What is Magnus doing??????????

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ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you back to the Chess World Cup 2023. in this video I'm going to cover the quarterfinals round of the open section and we've got incredible story lines incredible drama we have four out of eight players remaining who are from the country of India vidit uh we have gukesh we have pragdananda we have Arjun era guys see Magnus Carlson Fabiano caruana you name it and they are there this is going to be a sensational recap beginning with the battle once again for the future of Chess and that battle is between none other than Magnus Carlsen and gukesh kukesh is the 17 year old who has risen to the seventh highest rated player in the world spot um and he is crushing he is absolutely crushing in this world cup and Magnus is in great form as well in this round three people get knocked out so in today's video three people are going to get knocked out um here we go yesterday Magnus defeated gookash oh and by the way I'm obviously not in my home location I'm actually in Los Angeles again unfortunately one of my least favorite places on the planet but all things creators are here uh and uh I'm here to cover POG Champs 5 which is going to be live on August the 18th anyway uh Magnus won with black in their matchup yesterday so now he gets to play with white and he plays the move E4 now gukesh has to beat Magnus with the black pieces no pressure at all so he plays the Sicilian Defense which is the most combative way to play against E4 and Magnus doesn't play for an open Sicilian doesn't play for a close Sicilian doesn't play any stupid gambits she plays C3 and this is the alapan Sicilian with just a very clean intention of playing the movie for alapan Sicilian is a fantastic opening for beginners intermediate 28 35 rated players as well but as you go up the rating ladder people play the right stuff and the right stuff is to challenge the pawn on e4 right away either with Knight to F6 or Pawn to D5 quantity 5 is played Magnus takes Queen takes and now essentially black is like laughing in your face because you can't play the move Knight C3 you would love to play that move so instead of white plays D4 black can develop both Knights here he plays Knight to F6 Magnus also develops the Knight and remember Magnus just has to not lose and he will make it to the semi-finals so it's up to gukesh kukash is the one that has to take the risks he plays Pawn to E6 Magnus simply developing the bishop wants the castle now gukash takes in the center you'll notice from his time spend obviously he had other options he chooses to take now Magnus of course at this point could immediately go for a queen trade trying to get a position that looks something like this where it's a queenless game and white has what's called a queen Side Pawn majority but instead he goes for the isolated Pawn excuse me isolated upon setup new cash develops Magnus castles go cash develops Magnus develops as well and now the Queen's got to go to D6 and Magnus actually chases the queen away Magnus doesn't have any easy development here for example he could just play Bishop to G5 but he needs to come up with a concrete plan for these pieces he has an isolated Pawn the person playing against the isolated Pawn wants to blockade that pawn and also would like to trade pieces so if Bishops came off Knights came off black would have a very clear Target the person playing with the isolated Pawn wants to either shove it forward or use the space around it to create problems for his opponent which is why he plays Knight to B5 now the move Knight to B5 normally is like a stupid move it's a dopamine move you just make a move you attack the queen but that's not the idea the idea is to force the queen back and immediately follow up and develop so now there is another thread forcing black to make a response which is putting his Knight in the center of the board and now Bishop to G3 still eyeing the dark squares gukesh could play A6 at this point for some reason he doesn't I guess he didn't really want his Knight Under Fire but even after Knight C3 black could if you really wanted to could go back key castles though and now Magnus plays Rook C1 so this is the first time Magnus thought basically in the entire opening um he has again the isolated Pawn position and he simply brings his Rook to the semi-open file I mean it would be an open file if this Knight wasn't really in the way uh The Rook is very very comfortable here and now again A6 is yet another option but Knight C3 would be played and if Knight takes Magnus would do this so that his Pawn had a friend and friends are good and don't be worried if you struggle to find some life is long and uh you will one day unless you're a bad person in which case results May Vary Bishop to D7 played by gukesh who developed now Magnus could already begin kind of gandering into the position um he chooses not to though he just backs up anyway the Knight didn't teleport the Knight was on B5 Magnus Knight Knight C3 folks let's not forget Magnus has to play for a not lose that's what he's playing for Magnus is not playing for a win he doesn't have to take any risk whatsoever he knows that his opponent at some point is gonna have to run straight at him with his fists extended which I don't know if you've ever tried to fight like this by the way you like my ring it's my wedding ring I like a like a bigger ring I don't know if y'all ever seen my rig anyway um yeah so this is a really stupid way of fighting um but that's what's gonna have to happen go cash plays Queen B6 so Lucas spends something like 10 minutes kukash probably knows that his best move is something like Rook C8 but he's like look I gotta do something right Queen B6 and Magnus could now take and it would be a double isolated Pawn position I'm actually kind of surprised he didn't do that because that's a really nice way to kill the game Rook C3 maybe Rook B3 if takes Rook B3 Queen A2 Rook B7 is very menacing for uh for black to deal with now the queen is kind of stuck and black has this very ugly defensive task here dealing with all this pressure um instead of that Magnus plays Bishop C4 he also spends quite a bit of time on Knight C3 and now 14 minutes on the Move Bishop C4 uh he had many other options as well he could have played A3 he could have played A3 because again you can't really take this because of this and Rook B1 um he could have played Bishop D3 and tried to go Checkmate he had a lot of options but he chooses to play Bishop C4 same concept Queen B2 is not possible because in this case you would just simply win the pawn Here and Now kukash plays Knight F6 and Magnus plays Knight A4 utilizing that Queen's position and also defending the pawn with the Knight and now this nice idea Knight to C5 so Magnus is down 25 minutes on the clock um but he's still playing completely reasonably he's inviting this exchange uh you can't do this because uh I have a fork which would be nice and if you just take take and don't take the pawn then I'm just gonna play A3 and and just build up on the queen side and I'm still gonna put the bishop on D6 um so instead of that kukesh plays Bishop C8 which is which is desperate times called for desperate measures now Magnus plays A3 simply indicating that he's going to walk and now gukesh at this point sets up the bishop for the next game and then sets up the queen for the next game so in the middle of the game the bishop and the Queen have returned to their home squares you can tell that he is kind of out of ideas um and that's not an insult that's just the difficulty of the situation that he finds himself in I mean the C3 Sicilian is just an equal opening and you you have to do something so right now gukesh is trying to provoke Magnus the thing is when you are trying to play for a win with black one of the ways to try to play for a win with black is to play slightly and accurately why because your opponent gets an advantage and in getting that Advantage your opponent goes damn I know I'm supposed to win this game because I'm better I have an advantage I'm supposed to push on my opponent you know I'm supposed to play like Bishop here and put some pressure but in doing that you could mess something up you could you know it's a very weird psychological thing when results are forced in games uh the computer here at this point wanted Magnus to again kind of start pointing things this way he plays Bishop B5 though Queen B6 and now A4 just slow expansion very clearly wanting gukesh to play this move so that he could take and either damage the structure or bring the knights and you know restrain this bishop severely and have a nice Advantage gukesh puts the Rook on d8 and now Queen to E2 you'll notice from magnus's time spent he he he's not I wouldn't say he's extremely comfortable here he has to find a safe way to land the airplane because if he doesn't everybody dies spoiler Rook D5 Bishop takes C6 now is the move um and a tough moment for gukesh he could split the pawn like this but then this just becomes a Target and at some point like you know this Pawn is really gonna fall but probably BC was the way to go I mean I don't know but gukesh takes like this and and now you know his pawns Stay Together Magnus just Rock Solid onto B3 but I just told you it's very difficult to play for a not lose you know because now go cash is untangling and Magnus only has nine minutes Magnus Carlsen has nine minutes to make 15 moves what looks he figured it out he put the bishop on the right score he's just better now he's just better now I mean you give me Magnus Carlsen in this position with black against I think he's going to find a way to win Knight takes take take take oh my goodness the king is open but E5 and G5 are covered look at this diagonal this is a horrible situation for a person playing with an isolated Pawn that's a very difficult position for white I mean we're just lucky that it's Magnus Carlson he's probably going to you know effortlessly hold the game but this is this is not this is not a great position like if this was the first game of their matchup this would be a horrendous game for Magnus to start off with um but because he's playing for a not loss black has to find a way to win kukash takes the file and we have attention the Rooks are having a staring contest Magnus by Miracle does not get checkmated in one move and now the Queens come off the board and also Magnus uses this a pawn to try to break apart black structure in a way that he is going to win both of these Pawn bags with take take and now Rook takes D4 take take we hit the bishop the bishop has to move now Rook C7 and now we get in and in all likelihood these pawns are gonna fall off and that's exactly what happens A4 take take why did Magnus B-Line for this position why did all the way back here Magnus say you know what I'm probably gonna lose this Pawn but I think this is the drawing mechanism all of this was foreseen why did Magnus do this Knight versus Bishop end games separated by one Pawn are likely draws if the pawns are all near each other if one of these pawns was an outside pass pawn it would be a dead lost position for white why because white is incapable of bringing forces to stop the pawn while also defending the rest of the position but because all of these pawns are in the same area do the math 4 minus three is one one will be traded off into something probably the Knight and at the end of the day even rook and Bishop vs Rook is a draw so even if at the end of the day Magnus loses a knight four upon and no other pawns remain he'll draw that game but it probably won't even get there and I got news for you it doesn't it's very difficult for black to push this forward he's doing his best but look at what happens it's a three on two but they're all like this it's a damage structure white just sits back it doesn't even matter that gukesh pushes him backwards you can't break through the closest you're going to get is potentially getting your Rook to G7 so for example let's say black plays Rook G7 Rook G3 I'm right there so you don't and if you try to do this you'll actually lose so Rook B2 Rook D3 and unfortunately my friends the story of gukesh has come to an end at the World Cup 2023 and Magnus Carlson has qualified to the semi-finals the future of Chess will have to wait but another crazy developing story here Magnus Carlson is not going to play the candidates tournament historically the top two finishers in the World Chess cup uh in the Chess World Cup made it to the candidates tournament which is a tournament of eight players the winner of which challenges for the world championship this year they said the top three finishers so the winners and the top two and the bronze medalist basically the person that wins the match for third and fourth place which I'm not sure they've ever ever done this before um but Magnus is a semi-finalist and he's not playing so that means the other three people make it which means that technically in this world cup just winning the quarterfinals matchup if Magnus made it guaranteed you a spot that's crazy well let's find out who else is going to make the candidates now they might play with the rules I don't know it's still a little bit weird it's still all a little bit weird let's keep going yesterday Vivid Gujarati also of India was pressuring nijad Abbas of the last remaining local there was three Superstars uh there's a lot of azerbaijani players that's in Azerbaijan but there was three Superstars Mama Dr of rajaba and abbasov and um I mean Dora Bailey played as well uh and yesterday vidit failed to win uh against uh against the boss of he uh he put pressure but unfortunately well or fortunately depending on who you're rooting for a boss of this game plays a London just a pure Mainline London opening E6 C3 this has all been seen before now Pawn to H3 and now Bishop D6 vidit plays Bishop E7 and after Pawn to H3 plays Bishop D6 because had he gone here right away probably a boss of would have gone here and been able to defend himself with the H Pawn but it's a very exotic approach Bishop to D6 and now we have take and just a very very normal position just a boring zero zero zero London here we go Queen C2 Knight E5 now let's not forget uh both of these guys have had great runs Vita just beat nipponishi right uh abbasov has beaten literally everybody he just beat sallam Saleh he beat Peter's Fiddler he knocked out anishigiri like this dude's in good shape don't mess with this guy take take and yesterday uh Vivid had a chance but unfortunately he wasn't able to convert it so this is the opening position Rook D1 and I mean white has sort of just you know developed his Rooks his Knight Bishop Queen and also the structure is a four and two and white has a three three kind of like Battleship right four two three three or Chopsticks you ever play that game where you whack each other like does not actually but but at this point vidit decides I don't respect this guy and I'm gonna try to beat him because vidit could play this in a variety of different ways um he could do whatever he wants uh but most of those things involve castling he castles long that is a declaration of hostility uh you Castle along in a chess game you make the move you press the clock you write the move down then you kick your opponent under the table maybe maybe you cough aggressively at them I'm not actually condoning this Behavior but the point is that now white brings the bishop back setting up the Rooks black puts the King on B8 getting the king out of way out of the way and now we're gonna have a fight someone's gonna lose there's a heavyweight boxing match Winner Takes all winter moves to the semifinals and I just said probably the candidates it's a big moment here vidit could become the second Indian to make it to the candidates in in this group because this is I mean he was close yesterday and then there's four remaining Queen D2 Queen C7 a boss of arrives with the horse video plays H6 a boss of begins with C4 now vidic could have played a bit more aggressively but it's a little bit tough for him like H5 doesn't really do much he plays H6 C4 pushing him back Queen C3 setting up more Pawn expansions and potentially targeting this Pawn vidit defends himself Here Comes abbasiv they didn't knew that this was coming because vidit would not have castled queenside if he did not know this was coming so now he begins neutering the white attack he takes the rook and he offers a second Rook trade without many pieces on the board white is not going to be able to attack but I got news for you a boss of doesn't care about that he's just caring about the expansion because the expansion in and of itself is going to force vid it to be passive and I got news for you a boss of has no interest in stopping but why would vidit invite all of this he knew what he was getting himself into when he castled queenside abbasov brings the Knight back now here's a move that I cannot explain for no amount of money Vivid castled queenside put his King to safety and moved it back into the middle of the board clearly he had an idea I have no idea what it is I like I I have tried looking at this move maybe he wanted his Queen and his King off this I I don't know uh it's already a very tough position black could try to go for an end game but white wouldn't white would not go for an end game and then I'm not really sure what you do maybe you start launching your own attack like King say it's gonna have to happen at some point probably it's gonna have to probably happen at some point but he plays it now and a boss of just keeps going I mean I told you it was a heavyweight boxing match Now video tries to fight back but take take C5 I mean my friends this is if any of you have my middle games master class it's one of my best courses there's a chapter in there on attacks attacking on the same side opposite side this is one of the most perfectly executed opposite side castling attacks I have ever seen he brought one pawn and his Queen and he literally Rook Trader no Rook trade just effortlessly expanded into his opponent's territory and completely stripped his king of defenses one upon from push this beep on using the majority and Vivid Gujarati after 44 moves of action resigns uh not resigns loses allows the Checkmate very very sportsmanlike of him not to resign actually and to allow the Checkmate to his opponent but sportsmanship doesn't get you to the candidates and unfortunately Vivid gujarati's run has ended and nijiada boss of Hometown hero is a semi-finalist moving on to play against Magnus Carlson vidit tragic absolutely tragic exit I mean I feel for the guy I'm a fan of it not that I'm not a fan of abbasiv I just don't know a boss of all that well abbasiv now moves on to play Magnus Carlson and I got news for you I don't think that match even matters like a boss of could forfeit I think he because Magnus Carlson is not playing in the candidates I think abbasiv is guaranteed a candidate spot this is crazy this is absolutely insane you know what else is insane the games that I'm about to show you yesterday Arjun aragaisi defeated pragnananda with the black Pieces Just Like Magnus beat beat gukesh and we saw how difficult it is to play for a win with black it's so difficult in fact we have the exact same opening as the Magnus game because the elephant Sicilian is just I mean I it's it's uh it's it's like uh I don't know eating ice cream that has no sugar in it like you're just eating frozen what even is that I don't you're weird like live a little Knight F3 Knight C6 I know some of you are sugar-free some of you might be diabetic all right don't don't cancel me over ice cream and sugar but like seriously what are we even doing here this one's a little bit different because Prague plays Knight F6 played D5 um so this one is a is a very very well-known line if you don't know this don't worry about it I will you know both sides Castle okay terrific so as we just saw in the game between Magnus and gukesh there was an isolated Pawn there's no isolated Pawn here it's a four four it's a 2-2 how is black ever going to play this for a win we just saw gukesh completely be unable to even though he was up a pawn and I mean look at every guy she just brings all the pieces to the middle Prague now has to do something Knight D5 all right Knight takes D5 Bishop takes D5 and Eric I see just put some pressure on the night here it's a very very difficult position Prague plays Queen B6 and Eric icy just trades the knights okay and now tries to trade the Bishops I mean this is uh this is what you do when you when you want your opponent not to beat you take take take take take take Prague wins upon it's the best he can do right now if Eric is he takes this Pawn removing the defense of this uh Prague can actually choose between taking this and this and then every guys he's not going to get anything back there so before he does that he plays E6 he tries to smash through the black position with his Pawn Prague plays Queen F6 which actually does set up a threat there and on the bishop and tries to get white to play this this is the best move and in this position you have to find Rook C1 with the intention of pressuring this and basically playing Bishop E3 at which point one of these pawns will fall and I mean this is a handshake territory uh maybe a rook F5 you still can't take you go Bishop E3 there's Rook A5 so instead of Bishop to E3 you play like Pawn to A4 first I mean this is a very holdable position black really struggles here but every guys he plays Bishop E3 and Prague says you know what let's just do this there's not much I can do Prague is up a pawn just like gukesh was by the way but proc structure is even uglier he has doubled isolated e-pawns he has this stupid C Pawn but what did I tell you remember how I told you gukesh could not beat Magnus in that end game because being a pawn up means nothing if they're all close together I told you that remember were you watching the recap you still watching I told you the outside pass Pawn is really important in the end game which you could get in my endgame's master class all these little mini lessons but in much more detailed form with like hundreds of exercises but that's only if you want um link is in the description though well does black have a pawn that's an outside pass Pawn does black have a pawn yes watch as Prague creates winning chances for himself simply on the fact that the position is in balance from the standpoint of Pawns all of a sudden the black king and the bishop and The Rook are all marching together Pawn to C5 ain't no way right ain't no way that this Pawn is gonna make it down here not with the white a pawn advancing not with these idiots running you know ahead first into each other's butts nothing can happen here black has absolutely no forward momentum look at why it's Pawn creeping White's Pawn is creeping two squares away from promotion and the position is still equal you're up a pawn but the position is equal that's how bad your position is prague's not gonna win this game he tries to advance his punts adorable Prague this is this is so cute that you think look now your stupid C Pawn is blockaded prog's got no chance wait a minute who's trying to win this game Rook D7 King G3 wait a minute it's actually very difficult to move this Pawn is white going to lose these Pawns Arjun plays here and now Prague plays C4 to try to deflect the king from the defense of this Pawn at which point he's just gonna eat this and win Eric icy sends this into a rook end game but unfortunately even though his Pawn gets to A7 oh my goodness Prague it's an avalanche G4 G3 and my friends we make it into a queen and end game and remember I told you this C Pawn I told you to keep an eye on that c Pawn White NOW tries to make a draw by Perpetual check giving a check and a check and a check and running and running and running and running my friends the same game was winnable for Prague because it wasn't winnable for gukesh he had an outside pass pawn and I told you that this game might end with the c pawn and I did not exaggerate because on move 75 Ponto C1 was played Queen and Arjuna Regice resigned prognananda defeats Arjun aragaisi with the black pieces close friends roommates hanging out with each other every day of the tournament an absolutely insane result from Prague and these two have to break their tie with a tie break this is crazy Fabiano caruana said in an interview about this game that he would give himself less than one percent chance to win with black in this situation and Prague did it and speaking of Fabiano caruana I have a game to show you yesterday Fabiano was dead was dead the person who was with him at the tournament if there was one was packing the bags while watching the game he survived and that gives you a massive momentum boost he is now playing with the white pieces he plays in English this game is a reversed I don't even know what it is it's kind of like a reverse Karo Khan because black doesn't have the e-pawn it's like we're playing a black is playing a pan off Carl Khan uh none of that matters though once again isolate upon position we've seen that in this recap so who wants to trade the pieces here concentrate the pieces Bobby Bobby wants to trade the pieces play against this weakness Lanier wants to use the lines around the pawn so Bishop C5 now okay that trade might benefit white Bishop G2 Knight C3 right and now Fabi takes he takes because if you play D takes E4 getting rid of your isolated Pawn white is going to have long-term pressure on this queen side and that's kind of I think fabi's idea so we have this Pawn to E3 and basically Fabi just goes for this position and is like look isolated Pawn right more pieces we trade the bigger of a liability it becomes Lanier plays rookie four the idea of rookie 4 is that after Knight takes Pawn takes there's no isolate upon anymore which is why it's dead equal Fabiano says no you can't have that we're playing against the isolated Pawn linear goes here we have Queen F3 and it's just a battle for the isolated Pawn look at all the Cannons pointed at the D4 Square trying to not let the pawn out of his sight H3 slow Improvement of the position Queen H5 Rook D3 gently sliding up rook D2 Queen F3 looking for a moment and now take take every trade benefits the side playing against the isolate upon it's just a slow methodical torturous method of play Rook C4 trying to trade the isolated Pawn off and create a Pawn on C4 Bobby says A4 no no trade Queen C6 until now why because after this he's gonna take take and what matters in an end game get the end games master class King activity King F3 King E4 and King D5 and if you try to stop me that's adorable E4 and if you try to stop me that's adorable take take and now King F4 and you lose this Pawn You Wanna Stop me this way I have Bishop D4 I have King E5 King D16 like King C7 You're Gonna Lose so linear has to go here and again the isolated pawn queen G4 now we use the isolated Pawn we block hate it and we go for the king so now linear has to play defense check here here King back we take the pawn now Fabiano has won the isolated pawn and he has a very powerful Bishop the Queen Bishop are a very nice combination they work really well together Queen and Knight have all the powers combined like the Deathly Hallows of Harry Potter but it it's not useful if you cannot coordinate them and he can't so now Fabi plays H4 all right and he's going to try to bully linear in this end game Queen takes A5 he wins a pawn now it's B pawns and any Bishop versus knight end game is simply a loss because white is going to create the very good white is going to create the outside pass Pawn after winning the b-pawn now it's going to be canelanier defend this position Fabi pushing trying to break apart the defenses gives a check takes away the light squares now the black king goes for a walk of shame into the center of the board but you got to be really careful here because if you lose this Pawn this Pawn is going to become a queen Fabiano looking for a semi-finals birth and a semi-finals birth probably means the candidates for Fabiano caruana Bishop takes before played Knight takes before looks possible but there's Queen C4 Queen B4 and then you are probably just winning the queen in game linear plays Queen F3 Bishop here the king is still in the center of the board now fabi's winning all the pawns linear trying to create counter play but he loses the remaining pawn queen B3 and fabi's gonna win this game not because of one Pawn not because of one pawn bishop and pawn versus knight is just a draw because you blockade on the light squares but it's the two pawns and Fabiano caruana it takes him over 90 moves but it's a slow methodical process and on move 94 of this game after coordinating his pieces and securing a queen trade linear Dominguez resigned to Fabiano and Fabi made it to the semis Fabi will take on the winner of our generic icy versus pragnananda which will be determined in a tie break tomorrow August the 17th Magnus Carlson versus nicharabasov and I think we know which three players make it to the candidates I think but I might be wrong get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 685,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: jYlVAiNnTTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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