What Is Our Favorite Pokemon From Every Type?

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get over here hello everybody the green scorpion here with friends we're on camera hello I'm Agnes I'm Ali I'm tonic and this is a very informal impromptu completely unplanned semi completely unplanned you guys did preparations for this you said come up with favorite Pokemon we came up with favorite Pokemon yeah basically so what's gonna be going on here today guys this is a very informal video we're just gonna be we're all hanging out here we're all having a good time but I also thought you know it was Pokemon Day a few days ago first of all congratulations to greninja for being the Pokemon of the Year this year like yeah major was a major upset not who I would have thought I mean is a major upset to him I'm not surprised that he's in top five though yeah what did you what did you think was gonna be there I mean I mean like Pikachu which are doing I know it's pleased that it wasn't just like Charizard uh-huh cuz if we know the pokum we know Pokemon has been rather fond of Charizard Lee I'm pleasantly surprised with some like odd picks in the top 30 I'm totally I'm totally fine with it being in Nam got thirty snobs snuck in there yeah it took 30th place but I'm very proud of the Pokemon that I was like rather surprised to see in like the top thirty was Rabanne be like it was it was like 19 or something yeah cute though it is a it's adorable like I love it but anyway so we're gonna get into that so I figured like you know since it was Pokemon Day this week like let's do a fun video of just us discussing our favorite Pokemon particularly you guys might know the meme that was going on or like the format that was going on around like Twitter and Tumblr and whatnot I'll post it I'll put it right here um it's basically an image of what is your favorite Pokemon of every single type in the game so what I thought you know what let's get these three Schmucks and this other schmuck together and basically just talk about what our favorite Pokemon ow sorry sorry about that we're basically just gonna talk about what our favorite Pokemon is of every single time so starting with normal um what are your favorite normal-type pokémon so do we have like an order we want to go and I mean I don't know do we want to start with you and then we'll just you know we just go from left to right each time yeah I'm on with that stage right so I think a lot of you will agree normal was one of the hardest picks yeah yes not really for me it's just such a big category and there's like a lot of notables but also like not a ton of like super standouts see for me personally like it was really between two Pokemon for normal-type and I didn't really have a hard time picking I I had a really big list probably like bigger than any other type that we looked at it got a lot easier I think as it went on to decide but I really didn't know at first all right so what about you I talked normal I would say is my boy Snorlax a heavyweight I I noticed while doing this um since I've been playing Pokemon pretty much since it came to the States I have a lot of I have some Gen 1 bias not that I don't like new or Pokemon oh yeah Snorlax I've like forever I want to take a nap on one just noir likes was so freakin strong you want to take a nap on an island with Giganta max Snorlax idea yeah you got like a whole like timeshare on his belly there seriously though so Snorlax molex all right what do I you Ally well um I had a couple in mind I'm really fond of stout hland because it reminds me of our dog I do like some she is a little pup pretty much all the time but also I forgot that drama was part normal oh yeah drop was a normal dragon how does that work what is that oh man dragon I love it though but no I ended up picking ditto be great yes because you know I I really can get behind the idea of ditto that he can be anything also he's just so freakin cute and we have a stuffed one somewhere I've seen it it is very plush yeah we don't figure out how to wash it used as a pillow when you starting to get oh it's known by your pokum yes but yeah the possibilities are endless and also he's just some pink freaking goo Wyatt I love that it's a pink sticking through that apparently is really really good at breeding yeah he's the most important pokemon in competitive not for madelung win but for making eggs who makes them baby oh goodness the amount of means that I've seen on the internet about the data yes well well okay so what about you amber tell me your thoughts so my favorite Pokemon is girafarig really yeah my my favorite normal type anyway another pic yes I was like that's perfect I like yes the reason is cuz he's such an out-there Pokemon like and his design is so cool yeah like he's like yeah I'm just like this like half of it it's like this really cute little giraffe and then you go to his butt and then you just cut this is this and it's like it's like a Chain Chomp on his butt yeah yes seriously a fun fact about giraffe Arreaga was originally supposed to have like a completely symmetrical design and it was normally I I think it was originally supposed to be a dark-type yeah yeah I think that's why they made the back of it so yeah it's bark like I don't know I don't understand though like they took away the dark light they change that designed to make the tail look more dark yeah then they took away the dark type and made it normal I don't understand a lot of decisions in the first two gens of how they like picked types yeah like I remember watching a video by Loxton and he was like he actually made a translation of Jarrod's name in Japanese and the Japanese name forger rapper rig is also a palindrome so it's supposed to be like to to reflective have so it makes sense yeah but like it like it's because it's a pun yeah it's so weird but yeah such a rapper a huh yeah like any any other competing for that amber would pick the one that was a pun oh my god this explains a lot that's gonna be sweet Leon tensional another one at that was really close was actually Deerling and the reason is really simple it's a really cute deer else it's green sometimes should I be complimented by that it doesn't have anything to do I know but this is about Deerling Oscar Green is not your sole collar let the deer be rare enough fair enough what's your favorite normal type Oscar you know what's funny like we were having a discussion about like what about like how often would we have parallels of our favorites and whatnot like I thought it would happen because like there's over 800 of the damn things my favorite normal type Snorlax oh wow yeah seriously dang it was between explains earlier it was between two it was between Snorlax and zangoose there's another one later that I think we're all going to have yeah I think you were a big Snorlax guy weight-wise thank you so uh sang goose I I don't know like I like the edgy design for some personally yeah I like edgy edgy fly give me a break but yeah this badass Mongoose yeah but funny enough I actually went I actually went off at a long time thinking zangoose was a dark-type but no it's normal he looks like he should be dark yeah but no he's a normal type and I do like science he's all he also has it used competitively and everything but I don't know I'm a John this one like I really have a nostalgic feel for Snorlax um because it's really good in battle like I love its design I love the concept behind it and I think it's adorable and in the original games it's like it's blocking your path that's like a very like specific moment in the game who's the original generation one games will remember the Snorlax that they had to wake up with a polka flute and then you had to try and catch him it was so hard cuz you probably didn't have a master ball yet yeah seriously dude that's no luck was really tough to catch um you said you had a Pokemon that you thought I would have picked from normal no I just didn't think you picks but you just didn't you just didn't expect snoring yeah not particularly huh well ya know my favorites more like so yeah we were talking about not having parallels there's our parallel there um so what's the next type um so I have kind of I don't have the standard order here but next I have flying oh yeah we can just go with your order that's fine with me yeah so flying-type so I guess one thing we should explain if I'm understanding the rules correctly right we should each end up with 18 different Pokemon yeah like like like I got understand like if your favorite water type also happens to be your favorite flying type like I know a lot of you love Laros but like pick a different yeah like yeah like if you can help it pick a different Pokemon so yeah that would be the case so yeah even though he's not known as much for being a Flying type I picked Rowlett all the board because I have never had an easier time picking a starter Pokemon than when they revealed the Sun and Moon starters it was like that yes that's him I need him my son yeah and I really like to situate to you I wish he was better competitively because he's so cool but he loses that flying type so if it means anything yet you is really sick and poke in pokken oh that's neat ah i like i reaiiy really i really like using to situaion pokin though he's not my favorite to use in that game I'll have some Pokemon on this list later that I like competitively or some that I but but like wow it's another one that I just like I just want one no I I agree I think I know for a fact that that that's one of like nameless NYX favorite Pokemon - it should be because Alison yeah I really like the idea behind Rolly yeah what are you Alec he's so spherical there's a lot of spherical Pokemon that at night you mention any will have a good spirit go Pokemon so life it gets really weird because it came from a personal experience playing Pokemon I picked smooth bat because yes uh I asked where this is going I just I don't know man I was playing Pokemon and a woo bat came up to me and said would you like to catch me and I said yes please and then I did and the he became like a staple of my team and evolved into Scoob at and I love psychic types I just think that they're that they're badass and I love their move types so that really helped I mean like I have like other contenders accelerants like actually like that's a more popular and um like altaria Monteria is nice yeah yeah but I don't know it was just this once woo bat that I had that I just fell in love with I mean I feel like there's there's different ways that you can look at what your favorites are and we talked about this a little before about you know whether the design is just like really cool or they're really really just so cute like makes you happy to look at them or they're actually good and competitive and then there's like more of the nostalgia factor and I think that's really at play for me because you had this loop and one like yeah I did I did I love them now like I think I do like that we have some unpopular picks going on here like right off the bat yeah I mean like I had other like ones listed I like wrote it out and then looked at it but I was like I know it's gonna be school bad yeah yeah he hard stamp me man you're rarely right all right so mines I get again an unpopular pick but my favorite Flying type is actually Mantine Wow you know that makes sense yeah you like you really like marine animals yeah I'm a basically I'm a water type trainer I'm dressed like one but yeah I like the flowing sea pancakes from now on the flying seat pancake but again he zone has a really cool design and it's like it's not one you would expect he's good but yeah he's based off like a manta ray which occasionally will jump out of the air youth is so cute and I love that he's flying type because yeah it's just like a freaking adorable choice they're having a bad day just like think about man time he has a cheeky smile adorable yeah for me personally um this one is not gonna come as a surprise at all it's hollow check yeah I absolutely adore hawlucha um anyone who knows me you know I like new I dunno Latino themed things and everything and hawlucha is basically a flying Mexican luchador bird and I love it I like it looks like something straight out of Mucha lucha yeah um funny enough though there's gonna be another type later that we're going to discuss and there was another there was a runner-up for the flying-type that got beat out but he also got beat out for the other type that he has on it's haunts crow oh I really really love hot crow but I like hawlucha mores a Flying type and there's another Pokemon later that I like more as a dark-type so so Hans Crow is not gonna show up on my listing at all just know that I really really like haunch crow but no my favorite Flying type with that one would be Hollow Jeff when sword and shield came out and the meta was forming like holy to was actually doing really well yeah learned it I actually really liked that I really loved that when I was doing my competitive team when I was playing through my office a fire copy like I actually built a competitive team and I made a halt I made a sweeper hawlucha with the unburden strategy um particularly um like for those of you for those who might not know competitive pokemon unburden and creep the ability unburden increases your speed when you use up an item and there's a and there's a move that Hall which you can learn called sky attack I think it is sky attack takes two turns to to to use but if you have a power herb he'll do it in one term and consume the power herb the item is used you unburden your speed increases that's a strategy with hawlucha and it's and it's really looks like a spring-loaded punch pretty much like a spring-loaded punch and from there you basically just use hawlucha as a sweeper like you get acrobatics on him which increases his power when he does not have I'm on him and like high jump kick and all that jazz yeah and I also have him with baton pass like if you need to get out of Dodge he can give that speech that to someone else like say my gardener know that that like hawlucha has a really specific strategy but it's a strategy that works make sense all right so what's the next one going down my list I have dragon listed next oh goodness so that the big big one all right I had to see this is why I'm glad I prepared because I almost said Flygon because I like him a lot but I was looking over a full list of dragon types and I remembered tyrantrum oh my god a dinosaur oh yeah tyrantrum his rock is Raqqa dragon rotten dragon he's like oh yeah when I was can't go wrong with the t-rex so when I was first playing through that generation what generation was tyrantrum introduced in six yes six right yeah that first soft tyrantrum I was like oh my god it's a it's a team rat that's it yeah so like I don't think I need to explain myself here tyrantrum you were always into dinosaurs well yeah I was a dinosaur kid actually a lot of my favorite Pokemon or like well look this is an owl so like say yeah I rest my case like I I think tyrantrum is a great thing um going back to flog on for a minute I know for a fact that that's Macy's husband's axe yeah favorite Pokemon is Flygon yeah I mean Flygon is awesome it is when are you our ally well I didn't pick flag on I thought about it but I picked goodra cuz hunter is a good I just love my gooey dragon goodra a lot of your game it's like a nine or Moline have a good draw in my team who drew is also a really decent Pokemon all-around actually well-rounded goodra was another one in my hand yeah yeah I'm ran I ran one in multiple different playthroughs of games so it's not just like one specific one I'm thinking of but I've I've used him an awful lot crazy special tank oh yeah like if you have if you have a blunt rub with low speed but like has like some bulkiness and some high attack power give it a bunch of special attack moves and then give it the assault vest suddenly it becomes almost unstoppable that's like the perfect cross-section I feel like of your taste alley because it's like really good but it's also really cute yeah yeah Pokemon can be very very powerful that's kind of what Pikachu's all about now that I think about it yeah yeah what about you my dear well speaking of really cute powerful hook come on mine my favorite steal my favorite a dragon type is dratini oh nice yeah you love your water pokemon no it's no no it's not a water Tracey's not a water type but it is a water serpent dragon everything I remember being a little kid and thinking like just assuming it was a water time yeah yeah because it like it's blue oh you're so uh it looks he looks like he belongs in the water he does um I do have a question why dratini and not like dragon air um I mean I like dragon air but it's like you don't really see him you ever well I never really saw him a whole lot in the anime um and yeah he has a cool design but something about dratini like I don't know it just sells it yeah your TV is the adorable one yeah and then you get Lance with dragon eyes like what we're in the Pokemon development team but they think that it would be a good idea to turn dragon there this beautiful serpentine water dragon into a tooth dragon into Charizard too because it's actually a really popular theory that at some point Gyarados and dragon i'ts got switched and that Magikarp was supposed to turn into dragon it--and Gyarados was supposed to come from kerkini a dragon and i remember someone was mentioning that yeah but we'll never know never really know yet know you well you want to know something um there was one uh there was one other theory that someone had but they eventually kind of like drew away from you away from that arm someone also theorized that dratini and Dragonair also maybe would have evolved into Milotic via that would make a lot more sense but they kept the Phoebus and milotic because it's a reference to the ugly duckling yeah yeah there and now it's like a tradition that like dumb little fish turn into big scary things urban things yeah although I think Magikarp and Magikarp and V baths are the only fish ones though you can also say that like when lot is the sort of thing yeah wind pot is also a water type and it turns into the lights of pot yeah and then with Goldeen it happens in Reverse you become more of a fish yeah but anyway going back to dragon tight so you got dratini you got goodra and he's got tyrantrum tyrantrum mines Giratina yeah first legendary in the play ya know like anyone asks me what my favorite legendary Type O or legendary Pokemon is it's definitely Giratina um there are a lot of like I don't know dragons were never big for me like I actually never almost never use the dragon type in any time but they're almost like too popular I get what you mean yeah and I don't know like it's not just that like I like the lore behind them I like a like a lot of the references and like what they were drawing from but me being a ghost type lover I love the fact that Giratina not only was introduced to us in Pokemon platinum with the greatest introduction to a legendary ever fight me but it's a straight-up eldritch abomination and I love that yeah Giratina is a whole mood like Giratina has yeah Giratina has a whole bunch of forms it's really good competitively and it's an elfish monster I love that so yeah my favorite dragon sides Giratina good pick um if I had to if I had to pick a runner mop probably Rayquaza okay if only because that's going into some Aztec and like Mayan lore that I just love ever so much Rick Hayes is so cool to in the game especially mean that entire it's really cool too because I the great quays has so many favours to a to pokemons detriment mind you mega Rayquaza is treating the monster oh boy alright so what's the next one okay how about grass let's do grass type alright so grass type is actually this is my favorite Pokemon ever pretty much and I notice I front-loaded this with a lot of like cute things but Bulbasaur he was number one yeah he was number he's such a great like nostalgic pic for me I like that whole evolutionary line like I love that you can be Ivysaur and Super Smash Brothers yeah it's so cool I like the vines I I liked Ash's Bulbasaur a lot how it was like this lynchpin and his team and every time even when I actually gave it up those were like kept being a side character in the anime yet you're not alone on that one a lot of people really really love Bulbasaur he was in the top 30 also for he was Monday he was yeah he's number one he actually is okay technically but anyway so this is another personal pic its leafy on and you probably would have been able to guess that because they know this story I was trying to get me a sylveon trying to complete my pokedex as you do and I was evolving my Eevee but I didn't realize I was near the mossy rock and I love into this freaking avian of all six right you had to like Pokemon amis alien time I I spent so much time with this Eevee and I was like yeah girl he's gonna turn into a sylveon it's gonna be great and no turned into a leafy on but immediately I mean it was already in my party so I started just running it against whatever and it was dodging everything and you know because it because it love me so much it was doing critical attacks and it was see no staying alive and one hit point because I had already poured so much love into it so I just ran it through the rest of the game because it was already just so good it would you know with that added like puffs of loving me so much I mean like I love grass pokemon I have like a bunch you know that I was like oh well you know maybe I really like whimsicott I really like shy shy notic but uh yeah I I can't we have special again special bond we like them because when you decide to have a child and love it and it doesn't always take the path you wanted for it in life but it's you know it's funny I have a Pokemon later on that kind of filled that role for me when going through a game but we'll get to that later yeah yeah so I absolutely had to that's really sweet actually yeah yeah you guys got me a stuff leafy on one year for yeah I do I do do that like as I remember yeah I remember asking John what your favorite like Pokemon was anyway like I guess like candy Theon yeah basically just told me get leafy on yeah so that was a story behind that yeah yeah it it really like it was a great Pokemon then for the rest of the game because alia loved me so fast fantastic it was it was cute yeah well yeah so I kind of have like a similar a similar story so originally I you know originally I picked Shaymin as my number one but honestly like my number two was bay leaf like I remember playing I think it was him pretty sure it was pokemon crystal or something really um it's the one with like like the like light blue cartridge yeah yeah yeah yeah gold silver crystal so it was generation - yeah I remember like I member bay leaf was one of my starters and actually I had so much fun with that bay leaf like as my starter so your favorite is bay leaf and not Shaymin yet you know what yeah Shaymin shame and I like for aesthetics aesthetics I like for shame is is what I would put for Shaymin you know what I feel more must more nostalgia for definitely Bailey's mm-hmm not Meganium no Hugh actually like baby we have more than you like me Guinea yes daughter us I'm just wondering it I'm just wondering cuz I because I don't know like it's not often it is not often that you've got someone's favorite Pokemon is the second stage it's either the first or the third most of the time hey somebody's got to give love to the middle children I'm not on that like like what happened to Pikachu it eventually got a first stage with Pichu but people still love Pikachu that's a special situation there that's like an anime thing too because Ash had a Chikorita and then a bay leaf but I never evolved again yeah I never did of all the Bailey did you know what that might be you're the reason - cuz I remember I don't remember Meganium being an anime - off now yeah I don't think give me gain iam was in the anime at all I can think of a few episodes like there were couple episodes where like you know you saw a Meganium like bay leaf was like a main part of the team for oh yeah you're right huh I I completely forgot that Ash never actually evolved mate not a bay leaf so for me personally um I actually really do like the grass starters a lot like anytime I go through a through a Pokemon game I always almost I almost always default to grass types there were a few exceptions like you know the latest Pokemon game I chose score Bonnie I almost chose brookie but I actually chose score money but no my favorite grass type is actually Ferrothorn oh yeah Serperior was a close second so was decidua but I really really liked Ferrothorn particularly because like again during my office on fire copy I had a competitive team at Ferrothorn was my set up Pokemon he was the one I would go in first and if like he had a good matchup I was like okay set up the stealth rocks set set up like like set up the defenses in everything and if you could get a attack move out there then do it if the 50 Epona had a fire-type I'm getting the heck out of there but I really really like Ferrothorn not just for like competitively but also design-wise like it's like it's a seed that eventually like Farah seed is a seed like that's like basically a durian like this I'm really really quick like coconut and it evolves into this like giant monstrous steel grass seal grass is a cool title to by the way a steel of this steel grass like hanging fruit that will not like that I can shut can shake off so many it's one of the Bethany attacks in the game it is because iron barbs is an amazing ability and it has such sick defenses I really really do like very learned a lot so let's go from grass into poison no I almost actually put Bulbasaur as poison so that I could put Rowlett as grass so I could put something else that's flying but you've got a poison site that you really like huh it just calling Bulbasaur favorite poisoned I just like didn't feel right so favorite poison type neato King mm yeah I thought about soul Azal for a while actually so I was really close but neato King one I've been running veto Kings longer - neato Kings Park ground which is my favorite type and if this was like just our top 18 Pokemon more than half of them would be ground type yeah but competitively I really like you can run needle King with sheer force and he has like a really wide move pool of moves that will get more powerful because of sheer force yeah so you could be running like like thunderbolt and make a horn and stuff like that and a lot of things that would have secondary effects you just make him hit harder mm-hmm and then you give him life orb which boosts is attack but because of sheer force it doesn't damage you yeah that's right and you forgot sheer force work that one just becomes this ridiculous sweeper that like tears things apart and I mm-hmm yeah neato Kings a really good one so I chose mine almost solely off of aesthetics maybe you're not cooperating she's being very sweet I think she's being jealous because we're talking about other she is a little pup I don't know what you're talking about but I chose a a lowland muck ooh just I'd love the design it's so stupid and cool um also I ran one in Sun and Moon it was but it was like it was kind of tough because a little muck on my team was like the one that I was always like you need to get your stuff together or I'm gonna kick you out of this team he was always the one like I was about to kick out the problem shop anyway and then ended up being really useful and really cool but uh I almost I was really close to picking toxa pecs I was I was thinking that because I remember you like toxic that I do like toxic good it is alone muck actually I found is really good in doubles particularly yes ability power balcony yeah it's really good yeah I used it more post game definitely but types of it I think it because when I played sword and shield I tried to use a tox of packs and it was just disappointing I don't know why I think it was just the rest of my setup the rest of my team but tox effects does require a very specific setup to use properly it is a very defensive Pokemon yeah bad you kind of have to like run a slow slow game with it yeah yeah but uh a woman might mean he also just he he looks so cool it's such a cool way to do like in a low invariant - yeah I'm sludge - like that kind of like like water spill off at refract light amiibo pattern yeah he hasn't he yes there's one thing Muk didn't need it was teeth and yet here we are oh yeah but uh he's just I just think he's neat and you um my I'd have to say my favorite poison type is my dish yeah no I like oddish I like what it evolved into I don't know it's it's cute it's it was always really easy for me to draw out as a kid oh yeah it's basically just an orb with leaves you know that's a good point sorry that just like was it miss downtick run back for me because I always liked drawing Pokemon so I liked the ones that were just circles yeah yeah yeah like I said like I said a lot of spherical Pokemon that is a very valid reason I remember when I was working at Crayola yet um I would actually draw oddish for the kids a lot and they would love it ah that's cool yeah fun fact about fun fact that I'll shockingly not a lot of people know about oddish it's based on a matter of Gore root which by the way are the plant that screamed bloody murder when you pluck them out of the ground can't believe so it's like yeah you pull out an oddish and it impacts you like surprise face yeah yeah no not shockingly not a lot of people remember that it's actually based on a mandragora root that's so cool I didn't know that yeah there you go fun fact of the day for for Aatish um oh my gosh poison was a stacked category for me because I loved a lot of poison-type pokémon I like I'm pretty sure a lot of people are expecting me to say drapion but no I know you better than that so I wasn't no my favorite poison type is where is it oh here we go sorry so yeah drapion was a runner-up Tentacruel was a runner-up because I love Tentacruel but nope my favorite poison type is rosary oh yeah which by the way a lot of people can't seem to forget that Rosa rates of poison type it is grass poison um but yeah this one in particular like I didn't necessarily use Rosa rate all that much like in any of the games I think I used it in like one game and it's not all that great competitively this is an example of me loving a pokemon strictly for design I liked the roses like my favorite flower and just rose arrayed just looks so awesome like every time every time you see this thing like in the anime it just has like the most dramatic poses and the most and the most Flair full shots and like I don't know I like Rosa rate style in a way I'm gonna cosplay it soon so there you go look forward to that so yeah mine's Rosa rain so poison kills the grass bugs eat the grass let's do bug type alright alright oh this is another snack one for me I have so many Jen ones I don't know how this happened seikar is my favorite site there's a good choice I like scissor a lot to you but it covers up the blades having big sword arms is a lot cooler to me than having weird Munchie claw arms I like that site there has the same base pack stat total lastest or so even though it's not as good like typing wise and stuff it's still like viable and it's fast and the enemy was always doing cool like samurai ninja stuff with a heavy or light cycler yeah mm-hmm so yeah he's cool Scyther run him as a Swords Dance baton basser absolutely this is one I don't need to look at my notes for for sure because I know again this is another personal another personal pick from one of the times I was playing the games scolipede [Music] yes I had one his name was Wiggles he carried me through the game I remember like he was the one that like dealt the final blow at the very end like he was them I was not running like my starter like I feel like I normally will try to close out a game by by using my starter because like you've grown attached or had a relationship kind of but no dude Wiggles was my boy he he decimated he was way overpowered compared to everyone else because I had kept him in my team the longest so he his levels were like way above everybody and yeah he just decimated and I loved him and he was adorable and I think bugs are cute so sue me I was not expecting scolipede not gonna like he's yeah he's my boy you had to be there man that's a good one I love doing a really good one here's wiggle I'd have to say my favorite bug type again it's another Jen one but uh is Butterfree oh yeah he's so classic also like the scene in the anime word ash has to give up first Butterfree and it's like so sad that that's a thing which by the way can we comment on the fact that Giganta max butter was just it's straight-up Mothra like wow now like I actually was never big on butter free myself but when I saw that Giganta max for free I was like oh my lord glow of the century literally yes yes Butterfree sitting over here actually oh yeah one of the guys I brought out for this combo this freaking toy I've had like three different of it because I collect these and he's antennae keep breaking off Oh know how to keep replacing him they're very not this one this is a new one but the antennae are really fragile oh wow no oh gosh um so yeah this is also one that I don't have to look at my notes at all for because I fell in love with this Pokemon Bo instance a red bomb me yeah I love that little bumble II baby fly oh but ya know I was playing through sunny I was praying through Pokemon Sun and Moon and oh my lord the first time I saw cutie fly I was like oh my god this thing's a little adorable and it involves into this like little fairy esque me fly thing and I'm like oh my god you're so adorable you're so cute and you're so precious I want you on my team right now and then he's good and then fun fact for bomb B is amazing like it's not the greatest pokemon competitor but it actually works as a sin like decent special sweeper and apparently had a strategy in competitive that was ban quiver dance baton pass like oh my god this little bee fly is good enough to be in competitive to the point where one of its strategies is banned and that strategy was like already used with Pokemon like venom off and stuff like that but I Rabab a was like too good at that strategy she had a better guy foot problem it had a better typing being very bug and its speed was better like Rabanne B is much faster than venomoth so it could utilize like like the entire strategy was it like you had quiver dance on it you had a you had moves like pollen puffs and an energy ball for like you know special special attacks and coverage and the entire idea was like you had a focus ash on it circuit is brought it survive at least one hit get a quiver dance going to increase its stats and then baton pass out of there suddenly you have another pokemon on your team that has that increase in power and that strategies just got way too good so they yeah you got power from this little bee that did a little veins well yeah have you ever been stung by a bee I don't know bumble eat a bee fly sting I don't think they do that one does really they do know I mean we're bombay does I mean we're Bobby does slight but it doesn't it doesn't sting you with like a stinger it's things you with a bunch of like Paula knives goodnight oh man I want to draw all over Bombay before the night you night Leon yes and there we go all right so yeah what's the next one fire type ooh that's a stat category um so this one's maybe not as heartfelt but I did pick it because of one that I used that I really liked so first time playing sapphire I ran a camerupt really yeah probably when I realized how much I like round types also but like ground + fire makes volcano that's like I thought that was like so smart very good and then like the volcanoes are humps on the camel and he's like a vet dumb cow thing that erupted exactly the you type folk and then for some reason I decided to EB training in speed so he wasn't fast like Monica oh my gosh um on that note I do have a question what's your what are your feelings on primal Groudon on uh oh yeah primal Groudon school - yeah cuz yeah like that that's the whole like primal magma type thing but I guess camerupt it like spoke to you a little more I mean camera up did it first fair enough yeah is my real thing gotcha um yeah man again I want one all right Ali yeah that kind of thing just speaks to you so I ended up picking the I had a lot of choices for this one too I really I had em boron here like three times because like I ran him and I chose him and uh you know he was a good boy he did his job no um I gotta go with another frickin bug man incentive scourge actually I want to comment on that um a runner up for me with the bug types Volcarona oh yeah I do yeah Ronan's fire bug and holy crap that thing is a monster yeah I have respect yeah um I just love me a wiggly boy but I you know I again I had one white sock Abu use it and I went I need one now and then I got one and then I ran him through the whole thing he was he was there for when I needed firepower and um I just I don't know I I like a good caterpillar type guy and he was so cool and the Giganta max for yeah absolutely I love the the like dragon-like connection thing that I just think the fiery curly mustache yeah like a samurai helmet yes he's just cool did you really do like it's not a centimeter or like well it is but it's not a whatever um do you just rely caterpillars and centipedes and whatnot I really do if I look like I'm starting to see the connection to the scolipede if we're out and we're hiking my favorite are those fuzzy ones they're so cute they did their to me they're like little dogs until they're little and fuzzy never thought I'd hear that connection they're just so I mean I grew up on a farm - so like daddy longlegs I thought they were neat - yes there's a bug in the house that has to go I appreciate it's me who takes care of like John I appreciate the fact that our girlfriends are very like enthusiastic bug lovers yeah ally takes care of all the spiders in this house you're not a fan of spiders are yeah I'm a little arachnophobia uh-huh aren't I the one who like takes care of the bugs like I remember we had a cicada shell it's like oh no that wasn't that was okay that wasn't one instance where it's like no you take care of that it was just a shovel it was gross I'm like I like bugs don't get me wrong but there are some bugs that just don't do it for home and I love cicadas but anyway that's getting off topic favorite fire-type oh this is actually really hard for me so like so fun fact I'm actually a Sagittarius so I'm literally a fire-type um your name's egg nests for kids yes Ignis um so this was actually toss-up between nine tails Vulpix and rapidash I have no surprises at all so but my the one I have to really pick though I have to pick I have to pick Vulpix um I wasn't it brought the head Vulpix yeah yeah Brock did have both picks for a time yeah I actually thought that like him and bull pigs were like really super sweet oh yeah he loved that thing it was just so adorable and like and like I just loved it oh yeah I loved your reaction when you found out that nine tails and bolt picks had into lolling form oh my god they're so pretty they are pretty Devils in this I love a lot Aloha nine tails more than I do regular tonight yells hmm no I can totally see that we might get to that later I don't know what you pick for your ice type of we shall see but yeah no I think Vulpix is a great pick um for me personally fire-type is actually one of my least favorite types shockingly enough I was never big on fire types I know a lot of people like them but like they just never really did it for me but come on channel more yeah like for real hey I knew it I knew you're gonna pick Chandelure at one point but I didn't know who's gonna be heroes yeah your isn't going to be a surprise I guess for me like yeah Chandelure is my favorite ghost type and it's my favorite Pokemon of all time but I I appreciate Chandelure for the fact that it's the one fire type that I will almost never say no to like I really really like the fact that it's like for one it's a ghostly blue flame instead of just the classic orange and red that we get with almost every single fire type and ya know I love the concept I love I love the fact that it's really it's extremely good competitively yeah and just it's good I love channel or I will say this much though runner-up is cinder race because it's a football bunny I'm sorry I asked her what color auras and alerts flames god damn it I just wanna check what color asleep is it actually purple okay come on like when you hear go sleep like ghostly blue is a common thing to say all right ya know [Music] well it's getting a little heated in here how about we fire with some water tight sure meanwhile I'm gonna have a drink of my crushed right go ahead water types you love them we love them water was a really contested category for me this was one we're going through the list I actually ended up with something I didn't think I would have picked but Slowbro oh he's my dude you know what I always thought slowpoke was just really funny and then slow bro like it's still kind of competitively viable it is or he will be when he's in sword and shield again psychic water is a neat combo I like this big stupid face me personally like I actually do prefer slow King but slow bro is still good-looking freaks me out a little bit because he talks yes item makes me a little uncomfortable I don't know why okay what's your favorite water type Ali um so um I chose to see Emma rot mm-hmm I had one and I loved him again like just just see soap and it's just so cool I love the design this um I don't know lazy you know sword samurai dog seals man fish thing i I just think he's a neat um yeah and he's just it's just very badass I really um again I came close to choosing tok specs maybe right um or pre marina cuz I had one of those but uh samraat just has such a cool factor for me actually and also it was the starter of the first one that when I picked up Pokemon again because I played pokemon yellow as like a kid and I got like halfway through and I was like wow I'm gonna go read Harry Potter for 30 hours instead and then when I pick you back up samraat was my starter and so naturally I'm a little attached yeah yeah he was he was bad in the good way he was badass I liked him no you I can't imagine how yeah is your time okay so it was a tough it was mainly a toss-up between three but again it was really hard to narrow it down to just to these three um so so my number three is Tentacruel my number two is dugong and but my number one and this is my childhood favorite is Sidra Sitra is a great dangerous Sidra is really cool to me cuz like even as a kid I always thought it was the angry Pokemon it has this permanent scowl on its face yeah and like it is just so cool it like mellows out when it becomes Kingdra yeah but like it was just like this this is so cool like this edgy pointy looking Pokemon like it's a horse like obviously it's like it's a it's like a it's a it's like a horsey you yeah but it's like on its it's just so cool yeah basically a horsey on steroids yeah it's course these awkward teenage years so mad about everybody this is after the 30 day CrossFit challenge and like for those of you who have seen my Twitter and seen my art pieces this is why I drew Ignace as a pokemon trainer with a Sidra instead of a kingdra for those of you who are wondering like I can understand like why you like Sidra more because I think Sidra actually does have a bit of a better design in kingdra does I wish it was part dragon like king Dre's yeah yeah that's what I really I actually thought you were gonna pick King tor for your dragon type well I don't well I don't know I mean came to I came out later on so like I wasn't as like I mean obviously it's a cool design and I'm glad like we got more of we got more of that Pokemon um but it didn't just quite click with me as it did with no I can understand that sure yeah because like for me personally because like water is such a stacked type like I think it's I think we have the most water types of any other type of the game I believe yeah excuse me makes sense we got a lot of water I know like and I'm actually noticing like looking at my notes like there's a few other types that like have overlap because like my favorite of this other type is also a water type and all that but we'll get to those later but no it was a toss-up for me Tentacruel was up there as well cuz I really really liked it Milotic is up there yeah but this isn't a stal JPEG for me Poliwrath I really really really like Bali right because um for me like I know it's not that great competitively like the it does have the belly drum strategy but even then it's kind of unreliable and as a water fighting type like I just think it's like really cool I think it's a cool design overall but it's also a very simple design it's not all that great of a Pokemon but this was the Pokemon that carried me to Pokemon Stadium to like like Poliwrath is the Pokemon that I used going through like the gym leaders battles and it's the one that always like that I always like using like I liked having this dynamic punch in the back pocket of mine along with like you know all the other moves that have had in everything I just really like all Iraq a lot and I like the concept behind it it kind of it kind of is a shame though because like for all intensive purposes politoed is a much better um is a much better pokemon competitively and I'm not a big fan of pollito just because I think it looks derpy as heck but oh yeah and another runner up with Ludicolo Latino influence again yeah again but like shockingly enough like I didn't pick Ludicolo because I like Poliwrath just a bit more and even then my grass pokemon was Ferrothorn so yeah Ludicolo is another Pokemon that got beat out by some of the Pokemon that I just like a bit more sing with hunch Crow and sceptic rule but no for water type I just love Poliwrath so what's my talent Chili's speaking of solid choices what's the solid form of water it's ice which is our next type oh my god you're just making your game at it aren't you yes all right then the reason why my order is is different is because this was always my pneumatic device to pneumonic device to remember all the types yeah I remember them when I was a kid that's actually really sick all right no wonder your brain is so organ again because you start with normal and then normal is like air so flying and then dragons fly and then they like are green so grass employees and kills the grass and bugs eat the grass the fire burns the bugs but water stops the fire and it just keeps going from there Wow so it's actually quite genius my pick I like ice a lot there's a lot of really cool ones I picked the one that I feel like isn't very icy but Mamoswine mm-hmm because you got a cross-section of things I like a lot you got it's like an ancient creature because it's a mammoth and mammoths are elephants but also before it's Mamoswine it's a pig they're all things you like and it's a big fuzzy boy and rampaging and a lot of times these types like statistically are bad at defense and stuff like that but Mamoswine is a Pokemon that can just like hit really hard before it gets hit mm-hmm so so yeah I'm happy about that I actually died actually in that surprise you pick Mamoswine also ground-type yeah which yeah if you could you would pick so many I kind of admire the fact that Jon's favorite type is ground I did not know you get a lot right don't know why I just I feel it's so hard it's just it's just in my soul yeah yeah all right what are you Ally oh speaking of which while we're on the subject what's your favorite typing that and that I think about it me yeah I have a really tough balance between psychic grass and I and fairy really great yet grass and fairy because like whimsical and shy not occur like really I just I like them so much well get that we'll get to the ferry type later it's it's hard I like you know I can imagine but ice this was a really tough one for me as I don't love a ton of ice Pokemon not really up there for me but I do like aurorus mm-hmm I just well I think he looks really swell like it's a 50s and you're asking to those cameras I think you look real swell milkshake with two straws a horse is a beautiful design it is a very very yeah um really pretty I love the aurora borealis would play in there too and I I had one and and I ran a little bit it was another one that I I've like tried to run in multiple games and it hasn't always worked out as well but he's me he's pretty and you know and yeah he's just he's swell which is why like if I'm being honest for a moment I'm really really shocked that they didn't give the whole aurora borealis strategy in in pokemon sword and shield to Aurora's who's not even in the game yeah and they gave it to Lapras with GMAX resonance yeah it's it's kind of weird like it makes sense though cos Lapras is also a nice type but I don't know it's kind of like they always give me back any fossils that sure that is true like I brought back aurorus you'd have to bring back tyrantrum and then like why isn't there coffee table sir yeah yeah that's also true you're not wrong alright then but anyway all right so my favorite ice type B is actually do Gong yeah there you go so and it was a toss-up between Coogan do Gong or Glaceon but I like do going more mm-hmm also just do one it's just a really really pretty Pokemon like before prema prema Reena like I would consider dugong to be like kind of like the mermaid like Pokemon just does it like the beautiful tail and stuff it just so pretty like I love the art of it like on the Pokemon card - yeah oh yeah no there's nothing like the Pokemon cards get some really really cool art on them just like design-wise I love like his like shining eyes just so like yeah I don't know there's something really charming I think the episode of the anime that introduced to dong was with mermaids what wasn't it like when Missy had to do that one performance in her gym yeah mermaids and there's like a seal at the Cerulean City Gym and it like evolves during like a pivotal moment in that episode and everybody's like yes yeah Bravo bravissimo oh yeah I think I remember that I'll have to look that one up yeah um yeah from like same thing with me ice is not a type that I generally love quote-unquote it's it's not one of the more popular but it also has the least amount of Pokemon yeah um I think I want me that might be these least represent I think I think it is the type the four sword and shield this is coming this is gonna come as no surprise to anyone Ross laughs yeah yeah I've heard you mentioned before yeah I cross I love ghost types like that that is no question and holy crap Ross class is a straight-up yuki-onna and I love it yeah like I actually used it in my playthrough a Pokemon sword shield and she didn't work because a fun fact the whole Dynomax and Giganta Mac strategy um what is uh what does max hailstorm do bad I never get I know it causes hail yeah it causes hail frost loss is a ability of snow cloak okay which increases evasion in the in inhales suddenly frost laughs has a little bit more viability purely because of the Dynomax strategy so that was funding that was fun to utilize during my adventure but ya know I liked processes design I like its I like the weights represented in the anime - I think Paul during the during season 3 of the anime had a frost last and the way he used it was just incredible again like I don't exactly remember it I don't know that part of the series as well mm-hmm but ya know frost lasts just does for me I love the fact that it's basically an ice roast I say we bile is a close second coming yeah we was cool Weavile is really sick so what do we got next from ice to white well with all this h2o around we're conducting electricity so electric types yeah I came really close to picking magna zoom I came close to picking Magnezone that was the one I thought we were gonna end up having in common I thought to like write quite frankly like I'm surprised like magaz owns another one there's another electric type that beated mal for me and there's another steel type that beat him out for me so there you go well I almost picked Magnezone and then I was thinking about it and actually I think it's Magnemite really just because it's a really simple little design again it was something that I could draw when I was a kid um you want and I want one I like the idea of having like a little Pokemon satellite me everywhere and it's like I'm gonna like charge my phone with it he's gonna be my buddy and see that that's how I feel about a bomb be like if there was a Pokemon that I've wanted in real life it would never bomb be one because it's small enough to just travel around me on my shoulder and have a good time and if I need a snack I can just have one of its puffs because apparently it's pollen puffs are really good supplements can we make like a cereal commercial of that of like oh man I gotta get me those for bomb beep ah Andrew bomb he's like no I can't let them catch me but anyway moving on yeah nothing else interesting to say just just Magnemite he's a cool little dude alright so I picked Ampharos mmm good choice he's cool is hairy choice not so much a personal experience thing I mean I've definitely had BAMF roses in my team but ah he's just so cool and I love the electric sheep thing and the reference there I yeah man I don't know I he's he's a Ampharos he's awesome how do you feel about mega Ampharos beautiful majestic gorgeous oh yeah because I'm horny yeah I wasn't crazy about Ampharos until the mega came out actually because I was I really like Mary and I was disappointed that Mary lost its wool as it evolved yeah um that made me kind of sad too but but I feel like once it was fully evolved it was it was so much it was just so it was so good and so viable yeah Pokemon and it was still maintained being really cute and charming and just like gave a real like friendly vibe I don't know man like yeah like another one that I like would want to like be my friend yeah yeah that would I feel like would just be like really good if I actually was a pokemon trainer and was actually like going out into the world and doing this like I would want an Ampharos on my side you'd save a ton on the electric bill absolutely I thinking gold and silver there's like one powering a lighthouse that's like a quest you have to do yeah that's a question have to do before you face a gym leader a man time alright so ever all right so purely for the memes Pikachu yeah I'm glad that somebody chose him yeah it's like he's on my paper but I like him I don't have a whole whole lot of like favorite types of like for like electric um but just Pikachu it's like it's he's all he has a ton of memes he has a ton of personality he's the guy ya then he's the dude I think one of my favorite I think one of my favorite means that I ever utilized I remember utilizing this meme in one of my videos where John and I were talking about Pikachu and the electro Mansour's countdown and we basically said that Pikachu is like bizarre and I found this image of like Pikachu who was leading a regime and his phrase was Chu they're like some hard for my fans to who were mad that we picked Pikachu oh yeah and I was just like gung come on yeah like yeah Pikachu's not the most viable and they're gonna give it a way to pick like then you give it a light ball but now just Pikachu is just very iconic like there's a reason people love that little thing and hence but ya know I think we could use a great choice um for me gotta be honest galvan chola i thought about him for bug-type actually ah cuz emperor electric-type yeah i like spiders I think spiders are cool and first of all galavant EULA is a really fun name to say it is um galavant chola introduced to us electro web which is a really cool move and really um I just think it's a really good Pokemon like honestly like electric-type is another one that isn't really big on me but I do get excited for it with the likes of like you know galvan chola Magnezone is like a runner up for me Rotom was definitely up there as well cuz like I wrote him so cool like he can he's your phone he can be any he's your pokedex yeah everywhere yeah but now like I like my little electric tarantula so yeah I had to go with Galvan Sheila for this one oh it's so cute do like ya calling a spider calling a tarantula that off a few people but I love spiders so yeah I yeah I mean I think it's yeah I want a black guy or a scorpion for a pet people I'm going to call tarantulas cute I mean those kinds things in real life like I can't be around them but if it's like a cartoon of a spider like yeah that's great like Evangel is awesome mm-hmm although even in cartoons like I have a friend of mine who is like so petrified of spiders that he can't even see them in cartoons like he's that afraid of that well but anyway he's back yeah the poppers back yeah we decided to take a quick break that's why I suddenly materialize the dog my hands eight more types to go alright next let's continue on with fighting type I like fighting type a lot because there's a lot of cool like martial artists yeah but my fighting type is easily like up there is one of my favorite types but this is a case where I moved somebody that I had for one type over to make room for someone else I had to make room for Scyther so my favorite fighting type is heracross you know what happens I remember heracross being one of your favorites like of all time he's the man yeah he's a rhinoceros beetle or a Hercules beetle which is awesome I think he's a rhinoceros beetle originally and then you mega evolve and he becomes a Hercules Pino the Hercules versus the other way around that's what a Hercules beetle is it's another name for the rhinoceros beetle okay he becomes a different type of like beetle when he mega evolves a different like subspecies of that but they're both like they're both very very strong boys I like the sound that he makes in the anime ash had one for a while and he's in the back to Professor Oak's lab but then it came back when he was doing the Johto league and like rex shop he was so good and her boss is just good in general yeah he was like the poster boy from megahorn which is a great move and I like the idea of just like him tossing things over his head mm-hmm so yeah man here across absolutely you know like I I do I do like heracross myself Ali so this one is another personal story yeah I feel like I'm on like dr. Phil this is my personal story about my favorite fighting-type pokémon sir fetched I have a lot of like new ones I think I mean like I'm really fresh in my mind and trying to evolve him oh I remember I helped you with that one you helped me I was so yeah have you seen me almost as more rust and more frustrated than that I think it was very frustrating maybe the only time I saw you just as frustrating is when you were trying to catch that gosh-darn demise yeah you know when I almost put down mais for a couple of these too because I don't know something about having to work a lot of you sir fetch and then when I had him - oh he was again he was so over leveled because I was just like trying and trying to like you will you will evolve and he was and he was awesome I remember I remember like I'm actually kind of proud I remember making the suggestion like I had like I had to help you yes you had you had one with the leek I was smiling yeah you have one with the leek you eventually taught it focus energy yeah and like it was like three it's critical hits in one battle and you did almost everything in the postgame and then I remembered wait a minute have you been to spike mouth yet and have you fought Marni yet that was like no I was like take take him there to fight Marni and act as they are my octave because not only are they weak to fighting-type moves they are like you also had fury cutter yes on on your on your far-fetched that also has a high critical hit rate which are super effective against dark types so eventually you did it with more on one fighting Marnie yeah isn't because like the issue was I was so far in the game too that in the eye I had thought at least there were no other like actual like Pokemon battles besides like finding that out in you know the would say you know with her with her three starters which I could only get so far with because the more I tried they'll farther he leveled up yeah then once he did finally evolved he was a beast oh yeah did anybody need an evolution more than far-fetched like you have a long time college you and I had a concept where like far-fetched might have a mega a version where it becomes a samurai leek a sword I was not expecting I usually hang like sweet little boy yes typos like Pokemon with surface he's the chivalrous white knight Sir Lancelot yeah so good he's a little and I love it yeah no sir Festus Graham I amber without you so my favorite fighting type is actually Lucario I mean popular good while or choice but still a very good choice I mean he's great in Smash is that still correct um he's mid tier he's go dude he's basically Goku yeah but yeah I love Lucario like when I first saw him like in like the Pope and one of the Pokemon movies like like like he was sold like like one of the better Pokemon movies to in my but yeah I agree like the whole concept from that movie to was really interesting um I like how he's fighting type because that was Gen 4 was when they did the physical special split so like not all fighting-type moves had to be visible anymore so like how do you do a ranged fighting-type move right and that's actually something really cool J because like yeah that's something really cool too because Lucario stats like if you use it competitively can't you can either make him a physical or special threat like he he boat he uses both stats relatively well he's a dude yeah bro he is he is the great warrior who has mastered his aura yep yeah again that's that's why I'd like him he's like the aura concept and everything like it's just really really cool absolutely on fighting-type is one of my favorite Taipings so there were a lot of Pokemon that I really like from the fighting type I actually originally had hawlucha but then I moved him to the flying categoría um another one was gal aide which I really love a lot there and when you mega evolve gal a really beautiful more fighting type nights action absolutely but yeah I'm with you Ally sir fetch y me fall in wall we have our second double yeah yeah no I am with ally on this one I awesome for sir fetched yeah like just and like can I just say that generation 8 gave us some really really good fighting types do we need to mention phalanx I really liked that you were gonna I thought you might say family I do like him because when when when you saw him for the first time you yeah they're too melted if Felix was good day Lynx was good in battle he would be like one of my favorites and yeah let's let's be honest for a moment like failings is not that great of a Pokemon but oh my god damn charming beyond belief like a couple of other Pokemon that I had up there he's uh it's pure wet for meloetta yeah shock it's a fighting type interesting yeah pure white formula Wetty up there is also more shadow who is the our very first ghost fighting type which is really cool cool in concept and yeah like also in generate go mech generation 8 for a moment that Giganta max my champ though oh yeah Siva yeah you like I I swear like I it looks like something that came straight out of my hero yeah but no sir fetched like sir fetched just made me fall in love and it kept that love especially because hey like thank thank goodness for us it's good competitively yeah yeah yeah no surfaced like they made him really hard to get and they made him worth it they they took everything about far-fetched and just made it amazing yeah and who would have thought yeah so like he sitting over that you would nothing yeah sir sir fetch definitely became my favorite fighting type yeah aside from hawlucha mind you but you know oh speaking of which another fighting type that it should also be a water type from generation 8 and is not that good either but I really like rap a lot that's a neat concept that black is cool mm-hmm I never really got the hang of him but like oh he's so neat and he's fat he's scary dude come when he starts moving on the ground like I'm freaking like like a freak but it's so good anyway yes let's move on then to rock type I was really close to Onix for this one really this was yeah Onix is another like nostalgic fave for me but instead I went with Tyranitar yeah I ran Atari anyone until tyrantrum showed up was the closest thing we had to a t-rex yeah it's like if I recall correctly Tyranitar is straight of Godzilla yeah yeah that seems to be like part of the inspiration yeah I usually like the pseudo legendaries of each gen I usually like them but they're not my favorites because I know they're supposed to be good so I'm kind of like okay this is good I want to find like weird but Tyranitar is one where it's just so cool that I have to agree like tearing stars up there for me as well so he can have sand streams so I use him in San Sora team so absolutely even though he's not a ground type he still you know adjacent mm-hmm I you know I very nearly picked Tyranitar I was really close to I kind of think I partially didn't because I I knew you were going to I didn't know all of your picks but I just I just knew that you're gonna fake Tyranitar so what do I you I I picked I picked many or again almost exclusively for a design and concept reason I really you know I like like astronomy and astrology a lot and so that I was just like really neat to make sure yeah and the different forms I just thought it was just what it what a cool idea you know it can can you really play it no maybe no you can but you have too many or has a strategy yeah he's got some things going you know I I guess I guess he was never the type that I would want to I you know what I like I like the guys that can just kind of go in there and either be a tank or you know I'm a simple woman but but you know I just thought how you know it really really cool like over different color yeah ie I did yeah um yeah kudos to whoever thought that up because just like what a neat idea alright what are you amber alright so I'm a huge dog lover I had to go with rock rough yeah yeah like you just so cute and it's just like the name rock rough it's just adorable fun fact part of the reason they actually named him rock roughest so he could sound like a barking dog in the anime yeah seriously it's like so yeah that was a thing but ya know I do adore rock rough so did a lot of people when they listen rough but I fell in love when I solve it when I first saw that in like cork or a magazine or over it was yeah I was like yes evolution let's be honest pretty darn good too like I actually do like appreciate like and rock a lot yeah yeah I think I think pretty popular with a lot of people too and pretty valuable um I think the daytime version of like and rock is like use competitive Layla yeah so for me this was a read this is an interesting one for me um you said you like Tyranitar using him in like sandstorm teams right this rock type I like using in rain dance teams puppet ops yeah yeah I like this is another Pokemon that's kind of nostalgic for me but I also really just like the calm that behind it I think Kabutops is just cool like it's a water rock so that's a really interesting it really interesting like that bang class wised horseshoe crab basically yeah cuz Caputo is a straight up horseshoe crab and yet it balls into this like Scyther looking a cycler looking thing that is like about to slice and dice you there is this one Pokemon movie where like they actually animated Kabutops and they made it look like an absolute monster yeah like it was like it was like jump he was like jumping from wall to wall to wall dashing and like the and after cash like like a bat out of hell and it was just so frightening their fuel yeah although they it's straight-up nightmare fuel and fun fact in competitive you use them in rain dance teams because it has the Swift swim ability speeds everything pretty much like it's actually a shockingly Miche Pokemon to use competitively and like I just really like how boot tops is designed I like the concept behind it it's a physical sweeper if you use it properly I think it's awesome you want to try him more no I really do like hop attacks alive huh what's up Nick where do you find rocks you find them in the ground Wow oh my brown tiger your favorite typing his ground if it weren't for Bulbasaur this would be my favorite Pokemon it's donphan oh yeah he's an elephant mm-hmm he rolls a rolling elephant made of stone competitively he can be like a rapid spinner and new stealth rocks he's good for setup I like running him with ice shard cuz nobody expects it and it's a priority move so just like they think they know what they're dealing with with this elephant it's only like just bit ice at them and it also takes me to UM in the original Pokemon movie yeah and a couple gen 2 Pokemon in it that it was like a row premiere so like during the opening credits Ash's fighting a trainer who sends out donphan and that was such a like skater going experience what is there's a beyblade elephant on the field I also remember like one thing that actually made me personally like donphan is Pokemon Stadium because the mini-game were yeah thank my city together yeah yeah you having a mini game where you had to like roll around the track as donphan also in the movie that battle is donphan versus Bulbasaur which to me makes it the greatest fight in the history um before we move on to Ally I do have to like I do have to ask like obviously you like your elephants Oh what do you how do you feel about copper Asha kappa Raj is great yeah it's like a little bit too angular for me to like it most glad as an elephant like the fact that it's square I like does attractor yeah but it's also got the whole thing where it's like a teapot and an excavator and like that's all neat too so like and I like it a lot but as an elephant donphan is still better very well Ali um well I picked Quagsire a little a meme Lord a god I just also there's these youtube video there's this video called acquire the sire and it's it's it's it's that like it's like that like dance with the wooperz and the Friars yeah yeah I've had I've had to have watched that like at least a hundred times probably in a row like it's like one of the things I will like put it on like the one hour loop or whatever like on my phone and like drive to work and just like listen to that I remember this one strategy my friend Mason when I went to Temple University we played Pokemon quite a bit and he had this strategy with Quagsire where he had the unaware ability and he had the unaware ability and he had swagger as his uh one of his moves so he would ignore the staff thought that you get from Swagger but you would also confuse the Pokemon he nicknamed it swag swag sire strategy and yeah that's what makes Quagsire really really good because it's typing is amazing like it covers up a lot of its weaknesses yeah and just like that underwear ability is just amazing when we got Pokemon shield Ali was actually like ahead in the campaign from where I was on me seeing the lead for and everything for the first time was well Ali was playing it so it's Ali versus Leon with his gigantic max Charizard and now he's out here with Quagsire Oh ginger he dealt the final managing it into the ground he dealt the final blow yeah basically on into the ground I mean I I had I had had a Quagsire before but yeah yeah especially in sword and shield my love for him was really really nice look at his look at his face that's stupid face III I mean like I love Quagsire but I'll admit I can't look at that face without getting a little mad because of Mason beating me with his swag sire he's good yeah he is good all right so my favorite ground type is actually a Cuban really yeah again it's again it has a sad story it's like oh poor cubone poor cubone I'll admit to be l admit to having marowak as one of my runner ups yeah yeah but Marik doesn't have the cute angle he does a long time favorite and admittedly like I like marowak but then there's a lull in form is just amazing and it's not a grande type at all yeah oh and there's fire dancer marowak Wow but yeah I I can agree with cubone it is a bit is normal and like that whole thing in generation one just solidified a lot of people with Cuba and marowak um ground was not a big one for me either like I'm willing to say that it's one of my least favourite types but at the same time not because it's okay to be wrong Oscar but no there see there's a lot of there's a lot of Pokemon that are ground types that I really like that I ended up liking later on like golurk is a one Pokemon that I had that I thought of because it's a ghost ground type and whatnot but this is a similar story to what you had where you're playing through a campaign you didn't intend for this Pokemon to be on your team but then they have to put it on there and then you ended up and then it ended up being the poster boy yeah having like so many good moments carrying you through the campaign and just you fell in love with this guy yeah and it's also a water ground for me it's gastro Don oh yeah this was this was in your playthrough basically I came through a sword and shield like yeah that's a five I had five Pokemon that I had on my team and I actually went on Twitter and asked people like who should I pick instead like to like round out my team and I remember Joe and a few others suggesting like you need a water type dude but you also need a water type that is a little tanky you know and they suggest the gastro Don I never really had I never really gave gastro Don much mind before I decided you know what yeah like let's try gastrin on see how he plays and whatnot and I'll go ahead and like put him into the team yeah see how that works out turns out he was like the best Pokemon I had in like gastrin a slow attack and admittedly I cannot help but admire the fact that you call him in the Pokemon camp and he just likes I like his cry in the game yeah I know the crying is really good you want you want to know what sold me though so going through the Dynomax in the Giganta max raids you had to like deal with a lot of Pokemon that had really super powerful moves who was the Pokemon that I had to use anytime I had to deal with a water dynamite reject max Pokemon gasps turn on storm drain yeah the gas turn on I had had the storm drain ability which absorbs all water type moves and increases its special attacks Wow it made it major I can't - max Lapras a job yeah Wow oh that sounds it's a very unassuming Pokemon yeah yeah like you with Quagsire against Leon's mega gigantic Charizard gastro dong was my final was my final Pokemon in that campaign and I took out Charizard with Ag Max or with a with a max uh geyser yes like Gaston ended up being like one of the best Pokemon on my team during my clay crew and I just fell in love I love I fell in love with gastro Don I love the connections you know that like we make with these with you so yeah now I'm now I'm contemplating like somewhere later down the line I want to make a competitively viable gastro not do it nice alright so for the next one a psychic psychic has a long history of overpowered Pokemon I think is another stacked category oh yeah it's young legendaries in psychics yeah hi Mewtwo it's gotten less I almost put me too actually yeah it's gotten less ridiculous as time goes of them just making the overpowered psychic types admittedly because the dark type is a thing yeah um I was really close to me to you because of just how much of an impact the first movie left on me plus he's like one of my mains and smash brothers but this story's just a little bit more central to me so even though I was playing red and blue you know like I was playing from the very beginning I played through every generation with Ruby and Sapphire mainly sapphire was like I guess when I started getting actually like good and understanding the mechanics better your Pokemon Awakening and like the first time I decided like no I can't miss them all I am gonna finish the Pokedex so finding out that there was going to be a new mythical Pokemon added which was jirachi was like mind-blowing and it was you know you had like red and blue and green as Legendary's in this so there's a yellow one and yellows my favorite color I like that he's a star like the whole he like he's a wish granter he only wakes up every thousand years he looks like one of those cards from like the Japanese star festival yeah that's true and I just remember seeing him in Nintendo Power for the first time it'd be like oh man how do I get him so I in Japan owes Pokemon Channel you had to get Pokemon channel and there was a way to transfer it in the Japanese version that's not true in the u.s. I thought Pokemon channels for nothing and I have instead the demo disc of Pokemon Colosseum specifically because it lets you transfer Jirachi to pokemon ruby or sapphire oh my gosh and he's just a boss and he's so cute in the ya know Jirachi is amazing so yeah Jirachi so I I love I really like psychic pokémon in general they're all they're all neat as heck yes Thank You psychics one of my top three absolutely they're just awesome and there's just I don't know they're so fun to use I really I like something like them really like weird Pokemon and another one that I er like ran for a while was reunify and I loved him and it just like what the heck is this booger s guy yeah so you're so you're so your choice is Ryu Nicholas yeah yeah Gardevoir was so close I mean I you know I else did I have I like had like a tureen Oh gotcha we had to yeah um you know gorgeous she got the look she got everything going on a low and Raichu like he's psychic what the heck I like that but no ryu Nicholas I don't know I just I just really like him um you know III again I had one he wrecked and just like what is he okay yeah I get it he's like a yeah he's like a disease it's it it's just so weird and out there oh my that I love it I gotta tell you guys a story real quick so we were talking about like amber and I were talking about like Pokemon contest and you know there are so many different Pokemon and like their representative the animal and amber was showing me like a video of like a bunch of memes and one of them was talking about like imagine if they were single-celled pokemon and she was like yeah that would be so weird and I showed her reunify yeah and the pre evolution yeah they're single-shot Pokemon is he's just good guy I love Jannah 5 and it's such a like like every worst idea for a Pokemon you can think of they did one and it's actually pretty cool yeah I also think that there's like there's a theory I can't I don't know if it's true or not but supposedly we you Nicholas is based on the process of process of a of a growing baby like a fetus like a penis yeah basically yeah um it's all like we exhale Ike Green is so even if I it's so just weird and out there and they and they did it they're like this is here you go and III love it I love the like really weird out-there stuff I know it like pissed some people off but something about it just tickles me I guess yes range but also you know also really fun to play yeah you've got like a really good special attack yeah no musical actually is a pretty viable Pokemon really yeah and I love that too so it's a winning combo for me alright what about you alright so psyche was a bit of a toss-up for me um it was actually between either lugia or deoxys no deoxys scared me as a kid oh I love that movie with the Oxus is crazy you know that like deoxys is like like really did scare me as a kid so but like the Pokemon the first movie lugia lugia song oh my god like I love the lugia song I still love lugia song so I have to go a flu gift for this mm-hmm and just like again its association with water yeah despite it not being a water type it really should be it really shouldn't me you've got the aesthetic yeah but I have to go if lugia for this one with deoxys it again it daxus is close but because it scares me I have to go with lugia yeah the Oxus is a runner up for me as well because I love a fact that deoxys is the purest example we have of a straight up alien mm-hmm yeah not a not LGM for a BM I mean BM + LD I'm like I don't know for some reason like yeah about LGM and BM are closer adaptations of that but I don't know I think deoxys does it better to be honest well we see him in space yeah yeah through space yeah and then I mean later than we get ultra but yeah license like speaking of which like there are so many psychic pokémon that I just yet Baban this was a tough one for me actually I love Alakazam like cuz that's just a classic right there um I really I really really love deoxys because like it's a like you know it also is up there is one of my favorite legendaries because like it's a straight-up alien oh one Pokemon that I thought you were going to pick John was Metagross thought because like Metagross is a straight-up supercomputer yeah interesting that well I think I accidentally revealed something for later but whatever but and gallied was also up there for me cuz like yeah like a psychic fighting I think he's an incredibly cool typing which is also why I really like Matt a chance like the best of both worlds yeah but I fell in love with like the more I used her the more I fell in love with guard war I like Gardevoir I originally had for my very pick but then there's another Pokemon in the very pit in the very category that brought her out but I really really absolutely adore Gardevoir so um yeah I think is she ended up being my favorite psyche I originally like gal aid more but then the more I Gardevoir the more I was like oh my god this Pokemon is amazing and the more I looked into the origins being like Shakespearean actors you know like all that yeah LA and like in like the whole ballet aesthetic and everything and also Tony gave me a shiny make a shiny Gardevoir that could mega evolve as like for my birthday and that factored into it which by the way used the mega mega Gardevoir pixelate ability so yeah I just fell in love with Gardevoir after so many things going on over the years and just like me using it and competitive again and like using into my adventures yeah it's such a good pokémon look I thought Ali was gonna pick Gardevoir is a very popular pick for reasons and for reasons but they're good reasons and popular yeah let's do a way from that for like for now moving on scaring my puppy child next next typing next we're gonna talk about not scary things like the ghost type oh man this is my this is my category right here so I feel like you must have had a very hard time - I know think you're going to pick this one but I thought maybe you were gonna pick it foreground is the Iron Giant himself golurk yeah there you go he's a golem mesmo awesome I almost picked Goler foreground type but like I said gasps drew it on like snuff him out making him ghost and ground is like to make a golem make so much sense to me yeah he's a straight-up Hebrew gold yeah he can fly I knew lighting I really liked seeing golurk in the anime because he is actually a straight-up giant yeah and I actually ran one again recently a sword and shield I used like usually I like to use all new Pokemon in a new generation to try as many things but I brought the work back because it's just cool you get that is there he's right there in the wild area what is it called no guard we're like no guard yeah yeah everybody gets max XP no everything is everything so you walk around dynamic punching thing yeah that's a strategy with as well as my champ with no guard is like dynamic punches a 50/50 chance of hitting oh you have no guard well this is hitting anyway yeah so just awesome absolutely this was a tough choice for me too III really thought about Chandelure I do I also really like Chandelure I mean I just again so cool so weird out there III thought about dragged upholds yeah because I had a lot of their idols dragon yeah I had a lot of fun playing playing that and sword and shield I really wanted to like Paul T guys it's so cute I can't use this so I went in the middle a kind of a moderate choice for myself with drifblim really yeah yeah yeah um I keep coming back to him like I don't know what it is I keep coming back this again was like another he was the one in my team in this playthrough of a sword and shield where I'm like one more and I am gonna kick you out of this team you gotta shape together hey but but he stuck it through like what it's so cool like just what is it like what is that it's like a hot air balloon ghost it's so silly um and and cute and something about it is just very it's just very charming it's like spooky I guess in a way that's still sort of fun and childlike and something about literally kidnaps you really charms me that charms me a little less I like drifloon cuz the Pokedex says it tries to kidnap children but it's a balloon so it's like holding on the kids trying to drag them away but really the kid you're just like haha just let yeah like it has no power to pull them so it just looks like a kid carrying a balloon drifblim yeah I so I guess he succeeds so that's alarming but a lot of the ghost type what have stuff like that you're like what is this Oh children's souls okay oh yeah masks yeah yeah yeah phantom like honestly that whole creep factor with a lot of the pokedex entries with ghost types just makes me love them so much because yeah I don't know like for some reason just the idea of ghosts just influences so much it's cool and and then it's it's great because it can't be too scary because you still like catch them and then hold it now you're gonna hold back oh oh well I have a story of mine alright so my favorite ghost type is Miss Maggie is she a win choice yeah just a straight-up which like just like just start an opera like she's like just got this like some very spooky vibe like and like she's like a beauty to her in a way to relax like her flowing like tendrils I want to see her yeah but she's just like a really cool looking Pokemon she's a very spooky one too yeah yeah she was on my short list too yeah I love the witchy spooky vibe yeah just just really just really neat and Leah she kind of she kind of looks like a bad like I don't want to mess with her you know I don't wanna cross her but if she's on my side I'm like yeah well like sir stir some stuff up what's what's your scary story Oscar I'm scared alright well before we go then I want to lead into mine with just saying the fact that there's I love almost every single ghost-type pokémon in the game I love every single one of them except for one shockingly enough I think one ghost-type pokémon is just stupid and that's Hoopa like I actually really don't like Hoopa at all I'm not a big like they drop the ball with that idea too like it's but they're gonna tell you something so much cooler with the genie concept that's the problem with a lot of the mythical Pokemon because a lot of them are made just to make a movie out of them yeah and they it was very clear that he did that with Hoopa yep anyway and the game is more of an afterthought but like that being said almost every other goes type Pokemon I just absolutely adore and between the cough egregious is the marsh shadows the Miss Maggie is the goal lurks and all them I always come back to Gengar I adored that little thing so much and the more I thought about it like like they're my my favorites are stacked with ghosts I love lost last I mentioned Giratina already I would have another bowtie to have Moses yeah there's another ghost type coming in later on but ya know any time I think of the ghost type Gengar just does it for me like it's the og Pokemon it's so simple it's like but it's so good yeah Hagar is straight-up terrifying like it is literally a pestilential Pokemon being the ghost poison-type and just everything about it is just unsettling once you start digging deeper into it this mega evolution is straight-up terrifying his Giganta max is petrified I love his I gave the bags it is straight-up a portal to Hell he's going to and I over maulvis um he's actually my favorite Pokemon to use him pokin because he has that mix of just like very very good but also very very creepy and he is the source of my favorite pokedex entry in all the games and that comes from Pokemon let's go the Pokemon let's go let's go entry of Gengar states if you feel a chill up your spine that is the sign that a gengar is nearby don't bother running give up that is mortifying a children's game should maybe stop letting all of his research straight up I can't I like the things like my head Canon is like Professor Oak felt that chill while he was writing the Gengar entry and he just he was just like alright Gengar if I write a very very creepy pokedex entry for you would you not kill me thank anger it's like good yeah I just I just love Gengar specifically because he's a source of so much creepy any Pokemon franchise I love him you like the ghost episode of the Pokemon anime straight-up dies oh yeah yeah that's actually dies and he's essentially stuck in limbo for the entire episode and there's another and there's another and there's another episode later in the generation 5 part of the anime where he and the others like enter this haunted mansion and there's this elder old dude who's like playing tricks on that and it turns out to be the ghost trio yeah and then it turns out that the old man's dead so back to thing wholesome wholesome so ya know I just love dingos so much ah man but yeah I just love to go type in general and he's just the og I love them anyway moving on yeah I'm gonna go on a tangent here as long as we're all shrouded in darkness here dark tight so we're now into these last three are the types that were added throughout pokemons lifespan right originally those prior 15 right Gen 2 introduced two new ones one of them was dark type and that's so part of what I like so much about my choice Umbreon was following the news we were getting slowly of gold and silver and being like oh they're gonna add two new evolutions and one of them is a brand new type yeah that's right they actually tend to do that with like whenever they introduce a new typing yeah because they did the same thing later with sylveon haha the way it I liked a color scheme of it and it's very slick and I like how it ends up like moving in the anime how like the yellow glow it can like turn on and off but also then the most I ever played Pokemon competitively was during Gen 6 and I had donphan on my team and I had a few others I and I had Umbreon Umbreon has ridiculously good special defense and it's a really good toxic Staller because you can teach it wish as an egg move and you can teach it moonlight so you toxic and you keep healing yourself and you tank all the special moves and it's dastardly and I love it yeah I got it I got introduced to Umbreon and this is part of the reason why I love Generation claim to generation 2 I got introduced to Umbreon via Karen in the Elite Four yeah and Karen was AWOL yeah she's cool like she is the one that gave me the most challenge playing through the Elite Four before lands and I was like who is this girl using these dark types that's kicking my butt I have using psychic type psychics are supposed to beat everything yeah no that that that was actually it like that was one of the coolest things in my opinion is the fact that they brought in a dark-type user to be like the final wall before you bite lance hmm how about you Ellie well this one was this one was another tough one for me I was surprised I thought I liked more dark-type pokémon but I guess I uh I was really close to picking egit oh um which I didn't really pick any legendaries um but if I was going to it was it was gonna be Eva tall um just I don't know scared like scared me but in like an exciting way really fun but uh I ended up going with hydreigon because just um you know a really good really like usable cool design I love any kind of like Hydra type of thing going on multiple heads very like dark type appropriate to me and uh it is a rampaging dragon yeah yeah I mean I really I like I like the dragons a lot they're they're super cool but yeah he's he's just uh he's kind of scary he's uh he's intimidating I think and I like and I like that yeah man three heads are better than one so it's math all right so my dark type that I have to pick is another dog no Poochyena yeah yeah like I don't know why but like something about Poochyena it's it's cute yeah horrible it's like it's a dark it's a dark dog oh yeah but but I just like it it's - yeah yeah you get the straight-up hyena one and when it it balls into mightyena but it's like also still sort of a dog yeah what about you good sir so this this is a close one for me because I do like I do like plenty of the dark types and the ones that I really like I really really like ponch crow was up there again but no the Pokemon that beat up beat it out for me oh speaking of which another one was spiritomb which shockingly didn't get up there either that's another creepy yeah but I fell in love with this Pokemon playing through generation six similarly to how I fell in love with a bomb B pangoro I really really liked pangoro just concept wise and design wise it is a rough and tough Panda who is a straight-up bully will not it's a street punk yeah he's not afraid to use like dirty tactics to win fights and yet it cares for its little ones he's a good dad he's a good dad he's a good leader you messed with Pancham you get you mess with Pancham you're getting dust in your eyes and a smack to the face I really really like pangoro he was on my short list for fighting mm-hmm I probably could have put him on my short list for dark too yeah but yeah that's he's a good choice also pandas yeah also pandas love Panda what is it what is it with fantasy and making pandas just like I remember the I remember they released going off-topic for a moment I remember they released Pandaria for World of Warcraft and a lot of people were like what the heck is this and it turns out the pend Aryans are freaking awesome we got mr. Jack Black is the one from horrible spirit turns out to be big spirit Panda oh my gosh yeah Bangor is awesome alright next we're going to go to the other type that was introduced in Gen 2 the steel type hmm what are another one of my favorite types already gave this one away but Metagross yeah what's funny is that I could actually switch Jirachi and Metagross because they're both psychic steel they are both psychic steel yeah and introduced in the same generation but yeah it's another Seto legendary I am actually crazy about um it has the mind of a supercomputer like it's basically a walking supercomputer or basically is yeah floating supercomputer I like I like just watching and move like it's got like four big spider legs and it's big and heavy but it could also like fold them in and like float yeah fun bag Metagross has four brains yeah because it's made up that was okay stomachs cuz you start as a beldam and then two buildings combined to make Metang and two men tangs combined to make Metagross Metagross and if you look at the designs you can kind of see how that works yep and it's a Steven stones ace and Ruby and Sapphire which is probably my favorite Pokemon game mm-hm dude Omega Ruby alpha sapphire mega Metagross yes really in a good way one that did not need a mega evolution yeah also Salim ants ants elements and rayquaza yeah Omega Ruby alpha sapphire was just all about taking already good Pokemon and Reiki yeah it's fun though yeah oh my yes there you go Metagross oh that's a good that's a really good pick my dress is really awesome thank you um I did I had a whole bunch of like totally random ones on here I feel like I'm really surprised you didn't pick torans dorrance he likes durian yeah woman like put him up to light I feel like you're always talking about how little respect Duran get see me does more respect I feel like I can kind of agree with that that's coming from someone who is not a big fan of Durant anyway um I did not picture it I picked by sharp be sharp I think it's bit sharp because on a chess board yeah yeah a gag I guess like now that I'm kind of seeing some patterns here like with surf fetched in this like night kind of aesthetic going on classy sassy and just I don't know I've used him a lot or at least I've like had him kind of like in the rotation mm I feel like there's dark steel type - yeah well it was um which is interesting too because like you said you like real these really Knightly things how do you feel about ask aval here you know uh I was kind of eyeing him up actually for this as well but um I kind of its weird cuz I like bugs and I guess I like Knights in like that type of aesthetic but uh I guess I want them one way or the other and give me a whole bug or a whole I mean Bisharp does kind of look like an insect he's got some it's like he has like a whole thing going yeah his his whole look is really cool and yeah he's always been one of those ones that I would kind of sub in you know or be like oh yeah he's a good he's a good pick he's got a good-good tight balance Lee an ease in ease mean yeah I'm not too hardcore about this one I feel yeah I know I can Steele was another tough one I feel like for me to pick although I like to Ralad on in the new in the new Genex oh yeah especially his Giganta man a steel dragon he's the sharpest Mechagodzilla yeah it's so cool oh yeah yeah so steel was a hard one for me too um again like there wasn't really a whole lot of steel Pokemon thighs necessarily liked um I considered jirachi um but I have to kind of go of steelix yeah yeah choice um again cuz it's similar onyx and the fact that like yeah it's got this hard exterior it's it's intimidating but but but the reality is it's kind of a big softie yeah it like it like it looks out for the little guys I mean that's especially true in the anime yeah I mean like you gotta like seelix like like he's just like a big softy yeah I never thought of it that way in the anime I feel like all right yeah I got it is actually okay so turns out that there's a lot of overlap when it comes to steel types for me as well like I mentioned Magnezone is a cool one that I really like I mentioned Ferrothorn earlier as being my favorite grass type but this is gonna come as no surprise to anyone II just / yeah you just slashed like how how is it that they took so long to come up with a possessed sword Pokemon from Japan like for real though but no yeah I I freaking love aegis slash it is a possessed sword and shield it's a really really cool pokémon to use competitively because it's straight-up mind games with its stance charity and yeah I just think it's it's cool design wise it's cool concept wise I freaking I freaking love it and apparently I think I like the whole Knightly thing too because like I mentioned I mentioned sir fetched earlier and now I have this like sword and shield Pokemon with each of slash yet and just yeah I think it's I think ii just like is amazing the the elite 4 guy he uses it with drum I always wanted more of that guy like I want to know more about what his deal is because he's a knight of something unfortunately the generation six elite for a straight up on memorable yeah well because they never made like a third game or anything well not just that but they were seriously underwhelming they sorta I feel like Game Freak sort of like gave up on Gen 6 partway through probably but that's going into a whole different time Gen 6 the very type yes type owner list so yeah this is the finale here I'm sorry so this last one was one that I picked because of just my favorite competitive team I ever used so it's as umaril really I always liked Merrill a lot just for being little and cute haha an azumarill I thought kind of like was like a poor upgrade like I didn't I mean it's cute but like Merrill's cuter but a game the fairy type in Gen 6 it's not very fast but it can learn in Aquajet which has priority yeah they can do it that way and you got play rough which is a powerful physical type fairy move and it gets the ability huge power so take its attack and double it that's true and then if that's too slow for you just hit really hard with Aquajet which will get priority and was just like a really fun combo to me hello it was like a cute fairy that hit like a tank it hit like a truck okay I really like the fairy type because just like it's a great place for all sorts of absolutely weird stuff absolutely um shout out the both both steel and fairy for two klefki the weirdest yeah I don't like class I love how stupid it is I just think they could have done something so much cooler with the same concept sure it sound like a fairy tale though of like oh you ever lose your keys this is why there's a straight-up fairy tale about that okay they could have done something much cooler with the same concept I don't think it would personally it shouldn't be cool it should be a stupid little thing anyway the next guy but there's only so much I can suspend my disbelief I mean it's it's definitely stupid but I kind of love it for that but uh no because there's a ton of fairy Pokemon that I really like I really love whimsicott I love oh my god just hit that Giga Drain man hit that train all day long and then generation it gave us like hatchery hassleberry and I do and I do really like hatchery num I I almost wish I liked her a little bit more but I think I just didn't get the chance to use your question very slow and that makes it hard to you yeah and again I thought about Gardevoir um absolute classic but I gotta go with shy notic with crazy mushrooms son like what the hell I love I love it I love it yes I think that Giga Drain I remember never seen my using she nodding lighting your sword and shield playthrough yeah yeah I used I use him a bunch looks gonna usually Sun and Moon - it's just a mushroom his face though just the way his face is I I think it just again like like it's not just a personal thing because I used multiple games but he like he always like stood the test of time like if I needed a solid member on my party he he was just an always a solid choice and I like the design and just like he's mushroom um I love it I love the weirdness yeah yeah he he was hard to take down you know so I just can't kept using him if he was if he was good and he was good and then I used him and I remember you losing a lot of meatballs trying to catch that genomic yes like it didn't show up as the as the pre evolved one no it was just it was because I was like it was like ten five five or ten levels maybe above me but I wanted so yeah I like use all my resources to catch this one particular one I did not catch a mortal and evolved at not in sword and shield is catched I just caught him as he was and then yeah once I had him I was not gonna let him go all right I'm curious to hear what yours is all right so my favorite fairy type it was actually tough choice it was I almost chose clefable mhm it was it I almost just belief able um but in the end I had to go with Merrill like I love you guys like I just like it's it's so cute and it's like it's like the one of the Pokemon I could like really replicate its cry as a kid um so like I I gotta go with Merrill so yeah yeah that's a good choice not now now I feel like now I feel like a scrub here because I'm the one who's going to eat though who's going to choose like the big boy compared to a couple of spherical water jewel things and a mushroom Zoomer will take it down whatever it is I'm not sure about but no like the fairy type is also a stat category for me because yeah it was an addict Pokemon that was basically just a balance patch poke typing but they added so many good Pokemon for it and they gave the very type to a lot of really good Pokemon previously like we've just mentioned garden yeah um one Pokemon that almost took it from me was Togekiss typically I really really love Togekiss um and yeah there was just a bunch of others that I think are really really good Pokemon fairy wise like I already mentioned ro bombie who is like if it wasn't for this other Pokemon grab ah be with me my favorite fairy fairy type Pokemon it's definitely my favorite bug but uh generation 8 generation made you gave us freaking zosh Ian's oh my lord I love sword dog oh I love sword dog all I love the ever-loving heck outta sasha is actually and pure fairy uh Zhou Xin is pure fairy until you get the rusted sword and he becomes very steel okay makes sense but yeah I think sashan is amazing like yeah named a Great Wolf SIF yeah cuz like that's what it is but I love a fact that like first of all I love wolves so Josh in just did it for me I don't know if it did either but it might it like that that Mike's pretty good but anyway but no like I love them and all the fact that is this like wolf who has a sword in its mouth Gabe look so good explanation by the way it has the ability to materialize a steel sword from particles in the air so it at least gave us an explanation mind you on but it's also a reference Sasha and Sam Ascenta are references to the two wolves in Norse mythology who will devour the Sun in the moon which i think is awesome it's a reference to King Arthur or just awesome but design-wise type wise competitively wise I think gene is also amazing and just lore wise watching just like covers everything I love about Pokemon from design to Lord to viability to just just how its utilize in the game like I think it's amazing it's also got cyan in its name because that's what color it is yeah because like that's actually a red and zombie Zenta is magenta yeah that's actually how a how a lot of like it's a reference to how a lot of myths are manifested because people only ever see the colors or like the Wicca so I what like a flash of what this could be yes cyan and magenta and like I thought that was clever as well like Sasha and Zhanna Zenta are just like filled to the brim with so much more that is just begging to be examined and I actually want to do a like a full fledged study of like just what makes those two pokemon what they are like I think they think what makes them what they are is the music track it please yeah like what a jam though what an absolutely like what are you fermentation are we gonna use we're gonna play the dog yeah I was saying it's like I love the fact that we have like these two spherical jewel water things a mushroom and a straight-up wolf dog with a sword in its mouth yeah yeah well we all have legendary somewhere I think oh yeah no like I had like two legendaries I think I almost chose you it's all for a dark time oh right it's all yeah it was when my contender I did this like oh well I have like a bunch of word class the only demon written yeah like there were some legendaries that I almost chose like I also should almost chosen you to four psychics yeah but ya know like I think the only two legendaries I have ours Oceania guarantee ahead Palkia written down for water because there's money like how can we just give Paul Kia's typing - um - lugia and just go from there no really seriously yeah yeah it's so weird but then we can go into a whole bunch of conversations about like how much come on doesn't make sense let's go yeah I think we're at the end of the video here this took a while yeah that was a 72 Pokemon with only two doubles so that was 70 choices of Pokemon that's pretty good yeah what were the doubles again like she and I had oh yeah she and I had a sir fetched yeah yeah what I had snore lie about that have Maryland azumarill so that's close yeah close but yeah I really wanted a big Tyranitar for Rock and I almost specifically didn't just yes do not think the same is you but uh I mean at least we had some runner-ups and discuss yeah yes I guess if you haven't already put your favorites of each type in the comment yes usually like we're gonna make Wow what are some Pokemon you guys love do you agree with our choices do you think our choices are stupid and if you do unscrew you but not really because you're also my choices are stupid and like this is that Pokemon is such a big franchise and didn't like it for different reasons there's 800 of the damn page favorites for different reasons solutely yeah even among us some of it was some of it was just designed some of it was how they run some of it was like actual experiences that we've had with them it just shows because yeah yeah yeah and a lot of fact that like we like there's four of us and none of us pick RIT named Jeff or any of them no but if you like the number one greninja of the Year this year oh yeah absolutely yeah I'm not no the happy Pokemon Day everybody um if you guys love the franchise then great if you don't well then what are you doing here but you know thank you so much for watching yes seriously hours thank you for real or die why are you here but on that note I think there is one thing we can at least agree on hooba sucks lupus uh yeah I mean yeah cuz it creates a void in that like and we're done
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 21,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 129min 31sec (7771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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