What is glory, and why is it so important to God? (Ask Dr. Stanley)

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throughout the scripture the glory and holiness of God play a central theme in Exodus the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Romans tells us that all fall short of the glory of God and first Corinthians reminds us to do all things to his glory this is a concept that can be difficult to grasp particularly in the self-seeking opinion driven culture like we live in so maybe you can identify with today's question sent to us from an in touch viewer they write what is glory and why is it so important to God well glory is mentioned many times in the scripture used primarily in two different ways in one sense it refers to God's honor his majesty his worthiness those indescribable characteristics and features of God on the other hand romans 3:23 says that all of us have sinned and fallen short of his glory of what he expects of us that is it's a superlative thing with God it's an honor that should be given to God by everything in the universe and in Hebrews 1:3 a wonderful passage of Scripture that describes his honor and his glory and his majesty and all the things that you and I would like to use to describe him which is beyond us he says in Hebrews 1:3 he is the radiance of his glory and the exact representation of his nature and upholds all things by the word of his power when he had made purification of sins he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high speaking of Jesus our life should glorify Him that is we should represent him but the life that we live we sing that song to God be the glory great things he has done what do we mean by that praise honor worship so majestic to see his face the scripture says is to die and that's what God said to Moses and Moses said show me your glory God said if I were to show you my glory you could not live there's something about the glory of God that man has no verbal ability to explain fully God's intention is that man and all creation give him glory that we praise him and give him honor and there we acknowledge who he is in another sense law remains bright light surrounding God's presence the transcendence that's all around him God is spirit and we would say the created brightness that surrounds God's revelation of himself is what this glory is all about this is not an attribute of God the attributes of God is holiness justice and mercy and so forth the created light of brilliant surrounding him is what his glory is all about and in the hundred and fourth Psalm for example another description of God's glory all of which shows us how far separated we are from who he is and that John has presented himself in such a way that he's our friend that he loves us and yet there's a transcendence there's a separateness of Almighty God listen to what he says in Psalm 104 bless the Lord O my soul O Lord my god you are very great listen to this you are clothed with splendor and Majesty covering yourself with light as with a cloak stretching out heavens like a tent curtain that is if you try to describe God God is spirit what surrounds that spirit is this transcendent brilliance of light that no one can penetrate it is who God is and when you think about who he is and think about the fact that everything that's ever been created boughs and recognition of his holiness and righteousness and his transcendence above and beyond everything what an awesome God you and I have well thank you for joining us for this broadcast of InTouch and awareness of God's presence energizes us for everything we do grow close to him and watch him work in your life
Channel: In Touch Ministries
Views: 43,932
Rating: 4.905057 out of 5
Keywords: Y1202 LL, glory, holiness, Exodus, God, honor, majesty, Hebrews, Bible, sin, Jesus, Lord, glorify, praise, worship, light, spirit, holy, Psalm, Ask Dr Stanley, Christian
Id: BH2cGOJgUok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2011
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