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today we start a new series called what is in your hand please turn to your neighbor knocks and what is in your hand as I thought to move forward the Lord gave me this title I think I'm doing so well nowadays on time I thank God for the grace of God what is in your hand but I like with most teachings we don't know how it will end but one thing I know that God is a God of beginning and he's a God of end and he who began a good work in us he's faithful who completed I'm excited for what I will learn about what is in my hand amen we start today with Exodus chapter 4 verse 1 to 17 I suspect we will not finish it after autumn Bible seminar we will continue as dr. Brandon's of us who knew dr. Brown said the job that you're doing for life you know you don't have to rush take your time Exodus 4 verse 1 to 17 Moses answered what if they do not believe me or listen to me and say the Lord did not appear to you then the Lord said to him what is in your hand as staff he replied the Lord said throw it on the ground Moses threw it on the ground and he became a snake and he ran from it then the Lord said to him reach out to your hand and take him by the tail so Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and he turned back into a staff in his hand this said the Lord is so that they may believe that the Lord the god of their fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob and the god of FCI has appeared to you then the Lord said put your hand inside your cloak so Moses put his hand into his cloak and when he took it out the skin was leprous it had become as white as snow now put it back into your cloak he said so Moses put his hand back into his cloak and when he took it out it was restored like the rest of his flesh then the Lord said if they do not believe you or pay attention to their first sign they may believe that second but if they do not believe these two signs or listen to you take some water from the now and pour it on the dry ground the water you take from the river will become blood on the ground Moses said to the Lord pardon yourself Lord I've never been eloquent neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant I am slow of speech and tongue the Lord said to him who gave human beings their mouth who makes them deaf or mute who gives them sight or makes them blind is it not I the Lord now go I will help you speak and will teach you what to say but Moses said pardon your servant Lord please send someone else then the Lord's anger banned against Moses and he said what about your brother Aaron the Levite I know he can speak well he's already on his way to meet you and he'll be glad to see you you shall speak to him and put words in his mouth I will help both of you speak and we'll teach you what to do he will speak to the people for you and it will be as if he were your mouth and I see if you were God to him but take this stuff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it man what is in your hand here we have the account of Moses having an encounter with God very familiar scripture is always good like I like to quote from scripture Paul says remind you of what you already know is not Grievous so it's good to go over it we know about the captivity of Israel in slavery the beautiful thing I love about that scripture and Moses his encounter with God is that Israel was in slavery for a very long time and it seemed that there was no hope but it took one day somebody said one day I love that that one day God had had her or Moses had an encounter with God and God appeared to him the other thing I love about it is that you know the scripture in the New Testament way says all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose because we know that Moses had to flee Egypt to go into the median town or country because he was running because of the events that led him out to how he had ended up murdering somebody so he had to flee so that situation was very dire but out of that dire situation God brought about deliverance I want to take an opportunity to prophesy somebody ready I want to receive this for myself now whatever dire situation you find in that situation will not kill you it will not consume you because you are a child of God and when you're a child of God every situation will turn around for your good I prophesied that your deliverer deliverance will come your deliverer will come and that you also will be that an ever deliver and so beautiful Scripture as the beginning of Exodus and we know like we're that he hasn't encountered just one day on the mountaintop but he went onto the mountain doing his own business looking after the Sheep it's not coincidental that Moses when he got into the Midian town he went to the highest man if you like which was his father-in-law Jethro who was the elder who was the high priest who was a wonder everybody respected who is the one who had clout who had money who had fame who had honor and a prophesy that's your portion Jesus named that when you find yourself even in the wilderness you gravitate towards the ones that carried their power Amen so he gets into that environment not only does it gets there get into that environment but he marries his daughter so he's of nobility even in that environment amen and so that is your portion in Jesus name but as he has it goes about his business minding the Sheep that's what he was doing and he goes on to the mountain and has an encounter with God when we get to chapter 4 then it obviously presupposes you read their been the preceding chapters on I encourage you please when you go home do exactly that so God had obviously appeared to Moses told him what he's to do when we get to verse 4 verse chapter 4 verse 1 he answers what if they do not believe me or listen to me and say the Lord did not appear to you here is a man who's receiving his instruction in order from God it's possible and probable that because of what he's gone through he is slightly what what's the word here is not hidden in himself he's gone through challenges he has come from the palace he's living in a place where he's a stranger he's thinking to himself how am I gonna move on is this going to be my life how would I go back will I ever go back so he has a lot of doubts in himself and for somebody like that he doesn't expect that he's a deliverer can somebody identify with that and so because he has that I believe that's why he asks God so God is telling him something so amazing so wonderful and he's thinking to yourself is he talking about somebody else is it is he sure that he's got the right address now sometimes God speaks to you and I in such a way concerning our future and we wonder the same and so there's nothing wrong per se for us to ask God questions so he says what if they don't believe me or listen to me and say the Lord did not appear to you then the Lord said to him what is in your hand in fact if I had asked a question like that I wouldn't I wouldn't expect an answer like that I would expect something else like okay say this or say that but God speaks to him and says what is in your hand he acts answers a question with a question what is in your hand as stuff in old King James is as a rod so what is a staff what is a rod basically crudely put it's like a stick but this rod or the staff they use for many things I understand in those days if you're an elderly person or you carry Authority you would walk around with the stuff okay so the stuff you notice the scripture that says the end however this sector of the righteousness is that it will not depart from the land that is allotted yet to the righteous and let's say so it's talk it talks about authority and in Hebrews who talks about that about when Judah comes and Jesus comes his scepter will never be removed amen so that's about authority and so this is talking about authority so that's what I wrote signifies our staff signifies Authority the staff also remember Adair Davis famous son his rod and staff they comfort me he uses that as a and Moses was a shepherd and so they used the staff to guide the Sheep okay so like you and I know at least pastor spend a lot of time talking to us about she and about how the Sheep they need sometimes to be put in line and so the Shepherd will use his rod to keep the Sheep in line so this rod he would if you've got very good sheep you just go like that okay like News News News News and then the Sheep who fall into line so sometimes he used it like that or sometimes he uses it to wit them because if you've got a very stubborn sheep you might have to give him a big look and say get up and move on okay so this thing it becomes like a sort of punishment and also becomes a sort of guide it also becomes a sort of comfort okay so it becomes something that if the enemy is come and the Shepherd will use the staff to make sure come on come on let's go this way let's hide this way it's time to go to sleep let's go into the compound so that's what it does and so that's why that's why Moses had a staff in his hand because he was tending sheep he also had authority so and like I said already he's grown about his business he's a shepherd if you like at this time that is all he had to do his job and when God asked him what is in your hand I'm sure he would say to say that spit obvious and stuff of course I have a staff because this is what I'm using to look after my sheep so remember those there is not that long ago they said ah like hello why you asking me an obvious question but God is asking you and I what is in your hand what is it that you have that you rely on and in fact just last week in fact I never really noticed folks that it looks like when the season of God speaking to us about building because last week was I as I spoke he we read from Chronicles about you the Builder and then I realized i yesterday ourselves going over that this is a similar preaching no teaching and so that means that this is the season that we have to start looking in our and see what is in our hand what is in your hand as stuff this stuff like I've said already is what he's using that's his profession this is what he uses to look after the Sheep this stuff is also his authority that I said already he goes to show what kind of worried that he has authority God is asking you now what is in your hand what stuff are you carrying in your professional life what are you carrying in your spiritual life what are you carrying and what are you going to do about it when he says a staff he replied the Lord says throw it on the ground through the staff on the ground and when he threw it on the ground it became a snake and he run from it God is calling you and I today as we go through this teaching that whatever is in our hand first of all we have to recognize what's is what's in our hand he obviously was was going about his business just normally so his staff almost became like a part of him he was used to it it was something that he placed any value of it was just something that he had okay it's like you know when you've got like yeah I don't know your cow or well is it just there to save you you just used to it but God is trying to tell us that all those things that we don't pay attention to the things that we just has just become a part of us they're things that's oh this well what's that what am I going to do with that so he may not necessarily have placed any value on but God is now asking us to look and look again I mean remember when Pastor taught us about tomorrow he said the way Tamar went to sit is called inner him it means that C and C again it's time to see and see again it's trying to place value most of us might think of value only think of vit value-added tax here to place value on things that we don't place value things that we've lost our train of thoughts on today is the time for us to place a value on it because every single thing that God gives us is valuable the Bible says every and every perfect gift comes from where from God it comes from above he says the father of life in whom there is no shadow tenant I he's not going to repent on that valuable gift that he's giving you an eye amen today what is in your hand so it's time therefore to look again at this name and then do what God says he says threw it on the ground and as Moses threw it on the ground it became a snake and he run from it this staff that he has placed no value on this stuff that he's thinking to what what how important is it all of a sudden changes into a snake that he now begins to run from it since when you throw down your staff you will begin to see things you begin to appreciate the gift that God has placed in you amen you begin to see because it's time for us to see and see again because what happens now he said really sometimes you know a reminder that account of Gideon and you know forgive me because I love say given that account the Bible tells us that is the account of Gideon in the book of Judges about what happened again his Israel again in in slavery in oppression and here is Gideon who is a threshing every time I say I love saying about us forget it wheat in a winepress that's right so he's hiding and all of a sudden of course is one day comes and he has an encounter with the Lord but God appears to him as his greetings great man of Valor and Gideon says hello you've got the wrong address I think you mean my next-door neighbor this I am not the right person because I'm not a great man of Valor and has he continued to to have an encounter with God God manages to somewhat convince him that he's going to be the deliverer I said somewhat because he was not a hundred percent some of us maybe were halfway it's okay let's just do the journey but the beautiful thing about Gideon countess that he carried a lot of fear and so I can identify with him maybe it's just me because sometimes when God speaks to me I'm afraid because I'm looking at the stuff and I'm running away because I'm extended to the snake and I'm running like ah is it just me maybe I've got a microphone so I could say that when God is 10 we do this go there or say this I'm I don't think so I'm afraid and I'm running when Gideon was in the same situation so I can identify him with him but the beautiful thing what I love about Gideon is that he had a love for God and I think that is so important and I work with God the regardless where hearts should be so knitted with God so that even though he was afraid he was kind of going along the journey we so eventually God explains to him where he should go to the camp of the Midianites but when he gets to the camp of the Midianite there somebody's there talking about his dream and what happened and Dalida and the Bible said the guy another person gets an interpretation it can only be Gideon I mean have you know him Gideon is so great he's so amazing and that is what gave Gideon the strength and the courage to move on and what God has said said to him but why because he was afraid so that what happened was that the encounter made him run they encountered that you and I what God will be teaching us about what is in your hand may make us run but God is telling you another he wants what is in our hand that is why he's asking us what is in your hand today we're going to go through these teachings and as we go through and let's remember that he's asking us what's in your hand and I'll see through it de Grandy became a snack and he ran from it but in his running God speaks to him and he says reach out your hand and take it by the tail it's somebody ready for the new level you are looking at the magnitude of the call that God is giving you are looking and you say no you're looking the same but I'm only at this or that well I'm not a doctor I'm only at this and I'm only at that God is saying it in our language let's drop only let's not speak like that because he has given you a nice stuff and everybody's stuff is different but God gives us a stuff that suits the call that he's given us so what is it that is in your hand then no longer will be saying only but we now have to look at what gift that God has given us whether it's professional whether is spiritual whether is practical all of these things make God's name be glorified when we give it to him when we throw it down and so it's just for what you call it em teaching sake that we might even qualify it professional practical spiritual all of these gifts are spiritual in the sense that every gift that we have every stuff that we have when we put it down and we throw it down it gives God glory and that's all he's asking for and what he say to you and I is that we ought to throw it down but as Moses would be running he says to him reach out your hand and take it by the tail you'd pick up a snake by the tail this is the Gospel according to Dorothy it says so Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and turned back into a staff in his hand I assume that a reason why he picked it by the tail you saw that that the snake would not bite him yeah so even though God himself has given him that stuff told him to throw it down he still gives them instructions because this snake could actually bite you what am I saying it's very important that in this work as we pick up our stuff and we begin to look again at the values the giftings and the treasures that God has placed in our hands that we understand that is possible if we don't pick things up properly it will come to harm us amen how does it come to harm us in many ways so many people you might have seen head of so many people that us annointed so powerful so amazing gifted without a shudder without but some way somehow they get crushed or they get disgraced or they they get in such a way the end is not great why because they did not learn how to pick up their snake because when our hearts are not right when we don't follow instruction if Moses had said it's okay god I'm just gonna pick it up from it's it's what you call it it's head he would have gotten bitten he'd have probably died on the mountain and there would have been no deliverance I hope you understand where I'm going sometimes they gift that God has given us every gift a good and perfect but that gift becomes a snare around our necks we become so pompous perhaps we become so reliant on the fact that if it was not for me you would not be doing that I'm so anointed I'm so prophetic I'm so gifted I'm so that we're not picking it up the way that God is asking you and I so whatever the stuff is whatever the snake is God is telling you and I let's follow their instruction as we begin to look at the gift that God has given and he will tell us apply it this way apply it that way that is why I will never cease to say that we need a Spirit of God offense is another one sometimes we get so offended that the work that God has called us to do we are not able to do it sometimes we get so concerned with what other people are saying that we don't fulfill destiny so when doing things like that we are not picking up the snake the weighed by the tail well because somebody's going to talk about me and gossip about me I'm not going to do that but that's your stuff that you're supposed to throw down because that person didn't speak to me appropriately I'm not going to serve I'm not going to do that well you're not picking up the snake the way that you should and if you don't pick it up by the tail you will get bitten so Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and he turned back into a staff in his hand this said the Lord is so that they may believe that the Lord the god of their fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has appeared to you there has to be evidence it is my prayer if you pray for me please pray that prayer Paul will help all rights the people in Corinth and he said that I came to you not with enticing words of man he's about with the power and the demonstration of the gospel amazing what was he saying he was saying in effect that the preaching that I'm preaching to you yes I'm educated and he was highly educated he had you know you think our Canon has he has two PhDs and he's working on one now I mean Paul had like zillions of it he was very smart well Leonard well-read there was no a yearand that's what he said of a hebrew of hebrews i am he was on boasting he was the truth from the tribe of benjamin I mean he knew everything to the teeth any intelligent but yet he was telling them then I'm coming to you know but aunt I don't know with what I know even though I'm well-read and all that what I speak to you is what God is speaking to me and what he was talking about was a distinction because the power of God was so evident that nobody could could say that or this one is because he's got a PhD and God is telling you and either this said a lot is so that they may believe that a lot of God of their fathers God of Abraham the god of Isaac all has appeared to you there has to be evidence when we put our staff down people have to see both believers non-believers your family members your work colleagues people on the street with that's my desire freedom sentence and also we shall push in that way that's the way forward the same Exodus tells us the Bible said that the one who the plagues were coming they go to a plague of flies and I love the scripture so much God spoke to Moses and said I'm going to bring in a logical in in all of Egypt he said I'm going to bring a swarm of flies but he didn't end it there he said but there will be a distinction in Goshen why because his people lived in Goshen and God was saying to them wonder swarm of flies come and it will be everywhere except Goshen why because God wanted Egypt to see that these are my people I prophesied that there will be a distinction in your workplace be the distinction in your cause be a distinction in your group spiritual work in your family wherever you go be a distinction there has to be freedom Center international amongst all churches we have to be distinct and the only way we can do so is when we allow God to take the stuff that he has given us and place it down so that that stuff as it takes tends to the snake we can pick it up by its tail when the distinctions there are many attacks that come with a distinction but as we pursue that distinction the enemies they will try but they will never succeed I hope somebody's with me very soon we're gonna stop because I told you that we is good we're not gonna finish today but we're going to pray it's my desire and I trust it is yours that when God says to me what is in your hand as I respond a stop and he says to me throw it on the ground that I will be like Moses and throw it so Moses threw it on the ground and he became a snake and he ran but that running has to be temporary because we didn't see Ramos's running all the way down the mountain some of us when we're running we cannot be consoled is the wrong word what's more we can't be stopped you know it's like you know somebody who's crying so much that you just can't console them when you're trying oh you try everything you know oh but you know no you know so you get to a point where you just you can't say anything else you just have to leave them some of us when we're running we run so much that wonderfully it's okay stop no no no you're still running but God and you see what happened with Moses he ran but when God says hear him my friend come back here I'm sure he was afraid that's what I fear I don't understand like a prophet who do you know it's there but you know we'll manage it but I prophesied in the name of Jesus that we will have the ability to conquer that we will be like Gideon they even know we were afraid mukha I suspect that the gospel our country joy see that David when he stood before Goliath he said to him some who lie down now this my big mouth has brought me here but yet he pushed through I meant so I prophesied to you and I the regardless of the fear no matter how hard and how deep it is how much our hearts are planted our blood pressures are growing everything is good but we will still push our way through will be like these great ones Moses otherwise he would not have become the deliverer and that will pick it up and make sure that that thing turns back into a stuff and so that gifting that God has given you a nun it can come back as a blessing not be the snake that's coming to hurt us because when is a snake like I said already sometimes it becomes a choke around our neck but the Bible tells us a God's blessings they make her rich right that's what his bless is that they do not add any type of salt the only time I add sorrow is when we ourselves are picking up the star or the snake sorry by the head then it becomes a soul but God's intention is never to make riches how can it become a problem we all desire yeah suppose we watch the TV and you see and today's jackpot is 20 million and you say ah I wish so somebody's going to win that 20 million how can I not and meanwhile you don't believe in luck recently you wish you can have that 20 million because in your mind you're thinking to yourself oh if only I had 20 million you calculated it all that you what you're going to do with it how your life is going to change and transform it's good to dream like that because you imagine in your mind that if you're rich you will never have any problem but going outside which person there's some people who are rich who are enjoying their riches and there's some who are not I put it to you as the lawyer would say that the ones that are not are the ones that picked up the snake are the wrong end but the wound is gonna pick the snake by the tail and a prophesy as for riches wealth and honor is your portion in the name of Jesus you will be like David who enjoyed the wealth he enjoyed honor and he enjoyed long life i prophesy wealth i prophesy honor i prophesy long life he enjoyed their wealth why because the wealth he picked it up well he gave look at what they said and remember last week we started with chronicles he said I wanted to build god ah ha ha when he picks up when you want to desire to build gada you're picking up the snake by its tail but not only did he say wow you know pasta I wait I'll be the one that gave 1 million offering but meanwhile you're not even giving 10 but he not only did he desire he made sure that the gold the silver the bronze he gathered all the wealth put it all down ladies such a stop building and then God said no you are not the one who's gonna build so did he throw the materials away oh no he did not cause his son Solomon ancestry son Solomon I have provided the gold I've provided the silver I have picked up the snake by the tail I made sure that you will use this that you can build on it I prophesied that's your portion in the name of Jesus as for wealth health and honor it's our portion it will become a stumbling-block because the riches that God gives they are beautiful they will not bring any soul but it will make you happy and happy in Christ if only you and I will reach out our hands and follow the instructions and pick up the snake by the tail please rise with me this said the Lord is so that they may believe that the Lord the god of their fathers the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has appeared to you we thank God that he used God who created the heavens and the earth created you and I breathe of himself into us still yet serves us by appearing to us by speaking to us by encouraging us by anchor and embracing us by instructing us that he gives us every good and every perfect gift I love the scripture by us forget citron culture problems Deuteronomy 33 go check it out this is when you're coming there then they fear somebody help me I was there something like that you're the terror of your coming will fall upon you and I prophesy in the name of Jesus that's what happened at a time of Jericho before Joshua was coming when they got there the Bible said Rahab told us the spies for we have had and they hadn't even come the mom said Jericho was tightly shut because they were scared that these people once they hit here were in trouble a professor that's your project let the enemies demons tremble at Jesus's name and you and I carried that same power that same Authority but it takes the only way we can operate fully in it is when we take the staff acknowledge that we have a staff throw it down and then pick up the snake by its tail otherwise we'll be like the sons of sceva but I pray God for me that we will not as a people ever be like the sons of skin wherever you are lift up your voice you're now beginning to think about your staff what is in your hand what is in your hand that is what God wants speak to your hand lift up your hand these hands are blessed of God come bless the Lord O you servants of God who stand by night now hands and lift up your hands in the holy place gonna lift up your hand unto God speak to your hand you find yourself our machine is raised in overcomers set in the captives free Freedom Center International is here to support you in every step that you take with the Word of God as you seek spiritual and emotional wholeness and we hope you've been blessed by today's message worship with us at 38 upper Wickham Lane Welling da sixteen 3hf or give us a call on zero two zero seven two seven seven eight seven zero zero you can also visit us online at FCI Chappell dot o LP remember there is progress in freedom [Music]
Channel: FreedomCentreInt
Views: 450
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: auFmt_LhLKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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