What Is In Tim's Other Pocket?

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hahaha [Music] whenever I'm out and about at parties or trade fairs or visiting friends I always like to be able to show something to them but most of my collection is large items but over the years I've managed to find a number of them which are so small that I can put them into a pack like that and keep in my pocket and I think I've reached about 50 pieces now all different categories really at least two about a third of them are not very photogenic so I haven't tried to show them but here's a lovely set of of playing cards that I've built over the years and these all Compact and eventually would go into this pack and just make it a little bit thicker but that's all but they fit into a pack fits into my pocket and they have a lot of entertainment at these because they're such unusual cards that I've come across just by looking for things which is the very first one for instance it's almost like an impossible card it was it was used to be like this and I had to work out how it was me because you lift this tab up it's sort of got itself caught inside and you can't see how to unwrap it to start for this incident is like this I had to meet especially for me it's just a card like that where that's been cut out and there's the piece which somehow has got to be infoted so that it appears like that it's strawberry like that it's a little bit tricky to do but it is possible and I've learned that over the years how to do it easily and the other thing for me is I have a lot of of these I've made up for me especially about 300 it's something I can easily take to a party or an event or just even sit something or not someone on a train I can give one to them I can say well you can keep that because at home I've got if I've run out I just make a few more and then put them into my storage so that's the particular reason for for um coming across and experimenting with playing cards which have any usual properties this is one thing based on that lovely magician's trick they do it with a big card but it's done in the form of a little card and the idea is give a person to hold it with their hand like that and say is it possible for me to turn that card the other way up so that it appears like that without you without you letting you you can't put your your hands through that or anything but there's a way of doing it when you hold on tight I'll manipulate it and make it turn upside down it's done like this I do that to there I folded two sides together I fold that across and now I unfold and unfold and unfold and it's reversed very very clever Stargate they called it and magicians had a wonderful time and that was giant cars doing marvelous things but I've made it with a very small cars and another one A friend of mine Mark Center Ducati showed me many years ago it's it's um probably the best made with plastic because it needs a lot of bending but you can do it with a playing card it's just that it's got some Fierce bendings needed the idea is to turn it from that situation to that situation where it's reversed but without letting go with your finger and thumb so I get the friend to hold it and I say I bet you I can turn that around without you letting go what I'll do is I twist that in like that and I twist it a bit further like that and it's done it just reverses it it's all done by pushing forward that's quite a quite a bit of twisting needed there and with ordinary playing cards it's a bit too severe for playing cards so I found over the years it's better to make it from a plastic where it shows it says I'm playing card one side and it's flanked the other side but the finger and thumb don't let it go and you can twist it round very nice idea of that this is um it's just a little uh observational thing it says on the fact how many mistakes are made in this card answer six let's have a look I'll Point them out to you the first obvious mismatch is that there's three hearts here and there's a two is mentioned at the top to the bottom so that's not right there's a mismatch between what's mentioned in the corner what appears more subtly this one here is when you turn it upside down is the wrong way around it's a mirror image also it's a convention with the cards you'll see it for instance if I hold this card up you'll see two of them the right way up and the others upside down with the three the convention is you have two cards two hearts one way up the other half the other way around so that hasn't done that and also the corners that's correct but that's uncorrect and then there's a very subtle one that most cars have these Corners here only for right angles look it has an ordinary card and it's uh those these these Corners here which I normally have the um the value written down as a number here it's been reversed and the last one is something children get and adults have a look they say Oh Mr it's the wrong color that's true it's black but it's a photography oh it's the wrong color so give them away so something I can very easily make and do make over and over again for for for giving out to people here's a few more of these extraordinary ones this set here is all the same genre of what they call the hypercard you take a card like that you make three cups there a cut at the top a cut here a cut here twist it like that when you now put it on the table or fix it to a place or something like that or stick it down you ask people to work out almost you know in their mind or something like that work out how it was made how it could be done well the answer is in fact when you pick it up you realize it's been done by twisting it like that either way it'll make that extraordinary extra little bit in the Middle look at her it's somehow got there by mistake and here's three other versions of the same thing this one here is the same thing when it's been twisted three times look once twice three times and now when it's laid down it's got two Wings not a single wing and triangular wings at that that's the same idea you twist it in his face and then suddenly it appears it's wonderful here's another one which is very bizarre this one in order to bring it out I actually attach it to a piece of plastic and I glue it so you can always say for this you can't undo it can you imagine you see have you seen what's going on here when you twist that back again how it can possibly reform itself into the card well the answer is yes it's a cheat when you undo the pieces you will find the cards have been printed not like you normally expect but it really is printed printed like that yes and then you then do the cuts you can fool people into thinking that some really extra special magic's gone into it and then an Italian friend of mine do one more thing which I thought was superb and he took a card which I'll disguise for a moment just to try and fool you and he presented it on the table and said what about there that's a hyper card how is that made and I looked at it and I looked at it and I looked at it and I had to say because I didn't recognize he's been cheating me but he's done a very clever little thing what he's done is simply cut it so it's not actually a regular card anymore it's actually been cut because it was a large M cut out of it or a w that's that way and when you twist it on our it appears like that and we'll fool people when they've appreciated how it's done with these ones here which are our regular ones so all that lotta all our single cards there's a few I also managed to fit into my pack which are multiple cars where I had to put them together this one for instance um I think this is Valerie van invented this you have to make these and push them forward into a what's called um uh tetrahedron but a little chain like that and then stick them together and it's quite tricky to do when you've got four of them but the end result is this extraordinary thing called a sunken cuboxahedron so each of those makes you can see when we start putting together cavities which appear on all the sides instead of coming out as points they're Square pyramids but but Hollow ones going into the card like that so four of these done like that will eventually it was quite a bit of effort would use that figure there like that and one of the earliest ones I've came across are these was this one here a strawberry these are four cards which have got different sort of slits in them which are fairly easy to do this one's got to slip down the center there and two at the side that's got two slits but both in the middle of the card and the last one's got slips on the edge of the corner of the card and when you put them together a bit of effort because it takes you time to learn these or relearn them you get a very nice little reverse like that with X Y and Z the three orthogonal at right angles positions for a car this way this way and this way and that turned into that when you've had a bit of practice I suppose the penultimate one is this one here where you are given four cards and asked to create the four of clubs but when you hand it to them it comes in this form like this and it's a simple fairly simple way of a selling a subling them together in order to ignore the eights which is a misleading and find they all slip together one over the other over the other to make a square and it creates a four apart so it's a very very nice little version of that the last one of all is probably the most spectacular is something by kufusito a Japanese young Japanese designer came up with a little time ago and this is quite really quite remarkable it's got It's got four cards I need to find the fourth one here they are three cars right up he said it could be the slit like that now they're sitting is a bit tricky because you've got to actually make a slit with a bit of depth to it so that or the Gap has been air gap so in this process through like that it's not being forced over because it's not a single done with a knife it's actually two slits they they close together about a TENS of millimeter meter apart when that's done you then assemble it like this which is such a beautiful idea of his you do it like that and then you've got the first bit of it done and the last bit is just put this together like this this is what took me a long time to learn to do yeah like that turn it over would you believe it's now oh my look at that three cars intercepting at right angles it's funny angles very cute very very clever indeed that's been a lot of fun to make it takes a bit of time for me to make them but again it's something I love to show to people and um when I take it out of my pocket it's something I can give them at the same time so over the years I gradually give the Pieces away but each time when I get home I refill the pack with it so that I can give the money to some other people and they're so easily collectible and so ingenious to fit in a pack like that it's a great scene to be able to do for you a great joy to be able to entertain people and the playing cards Novelties is an ideal way of doing it ha [Music] ha ha [Music]
Channel: Grand Illusions
Views: 34,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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