What is Salesforce (and why is it so good)?

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when I started this channel I said David don't talk too much about Salesforce this industry it's one of the best-kept secrets of our generation and if I want to keep making a nice salary you know I best keep my mouth shut one thing I've learned about myself is I'm willing to do shameful things to get more YouTube subscribers so here we are today picture this you're sitting around minding your own business and boom I pop out of nowhere and I'm bruised and I'm battered and I come to you with this dire message the world as we know it ends in five years a critical security bug is found in Microsoft Excel and the vast majority of the planet simply ignores the software update global computer systems crash the economy crashes and I one of the last remaining survivors on the planet have traveled back in time to give you this one task to save all of humanity I need you to build the next generation of spreadsheets I'm putting on an island with 10,000 of the best engineers on the planet you need to take Microsoft Excel rebuild it from the ground up and when I return in five years we're gonna save the planet together you know what you would have built at the end of those five years you would have built Salesforce except you don't need to because 20 years ago I already traveled back in time to give that exact message to Marc Benioff and in 1999 he founded salesforce.com today Salesforce is one of the most dominant software's on the planet yet the vast majority of people have never heard of it so what is salesforce salesforce is the next generation of spreadsheets all right David well what's wrong with spreadsheets I'm glad you asked let me show you here's the spreadsheet I'm using to track how much money I've wasted setting up this YouTube channel to get my 87 subscribers now my wife gave me a very generous budget of $2,000 to buy whatever I needed for YouTube but as of today I have spent quite a bit more than that and my wife has no idea about this I really need to hide this price column from my wife it's essential for my survival but I can't if I hide it or delete it from her I gotta hide it from everyone else - all right I got another idea maybe I should let her see the price column but I really don't want her to see some of my more expensive purchases you know I only spent 50 bucks on her birthday present this year so if she sees that I spent two hundred twenty dollars on a desk lamp that we're gonna have a lot of bigger problems in the world ending side note this desk lamp is fantastic and I highly recommend it and I'm gonna have a link to it in the description below anyway back to business I can't hide these purchases from my wife in the spreadsheet either because if I do then I can't see them all right all right David keep your cool don't panic what if I come clean with my wife I'll tell her I've spent over $6,500 on gear for my YouTube channel and I promise I won't spend another cent in fact I'll set up an alert on the spreadsheet where if I add another purchase to it it'll automatically email you with all the details so you can stop me right away wait wait wait no no no you can't really set up automated emails in Excel okay I have a new idea and this one's a good one I'm gonna start a GoFundMe or people can donate to my youtube channel I'll give everyone access to the spreadsheet so I can be completely transparent with how I'm spending their money and I'll even let people update the spreadsheet and give me some suggestions on things to buy well shoot actually that won't work either spreadsheets just slow down and break when you have a lot of people using it all right well I'm out of ideas my wife's gonna kill me it's been a fun ride you too and you know for the record I accept no-fault or responsibility over this really it's the spreadsheets fault it fundamentally does not have the features I need to hide my spending from my wife but wait what if I use Salesforce of course it's the next generation of spreadsheets I can't believe I didn't think of that and I've been doing Salesforce for ten years now okay so here's my youtube spending spreadsheet now in Salesforce this is what Salesforce looks like out of the box Salesforce actually runs on the web in the cloud so there's nothing to download you just access it from your web browser so Salesforce has tabs just like spreadsheets - the rows and columns in these tabs are just like the rows and columns in my spreadsheet you can also sort filter and search to your heart's content a Salesforce takes things a step further by formalizing each road to be a record a single connected unit tying all the information of that row in one place you know this seems like such a simple thing but fundamentally it's the difference between Salesforce and Excel in Excel you just have a bunch of random data thrown together on a grid in Salesforce things are very cleanly organized into records and I can click on the record to drill down into it and a record has structure in the category field I can only choose from picklist values and the price column I can only enter in numbers you know in Excel you can enter whatever you want in any column and break your spreadsheet sideways but not in Salesforce price has to be a number and the beauty of the structure since sales force knows price will always be a number Salesforce can do some magic like automatically converting your prices from US dollars to euros or pesos or rupees depending on who's looking at it and the record has metadata too there's a unique URL and ID for this record I can see who created it in a full history of all its edits this record is a living breathing evolving entity let's customize it let's add some new columns maybe I'll create a new pick this column to track my ratings for each of these purchases or I'll make a formula to calculate my tax savings I can even create relationships between records this $400 lens that I bought is related to the $800 camera I bought I can customize this all day without writing a single line of code alright that's great but let's get back to what's important how do I hide these purchases from my wife remember how I didn't want my wife to see any prices while in Salesforce I can simply hide the price column just from her profile and remember how I didn't want my wife to see my $220 at lamp I can set criteria to only show inexpensive records to my wife and how about that email I wanted to automatically send to my wife whenever I made a purchase well salesforce has a drag-and-drop tool that lets you automate anything you can dream up in a flow chart without writing a single line of code sending an email using this tool is a piece of cake and scale let's talk scale I could have 20 records in Salesforce or 10,000,000 it's gonna run just as fast either way I can even open up my Salesforce to millions of people without writing a single line of code in fact you one of my loyal eighty-nine subscribers and check out my sales force yourself by clicking on the link in the description below this is some really powerful stuff but we've just scratched the surface of sales forces power do you know why it's called sales force well sales force took the core product and pre-built a bunch of functionality that every sales team needs unlike a spreadsheet which is just a blank canvas sales features like account management sales forecasting and email integration are included right out of the box in Salesforce any sales team can start using Salesforce today right away heck nowadays it's hard to find a sales team that doesn't use Salesforce it's by far the number one sales tool today I don't even know who's in second place oh did I mention Salesforce also did the same thing to the customer service industry email ticketing phone support live chat you can run your an entire support group on Salesforce right out of the box and again Salesforce is the most widely used tool in the world for customer service teams any time you call a company for help there's a high chance your call is powered by Salesforce now all of a sudden your sales and support teams are running on the Salesforce platform so your sales team knows when their customers are having issues and your support team knows when their customers are looking to buy something all the data is integrated so you can have a complete view of all interactions between your company and your customers but wait there's more Salesforce has also taken over the marketing industry your marketing teams can now use Salesforce out-of-the-box to plan your events in your email campaigns and since you're already using Salesforce for sales and support how could you turn down using Salesforce for marketing having all that customer data in one place is just too good now your marketing teams can actually prove that their campaigns generated sales revenue or the more likely scenario that they actually contribute nothing to the company and they should all be xed all right so we've established that Salesforce is the most dominant tool in the world right now for sales service and marketing teams and the combination of these three tools working together is absolutely overpowered but we're still just scratch the surface of the power of Salesforce how about sales forces reporting and dashboard tools build any dashboard you can dream up using a drag-and-drop builder your reports automatically respect the security rules you've set up no code required and what if you want to code what if you want to customize something so deeply that the drag-and-drop flowchart automation tool just won't cut it well sales force itself has no less than four proprietary programming languages built only for Salesforce you have Apex the back-end code that's based on Java Sakho sales forces version of sequel visual force I'm lightening the front-end UI frameworks oh you want to integrate with Salesforce well there are at least ten api's you can use more api's than you would ever want honestly let's keep going did you know that Marc Benioff CEO of Salesforce came up with the concept of an app store and gave it to Steve Jobs at Apple true story and Salesforce itself has an app store with over 5,000 apps for any use case you can think of every Salesforce org I've ever worked in has at least ten apps installed and somehow even with such a big product already Salesforce still keeps up with the trends in 2010 Salesforce launched chatter it's fully integrated social product in 2013 Salesforce launched Salesforce one their mobile app that automatically converts every feature of the product to mobile and in 2016 Salesforce launched Einstein it's artificial intelligence tool to power and predict your data for you and all these features run on Salesforce in the cloud three times a year Salesforce automatically installs new versions and security updates so you don't have to no more ignoring security updates and potentially ending the world and that's the power of Salesforce it can save the world so the downside of Salesforce is it's quite expensive its subscription-based and it's about a thousand bucks a user per year and you'll need one user for each salesperson support agent marketer and whatever other team you've brought onboard for a relatively small company of only a hundred users that's a hundred thousand dollars each year and license costs alone so let's say you're running a business and your friendly sales force account rep gives you a call tomorrow and says Merry Christmas they're doubling your license costs and next Christmas they're going to triple it realistically you have no option other than to keep paying sales force all your team's have been happily using Salesforce together your internal sales force development team has been customizing Salesforce for years often with proprietary Salesforce only programming languages you've installed 10 different Salesforce apps which only exists in the Salesforce ecosystem and you've integrated all your internal tools with Salesforce using Salesforce only api's oh yeah did I mention Salesforce has no real competitors I've been doing nothing but Salesforce for the past 10 years and I still don't know who's in second place even if I did you can't just download Salesforce and install it on some competitor you have to start over from scratch and you can't afford to do that so you're gonna gladly bust out your wallet and continue paying Salesforce millions of dollars I'm legitimately shocked that Salesforce doesn't aggressively increase their prices each year but I hope they never hear that from me so there you have it that Salesforce and it's the best thing since sliced bread how do i bought salesforce stock when I first joined this industry 10 years ago well I wouldn't be here right now making crappy youtube videos I'd be snowboarding in Australia right now I hope you enjoyed this video if you're curious about joining the Salesforce industry check out the video that I link in the description below and if you're gonna go now and learn Salesforce and steal my job at Google well at least give me a like while doing so thank you and to all you Tech dreamers out there Godspeed
Channel: David K. Liu
Views: 206,995
Rating: 4.8369584 out of 5
Id: ysIhQrC0E5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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