What is going on?? Please pray for us!! ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

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thank you for joining us so many of you have been following for either a short time or for some months and we're grateful for all the prayers all the support and there's a been a situation that's been ongoing and we wanted to fill you in on what's Happening and that way you would know maybe some of your questions would be answered and then you would know what's happening so you could pray for us you could be informed um many people have been missing Jeremiah Rachel Rebecca and we have missed them here so much and so uh once you have this information you'll know why they haven't been with us the last few months so in September when this ministry was just starting I told Titus I expect persecution because we're putting ourselves out there and we're putting our address out there we're being transparent we're opening ourselves up to people and I expect persecution but what I was talking about was in the end times and in the future I had no idea that right around the corner that we were going to start experiencing persecution and pressure so in November I was having a lot of marital struggles and uh there were several things that had happened but the last straw for me was when my children came to me and they said Mommy I wish we could run away and never see Daddy again and then I realized that I was not doing them any service by remaining in the marriage but that I needed to protect them so because I was a part of this ministry and I knew that there were ways that people could look at it and not judge the situation correctly I contacted the people from my church where um Jeff and I are both members and the people that I talked to said we've seen the abuse for a long time we fully support you and you're doing the right thing but I was still afraid to leave because I've separated from him four times prior and he had always threatened me that if I ever tried to leave him that he would destroy anyone that tried to help me so I wanted to make sure that I was doing what the Lord wanted me to do not just what I wanted to do or what other people were advising me to do so I prayed about it and I felt the Lord was definitely leading me to do it but I just wanted to make sure so I told the Lord that I was going to give up this ministry because I was going to have to move to Kansas to be with my mom because that was the only place that I had to stay and I told my mom like this is really bad you need to come and get me immediately and it was getting to the point where I was not allowed to leave the house without permission or without an escort and it was just really horrible so I made plans for my mom to come and get me and take me and the children back to Kansas and I prayed and I told the Lord I'm giving you this ministry please raise someone else up to do these videos because I'm leaving and I can't do it and so right after I got done praying that I got a call from one of our head deaconesses and I got a text from titus's Mom and they both offered me places to stay and so for me that was confirmation from God saying No this is the job that I want you to do and I've raised you up for this and I want you to continue doing this and I'm making a way to where you can stay here and keep doing these videos so I was still afraid I still was not sure so I prayed and asked for a specific sign and I said Lord I need this sign just to make sure that I'm doing the right thing and so within 5 minutes I got this sign and so so I knew I was doing the right thing but I still had to go home that night and then flee the next day so that next morning I was making breakfast and Jeff came in there and said I'm not leaving the house and I'm going to quit my job and babysit you and that was very scary to me and I didn't know what to say or do but then one of my daughters came downstairs and I started talking to her and focusing on her and then he eventually left so then I called titus's Dad to come and get me and so we got what we could I told the girls like they had no prior knowledge that we were doing this that I said pack a bag we're leaving and they were happy and so we just started throwing everything we could out the front door and when Randy came we loaded it up real fast and we got out of there because it was just a matter of time before he came back so I left him a note explaining everything and as soon as he got that note he didn't contact me at all he didn't say anything to me at all but what he did do was come over to titus's and start accusing him of advising me to leave Jeff and saying that Titus and I were having an affair and Jeff knew that that was not true but he didn't want to take responsibility for his own actions he just wanted to blame someone else I'd like to clarify something so so for those of you that have watched a lot of the videos you would have seen Jeff Kane standing next to me helping lead songs uh and uh being a part of this you know he was part of this ministry at one time some of our viewers here are going of newer viewers and you haven't seen those older videos um and so Jeff and Stephanie Kane have been friends of mine for probably about 7 years and they have a home about a mile and a half from me and so over the years years uh we've worked together and back when Stephanie separated from Jeff I didn't really have an idea the the depth of the abuse that was going on I had an idea um but I didn't really know you know I didn't know all the details of course and so um uh obviously um one of the things that Jeff has been accusing me he's accusing me of having an affair with Stephanie which is untrue um he's accusing me of wanting him wanting wanting a divorce for them so that we could get married that's not true that's that hasn't been on my heart or my wish um and uh I I've told Jeff numerous times Jeff I'm praying for you and Stephanie that you'll get reconciled you'll work things out everything will be okay you guys will get back together um that has been my desire and my hope uh for this situation ation one thing that I did know back in uh end of September was Stephanie told me that um Jeff had gotten $50,000 worth of credit card debt un unbeknownst to her and so then rather than working full-time which he could have been doing he was choosing to work 4 hours a day instead of eight and so when Stephanie would go use the credit card to try to get groceries or get what they needed it would be denied and so uh Stephanie told me about the situation and I said okay well you're helping with this ministry we want to keep doing these videos to spread the gospel so Stephanie keep doing the videos and ministry here will provide you the finances that you need for you and your girls and so at the point that we talked back in end of September Stephanie's mom and her uncle had been giving her money and in order to have enough for their groceries and clothes or whatever they needed she was having to hide that money from Jeff and I'm I'm very grateful want to say thank you to all the people who have um blessed this this ministry financially we are provided for and so when people give to this ministry some people specify it's going to the building fund goes directly to the building fund some people specify that this this is for Bibles so it goes It goes what you specify for so back in November we separated and then these rumors went throughout the community and we got intense pressure to stop the videos very intense it was a lot of pressure on myself Titus and his parents and people were saying like these rumors are going around you need to stop doing the videos and this is not okay and so we didn't know what to do and we prayed about it and I said if we stop doing the videos then that's admitting that we are guilty and giving ourselves a timeout we don't deserve a timeout and like the Lord has called us to these videos and so we need to keep doing them no matter what and so that specific day that we were getting all this pressure um we decided to come over Brenda and I and do a video and after I separated from Jeff Brenda or Randy were accompanying me 100% so these allegations that Jeff was making were just absolutely crazy so Brenda and I came over here to do the video and we had decided to do I think it was the state of the Dead video mhm and we had wanted Donovan to come but it wasn't we had not planned that and we hadn't even like talked to him about it or anything and so I get a call from Donovan and he's like hey I'm going to be there at 6 o00 I'm I'm passing through the area and I'm like Donovan no way this is exactly you're appointed here by God because we're planning to do this video at 6 o' and we wanted you to be a part of it and the Lord sent you here to do this video so we got this confirmation that yes we did the right thing by not stopping the videos and he sent Donovan to be a part of this video so that we could do it the way that God wanted it done wow Dave brummel was part of this so there was a meeting where the church that I used to be a member of the pastor that was there um one of the elders brother the head Elder and Dave was a part of it and Dave you would remember this where um Jeff was telling me I needed to get somebody else to do the videos uh and he told me if you don't get somebody else to do the videos I'm going to sue your ministry yeah the the meeting happened in December I thought it was going to be a meeting that uh the head Elder and I were going to be counseling Jeff uh for trying to uh restore his marriage and it turned out to be a meeting where Jeff was blaming Titus for everything and you know Titus didn't make Jeff go from full-time to part-time didn't had nothing to do with him racking up a bunch of credit card debt and stuff like that and I could see where it was it was where Stephanie was actually pushed more in the direction of doing not less videos but more videos where is a woman with three children uh going to go out and get a job in the world it's not like she could go out and and make a make a living like going to McDonald's or anything like that just it's not not possible uh her expenses would be more than what she was probably going to make and so I saw this is this was pushing Stephanie into doing more videos she does uh a wonderful job on the videos excellent job and it was a a great uh she was a great uh benefit to the ministry and uh I could see this was Satan's way of stopping the ministry or or trying to diminish it M I personally would not have even gone to that meeting if I would have known it was just going to be a meeting of uh Jeff blaming Titus uh that's not what I was there for now some of the other people at that meeting were there for that and uh I mean it just it wasn't Christian it wasn't right uh and i' I've noticed in the in the church you're going to be persecuted if you follow the Bible you're going to be persecuted from within the church MH now we know in later times that we are going to be persecuted for keeping the seventh day Sabbath yes and that will come from the outside but from the inside now we are going to be persecuted for following the Bible and the spirit of Prophecy well as far as persecution for keeping the seventh day Sabbath I would see that um we would get reported on from within the church uh that as well as from the outside yeah MH yeah we we will not be going along with uh uh the papacy's day and uh it it its Origins and are all Pagan and uh so yeah we are going to get persecuted the United States of America will make a law that will um force people to worship on Sunday and that law will go around the world it's not going to be just United States it will global Universal Global laws and I don't see how that could possibly happen at this point but I from the Bible I know it is going to happen it's starting to rain so let's take a a pause here and we'll pray that the Lord will hold off the rain our heavenly father we thank you for the rain and we can go under a roof uh if we need to um but we ask that if it's your will that you will hold off this rain um you know that I'd like to put a roof on today and we are asking if it's your will you would hold this rain off uh we could continue doing this video uh here out in your creation to let people know what's going on we thank you that you are in control of the weather and the wind and the waves they still obey your voice thank you we ask in the name of your son Yeshua amen amen and we might say this rain is not in the weather report it wasn't supposed to rain till tomorrow so at this meeting what was the outcome uh well I was getting pressure to stop doing the videos and I was told well Titus you need to stop doing videos with Stephanie Stephanie needs to stop doing videos with Titus Stephanie needs to stop being part of this ministry and then uh that way Stephanie can focus on doing marriage counseling and get reconciled with Jeff and so um I told the people in the meeting uh if Stephanie prays about it and she feels like the Lord is leading her to stop doing videos with this ministry then I will in no way uh dissuade her persuade her from from following that direction if she feels like she needs to take more time for marriage counseling and and all that then I will in no way persuade her from doing that but I myself am not going to take the make the decision right now to stop doing videos and Jeff really exploded and he said uh I'm going to sue your ministry Titus and so uh I asked in the meeting if you sue my Ministry how would that heal a broken relationship and so one of the elders that was advocating for Stephanie to stop doing the videos with this ministry said no it suing would not heal a broken marriage they also advis is Jeff to court me again mhm which he did not do MH yeah yeah you need to win back that trust if you've broken that trust in a marriage relationship it needs to be uh worked on and and you have to build that back up it's not like it's everything's going to go back to normal or or become good all of a sudden automatically it's got to be worked on a marriage is even a good marriage you you have to work to have a good marriage so after we had this meeting and I didn't uh do what Jeff wanted me to do he had told me outside of the meeting Titus if Stephanie comes to your place and I'm not there you tell her to go home and so while Stephanie was still with Jeff uh you know they were still living together they were still you know together um I had told Jeff that okay okay if you're not there and Stephanie shows up I'll I'll ask her to leave so I didn't go over there yeah and while I obeyed Jeff right while while she was still with Jeff she did obey him and didn't come over unless he was present uh and then after she was staying with my parents then um I had told I told them in the meeting I'm going to ask my mom to be there uh when Stephanie's there and so I can honestly say that uh I've never done anything Stephanie and I have never done anything together that we would be ashamed of or that our conscience would be guilty of uh what we've been doing has been pure uh and appropriate and pleasing in God's sight and so it's hard when people say rumors about us but it's not as hard as it would be if the rumors were true and our conscience were feeling guilty so um to have a clear conscience to me makes it a lot easier to handle the rumors and I haven't seen all the comments on YouTube but I've I've seen some of them um Stephanie sometimes will show me a comment and it's challenging to be in in this ministry we we' explain how Lumber was stolen recently and people will speculate and say well if the lumber was stolen then where's the police report you know they won't believe me when I say that the lumber was stolen um that's okay God is my witness the lumber was stolen but it's in his hands and and God's house Hensen Creek House of Prayer will still be built um but there will be opposition that we have to deal with then after this meeting that we had in December then we had some legal paperwork well Jeff actually came to you and apologized yes I'm glad you mentioned that so I was training a a mule and I was on the road and Jeff was on the road also and we stopped and Jeff apologized to me and I said oh this must be hard what what you're going through and I told Jeff I said you didn't um you didn't win Stephanie's trust in one day uh and nor did you lose her trust in one day and if you want to earn her trust back it won't happen in one day but you be the man Jeff that God wants you to be and then give it some time and then over time Stephanie can trust you again and you guys can get back together uh I prayed with him he gripped my shoulder I gripped his uh he said Titus I'm sorry um and he asked me to forgive him and I did forgive him and everything was okay um and so uh and he was still coming over he was still on camera yes still doing videos so some things had happened or Jeff had done some things that Stephanie felt like she didn't want the children to be alone with him um but but Stephanie was okay with Jeff spending time with the children as long as there's people around and I had told Jeff I said why don't you know come over you know your children can swing on the swing come over to the farm you know spend time with your children and I made it very clear to him that he was you know he can spend time with his children uh and you know it's a healthy environment for them and there was a few times when he did um but we got some legal paperwork where he was petitioning the court to Grant him sole custody and giving Stephanie only visitation at a supervised visitation center and we thought oh wow well he can't get that you know he's never changed a diaper he has three children the oldest is 12 he's never changed one diaper in the whole 12 years of being a parent never made them a meal never cleaned them up nothing you know uh so I we were both looking in that like wow that that won't fly you know didn't expect uh for the judge to rule the way that he did but uh was 50/50 custody mhm uh and so previously Jeff had told Stephanie well when they're with me I'm you know if you leave me I'm going to get legal custody and they can eat what they want to eat wear what they want to wear and watch what they want to watch and do what they want to do and you know like these these girls and Jeremiah have grown up with with without video games without TV without drinking soda pop or eating junk food and that's how they've been raised but now that they're with their dad pretty much whatever they want to watch you know um modern mainstream movies everything uh so one of the things that uh after the legal paperwork and after the judge had ruled 50/50 custody which was really really really hard and Jeff said if you won't come back to me then I I will destroy Titus and I had that on speaker phone and titus's Dad heard that as well yeah and my dad is the one that reported that to me we're going to give you a link at the end of this video or description oh it'll be in the description of the video where you can read the legal paperwork that's been filed on Jeff's part you can also read the response that Stephanie has filed um I'll just share with you just a few points of what Jeff has uh brought out so one of the things that Jeff Kane claims is that Mrs kain's beliefs have created risk of serious endangerment to the minor children despite the dismay and protests of Mr Cain in recent months Mrs Cain has become infatuated with the neighbor of the couple named Titus Moa or Mr Morris it is ultimately the legitimate concern of Mr Cain that Mr Morris and his followers are a cult that is praying upon Mrs Cain and the minor children it's one of the things that he's brought up in the legal paperwork and just to point out Jeff was just as good of friends with Titus as I was who you left yeah I didn't know the extent of of his mistreatment of the children and Stephany but like we were close friends and for years Jeff and I would sing together in church or in the YouTube videos and he invited you on road trips with us yes uh like there was a time where um Jeff's mom was having some mental mentally hard time and so Jeff said hey would you stay the night with us cuz we're trying to to handle the situation it's really hard there there was years where we worked together where we trusted each other and things were good this is another point that he wrote in his paperwork since Mrs Cain has moved into the home of Mr Morris's parents Mrs Cain and her self-proclaimed prophetic Paramore have undertaken a blitz Greek in terms of media content involving the minor children well uh a Paramore is a big fancy word for a illicit sexual lover um and so uh that's a lie and the Bible says those that sin rebuke before All That Others May fear and on Judgment day it will be shown that this is a lie and Jeff and his attorney who wrote this up will be held accountable they'll be called out for lying so this was the first set of filings at the courthouse and then I actually confronted Jeff about this and I said you know that this is not true why would you put this in your paperwork and he said I didn't write any of that I didn't say any of that like I don't know what you're talking about and I said this document is notorized with your signature you are fully aware of what is in this paperwork and what it says yep and you you don't uh if a woman's going to go have an affair with a man she doesn't take along or three children every time you know that is just it's so ridiculous that anybody even believe that and you know going back to when my wife and I first met Stephanie and Jeff because we were going to the same church we noticed Jeff was totally detached from the kids mhm and uh he would come in and he would sit at one in the PE and Stephanie would have two girls in her arms and and basically carrying them into the church and um just uh no assistance at all he was just like totally detached from the situation MH and it was just amazing we knew we knew then something was seriously wrong and uh just you know we just weren't close enough to Jeff and Stephanie to know exactly what it was but uh another thing I noticed the girls would not even talk to me if I said something to them they' just turn around and walk away and since the separation they actually started talking to me and I I well this is a drastic change and for for the better and so I was I was impressed yeah uh Stephanie leaving was a good thing although I thought that she should stay in the house and throw Jeff stuff out um because I think she had more right to the house than uh Jeff did and and all of her food and canned goods and everything else that's in there to uh you know basically to help feed the kids so I thought she should have stayed and and and kicked him out but anyway that didn't happen well that's the fiery German coming out of brother Dave you know uh the Bible says uh avenge not yourselves but rather give Place unto Wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay sayith the Lord that's in Romans 12 so yeah I mean we wouldn't want to do that and just throw his stuff out in the rain but um Stephanie is breastfeeding her youngest son Jeremiah and so I told Jeff this I told him to his face I said if you really loved your son you wouldn't have petition a court order that would keep this little baby for days at a time without his mother uh exactly and so uh you know then Stephanie asked I need a breast pump it's in my it's in our house can you please get it for me and Jeff said I'll look for it and then he said I can't find it so uh Stephanie had asked multiple times Jeff changed the locks on the house added locks on the gates and everything he put a lock on the gate and so then Stephanie asked in court can I please have a key and the judge refused to hear it um and so uh Jeff's attorney said well provide us with a list of the things you need and Jeff's attorney said you know we'll give you what's on the list and so Stephanie didn't feel like she needs to provide a list because it's her belongings and it's her home and I had already given him a list and he wasn't able to find the things that I needed right so then one of my volunteers and myself recently went with with Stephanie to go and get these things from the home and so uh we found a way into the house without picking the walk and without breaking window and we helped Stephanie obtain the things that she needed and then uh like very soon after we got out of there uh then Jeff sent a text message to Stephanie saying uh you need to return the it that you took and if you don't uh I will prosecute all those that are involved so I called up the sheriff and I was like okay here's the situation I explain it to him well before that I called and I said I have nothing to hide you called the sheriff if you have any questions for me I'm here to answer and they said well he called in and he said that his ex-wife and her two boyfriends broke into his house and stole some things and he said are you guys divorced and I said no and the officer thought it was hilarious that he said my two boyfriends and I and he told me that it's my home and I can come anytime I want to and get whatever I need and that if I wanted a police escort they were willing to escort me to do that MH yeah and I talked to the sheriff and he explained him the situation he's like well if she if Stephanie invites you to her property to help her to get stuff that she needs from her home uh he said I there's nothing nothing I can do on my point part to stop you from doing that and he said yeah if she needs to cut off the locks she can do that um so uh I I'm very saddened to see that Jeff is trying to take control in this way and he's going to find out that he doesn't have the control that he thinks that he has um so uh one of the things that's in this paperwork is he petitioned the court to order a no contact order between me and the children uh so when they are in Stephanie's care she does not put them in daycare she say spends as much time as with her children as she can so when they're in her care she's not here on the farm she's not helping here physically present on the ministry when the children are with her and the children are also missing out on all that that they used to have so the educational videos that we were doing like on Wilderness survival and gardening together that included Stephanie's children and then because her children were present it made it easier for us to invite other children to come it's cut the time that Stephanie can spend here with the ministry in half uh which financially you know we're not able to do as many videos and it's it's hurt Stephanie financially because of that um and uh like we're eating potatoes right now that her girls helped me plant uh last spring I said hey girls let's plant these potatoes and then we're going to ride horses so they worked really hard and we got the potatoes planted and then we rode horses you know so uh the homeschooling aspect um that we had here has been cut out Jeff actually took that completely away from me so the children are now in school yes and he claimed that Stephanie was doing an inefficient job of homeschooling and petitioned the court to order for public school and so originally the the judge uh did not order that so the judge did order public school for summer school and I told Jeff this to to his face I said why are you petitioning the court to order that your girls go to public education which is teaching that safe sex is wearing condom and that teaches that children that we come from monkeys MH um if we come from monke we're animals and if we're animals then there really is no moral standard and we have no conscience animals don't have a conscience so uh and I thought that his answer was very significant when I asked Jeff Cain that question he said well if Stephanie had educated them and homeschooling them in the way that they should they wouldn't be behind academically and then therefore they wouldn't need to go to public school but we need to put them in public school because that's the best resources to help them catch up so rather rather than just giving me an answer as to why he's putting forcing them to go into public school or seeking to force them into public school he's putting all the blame on Stephanie as if it's all her fault that her children are academically behind uh and the fact of the matter is is that uh Rebecca is on grade level um the oldest one Rachel has some challenges with learning kind of a learning disability in some ways and so yes Rachel is behind academically um but uh we know that we know that public school is not the answer to help her catch up and the things that Rachel knows are far more valuable than what the public school is testing them at she knows all the different types of birds and she can hear a bird and she'll tell us what kind it is and she knows wild edes and plants and all different kinds of things that are not on paper for testing you mean like useful knowledge yes yes yes yes um so Jeff's threat that he's going to destroy me and my parents so let's go back to that so before Jeff had always told me that if I left that anybody that helped me would have to pay and he said that in front of my family everything because this is the fifth time that I've separated from him so after this first court date in January anuary I was on the phone with him and he said he was going to destroy Titus and titus's Dad heard and then this morning I was actually talking to him and I said can we drop all of this can we take this to the church can we take this outside of court and I asked him why are you interrogating me why are you sending me paperwork with 30 different things demanding me to answer them and he's like I don't know what you're talking about like I'm not interrogating you what's an interrog I have no idea and I said I find that hard to believe that you wouldn't know that your attorney sent this to me and I said well then why are we having court on April 22nd and he's like I don't know my attorney just told me to be there like I have no idea and I have a hard time believing that his attorney is not communicating with him telling him these things but then I said why are you trying to destroy Titus and the morrises why are you doing this and he said because they're helping you so he has no other motive to destroy them except for that they're helping me mhm yeah and and not only is he wanting to destroy me and he's expressed that clearly but he's also expressed that he's going to destroy my parents because they've helped Stephanie he's trying to get a no contact order between the children and Randy and Brenda Morris which is absolutely insane but he is willing to twist or his attorney is willing to twist anything any way they can just to get what they want MH yes uh we what we're what we're thankful for is this they tried to destroy Joseph Piper's wife tried to destroy Joseph but she was unable to do it and so I'm thankful that I have a clear conscience and I don't need to lie about anything I don't need to cover anything thing up my conscience is clear and so these threats that that Jeff has made about destroying me they threats but God knows the truth amen and Jeff will not be able to destroy me because I'm walking with my heavenly father in the pathway of Purity and he will just try to destroy my parents but he will not be able to destroy them because they've only been a help in this situation so right now the only thing that he's really doing is this has been a distraction for us and it has kept us from doing as much Ministry work as we as we previously were um so there's times where I would feel called to go out and go to the bars and give out by Bible tracks pray with people you know do ministry work and so helping Stephanie prepare a legal response for these accusations has consumed a lot of time and mental energy and so it has kept me um somewhat from the work that God's called me to do one of my attorney friends told me Titus you know don't let this stuff consume you go back to doing what God's called you to do and put this in God's hands and I really appreciate my friend Steve Smith he gave me some very biblically sound um advice um and I did hire an attorney and she worked for me for about 6 weeks and charged me almost $6,000 and she did not help me at all and I've gone from attorney to attorney to attorney to attorney several attorneys and none of them will take this case way more than several yeah they say it's Unique and they just they don't want to touch it because they see Jeff's allegations and they're like this is just like too much like we cannot deal with this MH so I currently have no attorney and no attorney that's willing to work on my behalf MH she hasn't been able to find uh legal representation maybe there's someone that's watching this that does have experience in the legal realm if you feel led to contact Stephanie that would be a blessing or if you know anyone in Kentucky mhm uh back when this all was starting to boil up uh months ago I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me and saying Titus this will be overruled in Stephanie's favor and I will get all the glory for it and the glory and the honor will not go to an attorney it will go to me as as the father in Heaven and so uh we were happy when this attorney stepped forward but she really wasn't working for Stephanie um it appeared to us like she had an agreement with Jeff's attorney as to what they would um argue about and what they wouldn't argue about and yeah I would tell her my children are not going to public school I'm not allowing that and she's like We're going to lose this like we can't fight this at all and I said yes we're going to fight it and you're going to say this that and the other and she didn't do any of it we were in court and I have a video of the court of all the Court sessions that I'm going to be releasing but the judge said to her um or to me you can speak if your attorney allows you to and I said okay Candace like tell me that I can speak she would not allow me to speak MH and she wouldn't speak on my behalf either mhh we know that uh in the end God's going to make his judgment on everybody and everything that has happened uh it's not fair there's there's a lot of Injustice in this world and Jesus will make that uh all right at the end and everything will be fixed but until that day uh we are going to have to to uh suffer in this world sometimes and I don't know Stephanie may have to delete this but this isn't the first uh go around with uh Titus you know people trying to destroy titus's Ministry Titus is very much anti-abortion and and uh also um he's a uh very much a proponent of modest dress and uh basically he got run off of the church run out of the church by some Pharisees and seduces modern day Pharisees and seduces and what was amazing was he gets kicked out of the church and then police called yeah and the police called which is against our our beliefs it is just against our beliefs and Matthew 18 wasn't done and then the next thing you know he's got a video uh 11 million views and you people gave $200,000 for him to build a church and I I was telling people at the church I said this is 11 million rebukes from the Lord and 200,000 rebukes from the Lord that so this isn't the first time titus's ministry has been under attack and I know Titus is a a good genuine Christian this is not fake this is not an act or anything like that and uh the Lord rewarded him for his faithfulness and and I know that I don't know what's going to happen in Stephanie's case but I do know there is a judgment day and people will really not want to be there some people will not want to be there here they would like to be excused but they are not going to be cuz God is going to make a righteous judgment yes yes uh I'm very grateful to have a clear conscience yes very grateful um I'm very grateful for Stephanie's dedication and I've told her I said Stephanie I feel guilty because at 4:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning I'm fast asleep and you're editing a video and wanting to get it uploaded to try to stay on a schedule and when people were telling me Oh Titus you need to just get somebody else to do the videos I thought to myself I don't know of anybody that's willing to invest this much time into doing this um if if we do a half hour video it takes her an hour or more to edit it um the the amount of time that she puts into this is amazing and I I'm amazed at the commitment that she's put into it um so there is uh also the judge ordered that the children could not be in any YouTube videos um and we thought oh the judge won't rule that because Jeff Kain has put his children in YouTube videos and posted them online so if he's doing that himself and we can prove that then why would the judge uh rule that the children cannot be on YouTube video now uh so we just honestly didn't expect that things would get ruled that the way that they have um but we are very encouraged in that God has shown us that he will over rule the children of Israel were oppressed and they were in Egypt uh they came under the the rule of a of a heathen ruler but then they were delivered and so during this time where Jeff was telling me that Titus I'm going to destroy Titus uh I prayed and I said Father in Heaven I said please you know Lord show me what give me some prophetic insight as to what's going to happen so I can be prepared and so one of the things that the Lord showed me was I had this dream in this dream I was in this Barn in this it was a basement barn with con block walls all the way around and this big cow came with these big horns and charged me and pinned me up against the wall and as I was pinned against the wall I was like oh wow I'm not in any pain and my ribs are not crushed I had some fear but I had no pain and then very shortly afterward the this cow backed up and I walked away without a scratch and I thought is the cow going to come after me and the cow did not and that was one of many instances that the Lord has shown me that this will not go the way that Jeff Kane has planned Jeff's attorney said that I would be subpoena on June 28th for like a trial hearing and Jeff's attorney also told me that Titus we're going to walk you through and we're going to expose you and so he's told me this and I've told Jeff's attorney and told other people that the Lord has shown me that it will not go to trial on June 28th and I am very thankful that God gives us Direction he gives us insight and when we beg him to show us the future there's times where he does in his Mercy show us the future so we can be prepared so we can Embrace ourselves um so men may make plans but there is a hand that overrules so thank you for praying for us here that God's will will be done you will see Rachel Rebecca Jeremiah back here working with this ministry in God's time and in his way regardless of Nolan wed regardless of Jeff Kaine and I've I want the viewers I want you viewers to know this I have spoken and written directly to Jeff Cain and to his attorney noan wed and so this is a rebuke to Jeff Cain this is rebuke to Nolan wed Jesus says in the Book of Revelation believe it's chapter 3 as many as I love I rebuke and chasen be zealous therefore and repent so Jeff Cain Nolan other people that are involved in this that are coming against this ministry you have the opportunity to repent and be forgiven but if you continue on creating opposition you'll find yourself like the Egyptians did they were going through and the chariot wheels start falling off and then eventually the Red Sea closes over top of them for those that are opposing this ministry if we are walking in the will of God then your opposition in the end will fail and you'll find yourself under the same condemnation under the same same judgment that happened to the nation of Egypt to the Empire of Egypt uh we don't I don't wish any ill will on Nolan wed nor on Jeff Cain or other any other people that I don't I don't wish any physical harm to come on them uh I have no plans for that um one of the things when I talked with Jeff's attorney he's like well you tell me that God is saying that you won't have court on June 28 and I wouldn't be surprised if you would have some of your henchmen to make that happen and put Jeff Kane or myself out of the way and I told noan I said look noan I have no intentions whatsoever of doing physical harm to Jeff Kain or to you Nolan wed or anybody else I trust this situation in God's hands and he is the one who punishes him love he is the one who brings Justice and so there's no plan on my part no intention on my part of sending some kind of hit man to deal with Jeff Kane or with Nolan I don't need to one time I got falsely accused of sexually harassing and stalking someone and those were the two of the allegations and I remember I was getting publicly accused and I was getting all um you know distressed about it and I was going to stay up late at night and write out all the facts and everything my dad said Titus rest my dad said God gave me a scripture for you so what's that dad and he said ye shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves stand you still and see the salvation of the Lord with you oh Judah and Jerusalem tomorrow go out against them for the Lord will be with you ye shall not need to fight in this battle so I said okay Dad I'm you know so I didn't write I didn't spend the time to write out all the facts and publish all the facts to everybody I didn't spend the time to do that and then this individual who had publicly accused me and turned friends against me and turn people around to distrust me later the same individual went to jail and was there for like eight months and can you guess what the charges were the charges were sexual harassment and stalking and those were two of the charges that I had been falsely accused of so uh we expect and we know that what our heavenly father has done before he will do again and I am grateful for the past that God has allowed me to go through which gives me courage for this situation back in 2020 there was a woman who got really mad at me and she had had a gun she threatened to to to shoot me and threatened to kill me and I thought that I was a dead a dead young man but God delivered me from her hands and I'm alive today so I am rejoicing that in some way our heavenly father is going to bring this out for good that you will see an amazing testimony of God's deliverance and we don't know all the details as how he's going to do that but we will see it one you were talking about was that Hezekiah or I know they put the singers in front when they went out to battle the next day MH and uh the uh other the opposing Army tore itself up yes and yes and uh they they just let the singers lead the way yes and so that's what uh needs to be done in this situation there'll be Praises yes and singing yes and we we haven't we haven't received the Deliverance that we're that we've asked for that we're expecting but we're praising him for it in advance amen that scripture says he shall not need to fight in this battle set yourselves stand you still and see the salvation of the Lord with you oh Judah and Jerusalem fear not nor be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the Lord will be with you for the Lord will be with you for the battle is not yours but God's set yourselves stand you still and see the salvation of the Lord with you oh Judah and Jerusalem fear not back when I was a slave to sin and I was living this double life going to church being a Christian but struggling and just indulging in secret sin back when I was living in that miserable existence I didn't really have this opposition I didn't but let me tell you I speak from experience when you are seeking to present the gospel when your goal in life is to encourage people that not only can they be forgiven but they can live a changed life life they can live a life of Holiness and Purity they don't have to continue in a sinful existence a sinful miserable existence they can walk in the light when that's your goal and that's your effort and that's what you're doing in your ministry you do become a Target and so I I didn't expect that Jeff Kane would turn against me like this he was a friend he ate at my table he brought Rachel and Rebecca and Jeremiah Dro them off at my house asked me to babysit them so that Stephanie could do some online work I I didn't expect him to turn on me in this way um but often times you know those that are closest to you you know Judas was close to Jesus he spent so much time with him he turned in communist countries I read a um from a a Christian in that era who said you know we we did expect that the Communists would put us in jail and torture us but what hurt the most was when people friends and family turned us into the authorities that is what hurt the most because we thought we could trust them but we found out that we couldn't and so it has been some there's been a few people that mentioned in the comments well Titus is not quite the same as you know he's not quite as happy or as so free well now you know there's been times where I've been feeling really hurt because someone I trusted Jeff I didn't know he was treating Stephanie this way I didn't know he was treating his girls to this extent I didn't know that I trusted him the trust has been broken now he's turning against me now I have to spend a lot of time and effort and mental energy going to court trying to prepare a response it's been hard on me it's been hard on my family um but we know that God is on our side and we are encouraged by what Jesus said these things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer be of good cheer for I have overcome the world Jesus promised me he promised us that in this world we would have tribulation but he also said be of good cheer I have overcome the world the time of yeshua's appearing the time of our Messiah Jesus and his appearing is coming soon you will see him riding in the Eastern sky on a white horse not coming as a lamb as he did 2,000 years ago but coming as a lion to bring Justice to destroy Sinners to destroy sin you will see it we look forward to that day the deceiver and the uh false Christ is going to come first do not be deceived yes and we have freedom and we have Victory in Jesus that's right through the Holy Spirit we can we can have complete freedom and victory in this world that's right even though we have to undergo these trials yes yes so one thing I would like to ask you guys to do is pray for the children because they are the ones that are going through the most right now Titus and I are both strong and his parents are strong and we're able to rely on the Lord but the children they don't have that as much as we do and so like they say to me doesn't doesn't God hear doesn't God see what's going on doesn't he care why isn't he answering my prayer and um it's just really really hard on them because they don't understand and they don't know why a judge would order for them to be 50/50 custody with their dad when there's allegations of abuse it just doesn't make sense and the other thing is is I don't understand why they have this 50/50 rule it's ridiculous because women who are trying to get away from abuse they are penalized for trying to get away and they feel like they can't get away because they want to protect their children so for me leaving Jeff I was doing it to protect the children and it was my worst nightmare that he got 50-50 custody and I honestly did try to go back to him in order to protect my children but he would not take me back thankfully and other people said you know you need to not do this and the truth will come out and the children will be protected so please just pray for them and then the other thing I wanted to say is um there are allegations about Titus and I but there's nothing impure between us there's nothing inappropriate and if you you pray about it the Lord will reveal that to you yeah and we're not asking you to take our word for it um it's up to you to pray and it's up for you to have a connection with the Lord and pray and say well is this information true is or is it false um and so you'll see the paperwork legal paperwork in the description you can there'll be a link there where you can look it up and read it for yourself you'll see what Jeff is saying you'll see what uh the response that we've created here and so uh we do appreciate your concern appreciate your time please specifically pray for deliverance yes yes and pray that Rachel Rebecca Jeremiah that this no contract order would be overturned so that they can come back here and be homeschooled here learn here and I want to thank Father in Heaven because he held off the rain and now that we're at the end of the video he's allowing it to rain so uh he must be telling us that we've said enough we spent enough time so let's end this with prayer father we are so grateful that you're alive and father if if you were not real I would be stressed out about this legal plans that have been made but because you are real because we know that you are on our side because we know that truth will prevail we are at peace we thank you for the people who are concerned we ask that you would bless those who are watching this video If there is someone with legal experience that could step forward and help in this situation we ask that you would make that clear you're able to work in this situation with an attorney or without one um we ask father that you would keep us here in this ministry on your pathway of Purity on your Highway of Holiness and as long as we have your approval as long as what we're doing is pleasing to you then all the legal opposition will in the end fold and have no power and no lasting impact we thank you and we ask in this in the name of your son Yeshua Jesus amen amen
Channel: Henson Creek House of Prayer
Views: 254,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O8YTClS3f2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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