What is it like Driving a Class A Gas RV?

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ever wonder what it's like to drive a Class A motorhome well we're going to show you today so let's go but before we get in to drive the motor home there are a few safety things we have to do this isn't like driving your car what so let's show them John yeah let's first we're going to do a safety check here you go I'm gonna head inside and turn on the blinkers and all the lights while you walk around yay thank you Sherry plus it's warm inside see I knew there was another reason Sherry can I get a bird check Supply over brakes are good over John I came up front done we're in the back come back [Laughter] we could see that my marker lights my hazard lights all work as we go up front we can check the side markers also check the condition of your vehicle make sure nothing's falling off look at those tires John we do check the tires I do have a tire minder which also tells me the condition from the inside but these tires look good look at that my signals all the way from my mirrors across the front and look Sherry all our lights work marker lights across the top like to make sure my wipers are good too not cracking or hard and the final thing we'll do is kick out our chalks we're now leaving our storage area and these are some of the bumpiest roads I've ever come across leaving here and the one thing I will say that driving a Class 8 gas not as smooth as a Class A diesel that's for sure we feel these bumps and we get jolted around quite a bit in this parking area I try to miss as many as I can limited amounts of success the other thing I don't like are little hanging trees can't do much about that though I think we missed it this time now this is pretty narrow if you look at my mirrors some on the edge of the road on the passenger side and I'm on the almost on the double yellow on this side so this is about the narrowest road that I'll go in besides the roads at the campgrounds but it's not hard to keep it where it is the only thing I have to be careful of is making a sharp right left turns a little bit easier from roads like this I have more room going there making this right here I like to inch my way a little bit left on the yellow lines and then I still have to take it out kind of far to miss that corner with my back tired don't want to go in the grass that was pretty close the big thing is if you're on a road this small just take your time and don't worry about anyone behind you they'll go around you if they can you know a lot of people get a little panicked by irritated people behind them don't do that yeah you're in an RV relax you'll get where you're going safely that way now I'm not sure if the camera's picking up all the creaking and knocking in here it's not that loud right now the roads aren't too bad but you do get a lot of uh noise from the RV furniture from time to time so don't let that discourage you though so John shall we take this out on the highway now yeah let's take her out okay let's do that and let's give everyone an idea of what it's like driving on a nice smooth Highway yep it's a Saturday morning so there probably isn't a lot of traffic right now no uh but we're hoping to run into some so that we can give you an idea of what that's like as well because well that that's really that's really challenging though right that's the challenging part is when you have to deal with other drivers who don't understand how an RV stops who don't understand what your visibility is like who don't understand who really don't understand anything and just nobody wants to be behind you no and I think it's important I mean look we love driving this thing it's a lot of fun it is and it's it's important to know the good remember that right right and be okay yeah there is something that's just okay yeah this is a puppy exit now as I merge onto a highway I want to look for any large vehicles that are coming up at high speed right now also unfortunately you have to watch out for people behind me who like to merge out quickly like the car just did here but he went all the way across uh sometimes they like to burn down quickly and take the lane so I can't burn down you have to watch out for that you're not the fastest thing on the road when trucks pass us we get affected by the wind from their passing and it pushes me away from the trunk so if a truck passes on my left it pushes me to the right so I end up having this steer a bit towards the truck you're probably safe for that for that right now going there count on the movement from trucks from the wind suspension upgrades and like sway bars and it's like liquid Springs which is pretty expensive but it's stainless it's your vehicle pretty well so it's up to you if you want to stabilize your people that Godzilla engine Godzilla foreign engines it gets a bit loud going up hills and accelerating speed limit on this road is 70 miles an hour I don't like pushing this RV up to 70. I don't like it very much 65 is usually the best speed for it I see a lot of people with RVs passing me like I'm standing still but you know I'm just uncomfortable going uh 70 very often now we are in a 2021 Fleetwood flounder 35k which is approximately 36 feet and I'm going to lean over here you'll notice we're using two cameras well actually we're using like three cameras for these shots because we wanted to give you an idea of what it was like so on the dash we have our GoPro which has a stabilizer so you may not see as much of the bounciness right now I'm using our Sony zb1 without a gimbal so you'll see that there's a lot of movement in the frame as we go and then behind John's head we have an iPhone which has some stabilization but you'll probably see some of the rockiness that's in here but you're seeing things how it kind of bounces around as we drive now it's very important to know the height of your RV the highway bridges I don't worry too much there is a standard on the highway but once you get off there is it luckily I've never had to turn around in a tight spot so we have to be very careful you have to be careful about your your height and you have to be careful about your weight a lot of people may not think about that we are out gross weight empty it's 22 000 pounds which is 11 tons and there are a lot of roads out there and bridges and say no vehicles looking five tons or no vehicles over 10 times so it's a very common so you have to be careful to pay attention to that some bridges you have to be very careful because you may be able to go under them if you go through the middle portion or if you're in the middle Lane right but like the right lane might be lower than the center Lane right so you have to pay attention to that too and also we use a truck app off of our phone it's a free app and I'll put that down in the description below we don't no don't get paid for it or anything like that but we use this app which is meant for trucks you put your height and your weight and your leg into the app and then it will route you in a way that you don't get yourself into trouble soon we're going to hit some steep roads they're going to be uh going to be at the edge of the mountains have uh truck names and at some point I will probably have to take one of the truck lanes because we're not very fast going uphill doesn't seem like an art engine sounds like it's struggling it's not but it's it gets really loud and then the fans will eventually starts although it is a cold day so maybe not that's true John because in the summertime we would really hear the fans yeah we would that's that's very true perfect are you sure about oh there it is it quieted down oh my gosh yeah and this is one of the reasons why we wanted these hamburgers all three of my cameras I have set up the display at once here the phone is to have just a rear view and right or left come on According to which signal you used that also has a rear view camera if I need it I can put my directions on here as well as play music and answer the phone right by CST uh tire pressure monitoring system tires so it's doing a great job this thing works great it's full color I love it and also like the dash layout all my gauges I can see everything in the class well we hope you enjoy driving with us down the road in our class a Motorhome please let us know if you have any additional comments or questions about what it's like driving a 37-foot RV yeah and anything else you want to know see you on the road
Channel: Amped to Glamp
Views: 52,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what it's like driving a class a motorhome, waht it's like driving a class a motorhome, what it's liek driving a class a motorhome, what it's like driving a clas a motorhome, waht it's liek driving a clas a motorhome, how to drive a class a rv, how to drive a class a motorhome, what its like driving a clas a motorhome, fleetwood bounder, what its like driving a class a motorhome, how to drive a clas a motorhome, how to drive a clas a rv, driving a class a motorhome, gas motorhome
Id: OZQ6Ry4wHSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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