What is SD-WAN?!?! - Part 1 - What's Wrong With Just WAN??

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hey how's it going everybody this is George from the network tribe and welcome back today I launched a quick question on LinkedIn and Twitter do you want to follow me you can find the links below on what are some of the topics that you guys want to learn about and so I said you know what let me go ahead and get some feedback and find out and I can get to actually teaching you guys something so pretty overwhelmingly on my LinkedIn account I had like three or four people in there like back to back to back say hey I need to learn a little bit about SD WAM so I said you know what let's go ahead and dive into it this is gonna be probably the first module of a couple of modules discussing SD win right so I want to get you maybe not from A to Z but maybe a through m you know kind of halfway there on what SD one is so that you can go out there have a conversation about it understand what it is and what it means for the industry and then go out there and learn either SEO in francisco or through some other type of solution like that so let's get started so the first part about learning about anything is understanding what it means if you an stand for a software-defined wide area network you guys are probably already familiar with the term wide area network I'll go into that in a little bit but SD I want you to think about this acronym and then kind of put it in your pocket and come back for the next module SD is stands for software-defined ok again I'll go into what that means but for now I want to talk about what it actually means as a traditional wide area network first because in order to understand what SD when is and why we need it we must first understand where we are today with just a traditional wimp so I drew out this very simple web network topology okay so we have a campus site with a head and router that routers taking us both to the internet through an Internet service provider and through a wide area network usually this wide area network is also being provided through some kind of service provider right so this might be some kind of MPLS so they go ahead and this might be an MPLS it might be a leaf fiber it might be a dark fiber some kind of service that allows you to connect your campuses and your branches all together right so your branches as you can see a lot of them might connect straight to the web and others might be able to connect both to the when and to the internet itself so this is called a direct Internet access from the branch so dia just kind of keep that in mind now I went over these three things MPLS is a service that's provided through use through some kind of service provider and usually that costs money the larger you need that bandwidth to be if you need to do 100 Meg one gig 10 gig over that MPLS link that's gonna cost you life but it's far more reliable than doing all of your company workloads and pushing it all through the internet second if you look at a leased fiber again this is a service where you are essentially leasing from your service provider to provide you essentially just a fiber link a fiber run from your campus to the branch site through some kind of method right and you're leasing that out from them this is slightly more expensive than an MPLS circuit and then lastly we have dark fiber which is the most expensive the reason we call this dark fiber is because in 1 & 2 you do not have to provide the equipment to light up the fiber for the wide area network in the dark fiber scenario you actually have to provide the routers and optics that actually run the wide area network yourself you also have to dig the trenches or pay somebody to dig them for you or buy them off of somebody else this in a sense is giving you kind of the first downside to wide area networks is the fact that it's so very expensive to do this now the way that some organizations have decided to combat this is through using the internet so of course using the Internet is less expensive right so we kind of combat that however the Internet is the Internet it's lossy we lose connectivity to it all the time if you don't have you know 4G LTE along with direct Internet out here you're probably gonna lose you're not gonna have quality of service over that because when it goes through the internet you don't know what direction is going through so it can become very lossy right so I'm gonna just put up here what are the type of technologies that you can use over this now we've been using technology such as dmvpn dmvpn with IPSec tunnels for encryption because the other thing about the Internet is that it's inherently insecure so if you're gonna send any corporate information over that you need to do it there's some kind of encryption right then you do this through a tunnel you can also do it through GRE which is effectively one of the technologies of the VPN but without IPSec it's not secure right you can then do IPSec tunnels as well on their own through the a sa there's a lot of technologies that you can use to do this right and again this is less expensive however the cost for this is that it's very lossy and lack of quality of services quality of service right so these are the struggles that we face today and one more struggle that I'm going to talk about here is this whole movement to the cloud now this movement to the cloud is something that's taking the industry by storm every day we have more and more applications more more workloads that are moving from on-premise geared out to AWS or Azure or some kind of hosted application now this and let me paint this scenario for you let's say that you're trying to use WebEx and you're at branch one if you're at branch one and trying to use WebEx why would you want to go through the web like this go from here through the land to get out to the Internet you're using up precious money in battle with to use this connection right how do we control application traffic from using the direct internet access instead which is right there instead of going through the web so application control is another very important thing to keep in mind here so application control application control control it's another big function and it's something that FP when handles as well so you can then go ahead and create policies that say if I'm gonna be using Dropbox or if I'm going to use office 365 or some kind of other cloud solution I wanted to go through the internet instead of going out mile and that way I can pay for as little of the wind as possible so I've already given you guys kind of a teaser as to what a traditional network lacks and what Sdn is trying to solve as a result in the next video I'm going to talk specifically about what makes s T when so software-defined and then we'll probably go over some scenarios as how this technology works and then how it actually solve our problems at a technical level if you guys enjoyed this video feel free to leave me a thumbs up subscribe and hit that Bell icon and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jorge Almazan
Views: 33,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jorge Almazan, Cisco, CCIE, CCNP, CCNA, CCENT, IT, cisco exam, what is sd-wan, sdwan, sdwan intro, sdwan introduction
Id: MB2-0iBfwT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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