What is Heroku?

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just don't get those bylaws man talking about Hiroko I think it may be that the first time you hear that words and don't worry I'll do an additional video about that promise delivered so why you should so hello what is it and why should you care well if you have used any of these lately and wanted to upload your creation to the interwebs chances are you already goggle hero proud and yeah Roku is just a place to deploy applications online so I have been using Heroku personally for quite some time now and if I do a dashboard or some kind of MVP demo for a client I would usually deploy to Heroku and then share it with the clients just because it's easy to use and I can share it right away and it's free mostly because it's free so while I don't think this video I figured that I didn't show you any applications that I host on Heroku myself and I just think that showing something that I hope already there may help you understand what you could deploy yourself or what tools you can use to build your first web application so today we have three applications here two of them are based on fightin as you can see indicated here and one is based on not just the Python ones are done with - and that is just a collection of packages for Python to build dashboard web applications and well no juices the language of the Internet is DC so we can start to the simple - application the first one is just an example app that I built essentially for YouTube to show you guys how easy it is to do a dashboard application using Python you can check the video here and you should be able to build the application and deploy to Heroku and something like under 30 minutes you can just enter a country code here and then it should update the data on this dashboard and here you can just see the general view for all the countries well at the moment the top ten countries for the current pandemic so here you can see the data is updated and now we can see the case numbers in the other applications also - application just a bit more complex one the complexity of it comes just from the amount of parts it needs to actually work is something I did for a client the financial startup I haven't done a video about it just because it's a clients request so the client is just a financial startup not to bean name any names what we look into is the financials of small and medium companies you just upload a bank statement or you connected the data via bank link and then you can go deeper into actuals of your company you have some sliders for the time ranges you can do some planning on the categories as a whole and then do some comparison on how good is your planning versus the eggshells and yeah that's basically just a lot of data for company tool against it and at this point you might ask well why you use - to do these things well I use - simply because it's in it code and it has a lot of rebuild features like let's just look at this graph here you can see there's a couple of categories which are quite big so the AP new one general administrative costs than consulting fees so I don't really see any other categories because we are just so small but what can I do is just click those free away and here we have it we have all the other categories which are smaller ones blooded for us in a bigger resolution and if you want to check like a couple of months now instead of the whole year you can select that and here we go you have another increase of resolution once again and it's all pre-built and I don't really need to code for that that much so this is why I like it and I suggest you try it as well so the last application the node.js application requires me to use my camera so just need to shut off the capture device yep so here's the whole panel of the application when you have one you just click open up if you want opened application loads so what this application does I have a video about it as well you should find it there it tracks your polls while they are sitting in front of your PC and the checks if you are if your back is straight or are you slouch so you just add examples of you sitting straight by clicking and holding the mouse key the same it slouched so we just fly up there yeah add some examples that's it start application if you're sitting straight the score goes up if you're sitting slouched the score goes down it goes down up yeah and if you sit slouched for a couple of seconds it will notify you as hell so yeah these are the free applications so that I wanted to show you two of those are built with Python and one of those is using no just as I said in the video before there's quite a few of frameworks and languages that you can use to build web applications that you can deploy to Heroku so yeah let's get back to the video so why there what's so special about it well it supports the full web application meaning the front end and the back end it sports Python which is the main language that I use and most importantly as I already said it's free well I'm easy to use and that's what not least it was the first thing I found when I typed in the search bar where to deploy my Python application so yeah I've been using it ever since being free comes with its limitations of course and just to name a couple of them there are only five applications that can be deployed at any given moment only two diagonals available to you and the apt limit in size is 512 megabytes if you want to check all the limits I'll leave a link down below and if you find any that I missed which are really important please mention those down performance as long as you are using yoga for all the projects or small scale projects the free dinos should be fine and none for you but wait what are dinos well a 0% diagnose are is the layered virtualized Linux containers so essentially it's just a container which contains vacation now regarding the easiness of use there's a simple three-step way to get an online application and step one being is build application I know it's hard and I know it takes time but hey no application no sharing with friends so if you haven't already built one I suggest you check one of my videos and if you already done that and have the built application then one one less step for you step two make sure that your application meets the requirements set by a girl so before deploying your application there's a couple of requirements that you have to meet and those really depend on the framework and language that you use just mention a few is dynamic port setting some specific required files or just the general 512 megabyte size limit for the application itself now if you're gonna use some tutorial on how to deploy or build an application and then upload it to Heroku most of them discuss the specific limits on the specific language or framework that you're using so you shouldn't worry too much about that and the last step well it's the easiest one so deploy it there's a couple of ways how to do it you can deploy it from your local machine or you can the boy for github since I myself store all my code and hit up anyways I just deploy using the hilldrup since it's easier to me but take to each his own if you want to deploy that you can do that as well so that's all your application should be already deployed you will get a domain name when creating the application so choose wisely the name and creating the new app on Heroku and then you can just share it with friends share it with us here in the comments or just use it for your personal own use with any device which has a browser basically just don't get those by those math and yeah there's not really much reason not to use Heroku because it's free and as I presented to you it's fairly easy to use so if you watch them now and you like the video and you haven't click that like button please do now do the same of the stripe button notifications button share it with friends if you think they might find this interesting and yeah that's gonna be it and I hope to see you [Music]
Channel: adam0ling
Views: 1,004
Rating: 4.4871793 out of 5
Keywords: web hosting, what is heroku, cloud computing, node.js, python, google cloud platform tutorial, google cloud, tensorflow, machine learning, google cloud billing, google cloud free tier, ruby, database, hosting, web application, adam0ling, Deployment, Deploy, Host, back end, front end, web hosting tutorial for beginners, web hosting business, web hosting reviews
Id: qOWnockN-LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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