Tim's Disappearing Cigar Trick

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Here's a favourite part of my collection - the  Missing Area Paradox I call these. This is Sam   Lloyd's 1895 invention... wonderful! Variously  called Vanishing Area and Redistributed Area,   and I'll explain why it's called that. This  came out in 1895 - this is a reproduction - and   it's magical. So, what is the magic? Well,  I need to put it on the table to show you.   It's called 'Get Off The World' puzzle, much  loved by the Americans; and it shows a number of   warriors all the way around it; we start at NE  for North East, and count the number of people   we've got. One two three four five six seven eight  nine ten eleven twelve thirteen people we've got.   What we do is we push this round to the North  West, so that's now lined up with North West,   and do a re-count. Here we go... one two three  four five six seven eight nine ten eleven   only 12... where's the 13th man gone? Oh! When  you turn it like that, it's back to 13; where   has he come back from? So you can't tell, can  you? If you turn it a bit more, you get some   strange distortions, and you'll start to realize  that what's actually happening is you've got   13 slightly smaller people, or 12 a little bit  larger; each of them has borrowed a little bit   of each other's bodies; the total area of the  figures is the same, but it's so cleverly drawn   you would never notice that. So a brilliant start.  I'll show you a couple more of this genre, because   I think they are every bit as enjoyable to show  people. This one for instance is probably about   10 or 20 years old, so it's quite modern. It's  showing a nice blue bird, who's busily hatching   things... hatching green eggs; well, laying green  eggs and then they are hatching. Here we go,   let's do a count first of all. We'll start here  counting eggs - one two three four five six seven   eight eggs; and the chicks that have already been  born are... one two three four five six seven;   what happens when you move the arrow  pointing to 'A' to over here is...   what you expect... knock knock knock it goes, and  breaks open, and one of the chicks is born, and   the egg turns into a chick. Let's see if that's  what happens shall we? Starting here with eggs...   one two three four five six seven eggs only, there  were eight; oh! And the chicks are one two three   four five six seven eight chicks... yes, one of  the eggs has hatched, and turned into a chick;   what good news for mum! Isn't that clever! And  there's one final one to show of this genre, which   is this one here, because it's so beautifully  drawn, showing galleons or sailing ships;   this arrow here it's going to point up to the top  - it's going to be this way round - to 12 o'clock.   And how many galleons are there? Well you can tell  easily, because they're matching the hours of the   clock, so there's going to be 12 of them. Notice  that they have put XIII or 13 instead of one.   So there's 12 there, and if we point arrow to the  one o'clock position, or the 13 up here, we'll   find that an extra one appears, which they call a  'pirate ghost galleon', and sure enough - one two   three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven  twelve thirteen - yes, an extra one has appeared;   and you can see it's the same idea, but with  a bit of romantic history there I think.   And now we come to a completely different  approach to this business of missing area   paradoxes... it's the slider one, which I  think is sometimes a little more subtle. Here's   just three examples of it, starting with one  that was sent to me as a Christmas card actually,   by Richard Robinson back in 1999; and it's  showing Santa Claus here with a problem,   because he's got ten chimneys here, no nine it  should be... one two three four five six seven eight   nine chimneys; count them up - we've got one two  three four five six seven eight nine ten stockings...   oh... one of them has got to drop on the ground because  there's no chimney for it; how to solve this problem? Poor old Santa is getting quite upset as  you can see. Well all you do is slide...   you just slide from there to there, that's  all you need to do, and now we find to our joy, the   chimneys stay the same of course, but now  we've got one two three four five six seven eight   nine stockings for nine chimneys and we've got  a happy Santa Claus riding away into the sky.   Isn't that a nice way of presenting the same thing - each of these has got a little bit longer look...   that's that bit there, and now it's a little  bit shorter, it lost its top, and so on;   and that's a bit of a top end that had a tiny bit  of the very bottom there, that's disappeared;    so we've got some slightly larger but fewer  stockings, and slightly smaller but more stockings;   and here's another version of the same idea which  is a little more elaborate, but I think it's fun   because it shows when you take it a stage further  how ridiculous the actual artwork becomes;    we've got a series of galleons here, no, sailing ships, and  we've got one two three four five six seven eight   nine ten sailing ships, and all you do is slide it  down to the next position, and we find we've got   one two three four five six seven eight  nine ten eleven, that's right eleven, because I'm   gonna now do that, I'm gonna lose the flag at the  top and he gets to 12; You can actually make it 10 11 or 12, depending  on where you put it, there or there or there;   but there's a flag that appears; so this is quite  clever because you can make it quite subtle. If you   go any further you get ridiculous situations where  the boats here don't have any hulls for instance,   which is ridiculous; but the three best  positions really are where you've got   10 11 or 12 sailing ships, all done by sliding  this thing to and fro; very nicely done.   And the last one is something that's very new  and absolutely ingenious, because it helps to show   what's going on. This is something that Martin  Gardner drew up about 30 years ago;   he made these little figures here, and suggested  you should slide the pieces, and we'll see if   this person who is invisible becomes visible; we've got  one two three four five people, but here's a clever bit  which someone has recently invented, which is  to give them all names; so here we've got Joey and Ronald   and Donnie and Robert and Allen; when we move it  like that to there, now we've got one extra person   one two three four five six...  everyone's under a hat now, and look what's   happened to the names - we've got Joe we've got  Roy we've got Donald we've got Ronnie we've got Albert and we've got Len; we've got extra  people appear, and of course all you've   done is redistributed the letters to have five slightly longer words and six   slightly shorter words, that's all it is; it's  a nice way of demonstrating what's going on.   So that's a brilliant way of finishing that line.  Now the next chapter of this is this lot here;   This is something where you  don't slide the pieces,   you just move pieces around, and  the simplest version is this big one here,   you've just got three pieces - most  of them consist of three pieces -   and you start with trolls; this is a Swedish  designer who I've corresponded with,   Harry Lange from Sweden, and he did this many  years ago; it shows one two three four trolls...   when you swap the pieces around you're going  to cut here and cut here and then just swap   them around, so that's going to go there and  that's going to go there from that position   to that position, something magic happens when  you match them up because now we find we've got   only three trolls - one of them has disappeared and  where has he gone? And when he comes back again,   where's he come from. Well, look at this bit here...  that looks like some of the landscape, doesn't it?   Is it the top of a rock? Watch what happens  when I put them back to the other position...   you'll find it actually becomes the top of his  head... clever clever clever bit of artwork there;   and he disappears most of his face behind the  flowers, which is fair enough; but you can sort of   believe there are four trolls there, but of course  you can see quite clearly now there are four   rather smaller heads, and the other way is  three but rather larger heads - beautiful!   And there's two other versions of this which I  need to show you; this one is I think one that   Mel Stover produced quite a few years ago, and it's  particularly nice because you've got things going   two ways. Let's see if I can get them in the right  order, yes there we are; that's the order here...   We've got a problem in the local pub, because we've  got some drinkers, very thirsty, and they all want   a drink, but they can't have it, because look - we've  got one two three four five six thirsty guys six   blokes all with different hats, and only one two three four glasses of beer;   there's going to be a riot, there's going to be  a riot! So put a little magic in, and swap these   pieces around, and see what that does. Put that  there and put that there, and by magic we've   now got one two three four five blokes, thirsty  people, I don't know where the sixth one's gone;   but we've got one two three four five glasses of  beer - oh joy, peace and quiet, because they've   all got their glass of beer there won't be a riot  after all! Oh well. The last to show in this genre of   sliding pieces I think is my favourite, because  it's a lovely depiction of Alice in Wonderland,   and this time she's looking up at the Cheshire cats - it's actually a family   which is rather fun; so there's all the Cheshire  cats up in the tree, and there's one two three four   five Cheshire cats, all in the family, looking down  at Alice here. Swap the pieces around and something   extraordinary happens, which is what Lewis  Carroll mentioned in his book; we have one two here,   and then we will put this piece together, and by  magic one of them has disappeared but not   completely disappeared, because a smile is still  there... look at that... it's turned into a smile;   that was a chin of the previous one and that was  the top of the head of the previous one as well   in the previous position; very cleverly done so...  that's delightful I think. A very nice version of   the changing the pieces around/missing area paradox;  so there's a couple more genres to show you;    Just to mention the history of these which I think  is important, because the sliding ones particularly   reflect this; these are very old precious documents,  I've got to been very careful with these; very very   old; I know its age, because it's dated; this actually shows those   sliding pieces I was just doing, and it's 1774.  This goes back 250 years.. astonishing isn't it!   That's how far back in time it goes; I was fascinated to find that; so a bit of history.   And here's one, before we come to the last  section, which is peculiar; It's a Japanese designer - a friend of mine called Peter Hayek made a lovely version of this;   It's called the ill-fated school trip... in this  case you've got to swap three pieces around, not   two pieces; that's the final position, but look at this...  one two three four five six seven eight young kids,  dashing about the mountains having a lovely time;   if we take the pieces out and do a little bit of  redistribution, that piece is going to go up to   there, this comes down to here, and then we put  the other pieces together, and see what's happened   to the kids; and there's going to be a calamity,  there's going to be   shouts of dismay and everything else,  because we find that there's going to be a   gap somewhere here... oh goodness me yes, look at this... this is tragic...   I'll just line that up... that's right... we've got one two three four five six   seven children only, and a space... and they show  it here as a cross - someone's disappeared, and died?   Or disappeared into the wide blue yonder? We don't know. But that's a very clever   way of of producing that type of illusion where you move  the pieces around; and then Sam Lloyd was involved in   something else, which again he made very very  popular, which involved a puzzle where you had   this situation - two horses back to back, and two  riders, and you had somehow to put them so the   two riders were sitting on the horses normally; if  you do the obvious thing which is put that across   to there, you'll find the riders are attempting  to ride upside down and facing the back, so   that's completely impossible; neither of those fits. It's ridiculous. What you do is very counter-intuitive...   If you place them like that, and suddenly as if  by magic the two horses have broken into a   big gallop, with their fore legs and their back legs stretched out,   doing a very fierce gallop; and the cowboys are  having a whale of a time, sitting and playing   their banjos. Isn't that a clever idea! Quite a  number of these were produced over the years and   the most unusual and different that I've ever  come across is this one here, which is totally   bizarre; it's very simply drawn, but it's just a pair of hands   stroking something, and a pair of cats; and it's no  good doing that, because they're trying to stroke the underbelly of the cat, and the cat's not lying down; you've   got to do this, like this, and now you've  got the two hands reaching down, and gently stroking the backs of the cats which is much more realistic.   Very nice indeed. So it's been a wonderful thing  to collect this, and I'm just so pleased to be able   to have so many different versions of it; and  just recently, and literally it's only happened   in the last few months, I've come across one of  the earliest versions which is the rotating one   I began with, but in three dimensions! And  it's this wonderful piece - here look at this!   It's the pièce de résistance they call it! It's an ashtray, and it's cigars on an   ashtray, we're going to do a little count,  starting with the one with the label on it.   One two three four five six seven, okay? And we find  the middle bit will actually turn round; if I go   one two and three... what's happening now?  We'll start with this one again... one two   three four five six seven eight... one two three   four five six seven eight! Oh my goodness  me! Let's do two more turns and see what happens; and now we've got  one two three four five six...   That's extraordinary... six seven eight... eight seven  six... you just can't believe it's happening,   and it's all in three dimensions too; and the cigars have all got  tops and bottoms, and ash and things... so a wonderful  piece of sculpture this, quite the best   version I've ever come across; and this has to be  probably my best toy in the last five years I think... Wonderful!!
Channel: Grand Illusions
Views: 559,892
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Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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