DevOps CI/CD Explained in 100 Seconds

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DevOps a set of practices to build test and release your code in small frequent steps one of the core practices of DevOps is continuous integration which has developers commit their code to a shared repository often on a daily basis each commit triggers an automated workflow on a CI server that can notify developers of any issues integrating their changes when a repo evolves in small steps like this it prevents what's known as merge Towel imagine Mary you're back and developer builds a new API for your product shortly after Jane your front-end developer starts work on a new UI a few months later when it comes time to merge their features we find that they're completely incompatible the build fails and we now have to spend a bunch of time and money resolving these conflicts let's go ahead and build a continuous integration pipeline now to see how it prevents issues like this here on github I have a node.js web app in order to deliver this out to my customers I need to run three commands test build and deploy I can automate this entire process in the cloud by using a CI service like github actions first I create a workflow and then I tell it to run on every push to the master branch the event triggers a job that runs on a Linux container in the cloud and we tell the container what to do as a series of steps first it checks out the code in this github repo then sets up nodejs installs my dependencies and runs my tests build and deploy commands now anytime we commit code to the master branch in this repo it will run this workflow if any of the steps fail the bad software won't be delivered to our customers and will automatically know there's an issue that needs to be addressed at the end of the day CI CD offers two main benefits it helps you automate things that would otherwise have to be done manually by developers that will increase your velocity but it also detects small problems early before they can grow into major disasters and that results in higher code quality this has been C ICD or DevOps in 100 seconds make sure to hit the like button if you want to see more short videos like this and stay tuned tomorrow for a full dead loss project using github actions thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 445,705
Rating: 4.9691548 out of 5
Keywords: app development, lesson, 100secondsofcode, dev ops, code, devops, cicd, continuous integration, devops baics, devops tutorial, git, github, github actions
Id: scEDHsr3APg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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