What is Lesbian/ Gay Criticism & Queer Theory?| What does Lesbian Feminism mean?

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hi students you're welcome in this video students in this video tutorial we are going to discuss about a new rhetoric theory called lesbian or gay criticism and queer theory let's discuss about the outline of this tutorial in this tutorial I am going to explain you first some of the concepts or terms used in this gay or lesbian criticism then I will talk about the beginning of this lesbian or gay criticism how this criticism began or what were the background of this theory or criticism then I will talk about gay criticism then I will talk about lesbian feminism and at the end I will talk about the queer theory so friends and let's start this video friends nowadays a term has become very popular called LGBT IQ now what is this LGBT IQ first we must understand this stuff LGBT IQ and then we able to understand the QL theory or the lesbian criticism now this letters stand for different types of gender orientation first is the L L means lesbian lesbian means there is a woman who loves to another woman so there is relationship between woman and woman is called a lesbian then the second is G now G stands for gay gay means there is a relationship between man and man now it is really a straight lesbian woman woman gay man man relationship or the sexual orientation among men so next term is B Nobi bisexual means bisexual camp anyone as its very terms suggest that it is bi means two means if person a man can love to a woman at the same time we can never create man or vice-versa a woman can go to a woman and choose who can love to a man now this is heterosexual relations in this bisexual of homogeneous bisexual concept in this series next to be healthy now this is stands for transgender actually transgender is third gender means this kind of persons at the birth are recognized as male or female and latter they turned its opposite for example at the birth somebody's recognized as male and when in his growing years he understood that she is not he but she and the qualities of she is increasing in the mind of that particular person then he becomes he or she becomes the transgender there will be sexual orientations of this transgenders to the lesbians or gaze of bisexuals so this is a teeth the next term we have I is intersex now this is an interesting term what is there in the intersects in intersex the gender of that particular person is not decided at the world but dr. label him as male or female and accordingly the person is grown up and then he let her recognize that there is changes in his Harman system and then he or she becomes the opposite gender so this is the intersex the sex is what determine at the birth and we have to rely on the doctor sign whatever doctors say it is considered so the next our last time we have clear clear is the term which covers all these aspects of this community or it is applied to a community called LGBTI and Q is Stanford pure now there is another meaning of this term here that this term is applied to those persons who are not conscious about their gender or this confusion in their mind about their gender and they are unable to decide what are their attractions and what they need or the person for sexual orientation though the relations are confusing in their minds and sometimes this is related to the question marks O'Keefe stands for Q as well as question mark in the mind of those person so these are the terms which are there in the lesbian or gay criticism LGBT IQ no friends let's think about how did this brush develop it has its roots in the school wall riot in New York in 1967 there is a gay bar called Stonewall in the New York City and once the police goes I enriched this bar and directly this gay persons come out on the mood and they resist the raid and from there the movement called gay liberation movement took momentum and it is developed in 1970 and this has taken a larger nature in America and from America it's spread in Europe and from Europe is spreading the remaining world so this gay liberation movement can be considered as the foundation for this gay studies or gay research or the queer studies of QL theory so this is the background of the beginning of this fear of lesbian theories so here we have words of Krishnaswamy and others let's leave these words and understand what is this criticism lesbian or gay criticism like feminist criticism if gender oriented and is emerging as a print of study mainly to critically examine the attitudes of our society towards lesbians and gays as part of cultural studies lesbian feminism emerged in the 1980s as a by-product of feminist studies and has gained momentum in the 1990s now friends it is very clear from the view of Krishnaswamy that this type of criticism is developed in 1990 and its emphasis on the lesbians or lesbians treaty or case studies and latter a branch called lesbian feminism came from this study so first let's understand what is gay criticism on gays twenties then we will talk about lesbian feminism and the queer theory so gay criticism our theory nothing's as we have or discussed in the psychoanalysis that Sigmund Freud is very significant critique on the scholar who laid the foundation for psychoanalyst and he also investigated the sexual orientations of human beings and there is a great influence on this theory of gay criticism there are two major of influential figures in this field what is Sigmund Freud and the other is mission Foucault in nineteen not five Sigmund Freud had composed an essay called on the theory of sexuality and in that ESA he disclosed to the fact that the sexual orientation can happen between two men man can fight sexual interest in another man now here the idea of the true sexuality is contested and he clearly stated in that essay that there is homosexuality and from there we find different types of critics came and they contested this view of Sigmund Freud but latter it is established in the Canon that there may be possibility of the homosexuality and from there we find that this guilt criticism on gay theories develop so the root is homosexuality and the contestation of the heterosexual and now friends there is second figure who is influential in this vehicle disease of Michel Foucault she wrote the history of sexuality in 1975 and in that he directly declared that homosexuality is of practice and it can be recognized as a journal or it can be recognized as a separate species or a different category and from there again the this gay criticism has took momentum and it flourished in the various branches of study and it also came in the literature and from there we find this kind of theories are applied to the literature and to various texts are analyzed based on this kind of theories of mission Sigmund Freud homosexuality Trinity lesbianism and various sexual orientations of the persons all the characters are taken into consideration for the analysis now effects this is about the gay criticism or we can say that it is the part of lesbian criticism also now let's move to the next part that is lesbian feminism now what is lesbian feminism actually this branch of study came from the feminism in 1980s and it has its loop directly in the feminism there are some critics who argue that this branch came because of the resistance of some of female writers that there is marginal status given to the lesbian studies and there is a need to separate this lesbian of studies from this feminism but here will be how Bonnie's human one and she wrote what has never been an overview of lesbian feminist criticism and in the ESA she talks about there is a need of this separation of feminism from lesbianism and there is a resistance against this feminism and according to her feminist critics how given marginal status to lesbianism and hence it is very crucial to separate of this feminism from the lesbianism or lesbianism should be considered as a separate branch i gave me how the crucial is said in the same series the woman identified woman which is published in 1973 in the radical feminism and now in that ESA taking from the same direction from Zimmerman it is considered that lesbianism which Center up in the feminism and it should be studied as a central point in the feminism now friends when we look at this is is composed by bode Zimmerman and ESA published in the radical feminist feminism in 1973 we find that there is a conflict between heterosexuality and lesbianism in women or in the study of family and there is another is composed by angry in which and in that is she talks about a middleweight about this conflict which is arised in the field of feminism in true sexual feminists versus lesbians now she has quite a new table called lesbian continum and according to her in this lesbian quantum we can add experiences of female rather than on beyond from the sexual orientations with the women so let's read these words and understand what is the middle path between this heterosexual feminists and the lesbian I mean the term lesbian continum to include a range through each woman's life and throughout history of woman identified experience not simply the fact that a woman has had or consciously desired genital sexual experience with another woman no offense it is very clear that this concept lesbian continum goes beyond the sexual orientation of women now it includes many forms of women for example there is women networking of professional types of places or wherever women were these women network and women supports women and all these kinds of experiences are taken in this lesbian container know if you look at this term you find that this is a broader or larger term and add some extent the conflict has been diffused here in this term lesbian continum or this term has gained again a very popularity in the field of this lesbian or a gay criticism or clear theory now okay Zimmerman has a written an essay after 10 years lesbians like this and that some notes on lesbian criticism for the 90s and in that particular essay she has recognized that the field of lesbian studies or the gauge studies is not constant but it is changing and there must be some revision or there we some contestation regarding this field of study and hence today we find that this field has acquired many kind soft for changes in itself and it has become again broader so friends now we have last term our last theory called pure theory now this queer theory also is the we can in a way say that a byproduct of this gay criticism are the days being on the lesbian feminist criticism no one is there in this queer theory let's understand no friends there is a conference 18 1990 at University of California Santa Cruz and in that conference actually this conference is completely based on the QL Theory ultimately we can say that the theme of this conference was queer theory and in that particular conference many things were discussed for example the political and social identity of gays and particularly it is considered that this term queer theories specialized by gays and they use this stuff often and hints or they are discussed to the political right social issues regarding this queer theory and the identity of the lesbians or gays in that particular conference and again friends we have Judith Butler's contribution to the anthology called outside or inside Gay Talese and lesbian theories and in that particular on anthology she talks that she talks about the nature of this queer theory is not stable and it needs to be contested and again it need to be revision so it is not stable at all it is changing all the time again there is a significant contributor to this queer theory of called usage week and she wrote an essay called epistemology of closet and in that particular issue she talks about this identity of queerness all the identity of lesbian can be revealed to family or close friends but it cannot be revealed in your colleagues are in the offices are at the workplace so there are multiple identities attached to the queer persons on the lesbians or gay or persons now how we can recognize this lesbian text there is the first thing it should be written by a lesbian there should be lesbian person who is Rita if it is written by lesbian you can consider it as a lesbian text again it should be written about lesbians means there are possibility this text might be written by the person who is not gay or lesbian but a a heterosexual person and what he or she is writing about this lesbian so this is also considered and as the lesbian text and there is a third possibility or there is third thing that it should reveal or express the lesbian region now this is a whole kind of thing that what is the lesbian visa now friends here at the end of this tutorial I would like you to understand how or what this lesbian critics - or what are their major tools of analyzing lesbian our texts are analyzing the lesbian criticism so here we have unity Peter very very clearly so I will read these statements given by Peter Marie so that you can understand easy what lesbian critics on a critics do the will first they identify establish a Canon of classic lesbian or gay writers whose work constitute a distinct relation now here ladies I can are not lesbian or gay texts and first they recognize it the very first thing second thing they identify lesbian or gay if you so seen mainstream what kind discusses them as such for example the relationship between j9 hidden in Jane Eyre now it is in the deep of the text that there is some incident there is some event in the text which reveals this kind of lesbian where things are gay kind of things here we have even the exam of Jane Eyre the relation between j9 Helen so this thing also they do the third thing we have they set up an extended metaphorical sense of bliss fear or engage so that it connotes a moment of crossing a boundary or blurring a set of categories so they different types of categories in itself the next way of expose the homophobia of mainstream literature and criticism as seen in ignoring part denigrating the homosexual aspects of the work no friends homophobia is nothing but a kind of fear of the homosexuality and they stress this fear in the different texts next we have they programmed homosexual aspects of mainstream literature now they found the homosexual elements in the mainstream literature and based on that they analyzed this literature all these kinds of things and the last we have full-grown literary Charles previously neglected which significantly influenced ideals of masculinity or femininity and in the last we find that they not only take into consideration the text but journals also they discuss the journals also in broader categories of the lesbian or gay finish so friends this is all about the scale of lesbianism or gay criticism act with it so friends one thing you should remember that this is a basic lecture in the understanding of gay criticism or lesbian criticism so if you find any difficulty in understanding these terms of this kind of criticism please comment below in the comment box I will appreciate your comments and reply to your comments so thank you very much for watching this complete tutorial please like this video share this video of your friend site subscribe to literature zoom
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Keywords: literature simply, datta sawant, what is lesbian/ gay criticism and queer theory, what does lesbian feminism mean, gay theory, lesbian criticism, queer theory, lesbian feminism, lgbtiq, lgbtiq community, cultural lesbian feminism, lavender menace, lesbian definition sociology, post feminism, radical feminism, what is a lesbian, what does lgbtiq stand for, meaning definition of lesbian theory, definition of queer theory, analysis of gay criticism, gay texts
Id: KAYgx3aFfsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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