[What is Qt?] Intro to Qt With Two Keywords

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[Music] hello guys this is korea cute guy in this video i'm going to introduce cute which is my favorite only 8 minutes you can understand what qt is before i start this word used to be pronounced as qt or cute whatever you pronounce this word it doesn't matter for using it but developers or cute framework they used to lead it as cute so from now on i'm also going to leave this word as cute in my channel to explain qt there are two keywords gui and cross platform gui stands for graphical user interface gui is some kind of graphical forms which are very familiar in your digital devices if you imagine your smartphone or computer then you can easily find some buttons scrolls windows and so on all of those digital elements are gui of course there are some kinds of interfaces i only consist of characters not graphics so we call them tui or cui when you enter a programming field you can usually meet hello world as your first programming output the output is cui in the console after the fundamental program experience you can make some tools which can create guis such as visual basic from microsoft so you are currently watching the basic gui development environment this is a very classic environment and also very typical as software field however latest services which are aimed at the mass market focuses the software design especially the emotions is an essential keyword at the ike industry nowadays so this classic user interface is not attractive most of today's people prefer more touching and sophisticated guis qt is specialized in the gui development including the classic gui development q2 has their own language to implement its uis it's called qml through using qml developers can make their guis more dynamically [Music] i entered qt because of kml's grade capacity through the qml i was so free to create various types of gui's you are watching the qml source code right now qml consists of its own intuitive structures and javascript syntax so most of simple softwares can be developed by qml and javascript at the front end [Music] then how can we deal with the complicated soft cures in qt the answer is back end as you expected back end can be written by c dot plus or python so you can erase your qml software's limit by using the expandability of cdo plus or python here's an overview of qt [Music] another keyword to explain qt is cross-platform cross-platform means your software can work on multiple operating systems or devices as of may 2020 we are going to see what platforms qt supports first we can see the desktop platform you can also thank these platforms as your desktop development environment i can see there is linux especially ubuntu 18.04 it means that q25.15 doesn't officially supports for older versions of 18.04 if you want to use q2 in the older versions such as ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 which are popular before then qt's old versions will help you this is not only ubuntu's case but also it works at the other platforms max case the latest version of qt works as of high sierra in windows the minimum os requirement is windows 7. the next platform is mobile platforms so the case of android the latest version of qt supports as of lollipop in ios the minimum os requirements is ios 12. okay let's move on the next platform you can see uwp and well assembly actually they have some potential problems first usp application doesn't show the satisfactory performance compared with win32 application second well assembly is not exactly a mobile platform technology whether it is a web development technology it has a huge potential because of its portability and functionality but it is not stabled because it is still under development so i do not recommend using cute on these platforms right now of course you can practice them but they are not suitable as your products yet next one is an embedded platform this platform is the most sought after in the industry however this is difficult to test your cute application if you are a beginner who want to practice qt on embedded platforms then you should find some test boards burst in that case i'd like to recommend using a raspberry pi it's cheap and easy to buy and well documented i'm also going to use the raspberry pi for my coming contents about cute embedded platform at this point i want to organize the keyword cross platform in the qut if you write down source codes then your source code will be deployed on the various platforms which we have looked around that is the cutest feature and strengths alright you can just remember cute with these keywords gui and cross platform that's all i want to talk about in this video of course there are the other elements which can explain qt's feature but i'm sure i'm sure that the essential parts about queue should be gui and cross-platform from this moment i will start making videos about programming content focusing on cute my videos can be some courses you can live for or something new and cute or something new with cute so if you are interested in cute please subscribe my channel all your comments are very welcome so guys thank you for watching
Channel: KoreaQtGuy
Views: 7,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Qt, UI Development, GUI, Cross-platform, Cool UI, Dynamic UI, Embedded, QML, Cute UI, Beautiful UI
Id: eiZe6C0SnC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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