What is SonarQube?

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sonar Cube by sonar is a self-managed tool that helps developers and organizations systematically deliver clean code by easily integrating into your CI CD Pipeline and devops platform Center Cube detects and helps fix issues in your code with speed and precision [Music] sonar Cube performs continuous inspection of projects and has comprehensive coverage for the languages and issue types that matter most our clean as you code methodology and clear go no go quality Gates ensure the only code that meets the defined clean as you code quality standard can be released to production when the code you deliver is always clean you stay focused on Innovation while progressively improving the overall quality of your code base with minimal cost and effort trusted by millions of developers and organizations globally to clean more than half a trillion lines of code sonar has become integral to delivering better software [Music]
Channel: Sonar
Views: 70,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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