What is NAD IV? What are the benefits of NAD? Is NAD right for me? Everything to know about NAD+

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nad has become known as the miracle molecule why what is nad how does it work who can benefit from nad and what are the side effects of nad hello i'm dr payam hikimi we've used nadiv in our practice for a long time with a lot of patients and we have seen amazing results with it and i want to share some of that results with you as a matter of fact today i'm going to get an nad iv i'm going to show you my protocol and the supplements that i use and then i'm going to show you what it feels like as i'm getting the iv [Music] the research on nad has shown that it can probably help with alzheimer's and parkinson's with withdrawal symptoms with heart issues with diabetes obesity and with mood disorders as well like depression anxiety and sleep to understand nad we have to start from the cell our body is made up of trillions of cells and these cells function separately but they also function in an environment and with the rest of the cells in our body for example the cells in our eye are different than the cells in our digestive system the cells in our small intestine are supposed to be able to absorb nutrients and give us the nutrients and then we have cells let's say in our thyroid gland who are supposed to produce hormones thyroid hormone which is then transferred to the rest of the body so that our body can function so there are a lot of cells and i don't want to go deep into explaining every cell but to understand that a cell has to live on its own produce its own energy and then it also has to do something for itself and the neighboring cells around it now all of this takes a lot of energy and there is a function with bringing in food inside the cell sugar inside the cell proteins inside the cell fats inside the cell doing certain enzymatic reactions on them and producing a protein that eventually either stays inside the cell or goes outside the cell the end product of that is going to be toxins sort of sticking around in the cell and you guessed it if these toxins stay in the cell what happens is we get cell inflammation cell aging and eventually cell death now all of these functions require energy there are organelles inside the cell which are called mitochondria and their function is to produce energy for the cell i'm sure those of you who've taken physiology microbiology or biochemistry are familiar with what was called back in my days krebs cycle but now called the citric acid cycle it's a long cycle i'm not going to ask you to memorize it but it is where the mitochondria gets molecules of sugar and turns them into atp which is the energy currency of the body it still gives me nightmares remembering how i had to memorize this cycle and what's needed for this long enzymatic reaction to happen nad so nad is required for our body to produce atp which is the energy currency of the cell nad is required for let's say our our brain cells to produce serotonin and dopamine so we're happy so nad is used everywhere in the body as a matter of fact we need so much nad that there's a recycling mechanism in our body called the salvage pathway to give us more nad dietary sources are important as well but they don't give us as much nad now as we age the amount of nad in the body starts dropping and you guessed it what's going to happen is the toxins are going to stay in the cell the cell is not going to be able to function the way it was supposed to it's not going to produce hormones as much as it did in the past and what happens is inflammation and toxins stay in the cell and that's when we call it cell aging cell death and that becomes our aging as well and that's why nad has been called the miracle molecule because with its function with producing energy or helping produce energy the cells are able to do everything that they need to do and clear themselves so in a way it's anti-aging or reversing aging [Music] now all of us have heard that 40 is the new 30. i'm gonna extend that and say 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50. with using the anti-aging protocols with ivs with the ivs that we combine together and supplements and obviously exercise diet detoxification and everything else we can actually reverse some of the aging that has happened in our body or at least make sure that we don't age as fast now i'm going to give you some facts about nad and i'm going to do my best not to be boring nad is synthesized from vitamin b3 which is niacin and from amino acids tryptophan and aspartate it's been used since 1960s for alcohol and drug withdrawals and recently again it resurfaced for for the same reasons for alcohol drug withdrawals as well as for parkinson's and alzheimer's so it's being studied for that as well and some physicians have had great experience with using nad nad has been shown to reduce stress depression and anxiety scores as well as it's been used as a detoxification method for patients who've been on long-term antidepressants anxiolytics pain medications as well as obviously alcohol and drugs that we talked about so it seems that it might have a rejuvenating effect on the brain cells it also helps a lot with sort of mental clarity people who get it actually say that they have a better sort of focus they have better attention span sleep gets better with uh using nad properly obviously if the dose of leds too much obviously it will have the opposite effect and i'll as as i get the iv i'll show you what it feels like because if you overdo nad it actually creates a lot of anxiety in the body it improves the markers of metabolic issues like obesity cardiac issues insulin resistance resistance to lose weight it actually helps a lot of our athletes with their athletic performance it helps to put on a lot of muscle and and lose some of the fat that's inside the body it helps with recovery and pain after a workout in that same essence it's also used with people who have chronic fatigue syndrome because remember nad gives a little bit of energy as well as takes away some of the pain from the body and helps the cells clear out themselves and that's one of the conditions one of the issues with chronic fatigue syndrome so it's been really good with our patients who have chronic fatigue syndrome or any of the other viral issues like epstein-barr virus or lyme's disease again it does not treat any of these conditions but it it gives the energy it gives a better mood it takes away some of the pain so it actually helps our patients a lot it's also been suggested that nad helps with our immune system again it goes with the same physiology if it's helping the cells in our body to function better function faster with more energy and and get rid of the toxins uh much easier and much faster we can appreciate that those sim systems and or those organs are going to work better and the same goes with a liver liver detoxification we actually use nad as part of our liver detoxification ivs with our patients nad has antioxidant properties so in essence it also works as an anti-inflammatory and animal studies have shown this anti-oxidant property anti-inflammatory property and the fact that it increases the stress response in the body one of the reasons we call nad an anti-aging molecule is because we know it helps in the processes that repair the dna in our body those of you who are familiar with telomeres and have been studying those know that as telomeres change obviously our lifespan changes as well there are no documented adverse reactions from nad and as a matter of fact uh it's used as i mentioned earlier for parkinson's alzheimer's and alcohol drug withdrawal very high doses and multiple days in a row like 10 to 14 days in a row we have not seen any adverse reactions in the body however i will show you as i'm getting the iv what does it feel like i get nads myself all the time and i recommend other iv nutritions and amino acids with nad because it helps to balance out the body cleanse out the body to drive in multivitamins and minerals inside the cells as well as to use glutathione even to help out with detoxification and anti-oxidation so we have put together a group of protocols with multiple ivs in a row where a patient can get and it will help out a lot with the symptoms that and the conditions that i talked about earlier what are the supplements that we use with our nadiv protocols i'm going to show you some of the supplements that we use without going too much into their physiology and biochemistry one of the molecules is called the ribose the ribose is part of the pathway that i talked about earlier krebs cycle so adding some d-ribose inside our body to the krebs cycle will actually help this process happen a little bit easier and faster the other septum that's important is a b complex as i mentioned nad comes from vitamin b3 so it's important to have b complex in the body not only because of the fact that it works here to produce nad but also because b vitamin b's remember are coenzymes that are used in multiple enzymatic reactions inside the body so they actually help in a lot of different places and if we're worried about energy brain physiology liver detoxification a vitamin b complex should always be there to help out the other supplement that we use is called metabolic gh this is an amino acid molecule and as i mentioned earlier nad comes from our sin is synthesized from amino acids tryptophan and aspartate so it's important to have an amino acid molecule as well again amino acids not only work in this process but also help with brain physiology help with our hormones like growth hormone and other hormones in the body so it's important to have that as well coenzyme q10 always important in the processes of the mitochondria inside the body a an important molecule called mitochondrial boost this molecule this supplement has most of the ingredients that are important for mitochondria to function properly so the rest of the uh ingredients that we need for that enzymatic reaction to work are actually in this supplement including resveratrol for our patients who are actually undergoing liver detoxification we suggest this supplement along with their iv nad which is called detoxi liver and it has all the ingredients that's needed to detoxify and help the liver with its phase one and phase two so that it can actually detoxify itself as well so as i promised i wanted to show you a um the iv nad and and as someone is getting it how does it feel as you can see i'm connected to the nad nad is a clear molecule itself and it's in normal saline so there's no color other ivs that you're going to see or another iv that you're going to see i'm going to get right after this which we connect to the same line is going to have color because that has vitamins minerals and i'll tell you all the ingredients that's inside but nad as you can see is dripping and i'm going very slow because i promise to tell you what it feels like as i'm getting it with this rick which is a slower rate it feels good it's a little bit energizing and and [Music] some of our patients including myself the vision gets a little bit clearer and the mental activity becomes a little bit easier right away as we get it and then i want to bring your attention to i'm going to increase the uh the drip rate a little bit so i'm going to increase it and and the reason i'm going to do that is you've heard probably from ben greenfield and and other people who have who could get the iv nad but they get it in a very high rate and we have some of our patients that do the same thing so with a higher rate what happens is the heart rate goes up a little bit and i'm going to increase this slowly so that you see as as i'm increasing it my heart rate goes up a little bit and i mean it's not bad obviously i can handle it and i can have a conversation with you the palms get a little bit sweaty and then as i increase this a little bit more now i start feeling that my heart rate is going a little bit faster and don't feel flushed yet i'll go a little bit higher so at this point for me it feels like my heart rate is going faster and i'm sweating and you can probably tell from the way i'm talking that it's a little bit um it feels like a rush and some people like this rush and and obviously it's been uh sort of shown on on different channels that people do this but we recommend the regular and i tell all of my patients and they all have this control and they control the amount that is comfortable for them and you see it's so fast as soon as i decrease it a little bit all that symptoms all the symptoms that was there basically goes away and it sort of gets back to a normal rate so uh that was managing nad in our office and and sort of how our patients we have our patients use this nad has been used in our office very successfully with people who have chronic fatigue syndrome people who have um anxiety disorders depressions [Music] we have been able to decrease a lot of our patients anti-depressants and in certain cases even stop their antidepressants not by nad alone and again i don't want this to sound like nad is doing all this job when we when we get a patient and look at their physiology we look at their hormones we look at their brain physiology their serotonin dopamine gaba glutamine we look at all of all these hormones including their testosterone their thyroid dhea these are important hormones in the body so once we figure out where all these numbers are and we figure out exactly what we need to do with the patient we use a combination of supplements iv nutrition that will help out with brain physiology with detoxifying the liver decreasing inflammation in the body and giving our patients energy sometimes having a little bit more energy and um having some nad in the body basically gets a person out of this mood of being tired and and sometimes just being tired a lot of us can sort of feel as if we're depressed right so combination of supplements combination of iv nutrition nad along with other iv nutritions you're going to see right after this i'm going to get another iv and you're going to see it's going to help and not in one session obviously again this is a protocol that we have with our patients we've used these protocols many times and it has worked for us and we use it with specific patients not all patients can come off of antidepressants i don't want to make that promise for anxiolytics i don't want to make that promise to you but we have been successful so far with most of our patients to either stop their antidepressants or even slow down or decrease the amount of antidepressants they're taking so right after we get an iv and a d we also do a bag full of different vitamins minerals as i talked about earlier on this specific bag that you guys see is called body of harmony f1 i made it specifically for myself a while back and it's full of amazing ingredients i don't want to give the secret out but those who have received f1 know that it feels like f1 and combining nad and f1 back to back you actually feel the effect for the next three four or five days the effect stays there shiva my wife and i get this iv and usually on fridays so friday saturday sunday becomes obviously a an amazing weekend shiva practices mindful meditation as well as consciousness expansion and reprogramming and she states that whenever she gets these ivs nad specifically because we know that it detoxifies the cell and we know specifically that it works in the brain area a lot more so she feels that the iv leds help her a lot with expansion with reprogramming and with her meditations and i do a lot of martial arts so i friday saturday sunday becomes my days to exercise a little bit more just because there's a lot of energy there i can also tell you from my own experience that after you get iv nad and a vitamin boost right after you feel energized you feel happy you sleep good cravings go away uh and and there's a lot of stamina and energy uh that's there and and the reason is because nad makes the cells start functioning more and right away we're flooding the body flooding the blood with all these amazing vitamins and minerals that help out with the mitochondria help out with all the detoxifications and inflammation pathways of the body and of the cells so it feels great to have these two together i know that was a lot of information i thank you very much for listening to all of this if you like this video please like it share it with uh whoever is like-minded as well as subscribe to our channels and in the comments please write down for me if there are any questions that you have about nad or if you if there's any other questions about integrative medicine and functional medicine that's in your mind that you like me to address in future videos thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Body of Harmony
Views: 82,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, What is NAD IV, What are the benefits of NAD, Is NAD right for me, NAD VIDEO, What is NAD used for, How does NAD work, NAD and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, NAD and EBV, NAD and Lyme disease, Fatigue, Insomnia, Weight Loss, Get ripped muscles, more muscles, increase focus, increase attention, natural ways to help depression, natural ways to help anxiety, Dr. Payam Hakimi, Body of Harmony, Beverly HIlls, Miami, Functional Medicine, IV nutrition, IV Therapy, Mitochondria
Id: cxdX7a3BRWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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