What is Portal 1? A Permanent Resident Application Stage. CANADA

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guys hi I want to share to you the most important topic for the permanent residence application so this is one of the stages on the permanent residence applications so basically there are many stages you have to undergo before you would have into this stage and this is the best I mean this is the the very this is the email that everyone wants to see and they are very excited to read about it so you know when you have this email you would be very excited you would have your feelings in the cloud nine simply because this is the approval email on your permanent residency once you receive this email you are approved on your permanent residency applications so what are these emails this is the portal one email so most of the people on the uh most of the people who apply for a permanent residence they called it as important one so after all the stages of medical aor or PCC requests and all of that stuff once everything is approved for your criminal check security check and all of that stuff you would receive your approval yay so what is a important one email by the way um so this is exactly based on my experience so take note that whatever I'm sharing my videos is my personal experience and I'm not a professional immigration consultant or anything like that I'm just sharing these four information for everyone who wants to you know have some understanding on what's the whole thing about applying for a permanent residence here in Canada so yeah so portal one is something like you will receive an email from the irccpr portal so the subject would be something like ircc permanent questions portal PR confirmation I would share that on my video the email itself that I have received from the ircc so what is inside the email so the email would have like a simple note of Welcome to permanent resident confirmation I welcome to permanent resident confirmation portal process the attach PDF contains information instructions regarding the confirmation for the process for your review Once you have reviewed the document hit reply to send the requested information outlined in the document and then you would see at the bottom from which uh office have sent it to you so on my part it's probably topical ircc so we have in Alberta we have in Sydney we have in Montreal we have been around Tower so that actually depends on from which office they have sent it there but it doesn't matter from which in the office is that as long as you would receive your portal one you still attachment [Applause] with the dates of when they would they have sent you an email your name your UCI number your application number starts with EP your date of birth and your email so basically if you are a family let's say a family of three or four or five all of you would receive an email a portal one email so you would have it on the email that you have registered during your applications us so there were the and this is the very important uh thing with the email you would do it the words your application for permanent residence has been approved and that's the greatest email you would receive you know all of a sudden you are a fool after all [Applause] these steps that you've been done and all the documents are submitted at last you have been approved meaning everything is done all all if you would and you have passed for everything so the final step in processing your application is to confirm your permanent residence and create your permanent resident card you'll complete this process to the permanent resident for that or the pr confirmation so if you applied online on the first instance then you would know already this PR portal or the permanent resident portal but if you have applied buy a paper base this would be like your first time for your permanent important so with that the ircc will create you an account and they will send you a link and they will give you your username and password otherwise if you already use it before or you apply your permanent residence online then you have an access when you're important so for that you would be using your own username and password but I would explain that on the portal 2. for now we'll discuss the portal one so in the portal one you would receive the email and then you have to reply back with them put in your name your UCI your email you need to use one email for the whole of your family let's say you are five you can use one email for all of you five five member of the family and then your original Android date from the Canada this this is the date when your first land in Canada not when your God will go back home and I will back again to Canada the first time you went in Canada and then the date of of last time you entered Canada so meaning you came in Canada you went home for education and then you came back again and then then that that that is your last time you enter the Canada so that's the date you have to put in next is the location where you lost enter you need to fill out which where where did you enter in Canada are are you did you enter in British Columbia in Toronto or anywhere in Canada so when we say location where you last entered in Canada is you're you let's say you came here in Canada in in the Toronto on the first time and then you went back home and then you came back again and then you landed on British Columbia because you have a connecting like going to Toronto so meaning the location where you last entered is British Columbia so basically the location is like whenever you land then and then encountered a Avo immigration officer to check your passports and documents that is the locations where you last entered so there is also questions that are you currently inside Canada you have to tell them yes if you're inside Canada and if no you have to tell them no if you are not inside Canada where is when is your expected return date so if you are outside Canada you have to tell them when is your expected date so that they would know oh you're coming back on this day you know why because if you're outside Canada you cannot move on to a portal 2 and you cannot have your confirmations of permanent residents why because you cannot enter Canada without your permanent resident card and that permanent resident card can only be delivered on your Canadian address not outside the country so take note of that so that's why it's better if you're inside Canada when you receive a portal one so that you would have your Portal 2 and your PR card as soon as possible otherwise if you are outside Canada then you have to tell them yes you're outside and then tell them when are you coming back so let's say you came back here now then we play again on the portal or email and tell them you're already inside the Canada from that they will process your your application and you will receive your importance too and take note guys if you are four or five members of the family you have to do the same thing for the five you have to copy paste all these informations requested by the ircc so it's very straightforward and very simple just to reply on each item that they are asking and then send it back to the same email address so what you have sent those informations the ircc will create a uh I will create an account for you for all of the members of the family on the ircc portal after they created that maybe after like let's say two to three up to one week or two weeks time maximum after that you would receive a important to email the important to email I'm gonna share to you that on my next videos for now this is all the informations for what they call portal one so I hope you had a good informations and I hope everyone who have their permanent questions application will receive their 4.1 email because this is the greatest TV of the tune ever ever received specially if you're applying for a permanent resident here in Canada thank you for watching and I would appreciate if you hit the heart button down below and I hope you enjoy all of this informations that I am sharing with you and I hope you would also watch more of my videos related to my permanent resident Journey here in Canada thank you for watching
Channel: Consider Canada
Views: 19,224
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Id: rvTjGu-wVLU
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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