no-no's and the things that are no-no's when eaten in excess so let's get right down to it and start with the list of foods that are absolute what are you crazy don't feed this to your cats and number one would be alcohol come on why would you invite your cat to the table for a little you know night cap basically if you have alcohol around the house do make sure it's under lock and key treat your cats as if they were children the second thing that is just straight up toxic to cats is caffeine so that means coffee and tea energy drinks i mean what your cat should be nowhere near the red bull guys that feels obvious right what is not so obvious is the next thing on the list which is chocolate chocolate of course is a stimulant chocolate also releases endorphins falls into the same category as caffeine stimulants are a no-go for cats but here's another ingredient in chocolate that is just not good for cats and that is xylitol xylitol is used as an artificial sweetener something that's used in place of sugar xylitol winds up in a lot of places you would not uh imagine it to show up and in a lot of times chocolate is one of those things and should i even mention chewing gum should your cats be anywhere near the bubble gum another absolute no-no for cats is onion or garlic again we're talking about kidneys and livers and even blood cells that are very precariously balanced when it comes to cats and onions and garlic those will just throw them right off so just make sure you're not like giving your cats like some of your garlic french fries [Music] now here's one that you might not have thought of when it comes to things that are not good for cats and that is most baked goods including bread why well let's start with baking soda baking powder those things are just not good for cats okay so we got that one out of the way it's also yeast yeast number one is that that thing that makes bread rise so in the digestive system of a cat it also expands and that is just not good for things like blood circulation now here's one that goes against all of the sort of stereotypes that we've all grown up with when it comes to cats the cat with the saucer of milk the cat eating ice cream or whipped cream or any of those creams you know where i'm going cats are actually completely lactose intolerant now this is most cats the vast majority of cats are lactose intolerant so milk and cheese uh cream all of those things that you would go wait a minute i thought cats were supposed to have this no no no no no and the worst case scenario with that old sort of trope about cats is that it's kittens with little sauces of milk kittens with lactose absolutely not basically when it comes to milk that should be their mother's milk if not that there are milk replacers for kittens but never never straight up milk now one that falls into the category of not so sure but let's play it safe are grapes and raisins we know the grapes and raisins are toxic to most dogs in this case because we know that cat's digestive system is much less tolerant to things outside of their normal bioappropriate diet than dogs we figure we might as well play it safe and just not recommend raisins and grapes to cats another thing that is just not good for cats nutmeg nutmeg is tied to a very specific type of toxicity but when you think about it this is coming down to excessive amounts excessive amounts of any kind of spice including salt is just not good for cats again we got to just bear in mind the very narrow range of things that cats have evolved eating and that is meat meat nothing but meat and what would be in the meat's gut which most of the time are greens and that kind of thing and that's what makes for a system that is not resilient when it comes to other types of food so let's bear that in mind [Music] the next category of foods are the ones that are just about if you eat excessive amounts then it becomes toxic in small amounts not toxic the a prime example of that is avocado the flesh of avocado we're not talking about the bark or the skin any of that because that is toxic straight up but the meat of the avocado in small doses is actually very good uh for everybody but once you get into higher amounts giving cats a big chunk of avocado then you're risking toxicity another thing to look out for and again this is the excessive part is actually fat and that you could be saying to yourself well jackson you're saying that cats are obligate carnivores and part of that equation is eating fat sure the amount of fat that you find on a mouse the amount of fat you find on a bird a small bird but that doesn't mean the amount of fat that you would find on a side of beef so when you are feeding table scraps and you just carve off the fat and throw it on the floor for the cat that level of excessive fat can actually cause pancreatitis in cats just not good for them another thing that is just not good in excessive amounts for cats is tuna it is widely known that virtually a hundred percent of farm tuna in the in the u.s food supply has trace amounts of mercury now that means the humans can deal with it cats cannot especially in large amounts now does this mean that every now and again you can't give your cats a tuna treat no it doesn't but it means that you can't just feed your cat's tuna and expect them to be okay the same thing goes for raw fish whereas with tuna we're dealing with mercury with raw fish there could be mercury traces but it's also thymine that is a problem in terms of cascading too much but again this is all about moderation excessive amounts of these things are going to cause problems in cats in little amounts probably not so much [Music] the bottom line is there are many many things including over 450 types of plants that cats can be susceptible to and susceptible is the key word because in some cases like what i've outlined absolute no-nos some other things like i've mentioned avocado or fat those things are not so much moderation and in small doses can be good for cats being obligate carnivore means that what they're supposed to eat they can eat but what they're not supposed to eat we'll take them down so we really have to be conscious at all time one last note i want to make here is that there has been much said over the past couple of years that cats should not eat raw meat that undercooked meat uh is bad for cats if you think about it that is patently ridiculous because again we're talking about an animal that has definitely not evolved away from their ancestors in a full way they're still barely domesticated animals so did that cat walk around with like a little portable hibachi and cook their food no of course not cats are still specifically evolved to eat raw meat and the idea that they have evolved away from that ancestor in such a complete way that all of their food needs to be cooked in my opinion anyway is ridiculous not to mention the fact that when you cook food especially commercially made cat food and especially dry food to a certain point where it needs to become a dry food you are literally robbing it of everything that makes it meat meat that cats need we'll have other videos all about the fallacies of raw meat and what cats should eat etc that's a whole other ball of wax or like a ball of meat ew that's so gross a ball of meat ew but anyway so that's it folks this is a list that is by no means exhaustive but i think these are the the main sticking points when it comes to a cat's diet what is toxic to them and uh what is acceptable there's a lot of in between i'm gonna hear from a lot of you guys who are like hey wait a minute my cat eats cantaloupe by the truckload is that okay well not today guys not today that's for another day but keep those comments coming i want to see what you have to say about this topic because i am sure you have a lot to say about this topic also let me know what else you'd like to hear the cat daddy talk about because you know me i'll talk about anything under the cat sun don't forget to share this with your cat-loving friends don't forget to subscribe to this here channel because you never know what's going to come out of my mouth food food food that cat should eat food food food that will make them sick see you never know light loving mojo to you meow
Channel: Jackson Galaxy
Views: 366,596
Rating: 4.9598727 out of 5
Keywords: jackson galaxy, cats, my cat from hell, animal planet, cat whisperer, cat guy, cat guy animal planet, cat expert, cat advice, cat health, cat behavior, pet care, pet, cat breeds, types of cats, cat care, cat training, cat supplies, cat toyskitten care, sick cat, cats and kittens, cat illnesses, cat symptoms, cat psychology, taking care of a cat, cat behavior problems, kittens, kitten videos, cat videos, kitten health, adult cat, adult cat videos, jackson galaxy videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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